Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 15


  “At this time I will not allow any questions to be asked. This subject matter is so important I would like to spend the whole day telling you about the rapture. This day is the day all Christians have looked forward to seeing and experiencing. The Bible gives two scriptures that tell about the rapture. The first is First Corinthians 15:51-53. It says, ‘Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.’ This verse speaks of a time during the Church Age, when all Christians alive would hear the trumpet sound and would be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Those of us who were raptured never experienced death.

  “The second verse is First Thessalonians 4:15-17 and it says, ‘For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them who are asleep. For with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’

  “This verse is a very strong verse telling us what would happen at the rapture. The dead in Christ or those who had already died, starting on the Day of Pentecost, would go up first, then, we that were alive would be caught up or raptured. These two verses are among the verses we called the Blessed Hope.

  “As I have told you before, on Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 10:07 in the morning, the trumpet sounded and hundreds of millions of Christians were caught up in the air to meet the Lord. You already know what I was doing at that time, and Tom spoke of what he was doing when the rapture occurred. But there were so many other things that happened on that day, I thought it best to take the time and tell you.

  “When the rapture occurred, people were going about their daily business just as usual. There was no warning and there were no signs that would indicate this was that promised day. Most people in the world knew something was going to happen soon. The threat of a world war had been on the horizon for years. The threat from third world countries that had developed or bought nuclear bombs was a threat the major powers did not take lightly. The Christians knew what was about to happen, but to know the exact date or time of the rapture was only known to God.

  “Michael had put all credit card companies out of business, and also the Global Stock Exchange was the only stock exchange in the world. The computer company he owned was changing every day. Reports coming from his headquarters told of a major change that would take place just any day. No one knew what that change would be, but the last change he made cost the public. He went from $50 a month rental for the monitor, keyboard, modem and surge protector, to $100 a month.

  “Rumors had circulated that Dr. Messenger and Michael wanted an area code that would be unique to their access code. Their computers searched and found the only area code that was not in use was 666. If they put 666 in as the first three digits of the access code, they knew the Christian community around the world would not accept that number and they might even sway the rest of the world into rejecting the number also. If you remember, I told you the computer system that Michael was renting all over the world had an access code you had to type in, in order to gain access to the main computer. You would type in your country number, then the three-digit area code, the telephone number, and last you had to impute a special ten-digit code that was assigned to you from Michael.

  “Under the new system, you would have to type in the special three-digit area code, 666. The rest of your access code would not change. Michael and Dr. Messenger knew the time was very, very close for something to happen, but they did not know the time of the rapture either, nor did they really understand what would happen at that time except that the Christians seemed to believe they would all be gone.

  “As soon as the rapture occurred, the new code took effect. If you think about it, the world had to use 666 for the next 3 ½ years to access Michael’s computer system. When Michael went into the temple 3 ½ years later and proclaimed himself to be God, and required everyone to take his number, 666, the people probably didn’t even think about what they were doing, because they had been using the number for such a long time. Also, with the Christians gone, no one would protest. That was the plan that Michael and Dr. Messenger were banking on.

  “A perfect example of what Michael was doing is the bullfrog. You put a bullfrog into hot water, he jumps out immediately. But if you put him in cold water and turn the heat up very slowly, he will cook and never realize what has happened to himself. People are the same way. Give them a little at a time and they won’t realize what is actually happening to them.

  “Of course, for many places around the world, the rapture occurred at night. When 10:07a.m. CST came, total chaos erupted around the world.

  “As I said earlier, looking at it from the viewpoint in the United States, people were going about their daily routines. The offices were filled with workers, which meant the highways did not have a lot of people on them. Most airplanes were already in the air flying to their destinations. The time the Lord picked for the rapture was a time that meant the least amount of people would be involved in accidents.

  “However, the United States was hit extremely hard, because Christians were located in key positions in the government. Also, Christians were the CEO’s of major companies and even small companies. The news media did not know what to do or what to say. Dr. Messenger called many of his media friends and reminded them what the other religions had been saying for the last three or four years. ‘One day, in the coming future, those that are known as the undesirables will be taken off the face of the earth. It is just a matter of time before it happens.’

  “Before the day was out, the news media's all over the world were telling the story of an invasion from outer space. ‘Hundreds of millions of people all over the world have been taken. Where they were taken is not known at this time, but we must prepare in case the invaders come back for some reason.’ The world wanted answers, but no one had an answer.

  “When interviewed by the media, people were asking. ‘Why isn’t there someone in the world who can lead us out of all of these problems? What we need is someone to be the president of the world.’

  “Five days before the rapture, Michael and Dr. Messenger were in Jerusalem talking about the money they had used to fund the digging that discovered the Ark. For three days, they had interviews and news conferences. All of that stopped two days before the rapture. The Arab confederacy met secretly right after the Ark was located and discussed what would happen now. They knew all the stories from the Old Testament, how the Jews would win wars as long as the Ark was in their possession. Would Israel now go to war with the Arab countries around her? But the biggest problem the Arabs faced was the reliability of the Bible. The Bible tells about the Jews being the chosen people of God. It also says if you are against God’s people, He will be against you. If the Bible was true, that meant the Koran was wrong. The Arabs had been believing in a false religion. And, if it was a false religion, then those who had died in the wars with Israel had not gone to heaven as taught by the Koran. The Arab confederacy was in a real dilemma. What could they do? It was decided the best thing to do was to mount a surprise attack on Israel. If each Arab nation parachuted thousands of troops into Jerusalem, they could capture the Ark and bring Israel to her knees. The plans were set into motion and the attack would occur on Saturday, February 19, at 6:00 in the morning.

  “There were some in the Arab confederacy who knew war would not help the Arabs or Israel. One of the Arab Generals in the Saudi Arabian army called Michael and told him of the plans to attack Israel. As I said, two days before the rapture the news interviews and conferences had stoppe
d. Michael talked to Dr. Messenger and said he was going to call all the countries involved and ask for an emergency meeting in Syria. The countries that had made plans to attack Israel were members of his Brotherhood of Common Beliefs. The Arab countries agreed to meet in Syria and discuss what plans Michael could come up with to prevent war. Michael talked to the officials in Israel, and they said they would not put the Ark on display to the general public if something could be worked out.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger met and thought about what must be done. They had already set into motion the elimination of the top ECU officials and Dr. Mohammed. The plane would be blown up on Thursday morning, and the attack on Israel was planned for Saturday at 6:00 in the morning. There was not enough time for Michael to be chosen as the new president of the ECU. Michael had to come up with a plan that would work to prevent World War Three. But he did not have a plan to present to the Arab confederacy. He called the Prime Minister and asked if he had any ideas that would prevent war. The Prime Minister said there was only one thing that would stop the pending war. The Israeli Prime Minister told Michael if the Arabs attacked Israel, they would retaliate with nuclear weapons. ‘When you meet with the Arabs, ask for a 30-or 60-day cooling-off period so both sides can get together and talk.’ It seemed like a good idea to Michael. If the Arabs knew that Israel would use nuclear weapons, they may not attack.

  “Michael met with the officials of the Arab confederacy and discussed different ideas, but everything Michael brought up was rejected by the Arabs. They said they were not interested in anything Israel might say or do. There was going to be war and that was final. Since Michael could not talk them into a peaceful means to solve the problem, he used his ace in the hole. He informed them that the Israeli Secret Service knew all about the secret meetings and what they planned to do. ‘Israel says as soon as the planes take off with paratroopers to invade, they will launch their missiles with nuclear weapons aimed for every major city in the Arab countries. They say they have 120 nuclear bombs and they will launch them all if they are invaded.’ Michael said Israel wanted to have a 30-day or 60-day cooling-off period where both sides could come together and talk. The officials asked Michael if he would go outside while they talked things over. Within 10 minutes, they called him back inside and said they agreed the best thing to do was to take a 30-to 60-day period. Michael said he would go back and tell the Prime Minister what had been decided. He warned them not to try to lie and then attack; Israel would know exactly what they were doing and planning.

  “When Michael came back to Jerusalem on Wednesday, he met with the Prime Minister and said the Arab confederacy had agreed to take the 30 to 60 days and cool off. The news media had been informed by Dr. Messenger about the likelihood of World War Three starting in the Middle East. Newspapers everywhere had the headlines, ‘World War Three?’ They told how Michael had traveled to Syria and spoke with the delegates from the Arab Confederacy and worked out a plan that would prevent war for at least 30 or 60 days. The newspapers said, ‘The Prince of Peace has brought peace to the world once again.’

  “Neither Michael nor Dr. Messenger had any idea that everything was being prepared by God for the tribulation. They both were looking forward to Thursday. If they had only known what was going to happen, they both would have been amazed.

  “Dr. Messenger was at Michael’s mansion in Jerusalem when the rapture occurred. They were waiting for a call telling them of the ECU plane blowing up. They had no idea the telephone call they were receiving at ten minutes after ten would be a call telling them that hundreds of millions of people had just disappeared. The reporter who called wanted to know what they thought and what they were going to do to answer the questions that were going to be asked all over the world.

  “The acting President of the United States had the sirens sounding all over the country. People were frantic; they had loved ones missing and they were scared. Every child in the world who did not understand or was too young to understand how to accept Christ was gone. Almost all of the children who were left were 13 years or older.

  “In some cities there were riots. Since the owners of stores and other kinds of businesses were gone, it meant all was free for the taking. The police did nothing. They were busy with car wrecks and other accidents that involved deaths. There were acts of bravery also. All over the world people were helping in the rescue of others. In Spain, one man saved the lives of five women when they were trapped inside a burning house. He was able to break down the door and bring the women out.

  “Most people turned on the TV and watched as one reporter after another would try to explain what had happened. One reporter was cut off the air when he stated he believed that the promise all Christians had been looking forward to had occurred, that being the rapture. The other reporters on that station said it was not the rapture; it was the taking of the undesirables. They would use illustrations of different people who were still left to prove the rapture had not occurred. They explained the rapture as the taking of the bad compared to the taking of the good. ‘Those who are gone were the bad and almost all who are left are the good.’

  “Even though there were many people missing, it did not stop the sin in the world. Sin increased. There were no restraints. People could do whatever they wanted to do, and they did just that. Women and men who had dreams of sin in the work place did exactly what they had dreamed about doing. People who enjoyed stealing increased their stealing. Whatever a person thought, they did.

  “The Bible says when the rapture occurs the restraining force will be lifted off the face of the earth. The restraining force was the Holy Spirit. The Christians had the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, and when the rapture occurred the restrainer was removed with the Christians. Also, Second Thessalonians 2:6-8 makes it perfectly clear the Holy Spirit was that power which was restraining sin. It states, ‘And now ye know what restraineth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now hindereth will continue to hinder until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.’ Michael, The Antichrist, could now be revealed to the world, for He, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, had been taken out of the way.

  “For the next 45 days the world still did not know that Michael was the feared Antichrist. However, when he signed the peace treaty with Israel, the world should have known who he was, but nearly all did not.

  “The full impact of the world being turned upside down did not hit home until the newspapers came out at five o’clock. The headlines read, “MILLIONS MISSING!” It then started telling of all the people who were killed in car, bus, train and truck wrecks in the country. It told about planes that had crashed and people who were so frightened they committed suicide. Grown men were crying like babies because their wives were missing or their children were gone. Every government asked for their citizens to stay off the streets for the next couple of nights for their own protection, or until some kind of order could be restored. Also, the next morning, on most front pagers, the continued story of a possible war was printed.

  “The war was taking a back seat to the rapture. Dr. Messenger decided something had to be done to get everyone’s mind off the disappearance of millions. He called his media friends once again and told them he just had a call from a friend who had given him some startling facts. The facts proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the undesirables were the ones who were responsible for all the wars that had been fought in the world for the last 150 years. The facts that Dr. Messenger was talking about were all fabricated in his mind. Since everything used computers, it was not difficult to change the facts to prove what Dr. Messenger was saying was true.

  “The following morning, front pages of most newspapers included stories of the past wars that had been started by the undesirables. People were e
ncouraged to check out the facts in their computers. World War One was started when Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated on June 28, 1914. The truth was that the assassin, Gavrilo Princip, belonged to a group of Serbian terrorists. The Serbians and the Austria-Hungarians were not friends and most countries in Europe were expecting war to break out any time. The assassination was the excuse Austria-Hungary used that started World War One. Austria-Hungary gave the Serbian government 48 hours to respond to an ultimatum. When the Serbian government did not respond on that date, the Austria-Hungary government declared war. Within one week all of Europe was at war.

  “The information was altered in the computer, to show the undesirables or the Christians were responsible for World War One. It was changed to say that Gavrilo Princip had Christian friends and they had influenced him into assassinating the Archduke. The terrorist group he belonged to was made up of mostly Christians. No one questioned the facts; they just took them as being the truth.

  “World War Two began in Europe when Adolf Hitler gave the order to invade Poland on September 1, 1939. Two days later England and France declared war on Germany. The story of how Hitler grew up and the Christian friends he had was all a lie. The story placed in the computer said his friends told him he had to conquer those countries that were closest to him if he was going to win a war.

  “The public believed what the computers said, so they also believed the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Isoroku Yamamoto graduated from the Japanese Naval Academy in 1904 and started his climb to the top. In 1925, he was assigned to the Japanese embassy in Washington. While in Washington he met and started to associate with a number of Christians. He was able to talk his Christian friends into lifting the ban on the construction of battleships that was preventing the Japanese navy from growing. By 1941, the Japanese navy was ready for their attack on Pearl Harbor. Yamamoto was the one that planned the attack on Pearl Harbor, and with its success he was considered invincible. The fabricated story again held that the Christians were the ones responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor. If they had not allowed Yamamoto to build battleships, the Japanese Navy would never have attacked.

  “The Vietnam War and the Gulf Wars were also claimed to be the work of Christians. John Kennedy claimed to be a Christian, and he was the President who sent our troops into Vietnam.

  “Iraq would not have invaded Kuwait if the Christians had not talked the Kuwaitis into not listening to what Iraq had to say. It was just one war after another that the Christians were responsible for, and now they were gone. It was really funny how people back in those days thought whatever they read in the newspapers or on their computer was the truth.

  “As I stated before, heads of governments also disappeared. The President and the Vice President of the United States disappeared that morning, also. John Alexander Steele was elected President in 2008. He was one of the most conservative Presidents ever, and his Vice President, Benjamin Moses Brown, was more conservative than the President.

  “John Steele was black, but the 73 percent of the people who voted for him were mostly white. A large number of the blacks did not like the programs he wanted to put in. They called him an Uncle Tom. He received his degree from Princeton and also received his Master and Doctorate from Princeton. As I stated before, he was a very conservative Christian Republican.

  “Benjamin Moses Brown, as you might assume by his name, was a Christian. He was raised in a Christian family and went to a Christian University.

  “Their relationship started back in 2000. Both were elected to the Senate the same year and became very good friends. The two did everything together, as did their wives and children. Their popularity grew and in 2006, they decided to run for the highest office in the land. Ben knew he could pull a very large number of white votes and John could pull some of the black votes, along with white and Hispanic votes.

  “Everything was going along just fine until July of 2008. Ben had a massive heart attack. For three days they did not know if he would live or die. He did recover, but he knew if the Republicans were to win the election, he could not run as President. A news conference was called, and Ben said John agreed the best thing for the country and the party was for John to run as President, and he would run as Vice President.

  “Nothing like that had ever happened before. If they won the election, John would be the first black President in the history of the United States.

  “During the debates, John, who had a photographic memory, gave facts and figures that totally left his opponent speechless. The two areas they thought would cause problems were prayer in school and the abortion issue. His opponent was pro-abortion, and John had made it known, if he was elected, he would outlaw all abortions. Secondly, he had stated he would do everything in his power to restore optional prayer in school. Anyone would have a right to pray wherever and whenever they wanted.

  “A third point in the debates he included would be letting the public know of his attempt to develop some plan that would keep the fathers in the home or bring them back.

  “Along with those three items, the fourth was also very important. Crime was so rampant in the country, they wanted to put more than 20,000 new officers on the streets. Also, he wanted to replace all the judges who gave light sentences to criminals. He wanted to make it clear, ‘If you do the crime, you will do the time.’ He stated that these four issues were the things that were destroying our country. We had to have a change.

  “After all the debates, John and Ben were so far ahead in the polls, they would be a shoe-in. The public agreed with what John had said. They wanted a change and with John and Ben, they knew they were going to get that change.

  “Immediately after being sworn in, they started to make the changes that would turn the United States around. Not knowing if he had the votes in the Senate or in the House of Representatives, he put together four bills.

  “The first outlawed all abortion. The second would allow prayer back in schools. The third was a mandatory bill that would make everyone serve at least five years in prison if convicted of a felony. The fourth and most controversial was a plan that would keep fathers in their homes.

  “This fourth bill would require all couples to have 24 hours of counseling before they could obtain a divorce. If a divorce was granted, and there were children involved, the father had to pay for child support or he would be sent to prison. One bill after another passed, and within six months, things had turned around in the United States.

  “The United States had been on the road to social disaster, until the four bills passed. After two years of changes, there was a complete reverse. The crime rate was the lowest it had been in 20 years. Murders, armed robberies, petty theft and all other areas of crime were down.

  “The only crime that continued to rise was road rage. Once a person got behind the wheel of a car, they thought they owned the road. The new highway system that had been planned to start in 2012 should put a halt to the road rage. The new highway system would have electric metal plates in the middle of each land of traffic. Every new car made in 2012 and beyond would be equipped with a sensor device that would direct the car to its destination. In other words, the driver did not drive the car anymore. Road rage should come to a stop once everyone had the new cars. It may take three or four years, but they knew the system would work.

  “Even though the bills which John and Ben worked on to change things in the U.S. worked, but that did not change the world. The problems in the world remained. The biggest problem the world was facing was terrorism. John and Ben both were threatened, and one plot to shoot John in England was discovered just in time. There were talks held at the United Nations on how to stop the terrorists’ attacks world-wide. Well, that is about all they did, they talked. Everyone knew the United Nations was a joke. John put forth one bill after another to the Senate to have the U.N. removed from the U.S., but all attempts failed.

sp; “Something had to be done about terrorism, but what? Different ideas were proposed but nothing, it seemed, would work. Nothing was going to work, that is, until Michael made the announcement, three days after the rapture, that he had a plan and it would work. He said he would reveal the plan to the world within weeks. ‘A plan that would work to stop terrorist acts in the world must be a dream,’ people thought. What could possibly keep someone from committing that type of crime?

  “The Russians had one plan that probably would have worked, but all the delegates in the United Nations voted it down. The plan was simple. If the person who performs the act of terrorism is discovered, their entire family would be put to death; everyone from the oldest to the youngest.

  “A plan similar to that worked when three Russian diplomats were kidnapped in Spain. They would be released if 50 prisoners that were being held by the U.S. were released. If they were not released, the three diplomats from Russia would die and their blood would be on the hands of the Americans. The four terrorists that were holding the Russians were all from Libya.

  “The Russians sent their secret police into Libya and kidnapped the entire family of one of the terrorist. At an isolated location everyone in that family was murdered, and the video was sent to the terrorist. While the video was en route, the Russians kidnapped everyone in the other three families. The ultimatum was to release the diplomats or the same thing would happen to the other three families. As soon as the terrorists viewed the video, they released the diplomats. The United Nations said the Russian idea was too barbaric.

  “With the disappearance of hundreds of millions throughout the world, maybe terrorist acts would stop. After all, it was the undesirables who were the terrorists. Well, that was a good thought, but the day after the rapture, Tom and Debbie were almost killed by an attack on Michael’s mansion in Rome. Tom and Debbie were lucky Michael had decided to triple the security around all the homes he owned and around all his places of business. In the last three years, there had been a number of threats against his life, but he never took them seriously. He now considered any threat very serious. He was going to stop terrorism in the world, and he knew exactly how to do it.

  “The newspapers continued to have stories on the front page about those who had disappeared, but the headlines were starting to tell more of the peace talks in the Middle East. If peace is worked out, it could bring peace to the entire world. Everyone had their fingers crossed and hoped that the Prince of Peace could work another miracle. Reporters were asking the same questions, ‘Why should we have a peace treaty, if it means nothing? If Israel and the Arab nations sign a peace treaty today, what would prevent the Arabs from hitting Israel with a surprise attack one week from now or one year from now?’ This peace treaty had to be a long-term agreement. Israel also wanted a long-term agreement. She wanted some type of guarantee that would protect her from the Arab nations. For the first time since Israel became a nation, peace, real peace was at hand.

  “Ten days after the rapture, most people said nothing about the missing people. It was taken for granted the missing would never return. Things had settled down and people were doing their everyday jobs again. The only thing that was void were churches. Almost all the people who went to Bible-believing churches on Sundays were gone. The ones who were left had no reason to go back to church. The few people that did go back were frightened. They knew what had been taught in the sermons and now believed the true believers were gone. In some churches the pastor was still there, along with some of the deacons. Other churches that did not believe in the fundamentals of the faith lost almost no members at all. The theory of a rapture was soon dispelled. The only thing that was known for sure was the people who were called Christians were gone.”