Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 20


  “At this time, I would like to express my heart to everyone in my community. During the last three months, I told you how I was saved and what happened the last 10 to 12 years before the rapture of the church. I also talked about the events which occurred during the 45-day lull period, just before the tribulation. As I look out at each one of you, I wonder to myself why you won’t acknowledge that you are sinners and accept Christ. I can’t search your hearts and change them, that is something you must do. The things I have shared with you should be enough for you to open your eyes to the fact that you need to place your faith in Christ, but you still won’t believe. One day in the coming future, it will be too late for you to accept. Why wait? Do it now and know that you have eternal life.

  “When I first started telling you of the past, I told you how I was saved. I think back how I was before I was saved. I had a lot of pride and I did not believe I had to depend on anyone or anything. I know now if I would have died from the snake bite, I would be waiting for the Great White Throne Judgment, just like all the other unsaved people from all the ages. My eyes were opened to the fact that there was nothing I could do to save myself. I had to depend on someone else, and that person was Jesus Christ.

  “All the things that happened before the rapture were preparing the world for the tribulation. But more than that, the hearts of people would either become hardened and they would reject, or they would be softened and they would accept. No one knew when the rapture would occur, but the Christians knew it was very near. I never thought I would make it to 2001 without the rapture occurring. When 2010 came, I was even more surprised. Sometimes I thought the rapture would never occur in my lifetime, but I was mistaken.

  “From the time that I had wondered if Michael was the Antichrist until the rapture, it was 10 years. In 10 years things moved so quickly it was impossible to keep up with them. But when you think about those 10 years, one might say things moved really slowly, I guess. From a day-to-day life aspect, one could not see the changes, but by looking back, the changes occurred really fast. I remember the beginning of the second year of school when Michael came to my house for supper. He asked me a number of questions about the end times. If you remember, I told him there were four areas he had to control. One of those areas would be credit cards. Before the year was out he and Dr. Messenger formed the ICAN Credit Card Company. As I look back, the credit card company started off slowly, but within one year, it was making progress by leaps and bounds. That first year was the pivotal year for Michael and Dr. Messenger. But as I said, God was letting everything come together to prepare the world for the Antichrist to take over. For me to tell Michael how to put all the other credit card companies out of business was part of God’s plan. God has a plan, and His plan for the Devil will occur at the end of this age.

  “At the end of this age, the Devil will be let loose for a short period of time to deceive the nations. On a day-to-day basis, the change will not be seen, but if you could speed time up and go into the future, you could look back and see how fast the Devil deceived the world. The short 10 years that it took for Michael and Dr. Messenger to set everything up so they could take over the world was amazing. People did not realize what had happened until it was too late. The same thing holds true for each of you. We don’t know how long the Devil will be loose upon the earth. It could be 20 years, or it could be 50 years. The Devil works very fast. When I think back to the Global Stock Exchange Michael set up, it does not seem possible all the other stock exchanges could be put out of business in a short period of time. The lies and the unscrupulous methods used by Michael and Dr. Messenger to attain their goals are what the Devil will use in the last days of the millennium. You are still 400 to 500 years away from the ending days of the millennium, but you can make a decision for eternity now. If you accept Christ now, you won’t have to worry about that time when the Devil is let out of the bottomless pit.

  “I know many of you do not believe there is a place called Hell and there is a being called the Devil. The reason you do not believe is because you have never been tempted. The Devil and all his demons are locked up and they cannot escape. There is a place called Hell and there is a great multitude of people that will be placed in that pit. Jesus tells us about the rich man and Lazarus. He also tells us of a place called Hades. In Hades there were two compartments. One compartment was called Paradise, and the other was called the Compartment of Torment. The Compartment of Paradise does not exist because Christ took it with him when he went back to heaven. The Compartment of Torment is still very active. When a person dies and he is unsaved, he goes to the Compartment of Torment. They are kept there until the final judgment. But I think it is best if I read what the Bible says about the Compartment of Torment.

  “Luke 16:19-31 says, ‘There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who was laid at this gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table; moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom; the man also died, and was buried; And in hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest the good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that they who would pass from here to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from there. Then he said, I pray thee, therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house; For I have five brethren that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham; but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.’

  “The Compartment of Torment is a place where no one wants to go once they arrive. They would do anything if they could escape. They had a choice. They could have accepted Christ and have gone to heaven, or they could have rejected Christ and be tormented. Those people, before the millennium, had a choice. Many said, ‘I don’t believe in God’ or they said they did not believe a loving God would put them in a place called Hell. God did not make that choice for them, just as God cannot make that choice for you. You will choose between rejecting or accepting Christ. Your choice determines where you will spend eternity. If you accept, you will have eternal life or everlasting life. If you reject, you will be placed in that Compartment of Torment until the Great White Throne Judgment. At the judgment, you will see every time you had a chance to accept or reject, and when the time comes for you to be placed in the pit of Hell, you cannot blame anyone but yourself for refusing to accept Christ.

  Some people say they are not going to accept, but they are not going to reject either. They think they can walk the fence, and by not rejecting they will find that God is compassionate toward them. God is compassionate toward those who accept Him. But for those who will not accept Him, He will have no compassion. There is no in between ground with God. You either accept or you reject. If you do not accept Him, it is an automatic rejection of Him.

  “The way Dr. Messenger could take verses out of context and make them say anything he wanted them to say was astonishing. But the real master of taking verses out of context is the Devil. When he is let loose, he will use the same methods to deceive the world that he has used in the past. If the period of time is 30 or 40 years, he will lead people to an eternal hell. Many times in the last 350 years there have b
een many opportunities for you to accept Christ. Why not choose eternal life instead of eternal death? I could look in the Book of Life to see which of you are saved and which are lost, but I know I would be saddened if I knew the ones who are lost.

  “Sometimes you remind me of Dr. Mohammed. He was a very religious man, but he was lost. When he set up his religion, he thought it was the most perfect religion in the world. He thought to himself how he had set it up and how he was preparing the world for the largest revival in the history of the world. His pride was blinding him to the fact that being religious does not save you. He had all the words that made a person believe he was a very holy man who knew God. At the Great White Throne Judgment, God will tell him, ‘Depart from me, I never knew you.’ Those of you out there who are not saved look just like the ones who are saved. I cannot tell the difference between one or the other. God knows the heart, and God knows which ones love Him and which ones hate Him. Dr. Mohammed loved the world and the things the world had to give. The most precious thing that God could give, Dr. Mohammed did not want; that is eternal life.

  “If you remember, I told you how to pray to God if you were a sinner, and He would hear your prayers and you could become a Christian. Many of you did pray that prayer, but many of you did not. At this time, I will pray a prayer and if you say the words also and mean what you say, God will accept you and you will have eternal life.

  “Lord, I know I am a sinner and I know there is nothing I can do to save myself. I want to accept you as my personal savior and know that I have eternal life. When the Devil is let out of the pit, I do not want to be tempted with sin, I want Jesus to come and live within me. Amen.”

  “At this time I want those who prayed that prayer with me to come up front and I will tell you how you can know that you have eternal life.

  There were 87,000 people in the theater. I did not know how many people would come forward, but as they came I could not believe my eyes. There were 6,220 that came forward. I knew I could not tell each one about eternal life, so I asked for help from the Lord. In seconds, there was one immortal for each person who came forward. Each person was shown different scriptures that told about eternal life through Jesus Christ. The last verse the immortals used was John 3:16. For the next 600 years, those who came forward will not have to worry about being tempted by the Devil.

  “Those of you who still have not made a choice, the Lord does still care about each and every one of you. You may not be saved but He still cares. He does not want any one of you to go to an eternal death. If you think back on the large fire in Jerusalem that I told you about, Michael had so much compassion on the children that were burned, he invented artificial skin. The artificial skin was used so the burn victims would not have scars for the rest of their lives. The compassion the Lord has for you is far greater than the compassion shown by Michael. He has so much compassion He was willing to sacrifice His own Son for you. When Jesus died on the cross, He died for the world. But if you were the only person in the world, He would have died just for you. That is how much God cares for you. The only thing He asks is that you accept Him.

  “As everyone knows we will be leaving for Jerusalem in three days to worship Christ at the temple. I will not have any more teaching sessions until we get back from Jerusalem. It is best if everyone prepares himself for the time of worshiping before we leave. Christ already knows how many people were saved this day, and He is rejoicing with His angels. Those of you who accepted Christ this day should tell your loved ones and your friends what you did. It may be that they are not saved, and what you did today would be enough for them to want the same eternal life that you now have. No one is guaranteed another day on earth. It may be that this would be their last day on earth, and if they do not accept they will have but one place to go after the judgment. That place is Hell. If you care about your family and friends tell them, TELL THEM, PLEASE TELL THEM, PLEASE TELL THEM NOW!”


  The peace treaty was signed on April 3, 2011, at 10 a.m. The world thought it had peace, but what it really had was the dreaded tribulation. The very moment the Antichrist, Michael Diabolos Glispbe, signed the peace treaty, 144,000 Jews accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. For the next seven years, the 144,000 would spread the Gospel throughout the world. Will people get saved? Will all except the 144,000 still reject the message? When the Tribulation begins, if some of the people have been saved by the preaching of the 144,000, will they pay with their lives for their faith in Jesus Christ?

  Tom and Debbie spread the news of Christ’s love to many people. They tell more people than they can remember about how Christ died on the cross for their sins. Does Michael ever know about Tom and Debbie being Christians until the end of the tribulation?

  The first 3 ½ years of the tribulation are mild compared to the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation. When Michael enters the tribulation temple and proclaims himself to be God, the Great Tribulation will begin.

  Join Tom and Debbie as they experience the tribulation and the suffering the world faces in



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