Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 19


  “The economy of the world was in shambles. Michael had spent so much time working out the peace treaty and moving the headquarters of the ECU to Rome he had totally forgotten about other things. What would he do to get the world back to where it was before? When the rapture occurred, everyone believed the story Dr. Messenger had his friends circulate. ‘Aliens from outer space came and took those known as the undesirables off the face of the earth.’ But as the days came and went, the story of the rapture was more believable. The things the Bible had predicted were pointing to a thing called the Rapture, and the Bible had not missed a prediction yet. Still there were those who called it a fairy tale or something someone made up late at night. To believe there was a God and He was now ready to judge the world was absurd. The economy reflected the different ideas of the world. One day the rumors would be that it was the Rapture, and the banks would have a run on the money. The next day people would believe the lies told them and they would stop taking their money out of banks. The problem the banks were experiencing was that people would take money out but they never put money back into the bank. The banking business was the only area that Michael could not control. It was looking as if the world economy depended on the banks of the world.

  “How much longer could the economy last? It could collapse overnight, and if that were to happen it could make things worse than was planned. At this point in time, Michael or Dr. Messenger had no plans to pull the economy out of the mess it was in. The peace treaty that was going to be signed might bring stability. However, one rumor led to another until the run on the banks could not be stopped. People wanted their money, and they wanted their money now. Michael decided he had to do something to change the tide of despair. He informed all the TV networks he wanted to make a personal appeal to the world. At 6 p.m. Jerusalem time on April 1, he would address the world. He started out recapping the events since February 17. He said, ‘We are now facing a crisis world-wide that has to be stopped. I am requesting all banks, world-wide, to close for four days. Dr. Messenger, the officials of the ECU and I are putting together a plan that will astound the world. The plan will bring world-wide stability back to the economy. We need time; we need for every person in the world to be patient. Your money is safe in the banks. If you want all your money or just a small amount of your money, in four days, that will be fine. But it is best to see how the new plan will work before you make any decisions.’

  “The next day, all of the banks in the world were closed for four days. After the newscast, Dr. Messenger asked Michael, ‘What plan are you working on?’

  “Michael said, “I don’t have any plan, we needed time, so I bought us four days. In four days we had better come up with something that will work.’

  “Michael had so many things going on at the same time, he did not know which way to turn. On the third was the peace signing, the fourth was the world-wide commission of Dr. Messenger, and on the fifth he had to give the world a plan that would work for the economy. Plus, he was involved in moving the headquarters from Brussels to Rome. He decided the best thing to do was to do nothing. If he could just sit and do nothing but think, he felt he could come up with a plan that would work. He thought back to his grandmother and wondered what she would do or suggest. That was the key, his grandmother. She would say, ‘The Jews have all the answers, why not ask one of them?’

  “Michael called his friend, Barry Cohen, and asked for his uncle’s telephone number. He called and they had a long talk about other diggings and how he was feeling and just normal chit-chat. Michael then asked for his idea about the economy. Barry’s uncle said, ‘If I were in charge, I would go back to the Old Testament way of doing business. Every 50 years, Israel had a jubilee year.’ Michael wanted to know all about the jubilee year. He was told, ‘All debts were done away with every 50 years. It did not make any difference how much money you owed, your bill was wiped clean. If the world had a jubilee year and all debts were wiped clean, the economy could not collapse.’ The more Michael thought about a jubilee year, the more he liked it. He talked to Dr. Messenger and told him about the year of jubilee, and Dr. Messenger liked the idea also.

  “There would be a six-point plan given to the world to ensure economic stability. The first point would be to celebrate 2011 as the year of jubilee. All debts would be wiped clean. All countries that owed money to other countries would not owe anything as of April 6. Any person in the world who owed money would be debt-free also. Dr. Messenger reluctantly stated, ‘I don’t think letting people off the hook is a very good idea.’

  “Michael said with excitement in his voice, ‘Let me explain. Since all debts are done away with, the world is debt-free. We must have one currency for exchange throughout the world. The ECU dollar will be the world wide currency. All countries and all people still have money. What are they going to do with the money? All countries would have to buy the ECU dollar. The exchange will be one ECU dollar for every three dollars from a foreign country. Once we start the exchange, the ECU could buy their goods or other things with their traded money. They would take the ECU dollar and make the same exchange with their countrymen. We could print as much money as we wanted in order to keep the exchange going all year. During the first year, we will accept their dollar exchange. But in 2012, the only exchange will be the ECU dollar.

  “Dr. Messenger said, ‘I still do not think it will work. The ECU will have all those worthless dollars from all over the world.’

  “‘No, the ECU will not have worthless dollars. After the first year, every nation has to use the ECU dollar, but as long as we have other countries’ currencies, we can use their money for goods or other things the ECU needs. All the countries will get their money back, which after the first year they will have to destroy. We own the printing presses. We can print as much money as we want. Since our dollar will be the only currency in the world, we will be the richest men in the world. We could print billions of dollars for ourselves, who would know the difference? After the first year, we could trade for goods or gold or silver, maybe diamonds. The world will need our dollar, and we will be dictating to the world what we would trade for. Just think, if they do not want to use money, there is one thing they can still use: the ICAN Credit Card.’

  "The more Dr. Messenger thought about the idea, the more he thought it would work. Dr. Messenger said, ‘We need to refine each point so the world will understand what we are going to do.”

  “Michael said, ‘Point one is 2011 will be celebrated as a year of jubilee. Point two: all debts, world-wide, are wiped clean. No country owes another country, and no person owes another person. Point three: the exchange will be one ECU dollar for three dollars from other countries. Point four, the exchange will continue until 2012. At that time, the ECU dollar will be the only currency that will be used world-wide, and the ECU will not accept the currency from other nations. Point five, the ECU may use the currency from other countries to buy goods or other items of trade until they have depleted that country’s currency. Point six, if a country needs to borrow money from the ECU, the ECU will accept gold, silver, jewels or other items considered priceless, such as paintings.’

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger sat back and looked at the six-point plan for the world. Michael said, ‘It amazes me how things just seem to work out.’

  “Dr. Messenger said, ‘They don’t just work out, we are the smartest men in the world. This plan could only have been thought up by us. No one else in the world could do what we have just done. And it only took 30 minutes to work out a plan for the world.’

  “A day or two ago I said the banks were the only thing in the world that Michael did not control. Now he would be dictating policy to all the banks in the world. Michael looked at Dr. Messenger and said, ‘In four days, we will control the world. It will be totally ours. But the economies of the world could still collapse before the four days are up.’

??Michael told Dr. Messenger, ‘If the world can hold on for four more days, everything will work out.’ Michael thought about how everything had worked out up to this point. ‘There is nothing that can stop us. Destiny is our other partner.’

  “Dr. Messenger looked at Michael and said, ‘What do you mean by that statement?’

  “Michael said, ‘You know who we are and you know that we have been destined to this time in history. I remember how Dr. Wilson explained the things that would occur before the rapture and the things that would occur before the Antichrist signed the peace treaty. He said the Antichrist and The False Prophet would prepare the world so that some day they could control the world. He also said the person who will sign the peace treaty will be the Antichrist. The peace treaty is about to be signed. Israel will sign and the Arabs will sign; there is only one person who will sign who is not part of Israel or the Arabs. That one person is ME. The person who signs that peace treaty is the Antichrist. I am the Antichrist, and you are the False Prophet.’ They both sat and looked at each other and said nothing.

  “Dr. Messenger decided to speak, but Michael told him to keep quiet, he was thinking. They continued to just sit there for another 20 minutes, and then Michael started to smile and then he started to laugh. He looked at Dr. Messenger and said, ‘I just figured out what we are going to do.’

  “Dr. Messenger said, ‘I like the idea and we know it will work because you said we were destined for this time in history. Tell me one more time what the plan is and how we can make it work.’

  “Michael explained what Dr. Wilson had said about the number 666. If anyone took the number they would be doomed for eternity. ‘If they know they will be doomed, they will not accept the number. So, we must make people believe they need the number. Remember the ICAN Credit Card? The people didn’t really need the card, but we made them think they needed the card. The same will hold true for the number. We will make them think they need the number. We have made decisions that have us in a position that makes giving everyone the number a reality. Our credit card access code will have 666 for the first three numbers. The world religion has the lapel pen that marks them as followers. What we must do is to keep those things going for two or three years so people will get used to using them. I remember what Dr. Wilson said. He said 3 ½ years after the peace treaty is signed, the Antichrist will go into the temple and proclaim himself to be God. You made the statement right after you were installed as the new head of the world church that god was going to come in the form of a man. Why did you make that statement?’

  “Dr. Messenger answered, ‘I was searching for things to say that would impress the officials, and that just came out.’

  “Michael explained, ‘Don’t you see? Your prediction has made it possible for me to be declared as god. Three and one half years after I sign the peace treaty, I will walk into the temple and proclaim myself to be god. Since Dr. Wilson said we are going to be cast into hell, I think it is best for us to take as many people with us as possible. We certainly can’t be lonely if there are multitudes with us. If I am god, I can do anything I want. I have a debt that has to be paid. The Jews have hated me all my life. I told them one day I would get even. After 3 ½ years, I will go into the temple and break the peace treaty and declare all religions of the world as subversive. I know the Jews will not accept the ban and they will continue to worship their God. At that time, I will exterminate them off the face of the earth. If, which I do not believe, we go to hell we will take all the Jews with us. And by killing all the Jews, we will be killing all of God’s people. History will say that I was 10 times worse than Hitler. What Hitler did will be nothing compared to what I am going to do. I will beat God at the number of people I have following me compared to His followers.’

  “Dr. Messenger stated, ‘We really are not as bad as you say we will be. We have not killed that many people yet.’

  “Michael asked, ‘Isn't there a verse in the Bible that describes what will happen to both of us the very moment I sign the peace treaty. I don’t remember where it is, but I think it says we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. The moment I sign the treaty, something is going to happen to both of us that will change our personalities.’ They both stood there and looked at each other. A smile started to come on Dr. Messenger’s face, and then a smile came on Michael’s. The smiles became bigger, and then they both started to laugh. They were laughing hysterically.

  “Michael said, ‘Are you laughing at the same thing I am laughing at?’

  “Yes I am said Dr. Messenger, ‘If you are thinking that the change may make us better than what we really are even now, then we are laughing at the same thing.’

  “‘The change will have to make us better than what we are, how can we be any worse than what we are now, laughed Michael?’

  “When the treaty was signed, they did get worse. They both became diabolical.

  “The economy of the world was teetering on the edge of destruction. Anything could make it topple. Gold prices were falling so quickly, even gold could be worthless if the spiral did not stop. Silver had already gone below one dollar an ounce. The price of diamonds and other jewels was tumbling about as fast as the price of gold. Michael and Dr. Messenger did not seem to be worried about the economy. They felt certain nothing was going to happen until the peace treaty was signed.

  “The economy did stabilize on the second day the banks were closed. People started thinking that Michael had control of all the problems of the world and the banking problems would be resolved just like all the other problems the world had faced for the last five or six years. Michael knew the economy of the world would rebound after the treaty was signed. He would be in control of almost everything in the world, and what he was not in control of at that time he would control at the mid-point of the tribulation. Michael had been groomed by the Devil for the last 12 years. He was now on the verge of fulfilling Bible prophecy. The things the Book of The Revelation taught and what Daniel predicted were only a short time away at this point. Those people who went through the tribulation would never forget how horrible the times were, and how they prayed for the coming of Christ.

  “Michael contacted the Central Bank of Europe and informed them of the plans that would be taking place. He requested they start to print money as quickly as they possible could. ‘The demand for our dollar will be worldwide, and we must have enough so each country can begin with $100 million.’ The Chairman of the Central Bank said he did not think they could print that much money in such a short period to time. ‘If it means you have to keep the presses going 24 hours a day, then do it.’ The Central Bank had three banks printing money, but to run 24 hours, that was unheard of. ‘The money must be printed,’ was Michael’s reply. ‘If the world is to survive, we have to supply the money so the people will be able to buy, sell and do anything that would continue their way of life.’

  “The banks hired extra help and gave them a crash course on printing money. Michael did everything he could to encourage the employees to work as fast as they could. He even put an incentive program that would make everyone rich if they could fulfill the quota. There were a number of people that did steal money, but Michael did not care if money was stolen. The presses could print all they needed.

  “Are there any questions about the things we talked about this day?”

  “Could you tell me why all the countries of the world would give in to the idea of only one currency in the world?”

  “Yes. There are three reasons why the world would accept the idea of one currency. The first reason is that Michael had all the answers to the problems of the world. The world had never heard of a year of jubilee, but they liked the idea. Michael was going to sign a peace treaty with Israel and the Arab countries very soon, and his best friend, Dr. Messenger, was going to be commissioned as the holiest man on earth. There wasn’t anyone who had all the answers except Michael.
The second reason was the nations of the world would not have any debt whatsoever. By wiping out all debts, each nation would be starting fresh, economically speaking. Also, all the people in every country would be out of debt. Each country was thinking the same thing. If the people were free from debt, they would buy almost anything they wanted, which meant it would boost their weakened economies. The third reason the other countries went for the idea was the exchange method. The way Michael put it, they all believed they were coming out on the better end of the deal. In 2012, the only money that could be used was the ECU dollar. But in 2011, each country could trade three dollars for every one of the ECU dollars. Then the ECU could give that money back in order to get different types of import items. The way the other countries figured, ‘If we give the ECU our dollar for theirs, then we get our money back when we trade for goods, we haven’t lost a thing.’ Well, like I said, in 2012, the only currency that could be used was the ECU dollar. That is when the countries of the world realized what had happened.

  “Did Michael and Dr. Messenger steal any of the printed money?”

  “Let me ask you a question. Can you keep a boy out of the candy jar if no one is around? I think you already know the answer. They stole more money than they knew how to spend. Michael and Dr. Messenger had many secret bank accounts in Swiss banks and all over the world. One of them was making a trip to Switzerland every two weeks. At one time in the tribulation, they both had more than $200 billion dollars in secret accounts and in real estate. Back in college, Michael said he would be the richest man in the world one day in the future, and he did become the richest man in the world.”

  “With the power Michael and Dr. Messenger had, why did they kill the three delegates? They could have put pressure on the three governments to have the men replaced. So why have them killed?”

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger were murderers. Killing three men was nothing in their minds. If by killing three they could fulfill their desires, then killing was not so bad. You have to remember, during the tribulation, Michael was responsible for the deaths of half the population of the world; about three billion people. Also, Michael would try to exterminate the whole Jewish race. In Zechariah 13:8 and 9, it says that two out of every three Jews would be killed. Do you remember what Michael said about Hitler? He said, ‘What Hitler did to the Jews was child’s play compared to what I am going to do.’ Hitler murdered 6 million Jews, but consider, if there were 60 million Jews on earth when the tribulation began, Michael will murder 40 million. Before the rapture, if you said the Antichrist was going to murder that many people, they thought you were crazy. They said no one could kill that many people without the world rising up against that person. Not only did the world not rise up against the Antichrist for killing the Jews, but the world thanked Michael for doing it. I will take one last question.”

  “Sometimes when you tell us what Michael and Dr. Messenger said and did, it seems like they had a little sense of humor, is that true?”

  “The answer is yes. However, their sense of humor was more like a morbid sense of humor. They enjoyed taking someone’s life. The more complicated the method they could think up to take a person’s life, the more they felt like they were in control. Many times in the tribulation, they would kill just for the fun of killing. They would talk about their method and laugh and make jokes about all the different ways that could be used. They were sick and their minds were sick. You have to remember, they were being led by the Devil, and at the mid-point of the tribulation, Michael was indwelt by the Devil.”