Read The Power of a Legacy Page 4

  Chapter 4 -Unexpected Guests

  “Your Radiant Ones are in position,” reported Eli.

  “Jasmine, our Beloved must learn the limits of flesh and blood. Help her, dear one,” instructed Papa tenderly.

  “I understand, Sir.” Before departing, Jasmine bowed her head in silent respect. Eli also joined in the demonstration of adoration, lowering his horn to the ground before the Most Holy One. Both servants knew what must be done.

  Isabella hung up the phone, grabbed her coat and walked out to the barn. As soon as Orion heard the squeaky side door open, with ears up and pointed forward, he walked over to the front of his stall. He was always happy to see his best friend. Sticking his head sideways between the wooden slates in the gate, Orion began nibbling on Bella’s coat pocket.

  Rubbing his forehead Bella said, “You know what’s inside, don’t you, fella?” Bella reached inside her pocket and pulled out a handful of carob-covered peanuts. While Orion was enjoying this unexpected treat, Bella whispered in his ear, “I love you so much. No one will ever take you away from me.”

  “I know!” announced a booming male voice from somewhere deep inside the dark barn.

  Spinning around Bella yelled out, “Who said that? Is that you John Minion? Boy oh boy, you’re going to jail for sure now mister!”

  Isabella reached inside Orion’s stall and grabbed a shovel leaning against the wall. Preparing to clobber the unknown intruder, she turned back around and cautiously began walking past the other stalls towards the sound of her late night trespasser. Suddenly in the center of the barn, two horse-like creatures materialized right before her eyes. One moment she was gazing into the darkness of an empty barn stalking an earthy enemy. The next moment, she found herself staring into the radiant, unnerving faces of two decidely non-earthly beings.

  “Unbelievable!” Bella exclaimed, startled and shaken. “This whole John Minion situation must have rattled my cage more than I realize. I guess I really do need to get some rest.”

  Bella quickly closed her eyes and shook her head sharply hoping such a gesture would somehow correct the faulty eyesight of her apparently agitated emotional state. Slowing opening her eyes, she discovered the two creatures were still standing before her in all their glory. Both animals were surrounded with a supernatural light so brilliant, it appeared darkness itself could not withstand the force of their splendor.

  “Do not be afraid, human,” said the larger creature taking a small step forward. “We have not come to harm you but to help you.”

  “But you look like unicorns! And unicorns do not exist. You are not real and I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation,” Bella stated still shaking her head. She was replying more to herself than to what she still suspected were merely the products of exhaustion and an overactive imagination.

  “Have you forgotten us so quickly?” tenderly asked the smaller brown unicorn. “Beloved, we have been your constant companions since the day you were born. Surely you remember us.”

  “I remember very well my plastic horses and stuffed unicorns. Growing up, my bedroom was full of all sorts of four-legged companions. But those were toys,” replied Bella confident that any minute, her two non-human visitors would vanish as quickly as they had appeared.

  “Do we really look like toys, Isabella?” the brown creature persisted.

  “Well, I’m not sure. I’ve have been under a great deal of pressure lately and perhaps...”

  “Forgive me Isabella, but I can assure you we are as real now as we were then,” explained the gentle unicorn. “But before I continue, please, let me introduce you to my brother, Eli. And my name is Jasmine.”

  Eli was much larger than Jasmine and very different in appearance. The creature had two enormous white feathery wings neatly folded and closely hugging both sides of its body. His massive middle section rested solidly on top of four slender yet muscular legs. He had a single, slivery-white horn located on his upper forehead just above piercing, midnight-blue eyes. And from the tip of his horn to the tip of his tail, the animal was aglow with dazzling white light. At first glance, Bella thought the light itself was also “alive.”

  To get a good look at the creature, Bella found herself having to tilt her head up almost as high as she did when her and Lance looked at the evening sky. She estimated the top of the animal’s bare back was about six feet from the barn floor. Considering his long neck and the length of his horn, she concluded the creature was at least eleven feet tall.

  Showing his respect and good manners, the awesome creature lowered his horn momentarily towards Isabella as Jasmine made her introductions.

  Jasmine, on the other hand, was about one third the height of Eli and had no horn at all. And although she had wings, Jasmine looked more like a Shetland pony than any unicorn Isabella had ever imagined. She wondered how such an animal could even be categorized as a unicorn. As Bella studied the creature, she thought it resembled one of the favorite stuffed unicorns of her childhood but decided such a thing was impossible.

  Jasmine had a long shaggy, grey-brown mane which hung so low it almost completely covered the rest of the animal’s dark brown body. And since it was supposed to be a unicorn, Bella assumed the creature possessed her own set of wings which were hiding somewhere beneath all that hair. Bella was particularly struck by the beauty of the creature’s golden, almond-shaped eyes. And there was definitely a serene, calming sort of presence about the animal which Bella could not adequately explain.

  “Ok. For the moment, let’s assume you are not toys, I’m not dreaming, and you are real creatures. What did you mean, ‘Help me?’ Help me with what?” Bella addressed her question to the great white unicorn, although she could not yet bring herself to address it by name.

  Eli winked knowingly at Jasmine as he responded. “We have been sent to keep you and Orion safe.”

  “Safe from whom?” Bella wanted to know. “From John Minion? I can take care of that character myself. But how could you possible know about his threats?”

  “We know everything about you, Dear One,” Jasmine replied.

  “Well thank you both very much for your concern. But you have come, from where ever it is you came from, for nothing. I really don’t need any help running my ranch. I don’t know how you got past Mitch, but would you please just leave my barn now. You’re scaring the horses.”

  “Papa was right!” exclaimed Eli shaking his head to reveal his magnificent flowing mane. “You are spirited.”

  “Beloved, look around. Do your horses seem frightened?” quizzed Jasmine.

  “Well, no, not really....I guess. Why is that? Can’t they see you?” asked Isabella.

  Jasmine answered, “They see with different eyes, Dear One. And I assure you, seeing us brings them great joy. Now as my brother was saying, we…”

  “Yah, I know. You’ve come to help me,” interrupted Bella rudely. “But like I already told you, I am perfectly capable of handling my own affairs and do not need the help of any childish, make-believe protectors to deal with my problems.”

  Bella was about to add a rather unkind comment to her protests, but never got the chance. After hearing her continual disrespect and doubt, Eli had heard enough. Indignant, he lowered his head so he could look Isabella straight in the eye then said, “Childish are we? Not real are we? Let me show you, human, just how real we are.”

  But quickly stepping between Isabella and her obviously disturbed companion, Jasmine looked up at Eli and said, “No, my Brother! Be patient. Remember, they are only clay vessels.”

  Eli snorted and impatiently shook his mane again before relenting. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his head and momentarily rubbed the warm, moist nose of his tender-hearted sister as she continued.

  “Isabella, you would be wise to speak cautiously of matters beyond your understanding. Trust me when I say, if I had not restrained my brother just now, you would have fallen on your face in absolute terror before the trueness of his being...As we have tried to exp
lain, we are more real than anything of this world. And as far as not needing our help, Dear One all earth-dwellers need the constant assistance of Papa’s love.

  “Papa! Who’s Papa?” asked Bella. “Is he another unicorn?”

  Both animals laughed joyfully. “No Dear One. He is not a created being,” replied Eli. Then as if singing a hymn known only to those who had seen him, Eli added, “He is the Wonderful Father of all!”

  Isabella began to realize she had misjudged the character and intentions of her unusual visitors. “Alright!” she confessed. “I was wrong about unicorns. Please forgive my rude and unkind remarks. You are both welcome to stay in my barn as long as you like. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

  Jasmine neighed softly then replied, “That won’t be necessary, Isabella. But it was indeed kind of you to offer.”

  “Excuse me, Jasmine,” Eli said eyeing Bella’s coat pocket. “But I’d really like to try some of those carob-covered peanuts.”

  “Shame on you, brother!” scolded Jasmine playfully.

  “It’s not a problem, really,” laughed Isabella. “Well, now what? You said you came to keep Orion and me safe. But as soon as John Minion and his men leave town, we will be fine, really.”

  “Beloved, creatures of light, servants of the Most High God, have always been in your world. So have creatures of the darkness beneath. Papa wants you to know that victory belongs to Him and to Him alone. It always has and it always will,” explained Eli. “But it is enough for now. The time for our departure has come.” Once again, he lowered his massive head and lovingly rubbed the soft brown nose of his beloved sibling.

  “Leave? But where are you going? What if I should need you? How will I find you?” Bella persisted.

  “Trust in Papa’s love, Dear One. It never fails!” were Jasmine’s parting words.

  Then as if an invisible hand somehow managed to unlock the previously bolted double barn doors, both doors suddenly flew open without human assistance. Bella watched in wide-eyed silence as Eli and Jasmine slowly trotted out side-by-side into the open courtyard. Then unfolding their amazing unicorn wings, revealing the full splendor and strength they possessed, both creatures flew upward and disappeared into the vastness of the night sky.

  “Incredible!” whispered Bella. After closing and relocking the front barn doors, she walked back to the house. As she was getting ready for bed, she could not stop thinking about what the unicorns said about everyone on earth needing heaven’s help. Brushing her teeth, she thought, “I love God with all my heart. But maybe I am so determined to do things my way and in my own strength I forget that without God in my life, I would not be able to do anything.”

  Then kneeing beside her bed Isabella prayed, “Oh God, please forgive me for being so self-willed. Help me remember the courage and strength I have are gifts from you, and not from any power within me. Please protect the ranch, the camp and Orion. Thank you for loving me so much that You sent Eli and Jasmine to watch over us all. I love you. In Jesus name, amen!”

  As Isabella reached over to turn out the lamp, she happened to look out her upstairs bedroom window. She could not believe her eyes. Ghostly shadows of unicorns seemed to be everywhere. Several single-horned, powerful-looking creatures were standing on the barn roof. Dozens of smaller winged horses were nestled in trees at various places throughout the courtyard. Looking beyond the corral, she could just make out the images of many more four-legged beings stationed in the campgrounds and along the horse trails beyond.

  “Boy this has certainly been a stressful day. Threats on my front porch! Conversing with real life unicorns! And now...herds of ghostly horses all over the ranch...I think it’s time I got some sleep.”

  Isabella turned out the light and pulled the blankets over her exhausted body. Eli and Jasmine remained vigilant through the night beside Beloved’s bed. The night was uneventful.