Read The Power of a Legacy Page 5

  Chapter 5 - For the Love of Money

  “Sir, Avis the Comforter offered the assistance of his troops. I have assigned each a territory,” reported Eli.

  “Excellent! They will be needed. Ensure the safety of the others as well, my loyal and faithful ones,” Papa commanded.

  The next day Isabella had the mail box repaired. Two days later, she received a letter with no return address. The letter said, “Sell Orion or else!” Bella grabbed her coat and keys, jumped into the truck and drove straight to the Sheriff’s office.

  “I thought I made it perfectly clear to that man the first time. He must be hard of hearing,” Bella told Lance.

  “No, Isabella. John Minion has a hard heart,” Lance stated firmly. “And I’m convinced he is not going to rest until he gets Orion. But he’s crossed the line this time. We’ll analyze the handwriting and check the letter itself for fingerprints to see if we can connect him to these threats and harassment. In the meantime, tell me you hired those extra security men like I asked?” Bella nodded in agreement. “Good. Until we have a solid case against our Mr. Minion, please be careful, Honey.”

  Early the next morning Bella went out to check on Orion. As she was opening his stall door, she saw a small, folded note nailed to the inside wall. The note read, “This is your last chance. Sell Orion or else!”

  Frantically, she ran to find the Foreman. After several questions and many unsatisfactory answers, Bella finally said, “But Mitch, how could anyone have gotten into the barn and left this note without being seen?”

  “Honestly, Ms. Randal, no one except the staff has been in or out of this barn since yesterday,” Mitch replied. “I don’t know how that note got there.”

  From the main loft overlooking the horse stalls, dark unicorns, wicked eagles, and half human and half horse, winged demons hovered. Listening to the conversations below, Worrell and his wicked commanders roared with laughter. It was the kind of evil sound that agitated earthly animals yet remained undetected by human ears.

  “Deploy the rest of warriors as planned! I want swords drawn ready to destroy on my orders!” shouted the dark lord of violence.

  “Now what’s gotten into these horses all of the sudden?” asked Mitch perplexed. When Bella looked around every one of the stallions were standing perfectly still with their ears back and flat against their heads, as if ready to kick. Even Orion seemed agitated.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the whites of his eyes,” said Bella. “This is very strange behavior.”

  “The lab did not find a clear set of prints on the first note, but maybe this second one will turn up something more conclusive,” Lance told Bella. “But I don’t need fingerprints to convince me John’s behind these threats. I’m issuing a county-wide ‘All Points Bulletin’ to have him and his buddies arrested and brought in for questioning.”

  “Babe, I want you to come into town and spend the next few days with my parents, at least until these characters are behind bars. It’s the only way I know you will be safe. I’ve asked Deputy Nelson to go with you back to the ranch so you can pick up some personal things. He’ll escort you back to the folk’s house. I’ll call mom and let her you are on your way.”

  Eli and Jasmine flew on either side of the truck as Bella and Deputy Nelson traveled back to the ranch.

  Isabella and Mrs. Carpenter had lunch downtown that afternoon then did some last minute Christmas shopping. On their way home, they stopped at the Millwood Feed Store. Bella had a Christmas present for Old Man Wilson.

  “Bella, am I glad to see you!” exclaimed Wilson. “I just got off the phone with the Sheriff. I told him that yesterday, while I was having lunch with the wife at the 3B’s, I saw John Minion and his cronies checking out of the inn. It was kind of sudden like so naturally I was curious. Well anyway, it just so happened we paid our bills at the same time, so I walked out behind ‘em and kind of waited around on the porch hoping to overhear what they were planning. That’s when I heard John saying something about horse racing and gambling debts. I couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying to the other guys because his back was facing me.”

  “Then one of the men drove away in the first truck. The other two drove away in the second truck. Both were towing horse trailers. John and the other guy got into John’s pick-up. That’s when I heard his cell phone ringing. His truck was parked close to my delivery van, so I could hear every word of his phone conversation. I heard him say,”

  ‘I already told your boss not to worry. It’s under control. He’ll be breeding that stallion by New Year’s Eve! This time next year you’ll have a whole herd of Blue Ribbon champions and many more in time. Your people at the International Arabian Jockey Club will be making millions in less than three years. I think that will more than cover what I owe them…Yah...Yah…Yah. I got it! You just line up those mares and make sure our stallion has nice comfy home. See you in a week.’”

  “Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Isabella. “So that’s why John wants Orion so badly. He’s plans to breed him to pay off his gambling debts. Did you tell all this to Sheriff Carpenter?”

  “Every word! Sheriff said they haven’t spotted these guys yet but he thinks they’re still hiding out somewhere in the area,” Wilson replied.

  Mrs. Carpenter said, “Isabella, I think we should go home now.” As Bella and Mrs. Carpenter walked out the door, Mr. Wilson hollered out, “Thanks for the present, Isabella. You are a real peach! Merry Christmas!”

  Jasmine lowered her head slightly to greet the Radiant Ones stationed around the feed store. Jasmine and Eli then followed Bella back to the Carpenter’s, taking up positions for their night watch. Jasmine never left Bella’s side. Eli patrolled the building perimeter and surrounding streets. Undetected by humans or the forces of darkness, two squadrons of Commander Crystal’s warriors silently secured their posts around the church, Wilson’s feed store, and the County Sheriff’s office.

  At dinner that night, Mrs. Carpenter asked Bella, “What are you doing on Saturday, my dear? “If you are free, I thought we might go into Spokane for some shopping and to watch the Christmas parade.”

  “Sounds like fun, but I can’t. I’ve booked a full group of holiday riders for the Nine Mile Falls trail ride. If the weather stays clear, we’ll be at the top of the falls by the time Santa Claus and his reindeer are riding into town,” laughed Bella.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked a concerned Lance. “If you’re set on going, how ‘bout I send a deputy to ride along with you just as a precaution?”

  Isabella loved it when Lance showed such concern for her safety. She reached over her plate and kissed him on the cheek. “Alright, if you really think it’s necessary...But no uniformed officers who may scare off my paying public.” Everyone at the table chuckled at her comment.

  Saturday morning, all ranch hands were up early getting the horses ready for the ride. Bella went into the barn to get Orion ready. But when she unlocked the stall gate, Orion did not come toward her as usual. He stood perfect still in the corner with his head hung low. His ears were lowered backwards against his neck.

  “What’s wrong, boy?” Bella said. She carefully walked over and put her hands on his forehead and stroked his neck. But he did not respond to her touch or the sound of her voice. He acted like he couldn’t see or hear her at all.

  But what Isabella could not see were four of Worrell’s evil soldiers standing inside Orion’s stall. Each dark unicorn had its long sharp horn pressed so tightly into Orion’s side the stallion could barely move or make a sound. A contingent of Radiant Ones flew overhead searching for an opportunity to free the horse. But with so many sharp horns pressed into the stallion’s flesh, they feared a direct assault might further injure the animal. Eli commanded his warriors to surround their opponents but keep their distance for the time being.

  “Mitch!” Bella screamed. “Mitch! Get in here!” Mitch came rushing in and saw the fear in Isabella’s eyes. “Call Doc! Tell him som
ething’s wrong with Orion. Ask him to come out as fast as he can.”

  Mitch and Isabella managed to get Orion to lie down in the stall. Mitch promised Bella he would stay with Orion until the veterinarian arrived.

  Meanwhile, there was a tour waiting and Bella had to have a lead horse. She decided to saddle up Misty. She was a light brown, motley colored mare with a flaxen tail and a white stripe on her forehead and left sock. She was strong and well trained, and although not as smart as Orion she was an acceptable alternative. Bella climbed into the saddle, put a smile on her face, and trotted out into the courtyard to greet her excited group of riders.

  Hour after hour the group trotted up the steep mountain trails. Every mile seemed like an eternity to Bella. All she could think about was Orion. “Will this tour never end?” she kept thinking.

  Living up to its reputation, when the group reached the summit the view from Nine Mile Falls was absolutely breathtaking. All riders agreed such a view was well worth the effort. For the remainder of the tour, Bella did what she could to hurry the group along. After a quick clean-up following lunch, Bella waited impatiently while enthusiastic photographers took their time capturing on film the surrounding wonders of nature. Miraculously, she managed to get the riders back to the ranch in record time. After a series of brief, “Goodbyes,” and “See you next year,” Bella thanked the undercover deputy who had accompanied her that day then headed straight for the barn.

  Jasmine and Avis stood on either side of Isabella as she entered Orion’s stall. It was empty. Mitch saw her entering the barn and quickly followed her inside. Taking her by the arm, Mitch firmly said,

  “Now calm down Ms. Randal. Everything will be fine. Doc Keegan couldn’t come, but he sent two of his assistant vets. They arrived about an hour after your riding group headed out. After a brief examination, they said Orion needed to be taken to the hospital in Spokane for treatment. We couldn’t get a hold of you, so I gave them permission to take Orion. I helped them put Orion into their horse trailer and made sure he was comfortable. I have all the paper work in the office if you want to see it.”

  “Ok. I guess Doc Keegan knows want he’s doing. Have they called back to say what’s wrong with Orion?” Bella asked sadly.

  “No. The assistants said the testing could take several hours. They assured me the doctor would call as soon as he knew anything.”