Read The Prince's Shadows Page 9

  “Do you know how many people died in my name?” she asks breaking the silent

  I just shook my head as a ‘No’.

  “Many… thousands or more. I don’t even know,” she paused and adds, “Out you go, the rest waiting in the yard.”

  I do pity the empress and I find it funny that I should pity the most powerful person in this empire. Maybe guilt for killing her own nephew and his family is slowly eating her. If that the case, I do pity her.

  I walk briskly to the yard, the dawn already broken hours ago, the sky is bright with small white clouds scattering around. The sound of birds chirping and winds in trees welcome me. It is like what empress said all the party is gathered in the yard sans the crown prince. Only his Shadows are there in his stead. They both wear princely clothing, gold in color with silver embroider. I don’t know when Ryn come back to the palace but he is there, standing tall, stroking his horse mane in affection manner. He looks calm as usual without any sign of weariness. Our gaze locked, I smile a little but he just nods at me. I let out a weary sigh, why he is so cold, I thought you’re my friend. But I am not yours, I guess.

  People is busy around me, and I see Princess Larra is there too, already mounted in her horse. She wear same gold colored clothes, her hair is let down with intricate braid on top. The Oracle is awkwardly mounted on their horse. It seems I am the only one still standing idly so I ask for my horse and swiftly mount it.

  We come down through the royal road to the Varan Castle, riding our horse leisurely. Ryn, Malvin and Princess Larra are leading the way, while I and the Oracle are right behind them, behind me the soldier following in close distance. In front of Varan Castle’s gate, we stop, the other four Blesseds are waiting for us. They address both the Shadows as your highness. And they are ready, all mounted in their horse. I see the disciples are standing behind them to send us off. I see Dela there too. But we only stop briefly, and we once again pace our horses slowly down the mountain to the city.

  The road ahead is stepped but not as stepped as the road up to the palace, and not long after we come to base of the mountain. Houses come to view, we follow main road to the South Gate, passing the city. Our party rides our horse slowly, this journey is also some kind of parade at least until we reach the gate.

  Along the road, the Varr’ citizen sends us off, they all bow their head when we pass. But I can see few stolen glace, not every day Varrian can see the royals pass the city. There are many curious faces. And many children are happily waving to the princess, the Shadows, and to us, the Blessed.

  Near my house, I see many familiar faces that I haven’t see in two months. My father face seems gaunt and thinner since the last time I saw him. Few of my young cousins wave proudly at me. I see Zeta, my best friend, she stands near my cousin Damien.

  From the letter I got two weeks ago, they will get married in the summer. I know Zeta have an infatuation for him, but the news startled me nonetheless, for I know Damien care so much of social rank and standing. But whatever happened, I wish them well and I hope I can go to their wedding in the summer.

  How I miss them all.

  Chapter 7

  We are drawing closer to the south gate of the Varr City. We have to pass this gate, since no wall was built to defend the city in the east, Shaga Mountain’s jagged cliff serve the defense instead.

  From afar I can see that the gate is widely open for us, the guards all bowing when we pass through. Outside the city, we pace our horse faster. From here, we will ride circling the mountain to the east, to Elfa, one of Giant Wall’s gate-cities. Elfa is the smallest city out of four gate-cities.

  Few miles past the city, I still can see few peasants, here and there, send us off along the road. They stand on the roadside bowing, and the ones that come from opposite direction stepped out, clearing the road for us.

  As we go further, the road is less crowded, and it grows rougher. We ride with care following up and down of hills and small valleys. This road is treacherous with many soaring rocky hill ahead. I see a flock of black bird is flying high in the sky, it fascinating me.

  “Be careful, my lady,” warns Ryn. Hastily, I look ahead and see him turn around on his seat.

  Our gazes meet, I nod and say my thanks.

  Now, the road is whirling, avoiding soaring rocky hills on my left. Yes, I have to be careful. Ryn and Malvin are leading in the front, they ride with a grace so is Princess Larra, who rides on my right. But I cannot say the same for the Oracle, though. She is an old lady in her fifty, Niqa Kim is her name. I hope she will be fine.

  As we rode farther east, the sun is getting hotter, scorching my skin. The trees are sparser too. My bones ache now, I try to stretch my body on my seat. But the sudden wind is blazing hard, spreading the dust all over us, and hurting my eyes.

  As we draw near Elfa, the road becomes less tricky, but the land still looks barren. Rocks and dust are all I can see around us. I see the tired look of Lady Niqa.

  I must be look terrible too.

  Less than a mile before we reach the city, amid the cloud of dust, a lone rider is fast approaching us. He rides in breakneck speed. In a heartbeat, the soldiers are surrounding us, making human shield and draw their swords. But Ryn tells them to stealth their swords, he looks unconcerned and small smile tugging in his lips.

  Not long before the rider reaching us, it becomes clear that the rider is the crown prince. His golden clothes shine brightly and his long hair flailing, following the wind. It seems he defied his mother commands and joins us.

  So, we have three princes now. The prince and his Shadows exchange glances, without word the decision is made. Then, Ryn takes the rein, and gives order.

  “We go faster,” he says to the party, and all following his command without question even Princess Larra.

  I suspect it is to outrun the empress’ soldiers, no doubt they are chasing Prince Lex. We ride deftly inside Elfa, luckily the city is not as crowded as Wienna in the west. Just before the city’s gate, we slowdown. The soldiers there know who we are so they let us pass immediately. I throw a brief glance to Lady Niqa. It seems she can keep up with us and I am glad of it.

  After passing the gate, we ride our horse fast in breakneck pace. Through hills and valleys, and even after miles outside the Giant Wall, we keep our pace.

  Sun now is right above our head and its heat is searing my skin. I feel dry wind blasting in my face, my hair is flowing freely behind, as I ride against the wind.

  It’s a small freedom.

  Hours after noon, we arrive at Durr Village. This village is much bigger than the village where I stayed with Ryn in the west. Around this village, the villagers built small fence made of wood, and there are at least more than a hundred houses inside. This village belonged directly to the royal family. The villagers mine gold here. It is one of the many villages where the royals’ get their gold. We supposed to arrive here just shortly before dusk. But now we arrive few hours earlier. As we ride slowly to the chief house, I see people look at us with awe, some of them kowtowing to us.

  When we dismount from our horses, the chief and his family greet us warmly, while his people take care of our horses. Then, he leads us inside. By looking at his attire, I know that the chief himself is part nobility. He wears plain green tunic and trouser. Dark muddy colors are the only color for peasant. I surmise he married down and stays here with his peasant wife. Few of us, nobility, do this. Often, they are thrown out from their clan. But few are still acceptable like Zeta’s parents. Her mother is a wealthy merchant daughter. That is way they are permitted her family to reside inside the city to begin with, furthermore her extended family is well connected. They have prosperous trade chain inside and beyond the empire. And that make it more acceptable than marrying a servant. Many still looked down at Zeta and her mother, though.

  A young girl about thirteen years old, leads me and two others to our room, at the west wing of the house. This house is quite large and has big garden on the
side. We stay for the night here, and we will set out to the east after the dawn breaks. The two others that share a room with are Mika Koell and Gigi Neth. The girl opens the door for us. I see that the room is spacious and clean with one big bed in the center.

  “Please call me if you need anything, my lady,” says the girl, then she curtsies and leaves the room.

  I feel a bit awkward sharing a room with strangers. By the way they chatting with each other, they seem close too. Sensing my discomfort, they include me in their conversation. The two of them are both Ice Blessed. It is known that most of Ice Blessed are female and most of Fire Blessed are male. Mika is twenty six years old with short and rather plum frame. She is married to another Blessed warrior but her husband is off to the war these past four months. Her family stays in the south part of the Varr City. The other, Gigi, she is nineteen years old, still unwed. She is cheerful girl with bright smile and big rounded eyes. She is Mika’s apprentice so she stays with her most of the time.

  So, that is way they are close.

  They are now regaling me with the tale of their past journey. This journey is not the first for both of them. They tell me what to expect. Mika even boasted that she was the part of the army that defeated Prince Wang in the big war two years ago. She saw Prince Lex and his Shadows for the first time there, but this is the first time for Gigi. Like many others Mika doesn’t know which one is the real prince or simply cannot remember well which one, for they are have uncanny resemblance with each other. But it is no matter she says, they are all have a strong gift and able leader. She believes that whichever is the real prince, he will be a good emperor. Gigi strongly agree with her.

  Hours later, both Mika and Gigi are already sleep soundly. But I cannot close my eyes. So, I get down of the bed and sit near the table. I lit a small candle and read a book that I bring from palace library, I found it buried in between big tomes, seven days past. I feel extremely lucky to find this book since it is written by female Hallowed, in hieroglyph hundreds year ago. Even though I cannot understand all, at least I can gather what it is like to be a Hallowed from her perspective.

  The candle is flickering madly, makes it hard for me to concentrate so I close the book in resignation, and my mind drift back to Prince Lex and what happened in the throne room this morning. It makes me wonder why the prince shows his real self to me. I always have a little doubt before but after what I’ve witnessing this morning, I am sure who the real one is.

  Is it because I am a Hallowed? Or because he trust me? But why? Furthermore my sister is known traitor.

  I hear soft knock from the door interrupting my thought. I walk to the door and open it.

  “Yes?” I whisper softly. I don’t want to wake Mika and Gigi.

  In front of the door, the youngest daughter of the chief stand. She is around ten years old, slight in frame and has sparkling dark brown eyes. She bows to me but not before she steals a glace. I am used for others curiosity now since it is not often the Blessed ventures beyond the Walls.

  “The prince wants to talk to you, my lady.”

  “Which one?”

  I see her confusion, “Forget it,” I say quickly. She then leads me to a room in another wing of the house. She open the door, and steps aside to let me in, then I hear the door is closed behind me in soft click sound. The room is dim, a crystal glass candle is glowing in the wall, spreading golden hue to the room. In the center, the prince, the real one, is sitting on the wooden chair. I bow my customary bow.

  The candle flicks give the motion to the shadow in the room. The light dimmed and brightens again. Time passes by, I am waiting but he says nothing. My heart starts to pound harder.

  Did I say or do something wrong?

  I steel myself and I steal a glace. Our gaze meet and he says, “Are you pitying me now?”

  It gets me confused. Then, I remember what happened in the throne room. When I come to my sense, I lowered my gaze down again hastily.

  “No, your highness,” I answer softly.

  “Then, are you afraid of me?”

  What to say? Yes, I do, your highness? But it doesn’t seem right.

  “Look at me!” he commanded.

  “No…” my voice wavered slightly. I know it is unconvincing.

  “Then, foolish of you,” he warns me, “This morning, you saw nothing,” he looks at me straight in the eyes, “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, of course, your highness,” I say quickly.

  “Are you liar, aren’t you?” he gets up from his chair. He comes closer. He takes my chin and tilts my face. Not letting me lowering my gaze. I try my hardest not wince or stupidly close my eyes.

  “You are afraid of me,” he says calmly and dares me to say otherwise.

  In stuttered voice I say, “Yes, as your subject should.”

  “Really?” he paused, amused, “Tells that to the rebels.”

  “They are misguided souls, your highness. The ones defied the Gods.”

  He lets out a bitter laugh. “Yet your sister is one of them,” she says with odd glint in his eyes.

  “I am not her.”

  “It’s a pity,” he releases me and says, “You may go now.”


  Hours before dawn, I wake up earlier than others, nervous about the summoning so I go outside. The day is still young and chilly outside. But I keep walking to the back yard, planning to train my energy for the last time. I stand awkwardly at the center of the yard, hoping no one will see me. I take my stance and trying to concentrate. I look up to the holy light above seeking for guidance. But I just mesmerized by the light, it is yellow and green, beautiful.

  “What are you looking at?” ask a soft voice from behind. I whirl around, seeing Ryn standing right behind me.

  He startled me, and my heart is racing madly now.

  “Nothing,” I say quickly.

  He just raises his eyebrow and says, “It’s the sky, isn’t it?”

  “They are beautiful, aren’t they?”


  “It’s just a sky,” I cut him and laughing. I know what he about to say. I see hint of smile hovering in his lips.

  Why is it so hard for you just to smile freely?

  “Need help?” I see his face back gloomy again.

  I sigh softly, and nod. I do need his help.

  We train together until golden color start to appear in the horizon but I still can’t shake my worry.

  It is time to go inside and change my clothes but I am still rooted here unable to move.

  “It will be fine,” he says reassuring. Our gazes lock, I see that he trusts me. I smile wobbly.

  Then, he bows and walks away. And soon I follow him.

  Shortly after I finished my training with Ryn, we are ready to depart, we gather in front of the chief’s house, all mounted in their horse. When we set out, the holy fire’s faded lights still visible, it serve as our guide, lighting the way. The villagers bid us farewell despite still very early in the morning. We ride in leisured pace passing the dry and dusty land; they seem not worry about the soldiers anymore. The tree is sparse between rocky hills, few miles past. In the east the sun slowly raises high in the sky. And the dry wind gusts past my face and blows my long hair.

  I see Prince Lex ride ahead with both Ryn and Malvin on his sides. If I want to be honest I am both pitied and afraid of the prince. The burden of the empire must be heavy on him, for that I pity him. But he also held the ultimate power only second to the empress, for that I afraid of him. Only a mere word from him, I can lose my life. I wonder if he knew my sister. From what Marie said they sometimes went riding together. But I don’t think so, Malvin or Ryn perhaps, not the prince.

  What is exactly my sister did? If she truly did a heinous crime to the royal then, why they trust me? When Royal guard’s come to my father’s house about the news of her death, he said nothing aside that she died in disgrace.

  Around an hour after noon, we arrive at the Sanok Village wh
ere the summoning ceremony will be held. This village is located between two hills. It is a barren place like many places we passed in our way here. But it’s not always so according to the village’s chief. The lack of rain in the last few years makes the soil dry and barren. They lost most of the harvest. The chief also says that many villagers are starved to death and some that survive run off to the city or across the sea to make a living. This news angered both the prince and the princess.

  The summoning will be held in the empty rice field. The Oracle aided by the villagers make an altar ground there. The altar is more or less two hundred feet square. They flatten and tramp the soil and arrange grey stones as a talisman to ward off evil energy around it. In the middle of the altar, they make a three legged star sign made of silver and gold powder with three big tallow candles in the center and one in each tip of its leg.

  The sun nearly set in the west, the sky getting darker and faint yellowish-green lights of holy fire start to appear above, dancing in the sky. Shortly after, the preparation had been completed. Each element’s controller gathers in each leg of the star. Mimi and Gigi for ice. Prince Lex and Malvin for wind. Two the Blessed ones, both male, for fire. Ryn and the princess serve as the masters of ceremony in the middle. And few soldiers stand in the perimeters with small drum in their hand.

  The rain ceremony must be done with at least one representative of each element and one master of ceremony. But they must be the ones with a strong gift. If not, it usually needs more than one for each element. Even so, the success rate is not that big. The stronger the Blesseds the greater the chance of rain will fall. This rain is not a simple rain that only last an hour or so but a true rain that will last for days. Not just a sprinkle of waters. It is a rain that will soak the land and bring life to dried seed. Usually, it is done with five people for each element but many have gone to the wars and the other must defend Varr City.

  My role here is to strengthen the others gift. At least it is what I supposed to do. Thus, I stand in the middle of the star with Ryn and Princess Larra. For this ceremony, I take off my black diamond pendant. I need my energy to flow freely now.

  The princess gives a signal for the ceremony to begin, the drum begin to beats. The beat starts slow. The Oracle starts praying in her place near the perimeter. And we, the Blesseds, start the ceremony dance. It is a simple dance. We are circling each other, Ryn, Princess Larra, and I, makes one circle in slow motion. One of our hands raised each time with the beat of the drum. Then our palms meet, then change to the other hand. While doing that we raise our energy to the heaven. I feel my strength leaving me in three directions. Our eyes’ colors change. Princess Lara to the bluest blue. Ryn’s to the golden red streaked with mix of other strange colors. I don’t know what is mine, light brown I suppose. A strong wind, fire and icy water surrounding us, it is circling in unison and goes to the heaven. The drum beats going faster and stronger so is our dance. It is hypnotizing me, circling, twirling we dance. Slow, then fast, and faster. I don’t know for how long it is going on, I only feel the rush of energy, our energy. Then, I feel the first drop of the rain, a small drop, then bigger and then heavy rain. We stop our dance shortly after. We bowing, kneeling and kowtowing to the heaven. I hear peasants cheer from the perimeter of the altar.