Read The Profilers Journal entry I Brothers Page 1

  The Profilers Journal

  Entry I


  Copyright 2014 Stephen McInturff

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  This is one that took me a while to understand as a person but not as a profiler. As someone with older and younger siblings I was familiar with receiving and dishing out the benefits of being and older sibling. As I look back on my childhood I realize that there was no real bad intention in what was done to me and what I had done to my siblings. In truth it was very beneficial in my life as an adult.

  This case might not have even made it to this journal if how we predicted it played out in the beginning. In my line of work it was almost a typical case, if you can say what I deal with is typical. This is a case of a disturbed person whose final victims were his mother and a mentally disabled younger brother. It was full of typical actions that we've seen before in one form or another.

  This case started as most do with a call from the local police department; they came across what looked to be a dumping ground for a serial killer. As with many it was found by accident by a local resident out for a walk with the dog and the dog get loose and ran off. By the time the owner found the dog it had started digging as if it was searching for something. When the owner pulled the dog away from the hole the dog was digging they found a bone, A bone that looked human.

  The bone leads to a body and a search of the surrounding area reveals even more bodies. Not only human remains are found, animal remains are found too. The animal remains were a key in finding a suspect; some still had collar and tags with identification that centered the search area. Along with the identity of the human remains, where they lived, worked, went to school and where they were last seen focused the search area to a particular neighborhood.

  The person determined to be the responsible for what was uncovered was someone who started at a young age. Someone who took pleasure in killing starting with animals that were easy to catch. These were mostly dogs and several cats. They would be small in the beginning and as the person aged and became stronger the size of the animals increased. The animals were most likely strangled and possibly poisoned due to the lack of physical trauma to the remains. Strangulation was later determined to be the method used by the person responsible.

  After some time the satisfaction gained from killing animals was fading and a search for new victims began. At this time the subject had aged to a point that it was able to venture farther away from home without questions from parents. Unfortunately the same process used with animals began with people, start with small and young and work their way up as their confidence and ability grew.

  This was determined based on the age of the victims that were found at the time they went missing. It was also determined that in the beginning the victims were younger by about two years of the subject. At the completion of the search at least a dozen animals were found, four children ages from six to eleven, three teens ages from thirteen to fifteen and one young adult age seventeen. There didn't appear to be any consistency with regards to gender or race, it appeared to be a matter of opportunity.

  A major break in the case came during a break in a meeting to go over the final set of results from the last few victims. During a little TV watching the local news was interrupted by a breaking news story, woman found dead for at least two days by neighbor, these stories naturally peek profilers interest. The neighbor had been working out in the yard when they heard yelling coming from the house next door. As they got closer they heard what they were yelling was "mommy wakeup, mommy wakeup" over and over. After checking windows they saw someone kneeling next to. a body shaking it while yelling. The neighbor called 911 and then tried to gain access in order to try and help. After entering the house they quickly realized it was too late and then tried to move the young man away from the body.

  The neighbor knew the family and knew the young man was the younger of two boys that was mentally disabled and didn't understand what had happened. The neighbor got him out of the house to wait for the police and stayed with him after they arrived. All he could do is rock back and forth and say "mommy wakeup" over and over sometimes very loud. The police arrive and are informed of the situation by the neighbor and enter the house. They find the body and proceed to search for the older brother with no luck.

  After some time the young man stopped talking and was just rocking back and forth while everyone was in the house. The neighbor was still with him so that someone he knew was there and he wouldn't be more frightened by all the strangers at his home. Eventually the young man's doctors were contacted in order to move him to a hospital so he could receive proper care. The older brother is now a person of interest but not for what he eventually will be.

  After watching the story unfold an officer working with us noticed the address where the mom was found is practically dead center of the area of interest on the map and that it’s suspected that the mom was strangled. So we decided to look into the background of the family of this new homicide and this would be beneficial to our investigation.

  From the outset the family looks to be a normal family to start, with a mother, father and two kids, sons. The father was a veterinarian and the mother worked part time at a nursing home. Early in the younger son’s life it was determined that he would be mentally disabled to what extent was unknown at the time. The next change in the family that may be more relevant is the death of the father. From the reports the father was working late catching up on work, someone entered the business got into an argument with him and eventually killed him.

  The father would regularly bring his older son with him and unfortunately this was one of those times. According to the report the son had gone to the restroom just before the suspect entered the business and soon after heard loud arguing and things being knocked down. The son came out of the bathroom to see what was going on to find a man fighting with his father. According to the son's testimony he saw the man grab his throat and soon after his father fell to the ground and the man ran out. At the time the son was nine years old and had to watch as his father die at the hands of another man and make the call to 911 to report it.

  Eventually the man responsible turned himself in and confessed to the murder. In his statement he explained what his version of what happened. It started with him finding out that their dog that had been in the family for a long time and lost was turned in to the vet clinic. He found this out by an employee that he happened to know that told him. He was informed the dog may have been put down already so he went to the vet clinic to find out what had happened.

  When he arrived the lights were on but the doors were locked so he knocked several times. When someone came to the door he was let in, it was thought that the person was there to drop of an injured animal as it had been done regularly in the past. As he entered the clinic he started asking about his dog.

  The vet told him the dog was put down and claimed that he didn't see or hear of anyone looking for it then started accusing him of not caring about his dog and not making a suitable effort to find it. At that point the vet told him that he personally put the dog to sleep and what set him off, he told him that he choked the dog with his bare hands until it was dead. At this point he began yelling shoved the vet around and then punch him. They fought until he was able to get his hands around the vet’s throat and began to squeeze. He began to yell “HOW DO YOU LIKE IT, HOW DOES IT FEEL” the vet tried to stop him but couldn’t and then went limp. He kept squeezing as the vet fell to the floor
then eventually let go and ran.

  What he didn't know was that the man's son was there to witness him killing his father. After he sobered up and found out about the son on the news he decided to turn himself in.

  Now the search was on for the older son of the women that was found dead to see if he knew anything or may be a victim. He may also be the subject we are looking for in relation to the dumping ground that was found. Based on recent developments he fits well enough to question in order to gain information to confirm or exclude him as the subject in question.

  Based on interviews with the neighbors, former and present employers and those who knew him he began to fit more as a subject