Read The Profilers Journal entry I Brothers Page 2

not only in his mom death but our case as well. This prompted us to go back to the home and do a more in-depth search to look for more clues as to what happened with the mom and possibly the victims in the field.

  It wasn't until the search of the attic that we determined we were on the right track. What we found was not totally unexpected as it was a common act in similar cases. In the attic were a couple of boxes that were recently moved and one open and its contents pulled out. They were filled with clothes, shoes, jewelry and animal collars. This might have been overlooked if it wasn't for the female clothes and shoes that were found and the family only having boys. After a better look at the clothes they match the descriptions of what the victims were said to be last wearing and what was missing when they were found.

  It looks like the older brother is our main suspect for both cases which might be one case by the end of the investigation. Next thing we need to do is find the older brother before anything else happens. If he has made a run for it he has at least a two day head start and could be anywhere at this point. If he has gotten to the point of killing his own mother then nobody is safe.

  The younger brother has been hospitalized and has been stabilized. According to his doctor he hasn't spoken a word since he was picked up at his home. It appears that he has mentally shut down and they don't know when or if he will come out of it. They have been able to get him to eat and drink to a point and some basic functions but any attempt to communicate whether visual or verbal is nonexistent at this point and possibly forever.

  Two days go by without any Leeds to where the suspect may be or have gone. We have gone through everything in his room to try and get an idea where he might be or go with little luck. Seemingly out of the blue the local police get a call about someone fitting his description breaking into a local business. It turns out to be the former location of the vet clinic owned by the father of our suspect. The order is given to surround and secure the location but don't confront until we arrive. As we arrive to the scene we are told there have been sounds but no movement. We enter the business and proceed to search and find the suspect in a back room. He seems to be ranting about his mother and father. After calming him down and determining he has no weapons he's taken into custody and brought to the station to begin the interview process.

  The interview has its ups and downs as most do and revealed most of what we already suspected. He eventually confessed to the murders of the victims in the dumping ground that was found. He started by telling what happened to his father when he was young. He explained how he hid and watched the man arguing with his father choke him and couldn't say or do anything to stop it. He waited for the man to leave and then watched to see if his father would get up but he never did. A few years after that he needed the feeling again so he started with animals in the neighborhood. Strays at first then ones that belonged to people in the neighborhood, they knew him and were easier to catch. After some time animals became boring to him and he needed to find something a little more challenging something with more emotion and fight.

  He started watching kids that he noticed weren't being watched by their parents and playing next to them so they would become familiar with him and would be comfortable around him. Then he would eventually lure them away from where they were playing to kill them. This wasn't a quick process for him he enjoyed the pursuit. As he grew his victims grew as well and he found it more challenging to follow from a distance and then choose the right time to take them for his next victim. There was no regular timeframe that he needed to fulfill his desire. He stated that he would have several people in mind at one time and it was who was available when it was time. He explained it as needing a backup in case something or someone interfered with his first pick. If a potential witness or friend would show up he would have a backup and come back to them at another time.

  Early on he started taking tokens from each victim and would go as far as dressing them after taking underwear from them. He said he did it so he could relive the experience until he needed a real victim. He was even able to match the tokens with the victims including knowing home addresses of the animals that he killed. He said he had several places he could hide the bodies before he buried them. He would monitor and even involve himself in the search for the missing people who were his victims. He would move the bodies as needed even multiple times before their final resting place.

  He finally got to what happened to his mother after a very disturbing at times recall of the past murders. This bothered him more than the rest because he wasn't as willing to give the details about it. He would randomly say "she wasn't supposed or be" as he told what happened to his mother. She kept talking about the news and how horrible what happened was. It bothered him so much he left so he could try to clear his head.

  After he returned the questions continued but this time they were different. The questions weren't about the news they were about his boxes. This made him even madder than he was when they found his hiding place. He said he walked in the house and his mom said she was in the attic looking for something. He said she started asking about a box of clothes, his box of clothes. Normally he is the one who always goes in the attic except this time he left.

  He said after finding out that his hiding place, as he called it, had been found and then his mom finding his box he snapped and started choking her. He said this time it was different, she fought like the others but there wasn't fear in her eyes like the others, it was more like surprise. He couldn't stop; he just kept starring at her. He snapped out of it when he heard his little brother come in from outside. He turned and saw him standing at the door in shock and then he let go and ran.

  With all the evidence and his confession he pleads guilty and was sentenced to the maximum that the law allows, life in prison. Out of his last two victims one survived, his little brother. Although he didn't physically harm him he did damage him mentally to a point that his already simple mind shut down probably for the rest of his life.

  There has been a strange twist in this case. After a little over a year and a half we were contacted by the hospital that the younger brother was placed. They said that he started to speak and normally it's not to a point of real communication. Most of the time it’s just basic confirmation like yes and no and anything else is more random than anything.

  It started when his nurse walked into his room to prepare him for the day except this time he spoke. The nurse almost didn't believe it at first. As she walked in to get him ready for the day he said "day no sleepy” and that was it. She tried to get him to repeat it as she got him ready with no luck. It wasn't until another nurse came in to the room when he spoke again "you say day sleepy" they both looked at each other unquestioning if they heard it and then nothing. Before they reported it they wanted to see if he would do it again to make sure it was really him saying it and not a random event.

  He went all day without a response to anything that was asked including about what he said. The next day the nurse walked in as usual and again she hears "day no sleepy" and she stops in her tracks. She continues to get him ready for the day and asks questions at the same time with no response. As she wheeled him out in his wheelchair to the activity room to be with other residents he started again. Every time they would pass another nurse he would say "no sleepy" except when a doctor was there. Just like the day before he stopped and said nothing else the rest of the day.

  The next day the nurse started as usual except his doctor was with her and nothing happened. The doctor stayed near him most of the morning and he said nothing as if he never did. At the end of the day the last thing the nurse would do is put him to bed. This time it would be different, in the middle of getting him ready she heard "day no sleepy" she asked who and again "day no sleepy" and that was it.

  This went on for several days with the same thing being said still to only nurses. The doctors tried to dress as nurses or in just plain clothes and nothing, it was as if he knew. Then the nurse started as usual except he said nothing eve
n when he was wheeled out of the room and other nurses came by and nothing. The doctor came in after being told what had happened to check on him. As the doctor is doing a routine check he asks who's not sleepy and this time he got a response. He first made eye contact and said "mommy not sleepy, day not sleepy, you say day sleepy, no sleepy, no sleepy" and the doctor was speechless.

  The doctor didn't know what to think of what he was saying but he thought we should know about it. A few of us went to see what was going on and by the time we arrived things have changed even more. We first met the doctor to get an update before we saw the little brother. After calling us the doctor went back to make sure what he wasn't just having spontaneous outbursts and it was real communication. The doctor spoke to him just as they did before the death of his mother. He didn't want to go directly into the outbursts that had recently happened. It seemed like he was updating everything that had happened since their last visit. He then said something that he didn't expect, "doc me and brodder play sleepy game" he continued to say how he thought he was really good at it, so good he was the one who put