Read The Promise Page 25

We stopped by at a recreational park in the hills; we had our first ever official date here. We had a picnic and a really unforgettable time, I realized then just how crazy I was about him.

  He opened the door for me and helped me out; I was still reeling from his earlier confession. I didn’t dare inquire further though out of some stupid fear that he’d take it back. We settled into a wooden bench.

  “After you went to the bathroom and didn’t come back I went after you.” He continued his side of the story “I ran into Adrianna and she told me you were still in there, she dragged me down the corridor with the excuse that she wanted to talk to me,” he said then he shook his head. “She spent a couple of minutes blabbing about trivia things, I wanted to ditch her but she wouldn’t let me leave.” He added and I listened silently.

  “Soon thereafter she received a text, which no doubt was from a friend, her entire demeanor changed. I didn’t understand why that was until she came onto me and you appeared seconds later.” He said and I gasped, suddenly everything made sense.

  “Brea. Brea sent that text.” I whispered, still shocked, but it made perfect sense. Her confidence, she knew I’d find them at the right place at the right time because they both orchestrated it perfectly. Brandon raised an eyebrow in confusion and I realized that we were both played.

  “I was with her in the bathroom, that’s why I took so long.” I said “She told me that you and Adrianna have been seeing each other behind my back and that she saw you two kissing.” I said. His brows furrowed, as it dawned on him too.

  “Adrianna kept me distracted while Brea planted a seed of doubt in your head.” He said “Then she sent you to me knowing very well that what you’d find will confirm what she’s been telling you.” He added and I could hear the disgust and anger in his tone.

  “I didn’t know what to believe…I was so heartbroken.” I said and my voice broke and he took me into his arms. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he gently swept my hair out of my face.

  “I know; I don’t blame you. It all comes back to what I’ve been saying; you didn’t trust me. If you did, you would’ve went to look for me back in the auditorium.” He said “Honest to God Katelyn, where would I find the time to see Adrianna when I’m constantly following you around like a lovesick puppy?” he said.

  I sniffed back the tears that where threatening to spill, “I know, that was my initial thought too.” I said and he gave me a look “Was it now?” he asked in mock offense. I punched his arm playfully “You know that’s not what I meant.” I said and he shrugged “Actually everybody knows I’m crazy about you, except you.” He said and I nodded sadly to myself.

  “What do we do now?” I asked and he looked forward.

  “Well for one I’d like my princess back.” He said with a measured and careful voice, I smiled realizing that I’m not the only one with moments of doubt. I went back into his arms and he held me tighter.

  “I’m not going to ask you to trust me, I realize that I have to earn that and I’m willing to do that.” He said softly.

  We sat at the park for a while and the sun was starting to go down “Lets get out of here.” I said and he looked at me questioningly “And go where? Should I take you home?” he asked and I shook my head, “Your house.” I said; I didn’t know why I wanted to go there, I guess I missed the place, just like I missed the person living in it. After a moment of apprehension he agreed and we stood up.