Read The Promise Page 6


  “I seriously hate gym class.” Tess wailed as she tied her kicks, I chuckled fastening my ponytail “Well we just have to suck it up.” I said when I knew I hated it just as much. I sat down on the bench tying my own shoes “So…” Tess started with a very suggestive voice “How has working with Mr. blonde and delicious been?” she asked and I chuckled.

  “Come on Tess, he has a nickname now?” I said and she shrugged then gave me a hard look “Its been three days now and you haven’t dished about him yet, give it up.” She said and I sighed, “There’s really nothing to dish about, we work well together, that’s it.” I said.

  It was true, Brandon and I made a great team, and it was almost crazy how in sync we were. Working on this project with him would’ve been easier if I didn’t also have to fight the attraction I had towards him. Taming my heart was a problem every time we got really close, accidentally touched or when he would playfully try to flirt with me. I knew that for him doing that was second nature, hell I’d even see him do it with other girls. Knowing it was just a game to him didn’t stop it from reeking havoc on my feelings.

  Tess groaned, “Give me something to go on here Katie.” She said and I eyed her

  “Well he’s not a jerk.” I said and she paused a little “You sound disappointed,” she said then chuckled “I see, you were hoping he was a total prick so it’ll be easier for you to hate him instead. Gee tough break.” She added sitting next to me.

  “Tell me about it.” I said, unfortunately Brandon was nothing like I’d hoped. He was easy going, smart, funny and charming as hell. He was also very distant and wary; our conversations never went further than small talk and playful teasing. Which made it very hard to decipher the kind of person he really was, but one thing I knew for sure was that he’s a troublemaker.

  Our couch blew her whistle and called us onto the court for a volleyball game. Towards the end of the game I jumped high trying to reach for the ball and I bumped into someone, falling down only to land hard on my ankle.

  Everyone stopped playing and rushed to my aid, I grunted as pain shot through it. Our couch had Tess and a few others help me to the nurse’s office.

  She examined my ankle, and then she said it wasn’t sprained, much to my relief. She said I just exerted too much force onto it, thus causing the pain. She advised that I take it easy and not apply too much pressure to it.

  She went out of the examination room for a while

  “Are you okay?” Tess asked with a frown and I grimaced “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said then winced and she shot me a sympathetic smile before she let out a low curse. “I totally forgot I have musical practice this afternoon, I have to go.” She said grabbing her bag “Will you be okay?” she quickly asked and I nodded.

  “Yeah, go, see you tomorrow.” I said and she gave me a brief hug before going out of the room. I sat up from the small bed and sighed, minutes later I was surprised to see Brandon walk through the open door. “Hey you.” He said with a gorgeous smile, I let out an incredulous chuckle “Hi yourself.” How on earth did he find me? He revealed a white lotus flower and handed it to me “I thought this might cheer up the patient.” He said and I blushed but smiled taking it, knowing he picked it up from the bush of flowers outside the building. I tried not to read too much into the sweet gesture.

  “Aw you shouldn’t have.” I said with tease, taking a small whiff of the flower and he chuckled settling onto the chair by the bedside.

  “I didn’t have time to get a proper bouquet.” He said and I nodded “I figured.” I said then remembered my question “How did you know where I was?” I asked and he shrugged “Word travels fast.” He said and I gave him a knowing look.

  “If I didn’t know any better I would say you’re following me Mr. Carter.” I said with mock disapproval. He didn’t confirm nor deny my theory, he just gave me a sly smile but the look in his eyes clearly said ‘are you sure about that?’

  I blushed; of course he didn’t, ugh! What was I thinking?

  “How are you feeling?” He asked, “Better.” I said, glad for the change of topic. Just then the nurse came back and gave me a prescription list.

  “Just some painkillers and muscle rub creams. You can pick them up from a local pharmacy on your way home.” She said “Just put some ice on it for a while and you should be good.” She added with a smile.

  “Thank you.” I said and she nodded then walked out. I looked at Brandon

  “Sorry we couldn’t work on the project today.” I said and he shook his head

  “Don’t sweat it, we’ll make up for lost time.” He said, “You won’t be able to drive, I can take you home if you like…” He suggested

  “I’ll do that.” JT said appearing on the doorway, I sighed inwardly when Brandon stood up “See you tomorrow.” He said before JT stepped aside for him and he walked out. JT replaced him on the chair

  “Tess told me about you, you look better.” He said and I nodded “I ‘am.” I said and he paused eyeing me long enough for me to shift uncomfortably.

  “What’s going on here Katie? What did I just interrupt?” he asked tersely and I rolled my eyes, overprotective brother mode again, here we go.

  “Nothing. He’s just my art project partner, that’s it.” I said “So no, nothing’s going on here.” I added with exasperation and he paused then nodded.

  “You’re a smart girl, I don’t need to tell you why you should keep him at arm’s length.” He said sparing the flower in my hand a look, “He’s a cool guy but he’s quite the ladies man. Be careful.” He added and I nodded stiffly.

  Of course I knew that, I’ve seen him with Rhiannon a couple of times, but even I knew she was not the only one. JT didn’t say anything I didn’t already know deep down inside, so why did I cringe inwardly when he confirmed it?

  “I’m done here, can we go home?” I asked, suddenly feeling deflated and he nodded standing up.

  “Can you walk?” he asked when I eased onto the floor, I nodded and he helped me slowly walk out of the room. I threw the flower into the trash next to the exit.