Read The Promise Page 7

I was sprawled on my bed with my books when my door opened; Mom stepped in “Dinner’s ready sweetie.” She said with a smile. I nodded “Thanks Mom.” I said “…Mom?” I asked before she could walk out and she paused eyeing me.

  “Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked and she closed the door “Of course.” She said then sat on the edge of my bed, next to me. “What’s on your mind?” she asked. Things between us were better I guess, we were spending more and more time together. If there was any distance between us, I wasn’t going to be the one to cause it.

  “Boys.” I said and her brows shot up “I need advise.” I added and she chuckled

  “I appreciate you’re brutal honesty sweetie.” She said and I chuckled too, knowing I could’ve found another way to say it, but I honestly couldn’t think of one. “There was no better way for it to be put Mom.” I said and she nodded knowingly. Her green gaze was intent on my face

  “And by boys you mean that one you were working on the project with?” she asked and I nodded. Brandon and I hardly found time to work on it so we decided to meet on the weekend. He came over to work on it and he got to meet Mom and he almost left without meeting Dad but he knocked off at work earlier than usual. I twitched nervously when they shook hands, but Dad was very cordial towards him, much to my relief. I made a mental note to do something for him to thank him.

  “Yeah, Brandon.” I said and she nodded remembering “Ah yes.” She said then a slight smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she eyed me again “You like him, don’t you? I saw the way you were looking at him,” she said and I blushed, was I that transparent? I nodded.

  “I do. A lot.” I said sheepishly and she chuckled “Well don’t go mentioning that to your father.” She said and I rolled my eyes “I’m not crazy Mom, I can’t even tell JT.” I said. Her eyes narrowed

  “He seems to like you too, what’s the problem?” She asked; he likes me? He likes every girl in school, that’s the problem. “He’s all wrong for me.” I said meekly.

  “Ah, the bad boy appeal.” She said nodding; I looked at her “You sound like you know what I’m talking about.” I said and she smiled gently “I do.”

  “Was Dad like that?” I asked, finding it hard to imagine him being that way.

  She chuckled “Your father was much worse.” She said sweeping my hair out of my face sobering up “Sweetie with some guys its just all an act, a façade. There’s always something underneath all of it, you just have to look past the mask.” She said “But with others it’s just who they are, those ones you can’t change. Instead you end up changing yourself just to be with them.” She added. “So which category does this Brandon fit in? If he’s bad just for the sake of it, run fast and don’t look back.” She said with a hint of humor in her voice but her gaze was serious, almost worried. She surely didn’t give me the advice I was expecting.

  “Oh come on Mom, aren’t you going to forbid me to see him or something like that?” I asked, maybe if she did I’d actually listen. I didn’t want to deal with this; I didn’t want to deal with the mystery that was Brandon Carter. But I couldn’t completely forget him either.

  She smiled “I’ll save that part for your father.” She said and I chuckled “I know very well how this works sweetie, if I do that, I’ll only be pushing you towards him.” She added standing up “I trust you Katie, you have a good head on your shoulders, we raised you that way. You’ll make the right decision for you.” She said and I smiled at her “Thanks Mom.” I said and she leaned down to kiss my forehead “I love you.” She said softly and I nodded “Love you too.” I said and she walked away opening my door “You coming?” she asked tilting her head towards me “I’ll be down in a minute.” I said and she walked out closing it behind her, I slumped onto my pillow. That’s the thing; I was scared of making the wrong decision.