Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 1

The Psychian Chronicles

  Book One

  The Kimoshiran Form

  By Timothy Bryant

  Copyright 2011 Timothy Bryant

  Chapter 1

  My Oldest Friend Ruji

  The sun is shining on a Friday morning, it’s not a good day to wear black. My name is Shinruga Deshreneto and I have just completed the first part of my Psychian training. Psychian’s an evolved race of the humans. Three races of Psychian’s exists the Shogun, Kimoshiran, and the Psychian Warrior. A Psychian Warrior possesses more strength than the other two kinds of Physician’s. A dark purple energy is what will tell us apart from the other two. That’s what I was born and have mastered this form.

  We Psychian’s were born after the humans were nearly wiped from existence. Our ancestors are not sure what happened to the humans but know greed and power had something to do with the cause. They fear us because we are seventy percent the population. A great war has struck out once between the two kinds but that was almost one hundred and fifty years ago. The Triple Psychian’s who’s power compared to none, destroyed the humans who by name is the Apocalypse Unit. It came at a price though in the end he sacrificed himself to save his people.

  I was walking to my house in the city of Recnamorcen, which if you look at backwards it spells out necromancer. Kind of odd but no one really pays attention to it. That’s when I heard it my name being called from behind me.

  “Hey, Shinruga”! Someone yells.

  Ruji Thean, my best friend who was my training partner even though he was weaker than me.

  “How was your training”? I asked.

  “Okay”. Ruji says.

  Psychians train so that we can defeat humans who try to kill us. Most of them hate us, there is talk about them getting together and starting a war again. We also love a good fight; it’s like a drug to us.

  Most fights are more of sparring than a fight to the death.

  “You seem different”.Ruji says in a worried voice.

  I remember back to the first time I met Ruji, I said the same about him it was a warm sunny day and are fathers had just got back from a mission. Before that I had not really known him but I remembered how he was before that day. The day he found out his father had died in battle. Soon after I talked to him for the first time and he seemed lost and dead. But after several weeks of us talking and becoming friends his eyes and mood went back to old. Now I see him high on his new found power. He's ready to defend himself with his cool manner. “I’m fine”. I reply. I have changed though. Become more serious, not just some kid who doesn’t have a care in the world.

  When your parents think you’re ready you’re sent to a school of your Psychian kind and trained in the ways of their fighting. Fortunately for me my school was right in my home town. Ruji's school was in a town called Agno which trained Shogun’s, there energy is the color red.

  The point of these schools is to train us in case the humans attack again. Lately there have been more and more attacks on our people. Seven years ago my hometown of Shiran was attacked and nearly destroyed. We scared our enemies off and rejoiced in an era of peace. The threat of another looming war, only fuels our fire to train harder. While we wait for a new Triple Psychian to arise we fight our enemies off the best we can.

  “You wanna spar”? Ruji asks.

  “Why not”? I say. I was hoping he would ask it’s been a couple of days since I have so I’ve been itching for some fighting.

  “Let’s do this”. Ruji says.

  Ruji charges but I anticipate the attack tripping him. I jump at him to put my foot into his stomach but he sees this coming as will. He charges up a blast of energy and hits me square in the chest.

  “Ah”. I cry out in pain as the energy hits me like a brick.

  “Come on”. Ruji yells.

  I charge with energy powered hands and swing violently and the second punch hits Ruji, right in the gut. He staggers and I prepare my next assault of punches, but as I do Ruji uses one of his special attacks.

  “Try this”.

  The next thing I see is what looks like a Phercon beast coming at me; it strikes me hard knocking me about twenty feet back.

  Ruji’s blade is the Phercon blade. It’s a two handed sword orange and marked with Ruji’s initials, the end of the blade is wavy and has a gut hook a quarter the way down on the back. To which is named after a beast in our time the Phercon. They are beast that lives in the wild untamed and unable to tame. They all look different from one another but are strong creatures, so naturally most of Ruji’s attacks are going to center around a Phercon.

  I stagger to get to my feet, feeling the full force of the tackle I just experienced.

  “You think you can win with that Brigidane blade”?

  My Brigidane blade given to me by my father it once held the Elemenka’s orbs that would possess people and make them do unspeakable things this is my mission to find them and put them back in the blade.

  “I’ll try”.

  I charge up a fistful of energy and shoot it right at Ruji. He dodges sending the same special attack at me for the second time. Instead of being hit, this time I pour energy into my fist and spread it making a shield the beast slams into it disappearing.

  “What else you got”? I ask.

  But just as were about to charge and attack again were stopped by Priests Frederick.

  Priests Frederick in his mid forties, he is my dad’s best friend. He wears a turban and large robes. A thick beard covered his face an Ankh around his neck which I guess means life. Never cared for trinkets like that myself. He’s not a Psychian but he has a lot of authority here at home.

  “Well, look at you two all grown up”. Frederick says. “I have a mission for each of you Shinruga your mission is to go and find the men who beat your father”.

  Frederick must see the anger and worry in my eye because he’s quick to assure me that my father is all right.

  “What direction”? I ask.

  “That one if you use the element of surprise you should be able to beat them they did the same to your father, they were looking for your sword, here’s a brief description of what they look like”. Frederick says. “Ruji, I want you to go to Silver Lake City and watch the Roko gang but do not engage them in battle. This is simply surveillance”.

  “Yes sir”. Ruji yells.

  The Roko gang, gang of Psychians who think they can do whatever they want. Some think that the humans who might be forming together to start a war again, are working with the Roko gang. My father and his friend helped defeat the Roko gang a long time ago but I guess they’re back and stronger than ever.

  “Looks like we’ll have to postpone our little match”.

  “Guess so”. I reply back. As we’re leaving we exchange a gesture with our hands. Looking into Ruji’s eyes I remember seeing his expression calm and sure of himself and that we will see each other again.

  Being a Psychian there’s some advantages one of them is placing your blade on the ground and it will hover. After that you can ride on it like a vehicle.

  It’s nearing night time now and I see the faint flicker of a flame coming from the woods. I get in as close as possible without them noticing me, there are five of them. They match the descriptions.

  “I need to think strategically”. I whisper to myself. It takes me a few minutes but I finally come up with an idea. I place five balls of energy around them in a circle but not using too much energy so that I don’t threaten my enemy. When they’re in place I clench my open hand into a fist, the energy explodes the five immediately stand up poised for battle. I swoop down knocking out two of them the other
three faces me two of them slash at me with their swords. I block one with energy in my one hand and the other with my sword.

  “Who are you”? Ask their leader with rage.

  “Shinruga Deshreneto”. I reply. I can see their leader enraged by my sneak attack; it was quite clever but no time to soak in the glory.

  “Oh good now I don’t have to track you down, names Ebon and I want that blade”. He says.

  “What for”? I ask. There’s nothing really special to it just a mission that’ll waste your time. That I never wanted in the first place.

  Ebon has seen many battles so far, that’s for sure. He’s huge probably six-five, he has big scars on his stomach, very muscular but he doesn’t frighten me.

  “Fool, just by absorbing the gems into the sword it will increase your power. Has your father told you nothing about this sword”? Ebon barks.

  That’s me, don’t listen to anyone he probably told me but I didn’t listen as usual. I just saw the sword as another chore, to capture the gems.

  “Attack”! Ebon yells as the two come at me again.

  I flip backwards at the same time shooting two blasts at the enemies. Not hitting them though instead I hit the fire it explodes, blinding all three and burning the two henchmen’s backs. They cry out in pain, but Ebon is not impressed.

  “Pretty clever”! Ebon shouts. He unsheathes his sword. “Prepare to face doom”.

  “You can try”. I told him.

  We charge at each other and lock swords but he’s so strong he’s forcing me to the ground where he will surely finish me. Drive the cold of his steel into my chest.

  As I’m sure of my imminent doom is about to happen a blast hits Ebon in the back. Ebon falls to my right when I look up I’m greeted by the sight of Septh.

  Septh one of the strongest Psychian, his normal size and his rigid eyes but power beyond belief. He won every tournament he’s ever been in never been beaten. He’s known as the gifted child. He’s not a child anymore late twenties.

  “Shinruga, your friend Ruji needs your help”. Septh says calmly.

  “Thanks for the help but I could of handled them...How do you know he needs my help”? I ask.

  “I’m sure you could of...Go Ruji is in danger”. Septh instructs.

  I was hoping that he was wrong but I’m getting a bad feeling in my stomach. Like I’m about to throw up, is he hurt or worse. No I couldn’t imagine my best friend being dead.

  I arrive in Silver Lake City the next morning exhausted. Apparently there’s a tournament going on today, this was where Ruji was supposed to spy on the Roko gang. It’s a scene of pandemonium hundreds of Psychians and people, come to watch the event of course. I’ve never been to one of these before my father feared I would be a target for his enemies and that I could be hurt or killed. I scour the place looking for Ruji; I look for about an hour or two…Nothing.

  With my spare time I sign up for the tournament. There‘s three levels of the tournament a beginners level a intermediate and an expert level. So the tournament officials can tell which level to put you in they have a machine. You put your hand in and put out as much energy as possible; it registers how much and puts you in the coordinated level.

  We have these tournaments to find out who’s the most powerful. They were formed a long time ago sometime after the Triple Psychian was killed. I think that there’s some kind of hidden agenda behind them, as if someone’s watching the tournaments sizing us up.

  As I look and look for Ruji I come to a shady group of people. Who has the mark of the Roko gang stamped on the back of their shirts? A round dark circle with the figure of a man black with red eyes is their mark, the mark of pure evil. They are ruthless and evil they don’t care about life just as long as they get what they want. They’ve attacked my hometown a couple of times my dad of course took care of them quickly.

  Something catches my eye though; when I look back I notice it. It’s Ruji’s sword. I’m filled with rage and power, I feel like walking up and stabbing him in the back. I realize that I would be just as bad as they would be.

  “Roca, behind you”! I hear one of the gang members say.

  Roca is tall brown hair and his face has a scar going from the side of the neck to them middle of the cheek. It’s his eyes that confuse me they’re not completely dark or evil like the rest of the members in the group. Roca is the only one not wearing the patch or a jacket with symbol of the Roko gang on him. I find that kind of odd because he’s the leader of the group.

  He turns to face me and that’s when I notice a little hint of fear in his eyes and a kind of excitement.

  “Shinruga, been a while”. Roca says.

  “Do I know you”? I ask.

  “Roca…Sounni’s friend”? He exclaims. “You came to her house a couple of times when I was there, about ten years ago”.

  “I remember now”. I say. When my dad would go see his friend, his daughter would be there too. We would play and every once in a while her friend Roca would come over. We would all play and be happy, good old times I say.

  “Where’s my friend Ruji”? I demand.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know”? Says one of the members. “Go check the woods and you would know. Not sure you want to see though”.

  I hope for the best but it’s not likely that he will be ok. As I’m leaving I catch Roca’s eyes they show fear. The worst thing I could hope to see.

  As I get to the woods I search and search when I see it the outline of a body. Is it please no, no I can feel my body getting weak, my legs feel as if they have a thousand pounds on them. I inch closer and closer to the body, fearing that it is him I stop for a second. I stop to catch my breath and try to ready myself in case it is him.

  I get to the body finally and then I see him it is Ruji, his frail limp body lying there cold. Alone and waiting for life to be brought back to it. I look at the body closely and notice a wound; I have a flashback of the group of Roko gang members. I remember one of them having a blade of the same style as the wound. I get up and start running back to the tournament and ready myself to go back to the tournament grounds to prepare for my vengeance.

  My worst fear it’s realized my best friend is dead Ruji is dead. RUJI IS DEAD!And now I have to avenge his death.

  “I will avenge you and I will come back for your body”.

  Chapter Two

  The Tournament