Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 2

I arrive back at the tournament grounds and find Roca and his group of men.

  “Which one of you killed him”? I shout in anger.

  “Who do you think”? says the one who gave me the hint to check the woods.

  I’m about ready to attack him when a tournament official comes behind us. He tells us all that there is no fighting except for is assigned fights by the tournament.

  “I’ll see you after the tournament”. I say to him.

  We all get back to spot where the other fighters have joined up. Some of them are muscular and others skinnier like me. When it comes to Psychian's though it’s not about size it’s about how skilled a fighter you are.

  While standing there waiting for the results, trying to figure out who I have to fight a man comes up to me. He’s about six feet tall and has long black hair, wearing some type of formal suit from earths past. He has a scar on his right cheek; I’m surprised that he’s here because you can definitely that he’s human.

  “Shinruga”. He asks.

  I’m not surprised that he knows my name, most people know my name. My father is one the most famous Psychian's in history he designed the blade that I’m holding. The one that captured the Elemenka gems. The Elemenka gems are put into a blade and the Psychian is turned into pure evil, the Brigidane blade turns the evil into power for the user. My father killed each of the fighters and captured the gems but about six months ago someone broke into our house and stole them.The Elemenka’s caused chaos for years; even though it wasn’t their fault people still were mad at them. They were unstoppable killing humans and Psychians alike my father and his friend Furrock killed them.

  “Yes, who are you”? I reply. Trying to dissect what possible thing reason he has for wanting to come to me.

  “Kita, I was wondering if I could have a few minutes with you please”. Says Kita.

  “I guess”. I say.

  “I just wanted to say good luck on your matches and ask if you’ve found any of the Elemenka gems yet”. He asks.

  “No”. I say. It wouldn’t be that weird for a human to ask this question just as well as a Psychian because of the devastation they caused everyone.“They could be anywhere, it could take a while. I’m here on business”.

  “I see. Keep up the good work. Don’t die either, the humans and Psychian’s are counting on you”. Kita says.

  I give him a weird kind of look and I think he sees it. It’s because of the way he said don’t die, it sounds almost sarcastic and evil at the same time. He waves his hand as he’s walking with his back to me.

  That’s when I hear it my name being called again by one of the tournament officials. When I get there, I see the machine that registers energy it’s clear and conforms to your hand when you put it in it. It has a type of machine on the top I suppose it tells the tournament officials what your energy level is. I’m right and when it shows my level it’s just a little over four hundred. I look over and notice that Roca’s on the machine across from me and his level is around four hundred and ninety. He looks at me still with those eyes of innocence and regret, but he’s still part of the Roko gang that makes him evil. We wait for the results to come in for who we verse in our matches. You have three matches in the tournament.

  The results come in; my first match is with someone named Slay. The one who laughed about Ruji, his killer. I can picture him laughing as he stabs Ruji in his heart.

  I’m standing there mulling over what I will do to him when Roca’s first opponent Shokon comes up to me, by looking at his clothes I suppose he’s probably a shogun.

  “Looks like Roca’s my first opponent”. Says Shokon.

  “Looks like it”. I say. Shokon has long hair down to his neck; he has the shogun patch on his right arm and dressed in traditional Japanese armor with one shoulder pad on his left shoulder. He also has a couple of knives in little sheathes on his chest. I notice something in his hand; it’s the Roko gang insignia.

  “After I saw them kill your friend for that blade I told them I quit”. He says.

  He must have seen my eyes looking at it.

  “They would’ve killed me as well if you want revenge Slay will be your opponent he has a horse sword, a lot of charging attacks.

  I can’t exactly figure out why he helped but I’m grateful.


  My name is Shokon; I come from a town called Porter. It was nearly wiped out by the Roko gang and since then I have had no choice but to join them. It has taken me twelve long years but today the day of the tournament, where I saw them kill Shinruga’s friend is the day I quit. So I walk up the stairs to the place where I know Kita will be. It’s a dark room at the top of the stairs overlooking the ring for the tournament. As I get up to the door the two guards who block it get in the way.

  “Let me in now”. I announce. They do and when I open the door I can see Kita sitting in front of a window, which can see the ring.

  “What can I do for you Shokon”? Kita asks.

  “I quit, I’m out”. I say. He doesn’t look mad or even a little upset even. Strangely the woman behind him, with the scar on her right eye is more upset, but he waves for her to calm down.

  “Interesting you come in here saying you quit by yourself, what’s to say I won’t kill you right here and now”? He asks.

  I take my hand out of my pocket and hold them out a handful of small grenades. He still doesn’t seem too worried.

  “That might do it”. He says. “You can leave if you want but know this you will be hunted till the day you die. Every single Roko gang member will want your head”.

  “They can try”. I snap back.

  “Guards escort him out”. He bellows.

  As I’m walking down the stairs I feel a rush of freedom and drop the insignia to the ground.

  “That’s for you little brother”. I whisper.

  Back to Shinruga

  I wait for my match, my anticipation grows but it will have to wait a few more minutes. I have to wait for the tournament announcer to get through his speech. He’s obviously not a fighter or even a Psychian; he looks to be about mid forties, blond hair and tall. He’s rambling on about what tournament number this is and how he’s congratulating all the fighters for coming out. He’s annoying to me because I’m just waiting for my match with Slay.

  “It won’t bring him back you know”. Says Shokon who has somehow snuck behind me.

  “I know”. I say. “But he was my best friend and to be killed for something so feeble and small, deserves vengeance”.

  “I never actually killed anyone unless I had to”. He says. “But the people I did I can still see their faces”.

  “So what are you asking me…Not to kill him”? I ask.

  “Just wondering could you live with yourself, and know that you’re still a good person”? He questions. “I thought I could and it’s hard to get through some days”.

  “Thanks for the advice but I’ll be okay”. I say.

  That’s when I hear the tournament announcer call mine and Slay’s name. As were walking up to the ring I can see that smile of Slay’s creep along his mouth. He’s ugly big brown eyes they’re uneven, by the look of his hair he hasn’t washed in a while, eyes dark and evil.

  “Hopefully you’re stronger than he is”. He says.

  I’m enraged and now I know that I’m ready for this match. As we walk into the middle of the ring the announcer asked for a word from the both of us.

  “So Shinruga this is your first tournament, you’re finally stepping out of your father’s shadow. How does it feel”? He asks. “And what do you think of your opponent”?

  “My father was great but I will be greater and as far as my opponent goes he’s dirt”. I shout with a sinful tone.

  “And you Slay”? Ask the announcer.

  “He’s a hack”.

  I think to myself if I’m a hack what is he, DIRT. That’s the word that comes to mind. We take are fighting poses as the announcer readies us for battle.

nbsp; “Fight”. The announcer shouts.

  He charges fast, incredibly fast like a horse. He puts both fist out and I block them by grabbing both fist. I throw him across the ring. He flips backwards and shoots an energy blast. I pull out my sword and cut it in half. I put my sword away and charge and up a huge energy blast and shoot. He uses his energy and puts a chunk of earth in front of himself. Psychians can manipulate any element and about anything with their energy. I shoot a couple of energy blast, none of them hit. I’m about to charge another energy attack, when stuff around Slay comes out around the ground. They’re in the shapes of horses made of earth.

  “What the”? I’m stunned at what he’s created.

  I shoot an energy blast at one it does nothing. So instead I pull out my sword and as they charge I slash them in half. One gets too close and knocks me to the ground. The next thing I see is a giant earth hoof coming straight at my face, thinking as fast as I can I slap my hand to the ground. Sending an earth spike through the horse’s stomach, it turns to rubble.

  “I didn’t think you were going to survive that”. He says. As the grin creeps across his face again and I realize I hate him even more.

  “I won’t lose that easily”.

  I won’t lose I can’t lose not for Ruji’s memory. This is it my turn to strike to show what I got. I power up some energy and use an attack that makes a box of energy around him. With bars like a prison and white and multicolored balls of life energy at each corner.

  Life energy is our reserves twice as strong as our regular energy but drains much faster. The humans say it’s your soul, Psychians don’t believe in the afterlife. If your life energy runs out, you’re dead.

  “Touch it you’re dead”. I explain. “Touch it and the whole thing blows”. I’m about to explain it to him when he tries to escape so I close my fist and blow the box of energy up. I look for any signs of him but there is too much dust in the way. When the dust clears to my surprise he’s still there. I get ready to fight again, but I notice that Slay is dazed by the explosion. Now is the best time to attack. I charge ready to engage in battle when I stop. He’s starting to grow horse legs and before I can do anything he’s half horse.

  “Now let’s see what you can do”? He says. He charges and he’s so fast that I just barely miss getting hit by the hoofed creature.

  I shoot energy at him but all he does is bat it away. I dodge him and he jumps in front of me and kicks his right leg, hitting me in the gut. Luckily I put energy over the spot as not to damage anything internally. The hit makes me bounce and fly into the air; I pull out my sword and stab it into the ground. It stops me just before I go out of the ring; I sit there panting from the hit waiting for him to charge again. I charge up an enormous energy attack, it hits him dead on. The smoke clears and he seems fine, not even scathed. I’m seeking a way to beat my opponent when he rushes. I instinctively throw up my sword and he puts his hoofs down on my sword. He’s trying to crush me; he’s almost there when I move my right foot tripping his back feet. As he’s falling over I roll out of the way. I don’t wait even a second to strike I jump up slashing at him with my sword, but he unsheathes his blade striking me down. Cutting my arm, I fall to the ground. I look at the gaping wound on my arm, the searing pain hits me.

  “You thought you had me”. He says. “Does it hurt”?

  I snipe back claiming it doesn’t but it does I can feel it burning, and bleeding. I place my hand with some energy to the wound. It’s going to take a while to heal, but I got to take care of him first anyways. What can I do I ask myself? He charges again I’m not exactly ready for him but I manage, I use earth to grab his front two feet and he flips over me. I cut his back right leg. He cries out in pain but is on his feet quickly and still manages to come at me almost just as fast. I shoot energy up into the sky and when he’s close enough I bring my arm down sending a bolt of lightning to the ground. It hits just in front of us, it knocks us both back.

  “Did it work”? I wonder, but as the smoke clears I see he’s not dead. He’s out of his centaur form; I can see the sparks coming around his body. I don’t seem to hurt by the lightning but my wound on my arm is only getting worse. He’s getting up slowly, it will only be a little bit more time till his body will recover from the lightning.

  “That kind of stung a little bit”. Slay says with a groan.

  “Keep fighting and the pain will keep coming”. I say with arrogance.

  He looks fine now and I can feel his power rising and he fires a huge blast of energy. I easily dodge it; I think it was his plan the whole time. Two more horses of earth of come to my right and left, I move forward. I’m about three steps ahead when the two horses collide and become one and charge, I flip backwards with my sword and slash it in half.

  “You think you can keep it up forever”? I ask. I don’t think he can he’s already looking fatigued but I’m not doing so great myself.

  “Ahhh”! Slay’s coming quick he’s mad like a bull.

  I wait and when he comes in close enough trip him up. He rapidly turns and swings with his right arm I kick with my right leg in his head, knocking his right arm down. I keep swinging landing blow after blow, I put both my hands together charging energy, hitting him in the jaw. He cries out in pain and flies across the ring he uses his energy to manipulate the air and float down.

  I need to hurry because my energy is low and only getting lower. Now’s my time to end this, I run as fast as possible toward my enemy. I stop right before I get to him he’s about to attack when I use the earth to make a wall behind him. When he looks back I unleash a huge energy blast, hitting him directly I keep going pouring out everything I have. He’s yelling and when I stop he collapses to the ground.

  “No there’s no way you won”. He Slay says. “It’s not possible I can’t let you win, you’re a weakling compared to me”.

  “Really”. I say. I pull up my blade to strike him I can see the look in his face the fear in his eyes I strike but I don’t stab him.

  “Fool, weakling you’re pathetic”. He says.

  “I’m not you…A killer”. I explain.I’m walking away from him I have my back to him and that’s when I sense him, he’s inches from me when I pull up my sword and stab him in his neck. His face, his eyes wide and dead. I pull out my blade and use a rag to clean it off.

  I’m walking out of the ring and into the lobby where all the other fighters are. That’s when I see him Shokon he’s staring at me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to kill him”. I say with displease. “He came at me I had no choice”.

  “I know he’s avenged now you can let it go”.

  “I will thank you Shokon”. I’m grateful for what he told me but I have my vengeance now, there only one more thing to do. Get Ruji’s blade back and get his body back home. I lay on one of the beds in the lounge, listening to the tournament announcer chanting for the next two fighters to come to ring. The chanting of the people waiting for their entertainment to start.

  I awake from my sleep just in time to see that Shokon’s match is just about to start. I’m still a little fatigued from my match but I’ll manage.

  The tournament announcer asks them a question before their match starts.

  “Shokon, is it true that you have quit the Roko gang”? The announcer asks.

  “Yes”. He replies.

  “Roca what do you have to say to this”? He asks.

  “Shokon knows what I have to do”. Roca says with regret.

  The announcer tells them both to get ready to fight. When they take their fighting poses the announcer calls for them both to fight. Instantly they both charge at each other and start exchanging blows. Shokon uses his energy to suck water from every available source he can, and turns the water into spikes of ice. He shoots them at Roca who dodges a few of them and slices the rest onto the ring. I’m surprised at how fast Roca is for his size. He charges up an attack and uses to fire to make snakes and sends them Shokon’s way. Shokon jumps up into
the air, avoiding the attack and powering up a huge blast. He shoots it hitting Roca right in the face, it seems like it hardly fazes Roca. Whose head just bends backwards a little bit? Roca then sends the fiery snakes back at Shokon. They hit him and Shokon disappears into a burst of flames.

  “Shokon”. I yell out. I’m worried, because I don’t see any sign of life. Just as the announcer is about to call Roca the winner, the flames blow away. Shokon is there with an energy shield around him close to his body the closest I’ve ever seen a Psychian make.

  “Thought you were a goner for a second”. Says Roca. He’s ready poised for battle.

  “Not a chance”.

  They go back at it again energy flying in all directions, and taking blow after blow from one another. Shokon jumps back and charges up energy in his hand and shoots them they miss Roca completely.

  “What was that”? Roca asks. Shokon attacks with speed and fury, I can tell that Roca wasn’t ready for it as he’s knocked back by the first hit. Then Shokon backs off the two blasts he fired earlier hits Roca, one at his leg the other at his head. It sends him in a spin in midair. He stops spinning and hits the ground with a big thud.

  “Give up Roca”. Shouts Shokon. Shokon’s ready for another attack and waits patiently for Roca to get up. When he does he doesn’t look to hurt but furious his expression has changed from and arrogant and happy looking to mad, psychotic almost. He’s charging now and zigzagging Shokon’s energy, Shokon fires in the middle Roca jumps. When he comes down he hits Shokon right in the head, then a swing with his left. Hitting Shokon across the cheek charging up energy in his knee he nails Shokon right in the gut, I could hear him groan and the breaking of a bone.

  Shokon falls to his knees but instead of Roca slicing his head off or stabbing him, he just walks away. The announcer yells that the match is over and Shokon starts walking toward me. I help him walk all the way to the bench.

  “I couldn’t beat him”. He says.

  “Don’t worry about it man”. I say. “I’ll get him I have to, to get Ruji’s sword back”.

  “You better”. “He can’t be turned to their side; if he sees what they do he’ll want out. Them killing your friend shocked him he’s not evil like they are”.

  Shokon drifts off not even being able to finish his last sentence. I prepare myself for the next match and as I’m standing there one of the holes on the bottom of my sword starts lighting up. I remember what my father says this means it means one of the Elemenka gems is nearby. It’s glowing more and more as I walk in a certain direction and just when I think I’m close it’s gone. I turn the corner to see if there is anyone there, nothing and the glowing has stopped. I was so close to it, my first Elemenka gem. I can hear him now the announcer calling my name for my second match. I walk toward the direction of the ring ready to fight.

  Chapter 3

  Shinruga vs. Roca