Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 11

My usual nightmare awakes me from my slumber. Its graduation day all the students pack up their stuff and single file into the training center. When we walk into the training center there is a stage and Hiraski standing in the middle.

  “You know how this works Shinruga”. Hiraski says.

  “Yeah”. I say.

  He nods and we go about our business. All the students sit in the chairs perfectly aligned. When all the students are sat down Hiraski walks off the stage and in front of the students.

  “You students have been betrayed by your former teacher. In his office I have found papers on each of you students, your skills, and your attacks. Remember this, the ones who are against me want you dead. If your job is to kill your Psychian’s, your kind. Unless you know they’re evil, you’re probably doing the wrong thing”. Hiraski says.

  Hiraski sets the papers down on the table in front of the students. He tells the students that we can come up and see our profiles. Hiraski pulls a clipboard from the table, gets back on the stage and starts calling the students name one by one. When the students get up on the stage they bow in front of Hiraski and then shake his hand. Almost all of the students who come off the stage check their profiles. It’s now my turn to go up on the stage, when I get up there I bow as I’m supposed to and then I shake Hiraski’s hand. When I do our hands light up with energy and then it’s gone. This is the sign of a teacher graduating a student, only the teacher’s know this secret code. When I get off of the stage I meet my friends who are also checking their profiles. In my profile I can see my name where I was born, my level of power, and everything there is to know about me. Jet and Sorona confirm that their profiles are the exact same. X has a weird look on his face, he looks around and when he thinks no one is looking he swipes his folder.

  “Hey, Jet I’ll meet you back at our room”. I say.

  Walking through the hallway I’m a little startled when X comes out of a shadow from a corner.

  “You saw me take my folder didn’t you”? X asks.

  I nod my head in acknowledgement; he throws the folder at me. I take a quick gander, real name unknown, where he was born unknown; it all looks as mine does.

  “Flip the paper over and look at the back and read it aloud”. He says.

  When I flip the paper and read the back I’m a little surprised.

  “This student seems to show anger that if persuaded might be able to turn to our side. His power has risen exponentially since the school year has started. Upon more study his blade contains a Shard from the Triple Psychian”.

  X asks me if he thinks it’s possible that he could be turned to the other side. I reassure X that from what I’ve seen he’s not capable of turning to the other side. He tells me that he will see me around Shiran, he still has not decided what Psychian Warrior school he is going to.

  When I finally get back to my room and pack up the few stuff I brought with me. Jet finally appears in the room and also packs his little bit of stuff. When were done packing we meet up with Sorona and Sange. We’re just outside of the school when Yamasaki runs up to me.

  “I almost forgot to give you this paper it’s a map to get to Hiraski’s town”. He says.

  He runs over to catch up with Hiraski and then they’re off like the wind. We finally get to Furrock’s house and I knock on the door. Sounni comes to the door, when she opens it she runs out and hugs Sorona. The two jump up and down in complete joy. She then runs over to me and jumps into my arms.

  “Hey, the three of us are going to go over to Sorona’s parents”. Jet says.

  Jet and I shake hands and bid each other a temporary farewell. When we walk into Furrock’s house I’m greeted by a hug from Furrock.

  “Sounni and I have an idea since you guys graduated from your Kimoshiran training we’ll throw a graduation party”. Furrock says.

  Thinking that it’s a great idea I give him my opinion. Sounni tells me though that the three of us are going to go out and go shopping together for the party. We eat some lunch and then start walking down the road to go shopping. Jet and Sorona meet us along the way, we clue them into what we are doing. When we get to town out of the corner of my eye I catch X standing in a line. We invite him to the party and ask if he will help us set up. He agrees to help us out with the party. While we’re in town Jet pulls me aside into one of the markets and asks everyone for a little privacy.

  “What is it”? I ask.

  “Are you going to free Pokera now”?

  “I wish we could right now but we’re not strong enough. We wouldn’t make it through the front door”. I say.

  His face goes from anticipation to sadness. I warn him not to worry about that right now. We catch up with the rest of our friends and continue shopping. In all of the rushing I yell out, forgetting that no one has invited my parents. Furrock tells me not to worry that he did it the day that him and Sounni came up with the idea. It’s about four o’clock when we’re done with the shopping and get back to Furrock’s house. Taking our time and not rushing the decorating we get done in about an hour. X departs from the house about nine o’clock. Sorona and Sange leave an hour later. Furrock lets the three of us know that another hour and it’s time to go to bed. There’s a knock at the door it’s from the letter givers.

  The letter givers were made around the first twenty years of earth’s revival. They were made to ensure that there was a way for people to keep in contact with each other. Most letters only take a day to receive but depending where you are and where it needs to go could take more.

  “Shinruga, it’s a letter for you”. Furrock says.

  The letter is from my mother and father.

  “Son congratulations on finishing your Kimoshiran schooling. Beware of those who you can’t trust. Your mother and I received a letter from master Hiraski. He’s an old friend, when you’re his student mind everything he says and don’t embarrass me…Ha just kidding. I know you’ll do fine my son. Love you from the both of us and we’ll see you tomorrow”. It reads.

  I grip the letter hard in my hand. I have not seen my mother and father since I started school, my body can’t help but to be excited to see them again. It’s nearing the time to go to bed so I turn in early. Walking over to Sounni I bend over and give her a kiss. Noticing light out of the corner of my eye I can see energy coming from Furrock’s hand. My first instinct being a fighter is to duck for cover. When I do Furrock burst out laughing and slapping his knee.

  “Ha, ha, you should have seen you jump”. Furrock says hysterically.

  Sounni yells at her father reminding him that he shouldn’t play practical jokes on me. Furrock assures her that he was just playing. I know that Furrock would never hurt me just for kissing her but it’s still kind of annoying.

  “You three time to go to sleep for the night”. Furrock says.

  Jet and I go back to our rooms, when my head hit’s the pillow sleep immediately sets in. Due to nightmares my sleep is short lived. It’s about three o’clock in the morning and I walk out of my room and outside. I sit on Furrock’s porch which overlooks half of Shiran. Something about Furrock tells me this is no coincidence. While sitting there in his deck chair my eyes catch a shadow. I try to find it again but no luck only a voice.

  “Shinruga, you fool, you think that I would leave so soon. First I have to kill you or else I will pay”. The voice says.

  My ears finally recognize the voice, it’s Ikeya.

  “Might want to leave Shiran, you’re wanted by every Psychian in this city and all the rest of them”. I say.

  He’s still not in sight even though I’ve looked everywhere. Finally my eyes see him, so I thought. It’s not Ikeya it’s a dart heading straight for me. My feet are glued to the ground though. This is the end of Shinruga Deshreneto, my life done at sixteen. The dart is just a few feet from my face now. Out of nowhere an energy wolf grabs the dart out midair. My feet release from the ground and just as they do Furrock bolts out the front door. He fires an enormous blast of energy at
a nearby tree. That’s when I can finally see Ikeya. From what I could see he’s a little bruised and scuffed up. A branch from the tree Furrock shot breaks and crashes to the ground. Furrock makes another energy wolf and tells his two wolves to track Ikeya down. Furrock stands there perfectly still with his eyes closed. After a few seconds he opens his eyes.

  “What happened”? I ask.

  “Ikeya, killed the two wolfs but he’s wounded”. Furrock says.

  Jet and Sounni finally come out of their rooms. Wondering what has just conspired. We fill them in on what just happened.

  After a few seconds we all go into the kitchen and talk.

  “Shinruga, until you’re done with your Shogun teaching you should always have someone with you. That is when your power and fighting wisdom will be at their peak”. Furrock says.

  The four of us go to our rooms and return back to sleeping, a couple of hours later Sounni opens my door and comes into my room. I’m about to ask her what she’s doing but she puts her hand over my mouth to silence me. She grabs my head and begins kissing me as if she will never have the chance to kiss me again. The night drifts away from us as it’s filled with passion. The two of us finally fall asleep around five o’clock.

  We’re awaked to the sun shining through the spare bedroom window. It’s now morning time and Sounni is still in the bed with me. My senses pick up Furrock’s presence and then we can hear his footsteps. Thinking quickly I tell Sounni to act like she’s picking up the room. I slowly open up the window and jump out. My first thought is to act as though I’ve been training. Furrock’s presence once again makes it way to my senses. He picks up a rake and sets it up against his house and does a couple of more things acting as though he’s doing something. My cheeks are as red as a Shogun blast, hoping that he will not mention a word of what transpired last night. He finally goes back into his house and after about twenty minutes I myself go back into the house. Jet pulls out a chair for me and puts a plate full of breakfast in front of me. Fresh pork sausage, pancakes and a Psychian treat fresh Pikna.

  Pikna a treat held by Psychian’s, a fruit that raises your stamina by just a little bit every time you eat it. This fruit gives you a little rush like steroids for humans.

  The day goes by fast as we wait for the graduation party to start. About a little after five my parents arrive at Furrock’s house. When they get off their horses I can’t help myself, before my mind can compute I’m rushing towards my parents. The two of them greet me with the tightest hug they’ve ever given me in my life. Sorona, Sange and X arrive just as my parents do. After introductions are all said and done all of us go into Furrock’s house and bring the tables outside to set up for the party. When the party is set up we all sit down for a speech from Furrock.

  “I’ve known most of you kids for a long time and some of you I haven’t known for very long at all”. He starts. “I guess the point is congrats you five. My hopes is that for those with Shards in your blades, is that you stay on the side of good. Knowing at all times who your enemy is. Sometimes it’s hard and other times you lose the people you know and love. Somehow though you find your way and hopefully that will be the same with the five of you…But for right now let’s party”.

  All the people at the party stand up and clap at Furrock’s speech. My feelings tell me that some of his speech had to do with his deceased wife. My suspicions are confirmed when I look over to Sounni and her eyes are filled with tears.

  Sange puts in some music to a machine which spins a disc and music comes out of the speakers next to it.

  Due to our powers abilities anything that is broken can be fixed. Batteries are of no use considering our powers will do just the same. By using computers we’ve figured out a lot from earth’s past and devices used from that time.

  Sounni and I are dancing when she pulls me close and ask if she and Sange can dance. Seeing as though him and X have no dates to dance with. Without question I let her go and sit down watching Sange and Sounni dance together. My father sits down at my table right beside me.

  “She’s a jewel son”. My dad says.

  “I know, why do you think we’re together”. I say

  “Just remember you’re a big target for the AU. So never let her be alone”.

  Reaching over to him we hug for a few seconds and then I take my place again dancing with Sounni. We’re enjoying ourselves hugging, occasionally kissing and just listening to the music. Right before our little world of peace is turned to dread and despair.

  Jet comes running out of the house yelling at the top of his lungs.

  “What is it”? I ask.

  “It’s Rikki he’s hurt, in the kitchen”. Jet says hysterically.

  When we walk into the kitchen there is a blonde haired man soaked in blood lying on the floor. Sounni lets out a scream of terror.

  “X, Sange secure the perimeter”. Furrock says. “How do you know him Jet”?

  “We were both prisoners at Pokera he’s the one who helped me escape”. Jet says.

  Furrock picks Rikki up and moves him into his bedroom. The sight of the blood soaking into his bed sheet sends Furrock into a trance. My father has to shake Furrock to get his friend out of the trance. They send us out of the room temporarily.

  “Do you think he will make it”? X asks.

  “I’ve seen him with worse than that”. Jet says.

  Watching Jet I notice that he is also in a trance now. My mouth cannot contain my question, I ask Sounni what happened to her father in his room.

  “In that exact bed is where my mother was killed. My dad had returned to check up on my mother but when he called her name out there was no answer. When he walked into the room a man was standing over her with his blade through her heart. If my father had not come I would not be here either, as I was the man next target”. Sounni says.

  I walk over and hug her tight while she cries into my shoulder. After a few hours Furrock comes out and says that Rikki can be seen but he only wants to see Jet and I. When we walk into the room his body is bandaged almost head to toe. A few spots of his bandages are already stained with blood.

  “His condition is critical but it looks as though he will make a full recovery. For right now keep it short and simple, stress on the brain and body is the last thing he needs”. My dad says.

  When we walk over to Rikki his eyes are closed, they slowly open up as we get closer.

  “Jet you made it, and this must be Shinruga”. Rikki barely mutters.

  “Yes, I made it out and alive still”. Jet says.

  “I feel that you two are the only ones I can tell this to…You don’t have much time. The warning I’m about to give you will save this town. Shiran cannot fall it’s one of our Psychian’s strongest town”.

  He can’t finish his sentence so we give him some time to regain some strength. What he says though catches me completely off guard.

  “The AU is coming with at least two hundred men…By tomorrow night”. He says.

  Hearing the news from what Rikki just told me I fall to my knees. Can it be possible the AU back in Shiran again? Are they going to reduce it to rubble? I won’t let them this time it will be the AU who will die. Shiran will finally take it’s vengeance on the AU.

  Chapter 12

  A Different Threat