Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 12

It’s now morning time and Jet, Sorona, Sange, X, Furrock and my father are all sitting in the living room. My father tells us to tell the others what Jet and I know. Jet and I take turns telling the others the information we now know. Silence falls over the room when we’re done talking.

  Tonight is the night that the AU comes to Shiran again. The warning Rikki gave us was pretty straight forward.

  “Those pieces of dirt attacked are town once before reducing it to rubble. That isn’t good enough for them”? Sorona rants.

  My father slams his hand down, stands up and leaves the living room. When I find him in the kitchen he’s standing over the sink with his head down.

  “What is it dad”? I ask.

  “Son, we left this town for one reason. That reason is so you would be safe but look what happened anyways. You just ended up back in Shiran anyways”. He says.

  Assuring my father that I will be safe, we go back into the living room with the others. Furrock and X are discussing what they should do to prevent casualties. It seems that Furrock and Sange have the same plan of action. Their plan is to get the word out to the rest of Shiran, without spreading word to the AU or any of their informants. We all agree that the AU should think that they have the upper hand, when they don’t.

  “All the mail must be checked to make sure”. I say.

  Furrock agrees anybody who refuses to show who or what they’re mailing to, will be counted as a spy but not killed. They will be held prisoner until the invasion is over. The biggest part of our plan is to stay on the roof tops. Any Psychian’s who come will take the roof tops to avoid being seen. The northern entrance will contain twenty Psychian’s disguised as women. My father and the rest of us will be on Furrock’s roof, waiting for our enemies. X and Sange will be stationed on the ground to help with the first assault. I go over to the window and look out at the beautiful town of Shiran. If you look closely enough you can see how colorful this town and its people. To think in just twelve hours nothing could be standing. A few more hours pass as the six of us sit there and discuss battle strategy. Sounni comes out of Rikki’s room finally and says that he would like to see Jet and I again.

  When we walk into the room his wounds look better and his bandages aren’t blood soaked either. Sounni has washed all the dirt and blood off of him, he actually doesn’t look to bad.

  “Jet, is that you”? Rikki asks.

  Jet grabs his hand and gives a little squeeze.

  “Ah, it is you”. Rikki says. “Your power has grown”.

  I’m not sure how he knows by that, something tells me it’s a thing him and Jet made to greet each other.

  “He’s coming you know, he won’t stop till he brings you back or he kills you”.

  “I know, trust me I’ve thought about it enough”. Jet says.

  Not being able to help myself, I blurt out my question and ask them whose coming.

  “Shadow, he’s my old guard. You’re assigned groups in Pokera and there is one guard to your group who keeps you working”. Jet says. “Mine and Rikki’s guard was a Psychian named Shadow. Whenever someone escapes it is that guard’s responsibility to track their slaves down. I’m surprised he hasn’t already found me”.

  “It’s because you didn’t even know where you were going. Having no knowledge of your hometown or family, that makes it harder to track you down”. Rikki explains.

  “Now that I’ve been traveling with you and making marks all over cities and the school he will surely be upon us soon”.

  “Probably didn’t help that he hit me in a place that I would bleed profusely. By doing so I made a trail right to Shiran”. Rikki says.

  “Don’t worry about it Shadow already knew where you were from. So it’s not your fault”. I say.

  The idea of it seems to comfort Rikki a little bit, enough to where he actually sits up in bed. His wounds seem to be healing faster than a normal Psychian’s rate. Asking Jet about it he explains his theory to me. If you live your whole life being tortured and whipped you learn to heal faster and pain is a little more bearable.

  After a few more minutes Rikki lays back down on the bed, he asks us to leave so he can take a nap. When we return to the living room everyone is gone. Sounni tells us that they are outside. Outside everyone is partnered up and training but not hard enough to use any energy, seeing as we will need it for the battle tonight. I go back into the house to get a drink but when I do Sounni is in the kitchen cleaning up the rest of the stuff from the party. She tells me that there is some Pikna juice in the fridge.

  “I just prepared it today”. She says.

  Something on her face gives me a clue something’s wrong. After pouring my drink I pull her closer to me and give her a big kiss. As we sit there kissing my world becomes hers and hers to mine. I help her clean the room of all the cups and plates. Finally I can’t contain myself and I ask her what’s wrong.

  “I don’t even know why I’m cleaning this place, it might all get destroyed anyways”.

  A few more minutes go by and I join my friends and family outside. My father directs Jet to train with me.

  “Listen closely kids human soldiers main weapon is his gun. In this exercise your partner will shoot a gun at you, the bullet will be aimed beside you. This will help you judge how far away the gun will be fired by listening closely”. My father explains.

  In a way he’s always been a teacher, he’s even been asked to be one. He turned the offers down though after he caught the Elemenka gems he figured his work was done. I guess he figured that since he had a family and no one after him, there was any reason to fight or get involved with anything anymore.

  “If you disarm an AU’s gun they are almost powerless but beware they have no respect for the word honor”. He goes on.

  In the middle of our training Septh comes to Furrock’s house. We’re all surprised when he knows of the troop of units coming to Shiran. He asks us all if we would like his help. We immediately answer his question with a huge yes.

  Septh may only be about twenty years old but he has more strength than mine and Sounni’s dad put together. His power feels weird compared to most Psychian’s, when I feel out other Psychian’s power my body is fine. His though makes a sickly feel to my stomach, people say it’s because of how much power he possess.

  Septh asks my father if he could borrow me for a little bit. At first he tells Septh no but I assure him that everything will be fine. We walk a little bit heading northeast into town. I ask him what we’re doing and where we’re going. He takes me behind a house next to the woods and removes a piece of plywood from the trees. When he does I notice the trees are scorched and broke down.

  “What happened”? I ask.

  “Feel he’s in that direction”. He says.

  I close my eyes and feel for energy in the direction he’s pointed. When my energy finally feels it I’m forced to sink to my knees. An image goes in my head of red eyes and a ripped up red cloak. The persons face is distorted and weird looking.

  “What was that”?

  “His name is Warlord, head of the mutant’s son. His father is the head of the mutants and they’re now helping Kita and the AU”. Septh says.

  Mutants created before we Psychian’s were born. They were left scarred and separated from their former selves and people. They hide underground occasionally coming up to steal food and other stuff. They are also much different from the creatures that were under Ikeya’s school. They don’t eat Psychian’s or people and have powers like us Psychian’s.

  “He stole a blade and somehow transported here but had no sheath so the blade burned the ground and destroyed the trees”. Septh explains.

  “What does this have to with me”? I ask.

  “Because he could be another possible threat, along with Kita and the AU”. He says.

  My mind starts racing at the thought of having to face someone else with immense power. Septh tells me that I should get back to my friends. He will take a patrol of the city to
make sure he can’t see the AU.

  As I walk back it’s nearing dusk now and in about an hour or so it should be nighttime. When I return to my friends my father pulls me to a side of the house that no one can hear us talking.

  “Son, what did he talk to you about I need to know”.

  “He told me of a mutant with extraordinary powers and he’s working with Kita and the AU”. I say.

  My father pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me. When I take a look at the paper I can see that it’s a picture. The picture contains Septh standing over a guy with his Septh’s blade in his chest. There is also two other people in the photo.

  “On that picture you can see Septh right there. The other person with him is a known AU subordinate and if you look closely enough you can see”.

  “Ikeya”! I cut him off. “But who’s the guy who they killed”?

  My father turns and looks the other way. He asks me if I can remember my uncle who died in the first attack on Shiran. Searching back to my memories I can make out a clear distinct picture of him.

  Psychian’s have the ability to retrieve memories even of when they were only two years of age. It’s like a photographic memory times ten fol.

  “You remember his son Travor”?

  “Not really all that much”. I say.

  My father goes on to tell me that the one with sword in his chest is my cousin. He also informs me that Septh is the one that stabbed him. Asking who the AU subordinate is my father can offer no answer. He only says nothing with tears in his eyes. He finally says something but all he does say is to get some sleep before the AU arrive. Walking back to Furrock’s house, how can I think of sleep when I know Septh has betrayed all of us? How can my father act so casual around him? When I get into the house I plop onto the couch and close my eyes and set a mental alarm for to sleep for a few hours.

  A few hours go by with no nightmares for once. When I wake up from my slumber Sounni is lying in front of me. The sun is about five minutes from being covered by the horizon. Shrugging Sounni’s shoulders she wakes up instantly. I remind her to get to the basement, when we get down there she grabs my face and plants her lips to mine. Pushing her into the room she mutters three words I will always hold dear to my heart.

  “I love you too”. I respond back.

  After she’s inside the door I push it shut and seal it with my energy. Running up the stairs and out the door to the roof, I rejoin my friends and family. We all crouch down and wait for the AU. My father instructs us to keep low and to watch each other’s back. The city keeps its lights on to make it appear as nothing is out of the ordinary. Ahead I can see several factions of Psychian’s on other rooftops. The wall that surrounds Shiran which is usually lit up, is now dimmed. For some reason the lights around the edge of town go dim and the center glows even brighter. I scoot closer to my father to ask what is going on.

  “We put out word that Shiran is going to be having a festival”. He whispers. “That way the AU will think our defenses will be even lower than usual”.

  No doubt his idea given the way he presents the lie.

  “What is that”? Jet whispers.

  A Psychian’s vision is almost just as good at night as it is in the day.

  My dad moves over by Jet who’s about to fire a blast. He ask Jet to wait and look closer, after a few seconds we can all see that it’s a deer. Thirty minutes go by watching for our enemy until Furrock sees something.

  “At my three and twelve, two groups inbound”. He says.

  When I look over to our three I can see them, forty or more dressed in full body armor guns pointed in the air. It has been seven years and this time we got the upper hand. The AU has arrived and it’s now time for Shiran to take its vengeance.

  Chapter 13

  Attacked Again

  Night One