Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 14

Shiran is a mess, nearly three quarters of the city is either burned or tore down. Thanks to Rikki’s warning though there is few causalities.

  I’m now in Furrock’s house again prepared to strike if anyone is to sneak up on me. My sword drawn I make my way to the basement. From all directions I can see no one, so I go deeper into the basement. Finally my body makes it to the door where I sealed Sounni, to make sure she stayed safe during the war. Using my energy I unseal the door it gently opens up.

  “Is it over”? She asks.

  “Yeah, we drove them off and thanks to your cousins warning there was few casualties”. I say.

  “Is everyone all right”?

  “Pretty much, your father got a little banged up and so did Jet”.

  Sadness befalls her face upon hearing the news about her father. She asks me where he is being treated at. Using my index finger I point to the upstairs. She bolts up the stairs to go see her father. When Sounni see Furrock she collapses on top his chest and starts crying. Furrock groans a little as she is lying on top of him. My father nudges me to get out of the room. He tells me to give the two of them a little time together. We go outside and climb to the roof to look at the damage to Shiran.

  “You see the western part of town son”? My father asks.

  “Yeah, that’s what it looked like all those years ago”. I say.

  “Do you still miss her”? He asks.

  The fact that he asked about my sister surprises me, seeing as though he never talks about his daughter. He was so proud of her and when she left it hurt him so bad. My father loved his daughter so much, after she left he fell apart for some time. Furrock came to visit every other weekend so he would start feeling better. Around the time I was seven he focused his attention on me. Giving me the same training she endured even though I couldn’t do half as good. He stops talking and jumps off of the roof.

  “Sir, we need some help in the western division, the weather predicts rain tonight and half of our people are without shelter of any kind”.

  “I will get my sons friends together to help and then we will be there in a few”. Dad says.

  We go into the house and gather up the rest of our friends. On the way to the western region my eyes catch a person standing in his kitchen. Looking closely I notice that the support beams are about to give way. I hop off of my blade and send a pillar of earth from the ground to hold up the rest of his house.

  “Quick thinking son”! My father remarks.

  When we arrive at the rendezvous point the place is full of bodies and battle scars. There is body upon body of AU soldiers lying in the street. There are also a few Psychian bodies full of bullet wounds. One of them is actually alive but in critical condition. My father makes an assessment of his wounds.

  “He can’t survive, his wounds are too great. I give him another few hours”.

  “Master Shinsaga, can you take my life but make it an honorable death”. The Psychian begs.

  My father kneels over the dying Psychian and pulls out his sword. He places the blade up to the Psychian’s heart and with one fluent motion they stab his heart together. The Psychian’s eyes go dark and my father closes his eyelids.

  “You see Shinruga, this is what is going on in every town. Do you see how many innocent people are dying, they won’t stop till we’re all dead. If you are to become the Triple Psychian it is your responsibility to end the war”. My father says.

  He yells this loud enough for all the Psychian’s around him. We go back to work fixing the surrounding buildings and putting out fires. By the end of the day the western region looks almost as if nothing happened. We’re then called to the southern part of Shiran for help, seems as though ten or so AU troops were hiding in an abandoned building. We get there a few minutes later and our Psychian comrades are still taking heavy fire.

  “Sir, there placed in spots that our energy can’t sneak up on them”. The commander yells. “They also have two Gatling guns placed on the top of the building”.

  My father sits down for a few seconds to think of a strategy but he has no luck. Under my feet a spout of water bursts up.

  “Hey, wait a minute where do the pipes for this water lead to”? I ask.

  “Up through that building I’m pretty sure”. The commander answers.

  Using my energy I block the water from coming or going.

  “What is your kid doing”? Asks the commander.

  My father directs their attention to the building with our enemies. With my energy feeding into the pipe to stop the water the pressure begins to rise until the water breaks through the pipes and floods all the floors of the abandoned building. Most of the Au soldiers can’t get a grip and hang from the building. My reflexes try to kick in but my father holds me back. He holds the blade of his sword out and the automated Gatling gun shoots a few rounds. We can hear the AU soldiers calling out for help but with no way to save them, they fall to their death. With no way to destroy the Gatling guns we’re about to leave. That’s when a beam of energy strikes the top of the building. Half of the building top is reduced to rubble and the Gatling guns are destroyed.

  “Well that took quite a bit of energy to destroy”. A voice says.

  A figure soon lurks into our view, it’s Septh. He’s out of breath and holding two AU soldiers in his hands.

  “Picked up these two stragglers back a little ways”. He says.

  My dad and I are both on edge once we realize that it’s Septh. Septh ask my father is he would like the honor of killing the soldiers. He declines his offer and tries to reason with Septh.

  “No unnecessary killing Hiraski’s orders”. My father tells him.

  “I’m not Hiraski’s lap dog”. Septh says in anger.

  I can see the AU soldier’s faces pale and scared. Septh unsheathes his blade and is about to slice their heads off but I’m quick to react as our blades collide.

  “What the, you foolish boy they’re our enemies”.

  He pushes his blade off of mine and shoots a couple of blast of energy at me. Using my quick reflexes I position my blade back into the direction of his blade. Septh powers up his immense power till I slide backwards away from him.

  “I am the Golden child stronger than any normal Psychian, second to the Triple Psychian no one can defeat me. If anyone is to get in my way or kill my kind they’ll be the ones with their heads cut off”. He yells.

  “Son stay back you can’t win he’s too strong”. My father yells.

  Septh finally powers down but I heed my father’s warning and stay back this time. He once again pulls his sword out but before we can blink our eyes Septh’s blade claims his victim’s throats.

  Our troop stays on guard as Septh walks towards me. He warns that if I ever get in his path again my head won’t be attached to my neck. He surrounds himself with energy and jumps a hundred feet from our location. Is his energy that incredible that he can almost fly?

  My father walks towards the dead bodies and looks closely at them. He shakes his head in disappointment at this senseless killing.

  “My men, what you just witnessed never happened. If you can help yourself try not to kill unless you have to. These men could have been persuaded not to kill but now we will never know”. My father preaches.

  Our troop starts leaving to another location to help. I stay behind with my father to bury the bodies of the two soldiers.

  “Why did you say to them that this never happened”? I ask.

  “Because we can’t do nothing about it son, Septh is the only Psychian that doesn’t have to take orders. He’s stronger than any of us, his powers exceed mine and Furrock’s both”. He says.

  “What do you mean take orders”? I ask.

  “All the Psychian’s here are following orders even I. From your future master…Hiraski. His blood is the same blood that flowed through the past Triple Psychian. Until the new Triple Psychian appears he is the Psychian who controls the actions of this war. Most don’t question him because so f
ar every plan he’s put into plan has resulted in success. He’s not our master or our king but he’s done well enough so far, best to keep listening to him”. He explains.

  I nod in approval and go about the day helping in the effort to clean up the city. When it gets close to night I head back to Furrock’s house. There is a pot of stew on the stove I go to take a bite but Sounni slaps my hand out of the way. She wraps her arms around my body and squeezes me till I give her a kiss.

  “Well how’d it go out there”? She asks.

  Sitting down on the chair I tell her of Septh and what my father had told me. She puts a bowl of soup down in front of me; it’s delicious full of spices and fried pork. After all of the work today the soup makes me feel full and warm. When I finish my soup we go into the living room and sit down on the couch. We hold each other tightly as if it will be the last time. Furrock soon comes out of his room holding his side and groaning every time he moves. He watches us for a few seconds and then goes into the kitchen and gets a bite to eat or so I thought.

  “Hey, Shinruga”! Furrock says.

  My senses pick up someone hovering over me; it’s Furrock with a blade pointing down on me. Of course I jump halfway across the room at his prank. He goes down the hallway laughing the whole way at the success of his prank.

  “Dad, I’m going to kill you myself”? Sounni yells.

  “Will he ever stop that stuff”? I say aloud.

  She shakes her head and tells me a few stories of how our dads use to play pranks on each other all the time. For some reason unbeknownst to her I’m the only one he’s done it to since her mom died. We stay up for another hour or so and then go off into the bedroom. Furrock comes in a little bit later, he says goodnight and tells me the others all made it there safely. Showing no anger at the two of us sleeping in the same bed we snuggle closer and both drift off to sleep.

  The next day Sounni and I wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking. When we enter the kitchen X is cooking breakfast for everybody.

  “Morning love birds”. He says. “Furrock and Shinsaga gave us a day off because of how much work we’ve done all this week”.

  After we’re finished with breakfast we join my father and Jet outside. X and Furrock join us a few minutes later after they’ve finished eating. Jet and my father are doing a little bit of sparring. Furrock tells X and I to join them to fight my father. Sounni and Sorona who has now joined us are sitting on the deck sipping on some tea.

  “Come on let’s see if you three have any fighting skills at all”? My dad boasts.

  Not too long after we start sparring we knock my dad on his butt. He starts laughing but trips all three of us. We can hear Sounni and Sorona laughing at our expense. The three of us soon start overpowering my dad but not too long after we do Furrock jumps into the battle. His attacks are flawless and fighting the two of them we soon become overpowered.

  Soon Sorona also jumps into the fray she doesn’t only fight but helps the old people. I join Sounni on the porch to watch the fight.

  “Where’s Sange”? I ask her.

  “Out helping some more he was sick yesterday, so he’s making up for lost time”. She says.

  As it gets closer to dinner we all head out to Bickery’s. We meet Sange on the way there, who reports that the whole city has been temporarily fixed for now. Being the heroes of Shiran the waiter tells us that our meal is on the house. Bickery’s our favorite restaurant, where the food will make you want to stay there forever. We enjoy our time together eating and laughing knowing that we have earned this day and that for a little while we’re safe.

  Chapter 15

  A New Foe