Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 15

We wake up the next day with reports from our troops that most of Shiran’s buildings have been repaired. The total death toll of Psychian’s and humans alike comes to about fifty. Rikki’s warning saved a lot of lives in that battle. Rikki himself is finally healing at a regular rate, he can even walk around for about an hour before he has to sit down and rest.

  Late in the morning there is a knock at the door. When the door opens Shokon is standing there with a smirk on his face.

  “Been a while Shinruga”. Shokon says.

  “Yeah, no kidding”! I say.

  I invite him into the house to sit down for a drink. Always noticing the little things I notice that when he sits down it’s unnatural. I can’t help myself so I ask him what happened to his leg. Shokon pulls up his pant leg and reveals a cut. Asking him where he got it, he shrugs his shoulder and tells us the usual. He explains that he ran into a small cache of AU soldiers carrying Psychian prisoners.

  “Heard about this town and how you seven are the heroes of Shiran”. He says. “Man wish I was here to help, one have been a blast”.

  “Yeah, we definitely could have used you, being that you used to be AU yourself”. X says walking into the kitchen.

  “I’ve changed haven’t been a part for quite a while now. You yourself were a big candidate for being recruited”. Shokon snaps back.

  Reminding the two of them whose house this is they both back down. Shokon goes on to tell us that every AU soldier is looking for the bounty on our heads. From his and X’s little ranting session I can feel that his power has increased a good size. Feeling bad for yelling X makes him some breakfast and after he is done we go outside to look at Furrock’s property.

  “It’s a beautiful house and city. How much do you love her”? He asks.

  “Sounni, a lot”! I say.

  We walk around the property for a little while longer until the sun has an hour or so before it settles. Heading back to the house my senses pick up an attack behind me. Pushing Shokon to the side we barely avoid the attack. When I turn around there is a man in a red hooded cape and his eyes are glowing deep red.

  “Warlord”! I say.

  His power far exceeds my own but I power up to my maximum. Shokon must also sense his power level because he also powers up as well. Soon everyone comes out of the house but for some reason my father and Furrock is nowhere to be found.

  “Good but those few puny powers won’t be able to do nothing”. Warlord says.

  He takes his hood of off his head, his eyes still glowing red. His hair is spiked up and his ears look as a creature from another planet. His clothes only cover about half of his body. His eyes have markings on them that go halfway down his cheeks.

  Sorona and Sange charge but it only takes a few seconds for Warlord to knock them to the ground. X and Shokon charge at him as well and Warlord does the same. Now it’s just me and him, he charges and he’s too quick for me to even see. The thing I feel is pain as his fist connects with my gut. I fall to the ground begging for air to reach my lungs. He stands me up and takes a step back he charges up an attack in his hands that is a ball. When I look closer into it I can see me and the surrounding area. He fires his attack I quickly summon an Electric Psych Ball to defend the attack. The attack sends me back grinding on the ground; using the sparks on the ground I add electricity to the EPB to increase its power. Soon I’m against Furrock’s kitchen wall and power of Warlord’s attack is increasing. Using what little energy I have I shield myself from the blast when it explodes. The explosion sends me crashing through Furrock’s kitchen wall.

  “Hey, babe how you doing”? I say to Sounni.

  She rushes over to help me up but I tell her to go wake up our dads. Sounni zooms down the hall to our father’s rooms. They come out wiping the sleep off of their eyes.

  “What’d you do to my kitchen kid”? Furrock asks.

  Warlord comes walking into the kitchen, staring down my dad and Furrock.

  “A mutant”! They say at the same time.

  “Furrock and Shinsaga, nice to see you again”! Warlord says.

  “How’s the old man doing”? My dad asks.

  He assures them that he’s fine now that he’s made a full recovery since their fight. Hearing this makes a lot of questions come to mind. How do the three of them know each other? Who is Warlord’s father and when did they fight?

  My father and Furrock get into fighting position. Warlord charges at them unlike us the two of them can hold their own. As the fight goes on their power begins to surge and fire off at random. Fearing for Sounni’s life being that she’s is human I take action. When Warlord’s distracted enough I jump up kicking him to the head, the attack sends him flying back outside onto the ground. The three of us is on guard when we walk outside to confront our enemy once more. Our other five friends join us as well they look a little ruffed up from their encounter with Warlord. While we wait my father and Furrock give me what energy they can, so that I may heal. Warlord finally stands up and stares the eight of us down surrounding him.

  “Now”! My father yells.

  The eight of us all fire a blast of energy at our opponent, they collide in the middle. None of us can see our opponent in the middle. His presence is above us, when we look he is firing that same attack down on us. Instead of continuing to fire our blast we scramble to find safety. The explosion makes a crater in the ground the size of a house.

  The eight of us are bruised and beaten but we continue to fight. Soon we begin to overpower Warlord but we realize his full power, he rises to a level that hurts our stomachs. Just when we think we’re done a figure comes from the shadows in a cloak and a round straw hat and a pair of kunai at his side. The eight of us sit there confused as Warlord let’s his guard down and stares at the man. Before our eyes can fathom what happened the figure is choking Warlord. He soon lets him go and backs up a few feet.

  “Who is that”? My dad asks.

  He orders the seven of us to get by his side and me behind everyone. Just like my K-Gateway technique Warlord goes up in a flash of red lightning into a red swirling portal.

  “I’ll be back, Shinruga and next time you won’t be so lucky”. Warlord assures me.

  The man in the cloak begins walking down the street from where he came. Curiously I follow him but when I take the same corner he does the man is gone. Looking in all directions I cannot see him but then there is a voice.

  “Shinruga, we will soon meet and when we do I will improve your power by ten times the amount”. He says.

  Asking when I will see him, I wait for a response but no response ever comes. I tread my way back to the house and into the living room. Furrock is ranting about how he just fixed the kitchen and it’s destroyed again. Standing up Shokon announces that he has rented a place not far from here and will return in the morning. Sange and Sorona also leave out to go home. He simply raises a slab of earth and uses a few boards to repair his broken wall. We all go to our beds to rest up and heal. Before my father can go into his room I ask him about Warlord and his father. He tells me that mutants have always lived under us. Warlord’s father Sin wants to destroy everyone on the surface so that the only beings left will be them, that way no one on the surface can torture them or kill them for no reason. When he was about my age Sin got a coo together and was going to try and kill everyone but his and Furrock’s diligence paid off, they went in the middle of the night and killed Sin or so they thought.

  “Warlord can be turned to our side, if his father is killed”. He says. “This time it’s not up to Furrock and I it’s up to you kids. Warlord is too strong for you right now but soon he won’t be…Trust me”.

  We give each other a hug and I leave the room. Realizing that I smell I go into the bathroom to take a shower the warm water feels so good against my skin. Looking at my body in the mirror I can see all the scars I have and I’m not even a quarter way into my life yet. Standing there looking at myself the reflection begins to morph into Kita.

nbsp; “When I get through with you, you’ll be dead”. The reflection yells.

  Shaking my head I look back into the mirror the only thing I can see is me.

  When I get to my room Sounni is already sound asleep in our bed I get under the covers and hold Sounni as tightly as possible; she wakes up a little and holds me back. The night escapes us as we fall asleep holding each other.

  The next day arrives and there’s a knock at the door again. Instead of opening the door I wait for someone else to get it. My father comes into our room and tells me that Master Hiraski is in the kitchen waiting.

  “Heard about what happened last night and a few days ago. Glad to see that my star pupil is doing all right”.

  “You want something from me or just here to visit”? I ask.

  He informs us that he’s here to see Jet and get some info on Warlord and Septh. My father tells him the story of Warlord’s attack, also the story of his past and what happened with Sin, and the story of what Septh did to those AU soldiers.

  “Unfortunately as strong as I am Septh would beat me in a few seconds”. He says.

  My father hands him the picture of our cousin being stabbed. Hiraski looks at it for a few seconds and puts it into his pocket. He commands us all to keep this under wraps, his reasoning is the fear for the people who would try to track him down and would end up dead. X is not happy with these results and speaks out of turn against Hiraski’s decision.

  “You want to get killed be my guest X but I will not put other Psychian’s in danger”. Hiraski argues.

  Jet finally awakes from his sleep and sees Hiraski sitting in the kitchen.

  “Hey, what’s with all the commotion”? He asks.

  “Jet, did you ever attend a Shogun school”? He asks.

  Jet’s head points towards the floor in disappointment. Hiraski walks over to him and directs him to walk with him outside for a bit. X asks me if I would like to spar with him for a little bit. When we go outside the three of us can see Shokon approaching. Apparently so can Master Hiraski because he stops suddenly when Shokon gets closer. Shokon as well stops from where he’s at I can see his face is pale, as if he’s seen a ghost. Before any our reflexes can react Hiraski has tackled Shokon and has his sword drawn.

  “Traitor”! Hiraski yells.

  X, Jet and I hold Hiraski’s shoulders so that he cannot stab Shokon. Hiraski tells us that Shokon used to be his student but his intelligence has reported that he joined the Roko gang. Jet and I tell Hiraski that he evil no more. At first he fights the thought but then gets off of him.

  “I’m watching you Shokon”. Hiraski says coldly.

  As X and I are sparring Furrock and my father come outside to sit on the porch. Concentrating on the fight and listening to them they talk about me fighting someone but never say the Psychian’s name. X and I spar for a little bit until both of is satisfied. As we’re walking back to the house Hiraski tells everyone that he has an announcement.

  “Just a few minutes ago I assessed Jet’s performance with his Shogun form and after seeing his skill in this form. It is with great honor that I will graduate him from his Shogun training”. Hiraski announces.

  Sorona and Sange come over to congratulate him on his success. When they’re done Jet and I shake hands and nod our heads at each other. Just as my father and Furrock it is our mark of friendship.

  After dinner we all gather around Jet and Hiraski for the small coronation. The room is full of candles and decorations for Jet who stands a few feet from Hiraski, who tells him to step forward and bow. Jet does as he’s told and everyone in the room stares as Jet approaches. Today is Jet’s day as though he may not have gone through the Shogun training, by heart he is one. Master Hiraski walks over to Jet and shakes his hand. When he does their hands light up, the sign that Jet has been graduated. A tear comes to Jet’s eyes as rejoice sets in to his heart.

  Chapter 16

  New Attack