Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 17

It’s a beautiful Friday morning and Sorona and I have a date together. She meets me outside of Furrock’s house and we head off into town. Today will be a day of relaxation and rest, no fighting or war. A day for just Sorona and me in the market place we first find a place to sit down and eat. We stop at a little place called Betsie’s sit and eat. The food is scrumptious but because of the battle a few weeks ago the food choices are limited as well as supplies. The whole town is hurting but will eventually make a recovery, after all it recovered once already.

  Going down an alley there is a group of people dancing to some music. Before I can ask Sorona if she wants to dance she grabs my arm and pulls me onto the mat. As I’m standing there I realize that I don’t know how to dance. Sorona grabs my hand and shows me how to do a move, she then tells me to repeat it. Doing so she shows me another one and I repeat. Soon the two of us are perfectly coordinated and enjoying ourselves. Saying goodbye to our new friends we depart for Furrock’s house.

  When we get into Furrock’s house we’re greeted by Sounni who has prepared a roast for us. Shinruga and X are mingling and Shokon will be arriving soon. We all get a laugh when Shinruga tries to balance many things at once and almost dropped the roast on the floor. We fall silent when Shinruga’s Brigidane blade starts lighting up at the bottom of the handle.

  “An Elemenka gem is near”. He says.

  We rush outside to see if any fighter is outside but can’t see any. The three of us can’t even feel the presence of someone nearby. Sorona comes out a few seconds later to help but we just go inside and finish eating. Sounni’s food is really good, it usually is. She may not be Psychian but her specialty is definitely cooking. Sorona feels a little jealous when I compliment Sounni on all the food. Soon after dinner she departs for home, we kiss each other goodnight.

  Shinruga is waiting in the kitchen for me, he tells me to follow her because the Brigidane blade lit up while I was outside. I run out the door to catch up her and when I do she jumps a little.

  “What’s wrong Jet”? She asks.

  Telling her of the Brigidane blade lighting up she is immediately on guard.

  “People could try to get to you through Shinruga and me, plus you’ve already been attacked once”. I say.

  She grabs my arm and holds me closer to herself. That’s when I can feel it the presence of someone behind us, when I look there is no one.

  “What’s wrong”? Sorona asks.

  “You didn’t feel that”? I ask.

  “If you’re trying to freak me out its working, what are you talking about”?

  Laughing like an idiot she reminds me that trying to scare her is not funny. Ignoring what I felt we press on till we get to her house. When we arrive her dad greets me at the door. He is a huge man and his fist look as though they could crush my head with one squeeze. I put my arms around Sorona and give her a hug and kiss. He gives me a stern look but before he can say or do anything I’m practically down the block. Once again on the way back I can feel the energy I felt. It’s night time so every where there is a shadow. My eyes wander looking in all directions but still no one. As I’m walking a shadow forms behind mine but when I look there is nothing. After walking a few more feet it appears again but Shinruga appears ahead of me and it retreats.

  “Did you see that”? I ask Shinruga.

  “See what”? He asks.

  I explain the shadow that I saw blocking my own. He tells me that he didn’t see anyone but definitely felt someone’s power. On guard for any sneak attacks we continue to walk to Furrock’s house. When we get there I go to my room and immediately fall asleep when my head lands on the pillow.

  The next day everyone but Shinruga is awake. Sounni tells me that he was up all night working on a new attack. When Shinruga wakes up I ask him to demonstrate his new move after breakfast. He scarf’s his food down and runs out the door. Turning into Kimoshiran form he pulls his hand close to his hip and concentrates his energy. Putting his hand towards the sky the energy fires like a firework and explodes into pieces, the pieces that fall to the ground explode.

  “Wow, that’s pretty cool”! I yell.

  “Krugnar described it as the AU eradicator”. He tells us all.

  Without warning Sorona grabs my arm and pulls me towards town. She tells me that there is a festival going on in town that honors the first Shiran battle. I notice that none of my other friends is coming to the festival with us. Sorona tells me that Yamasaki stopped by and wanted to talk to Shinruga, Shinsaga and Furrock, and they will catch up to us.

  While walking through town Sorona notices that a person behind us has been following us for a while.

  “Can we help you”? I ask.

  He stops walking towards us and stares at us until we’re bugged out.

  “My name is Metallic and I have an Elemenka gem. I would like to fight to Shinruga”.

  Striking a deal with him is easy; I offer him the chance to have me as an slave if I can’t beat him. His face is shiny more than normal persons should be. His facial expressions kind of creep us out as well, his eyes are wandering in all directions. If you look closer you can see that they’re actually a deep red.

  “Are you ready”? He asks.

  The second the fight starts I charge and my fist lands a direct hit to his draw. Instead of Metallic flying or getting knocked down he stands there. My hand begins to swell as if I hit a sheet of metal.

  “What the heck is his face made of”? I yell out in pain.

  Hitting different spots on his body the same thing happens, instant pain. Metallic begins to chuckle at the expense of my pain. Staring him down I unsheathe my sword, he is instantly on guard.

  “So regular attacks may not hurt you but it looks as though a sword might”. I say.

  Instead of pulling out a sword as I assumed he would he pulls out a little round piece of metal, when he holds it out it extends into a staff with pointed ends on each side. Charging his form is spectacular and he even knocks me to the ground but before he can stab me I roll out of the way. Firing a couple of blasts of energy he once again doesn’t even try to dodge or block the attacks.

  “Don’t you get it; Metallic my skin is like metal any blunt or blasts attacks won’t hurt me”. He says.

  I pull out my sword again and wait for the opportune moment. Staring at him the one thing I realize is that his power level is weak. The metal like body of his must be his biggest advantage. Not realizing it Metallic has burrowed a metal tentacle like thing underground, it comes from behind and starts choking me. As I sit there choking to death Sorona intervenes by shooting him with an energy arrow. He turns towards her and lets his grip go on my neck. My vision is blurry but I can see Metallic heading in Sorona’s direction. Transforming into Kimoshiran form I use the K-gateway technique to appear behind him. Somehow he senses the attack and once again continues to choke me. He also makes another one that grabs Sorona by her stomach and begins to crush her.

  “You can both die by each other”. Metallic says laughing.

  Sorona’s screams make me think quickly, she’s about to drop her sword. I tell her to drop the sword so that the bottom of the handle can touch my foot. When she does I push my foot, sending the blade into his spine. His grip on us loosens and he falls to his knees. As he sits there his eyes are wide open and he has his staff held tight.

  “Here take it I’m finally free”. Metallic says.

  The Elemenka gem falls to the ground in front of him and I pick it up. His eyes seem normal now as he asks me for an honorable death. He says though that he would like to make one more request, a warning he tells. His last words as he dies are faint and hard to hear but I get the point of it.

  “The Sin of all will come for Shinruga and then nothing will save you”. He says faintly.

  Right as Sorona’s blade comes swinging horizontally and then his head bounces on the ground, as Metallic last words are spoken.

  I’m not sure what he means but Shinruga is in danger.

p; Shinruga