Read The Psychian Chronicles Book 1 Kimoshiran Form Page 16

  The next day we’re all outside when Yamasaki appears a little outside of Furrock’s house. He hands me the map with detailed instructions of where Krugnar lives. My father at first isn’t too keen on the idea but he soon gives up on trying changing my mind. Asking Yamasaki why he won’t just show me the way, he says nothing and goes on about his business.

  Walking through the city the markets have started opening up again and the normal hustle and bustle is back to normal. When I get to his house there is a gate blocking all passages and barbed wire at the top of the fence. There is a button on the gate door, pressing it the button makes no noise. Assuming it’s broken I keep pressing the button. The left side of the door opens up and a man steps out yelling.

  “I’M TRYING TO HAVE Some pe…Oh, sorry Shinruga”. He says.

  His form seems a little sloppy and not to mention he’s wearing sweat pants and a beater. To think that I have to teach him the Electric Psych Ball kind of sickens me. He tells me to come in and apologizes for the lack of formality.

  We go into his living area where there are empty bottles of booze. Realizing that I can see the bottles he takes them into the kitchen.

  “Don’t worry I’m sober today”. He says.

  Looking around the place I can see pictures of him with some famous Psychian’s, even one with Septh.

  “You met Septh before”? I ask.

  “Who do you think his father is kid”? Krugnar says.

  At first I don’t believe him but his story is hard not to believe. He reminds me that he’s only his stepfather, Septh’s real parents died when he was three years old and his mother a couple of months later from Gingereal. A disease that attacks your heart and lungs only named after the strongest woman fighter Ginger, who was half human half Psychian.

  “I taught the kid everything he knows. His power I’m afraid is of natural selection”. He says. “Soon not even I could control it and sent him on his way”.

  Telling him of the stories and how he’s been acting Krugnar doesn’t seem too surprised. As we sit there eating lunch I can’t help myself, so I ask him what happened with Ikeya.

  He stops eating and takes a sip of his tea. Krugnar begins telling me the story of what happened between the two of them. They were down in a secret cave under the school, at the end of a cave stood a large door. When the door opened Ikeya and Krugnar was ambushed by demon like creatures. They soon became overthrown by these creatures.

  “How are you two still alive”? I ask.

  “Ikeya and I were put in front of the creature’s master. They blindfolded us for some reason, when he got off of his chair he asked us if we wanted to live or die”. He tells.

  Asking him how they survived he continues his story, Ikeya answered yes. If he is to live Ikeya would have to supply them with food. They only ate meat and people or Psychian’s didn’t matter to them. Ikeya accepted his offer so he was able to live.

  “I refused to do his bidding and was dragged by two of the creatures into a cooking room, where they cuffed me up”. He says. “Waiting for those monsters to leave I waited in the room while I was being cooked to death. When they did leave I used my energy to free myself. I tried to move the earth but for some reason it wouldn’t budge”.

  He goes on to tell me that only having the few seconds left he used his energy to blast out of the room. When he did it was day time so the creatures couldn’t chase him. The creatures master sent Ikeya to chase him.

  “When we met on the surface Ikeya gave his reasoning for being the creatures slave”. He says.

  Tracking back in his mind Krugnar remembers the day as clear as day. I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice that speaking of this day makes him sad.

  “Ikeya, why would you agree to do those creatures bidding”? Krugnar asks.

  “To save my life, if the AU attack swearing my allegiance will mean life security. The Triple Psychian won’t be around for another few years, the AU is not going to wait that long”. He says.

  “You’re weak”.

  Krugnar goes on to finish his story that after he said that remark, Ikeya fired everything he’s got. For Ikeya he made it look as though he was destroyed. Since that day he has had no trouble with anyone or anything. The dayof the battle Krugnar says he saw Ikeya but he soon vanished as he knew he would be hunted down till he was captured or dead.

  After we are done eating lunch Krugnar leads me outside the backyard. It is beautiful with a huge garden and fountains.

  “This is where you will teach me your attack”. He says.

  “If I may ask what is so important of teaching you this attack”? I ask him.

  “The blade I possess is called the Amplifier blade, it amplifies attacks by twenty times their normal rate. By obtaining the strongest attacks in the world I become an arsenal of power”. He says.

  His point is clear and understandable but he sees the disappointment in my eyes.

  “Tell you what as an added bonus I’ll teach you a technique as well”. He says.

  My eyes light up at the thought of learning a new technique. I begin the first step of the two part move, using my energy I send lightning into the sky. When it comes down I begin focusing my energy but mess it up and the whole thing explodes in my face.

  “That happens every once in a while”. I say.

  Krugnar asks when I used this move recently. I reply by telling him the two times I’ve used it so far, which was against Ikeya and Warlord.

  “Savior moments, a time when you were under a lot of stress and my instincts kicked in”. He explains.

  He asks me to concentrate more and focus my brain on nothing but my attack. The obvious thing a Psychian should know when using an attack. Once again I summon the lightning and my energy but the same thing happens, the moves blows up in my face. Krugnar suggest that I add more lightning to the attack. So I wipe the soot from my face and try again with more lightning. This time the move works and I blast down one of his trees. He starts freaking out over me hitting the tree with my attack. His hands start going up and down in a frantic motion and he puts his head up against the tree.

  “Did I do something wrong…Sir”? I ask him.

  “THIS TREE HAS BEEN IN MY FAMILY FOR OVER FOUR HUNDRED YEARS”. He yells. “Next time you want to fire attacks in someone’s yard ask before you fire at any random thing.

  Before Krugnar uses the attack I explain to him that he has to lace the middle of it with ten percent life energy. Somehow on his first attempt he uses the Electric Psych Ball with ease.

  “Now for you to learn my move, it’s called Fireworks”. He yells in a macho voice.

  The name of the attack brings disappointment into the air again.

  “Oh, come on its better than it sounds”. He assures me.

  He asks me if I’ve ever been in a situation where a high distance multiple hitting attack would come in handy. Nodding my head he explains that this technique would help out dramatically.

  After a few hours of training I walk back to Furrock’s house excited to show everyone what I’ve learned. It takes me a few more minutes to get back to Furrock’s house because on the way home I pass by a flower shop. The shop is filled with the biggest assortment of flowers I’ve ever seen.

  “Hello, can I help you”? A charming lady asks me.

  She has a hat on with flowers attached to them. Her eyes bug out of her head, at first I think they are going to fall out of her eye sockets. She tells me that they have every flower that grows in the world. Even a new one called the Dafidose, a hybrid flower from three separate ones. I pay for the flower at the front desk and on the way home, I decide to look it over some more. When I open the door Sounni wraps her arms around me and gives me the biggest kiss she can offer. I get into the kitchen and set the flower on the table. The second my dad walks into the kitchen and his eyes see the flower he reaches for the nearest sword and cuts the flower in half.

  “Did you sniff the flower”? He asks.

p; “Yeah, why its”! He cuts me off.

  “Did it open when you did”?

  “No”. I say.

  I keep asking him what is the matter but he only walks over to the flower again and set it on fire. Trying to push my way through Furrock and my dad won’t let me move.

  “You see that black smoke from the flower its poison. If you sniff the flower and it opens the poison kills you five minutes later. They were created to silently kill people. It took a lot of time for people to figure murders out until this plant’s creator finally took credit for it. If burned the poison is useless and non toxic”. He explains.

  He then asks me who sold it to me, telling him the shop name we rush over there. When we arrive the bug eyed woman is gone. Farther behind the counter there is a body of another girl with the middle of her throat stabbed. We leave the shop and tell an official what just conspired and they take care of the rest.

  On the way back to Furrock’s Sounni meets us halfway and thanks me for the consideration. Knowing that another person died because of me doesn’t make her compliment warm my heart. Is this how it’s always going to be, people dying at my feet because of the Brigidane blade and the power it contains. No I decide it’s time to end this war and destroy the AU. Vengeance will be brought to those with family killed by the AU, by all means necessary.

  Chapter 17

  Elemenka Attack
