Read The Reason Page 3

  “Duff, I like the way I date. It’s a lot less dramatic and I never have to worry about hit men.”

  “Well you got me there. But I just don’t go in for all this therapy. It’s just not normal. People don’t need to talk about their problems with a complete stranger. There are just some things you don’t talk about, you know you just stuff em down.”

  “Think about it this way. There are times in your life where you just need to talk stuff out with someone who can help you sort stuff out. Friends are great but they may not have a clue how to help you. Therapist’s are professional listeners who know how to help you answer your own questions. I have had a therapist for years and during high school when things got crazy she really helped me sort stuff out.”

  “Well I suppose that’s good for you but not for me. I talk to my brothers when I need help and they set me straight in five minutes or less. It takes less time and is cheaper.”

  “You get what you pay for bro.” Chris snickered.

  “I guess I do.” Duff joined in smiling.


  Friday evening came and Chris drove to the pub to pick up Amy. She was scheduled to get off work at 6 and promised to be ready to go by 7:30. It was 6:15 when Chris arrived. He took his usual booth in the back and Mike walked over with a Guinness in hand.

  “How you doing Chris?” The smile on Mike’s face was warm and friendly.

  Chris chuckled and asked, “Made a couple of phone calls did ya.”

  Mike’s smile broadened as he said, “I did. I had a lovely talk with 2 wonderful young ladies who just happened to be together when I called. They filled me in on you. Ha.”

  Chris hung his head. “They were together? I’ll bet you got an ear full.”

  “I did, but they both love you and think you are a great friend and a kind boyfriend. They asked about Amy and her personality and decided you two would do well together. They sent their love and best wishes. One of them, Jenny I think, wanted me to tell you to not screw this up.” Mike laughed harder this time.

  “Great,” Chris was embarrassed.

  “Actually it was great. I heard them speak of you with a lot of love and friendship. There was no heartbreak, no hatred, no wishing you were dead. Take it from me I never had an ex talk about me the way they talked about you.”

  “So is it OK if I date your daughter?” Chris looked into Mike’s eyes and waited for his reply.

  “Ya, it’s OK. Just treat her right.” Mike was smiling at Chris.

  “I will Mike. I promise. Thanks Mike.” Chris offered his hand to Mike in a gesture of friendship. Mike grabbed his hand and shook it firmly.

  Mike headed back to the bar and Chris returned to his Guinness.

  At 7:25 Amy walked into the pub. She was wearing a yellow chiffon top that showed a little cleavage and was so shear Chris could make out the outline of her yellow bra. Her hair hung long tucked behind her ears. The fire red color was enthralling. She wore worn jeans and black heels. She was perfect Chris thought. He rose from his seat and met her halfway across the dance floor. Chris kissed her lightly on the cheek and told her how lovely she looked. Amy blushed and took his arm. They walked back to the booth and sat down. “So you want to have a drink before we head out?” Chris was lost in her brown eyes and barely caught her answer.

  “I’ll have a Guinness.” Amy looked at Chris. “We should talk before we go.”

  Chris walked to the bar and ordered 2 pints. Mike handed them to Chris who returned to the booth and placed one in front of Amy. It was at that point that Chris realized what Amy had said. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just thought we should talk about my Da’s phone calls to your ex’s.”

  “Oh, is that all. Mike already talked to me about that.”

  “I’m sure he did. It’s all he could talk about last night. Chris this, and Chris that, he is a perfect gentleman, blah blah blah. Look Chris I like you but if you’re a priest or something I don’t think this is going to work.”

  “I’m no priest Amy. I just never ended a relationship on bad terms with my ex’s. When things were not right between us we talked about it. We worked on the relationship. When we decided it was not working for us we talked about it like adults and parted as good friends. I think of it as dating with none of the drama. I know most guys my age don’t work that way by default but I grew up in the home of a social worker and respect for women was drilled into my head. I still have all the desires of a normal college freshman, believe me. And just so you know, the way you’re dressed is bringing those desires to the forefront of my mind.” Chris gave Amy a sheepish smile.

  Amy blushed at the comment. “Just as long as your mind goes occasionally into the gutter. I think I can go out with you.” Amy smiled at Chris and he returned the smile.

  “So you’re saying you don’t mind my baser thoughts?” Chris flashed an evil grin.

  “Nope, I don’t mind them as long as you know when to act on them.” Amy returned the evil smile muscle for muscle. It was Chris’s turn to blush.

  This girl can give as good as she gets, Chris thought.

  They got up and headed out.


  “Oh shoot I forgot to get me Da’s keys. I’ll just run back and grab them.”

  “Amy we don’t need them. I got my car yesterday; my uncles delivered it to me.”

  Amy stopped in her tracks and turned to face Chris with a big smile on her face. As she looked over the cars in the parking lot she said, “Well let me guess what you’re driving.”

  “Go for it,” Chris smirked.

  There was a beat up old Volkswagen, but Chris told her, “nope.” She tried the old Cadie but got the same response. After 5 more tried and 5 more no’s she gave up. Chris pulled out his keys and clicked the unlock button on his remote. The lights flashed and Amy’s eyes flew upon wide.

  “No way. That is yours? Chris it’s beautiful. I had no idea you came from money. This thing must have cost a fortune.”

  “No money here just a pair of working stiffs until my dad died. We were working on this when he died. My uncles finished it up for me.” Chris headed toward the car with Amy in tow.

  “I’m sorry about your Da Chris. I don’t know what I would do without mine.”

  “Thanks Amy, it’s been hard on my Mom and me but it gets easier with time.”

  “I’ll bet. But I have to tell you that your date rating just went up a few points. Is that a DVD in there? Well you do know how to make a girl feel special.”

  “Well I can tell you that you are the second person who has ridden in it. Duff got the first ride last night. Hope you can handle that.”

  Amy smiled, “Ya I can handle that.”

  Chris made it a point to have the date all set up. Dinner was at the Captains Table a restaurant that required a membership just to sit down to eat. Chris had mowed the owner’s lawn when he was a kid. He had called and asked if he could bring a date to dinner there. Mark told him he was welcome any time and that he would reserve a table down front. “Marie is playing this weekend, but I’ll bet you knew that.”

  “I did, but thanks for the info.”

  “You gonna sit in?”

  “I might. I’ll talk to Mari when I get there.”

  “You know she loves it when you do. I’ll tell her your coming.”

  “Thanks Mark, we’ll be there around 9 PM.”

  Because the tourist season was winding down now that school had started the drive to the cape took less than an hour. They pulled into the restaurant at 8:45 PM.

  “I’ve never been to the cape,” said Amy.

  “Well on behalf of Cape Cod welcome. I think you’re going to like it.” Chris jumped out of the car and opened the door for Amy. He offered his arm and she took it as he walked her into Captain’s Table.

  The place was stunning with 3 glass walls that overlooked the harbor. The fourth
wall was covered by the bar and swinging doors leading into the kitchen. When Mark spotted Chris he made his way across the room and grabbed him in a massive bear hug. “Good to see you Chris, it’s good to have you back.” Chris returned the hug. Mark had been one of the people who came to make sure Chris was all right after his dad died. Chris looked at Mark as one of his adopted dads. Mark eventually released his grip on Chris and shifted his gaze to Amy. “And just who is this vision of Irish femininity.”

  Chris turned three shades of red and said, “Mark, this is Amy and she just arrived in America from Ireland.”

  Marks smile broadened and walked over to Amy and gave her a gentle embrace. “Welcome to my restaurant Amy and welcome to America.”

  Amy hugged Mark back and said, “Thank you Mark. It’s a pleasure to be here.” When Amy released Mark he followed suit and led them to a table with a reserved sign.

  Mark grabbed the sign and looked at Chris. “Mari is dying to see you. Berkstrom says if you wreak his drums he will break you like the twig you are.” Both men laughed.

  Chris pulled Amy’s chair and ordered her a drink then excused himself from the table. “I need to say hi to an old friend. I won’t be long.” Chris went through the kitchen and to the green room where the band waited to go on.

  Chris knocked. “Come in,” came a call from behind the door. When Chris opened the door Marie Marcus the queen of Jazz jumped from the couch and ran, well ran as well as an 80 year old women can, and grabbed Chris. The rest of the band got to their feet and gathered around shaking hands and giving hugs. “You are sitting in, and I’m sorry if that sounded like a question.” Marie waited for Chris to say yes.

  “I’d love to if Steve will let me at his kit.”

  “Have you been practicing?” Steve Burkstrom asked Chris

  “I have right up until school started, but I still have a set of sticks in my dorm room.”

  Steve walked over and ruffled Chris’s hair. “Good enough for me.”

  With that settled Marie and Chris talked for a few minutes. Chris told her about Amy, the car, and school. Marie filled Chris in on the fall schedule and gave Chris her new CD. Marie also asked about Ruthie and Chris told her she was as fine and as sassy as ever.

  Chris interrupted the talk by saying, “I have to get back to my date. I’ll see you out there. Break a leg.”

  Marie laughed and said, “See you out there. Enjoy your date. Love you Chris.”

  “I love you to Marie.” Chris left the green room and back to the table. “Sorry I took so long. I had to catch Marie up on the goings on in my life.”

  “Should I be jealous of Marie? Amy got a smirk on her face.

  “No, sorry no Marie is in her 80’s. She is an old friend of my families.”

  “Chris, relax. I saw her picture on the billboard outside. I was just kidding. You know you have got to relax. You are wound pretty tight.”

  “I would relax if I wasn’t with you.”

  Amy’s look of surprise and hurt took a second to register with Chris. When he realized what he had said he immediately started talking again.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. Amy, I’m sorry. What I meant to say was I have a hard time relaxing around such a beautiful women for fear I am going to say the wrong thing and offend you. Looks like I have done just that. I’m sorry Amy. You are just the most beautiful women I have ever met and I don’t want to screw this up.”

  “You think I’m beautiful,” Amy asked?

  “I think you are the most beautiful women in the world. I love your smile, your eyes and your sense of humor.”

  “Well Chris you need to just relax. I’m not going anywhere. I think you are a handsome man yourself. I love your eyes, your smile, and the way you treat me, but I’m not made of glass. I won’t break I promise.” Amy smiled and looked Chris in the eyes. “Can we just both relax and enjoy tonight?”

  “Yes we can my lady.” Chris was smiling and made a flourish with his hand.

  They both laughed as the waiter brought their meals. The food as always was fantastic. Chris enjoyed a lobster and Amy had the steamed clams and broiled haddock. Both talked during the meal and by the time the band started they were enjoying coffee.

  “Wow Marie’s band is wonderful. I’ve never heard anyone like them.”

  “They have been playing on the Cape for over 40 years. They are a staple around here and they draw Jazz lovers from all over New England. I have been listening to them since I was 5. Mom and Dad used to catch them whenever they were in town.”

  They both watched the band play and half way through the second set Marie spoke. “We have a special guest with us tonight. This man’s father and uncle both drove for the band for many years. Our drummer Steve taught the young man to play when they were on the bus together. Please give a warm welcome to Chris O’Driscoll.”

  The room politely clapped for Chris as he got up and took the stage. Steve made a scene of handing the sticks to Chris which brought a round of laughter. Chris faked not knowing how to hold the sticks. Steve ran back to the set and showed him how. This brought another round of laughter.

  “Chris sits in with us from time to time,” Marie said. “I think you are going to enjoy this folks. Chris count us in.”

  Chris just stared at Marie with a questioned look on his face.

  Marie laughed this time. “I guess I’m getting old, I forgot to tell Chris which song.” The crowd joined Marie as she laughed at herself. “Let’s do “Whatever Lola Wants” by Sarah Vaughn.”

  Chris counted out 4 beats and Marie began playing. Chris didn’t miss a beat. The crowd was really enjoying the tune and a few couples got up to dance.

  Steve made his way to Chris’s table asked Amy if she would like to dance. She smiled and took his hand saying, “I’d love to.” Chris watched as Steve lead Amy to the dance floor and the two of them drifted. Chris knew Steve could dance but he was very surprised to see Amy able to keep up with him. Chris smiled at Steve who returned the smile and waved for Chris to continue to play. After the song ended Amy and Steve returned to their seats.

  “So what do you think of our boy so far,” Steve asked?

  “Well this is our second date but I think he is cute and amazing on the drums.” Amy smiled and asked, “What is the deal with him. He seems too good to be true.”

  “Amy, Chris is everything you see. He comes from a loving and close family. After his dad died his uncles took over making sure Chris grew up right. I wish I could tell you some deep dark secret about him but there just isn’t any.”

  “Well that’s good to know. I guess I can feel a little safer.”

  “Amy, Chris likes you a lot. He never brings a date with him to a show. You must be something special.”

  Amy blushed. “Thanks Steve.”

  “I better get back to work. I don’t want Marie to consider replacing me with Chris.” They laughed as Steve got up and returned to the stage.” Steve made a show of kicking Chris off his throne. Everyone laughed.

  “God thing you came back Steve.” Marie was smiling a big happy smile. “I was just going to try and convince Chris to quit college and go to work for the band.”

  “Thanks for the support Marie. I appreciate knowing my job is so secure.” Everyone was laughing now.

  Marie said, “Ladies and gentleman Chris O’Driscoll.” She clapped and the room erupted with applause. “And please give a round to Steve Burkstrom. He’s old but he can still slap them skins.” The applause continued. Steve did a little salute with his sticks. Chris turned back toward Steve and clapped as well.

  “Well that was fun,” Chris said as he sat down next to Amy.

  “I’d say so. That Steve can really dance. I had a wonderful time on the dance floor.” Amy smiled and Chris got a look of concern on his face. After a few minutes Chris realized Amy was teasing him and he smiled at her.

?s it Chris, I think you just relaxed a bit.” Amy took Chris’s hand and the two laughed. Chris leaned in and kissed Amy lightly on the lips. Amy returned the kiss.

  At midnight Chris suggested they head home. Amy reluctantly agreed. In her heart she wanted this evening to go on forever. Chris felt the same way.


  Chris dropped Amy off at the pub. They spent the next 15 minutes kissing in the front seat of his car. “Hmm, I guess Duff was right.” Chris got an evil smile on his face.

  “Right about what,” Amy asked?

  “Well he told me this care was a babe magnet. He was right I scored a babe.”

  “Well I’m glad you think so.” Amy smiled and started kissing him again.

  After a few more minutes there was a knock at the driver’s window. “Hey boy, what ya doin to my daughter.” Chris jumped and looked up to see Mike.

  “Nothing sir. We were just kissing.”

  “Sod off Da,” Amy was glaring at Mike. I am a big girl and if I want to kiss him I will.

  “Well then, OK,” Mike started to laugh and so did Amy. Chris smiled at the joke as his breath returned to him.

  “He loves to do that Chris. Pay him no mind.” Amy smiled and Chris well his heart skipped a beat.

  “God you are beautiful Amy.”

  “That’s what you keep saying. Listen Chris I had a great time tonight but I need to catch a ride home with my Da.”

  “No problem. Can I see you on Sunday?”

  “We’ve got mass in the morning but afternoon I’m free.”

  “How about I meet you for church then we go out for lunch?”

  “Sure, I’d like that. Pick me up here at 9:00am OK?”

  “Perfect, see you then.” Chris kissed Amy once more and got out of the car to open the door for her.

  Mike watched and smiled at Chris and Amy. There is nothing better than for a father to see his daughter treated right by a guy, Mike thought.

  Chris waved as they drove off. He got in his car and headed back to the dorm. When he entered his room Duff was still awake and smiled at Chris.

  “So, how did it go? What did she think of the car? Are you going to see her again?” Duff fired question upon question at Chris.

  “The date was great. She loved the car. We are going to Mass then lunch on Sunday. Now that is all you get tonight. I’m tired and need some sleep.” Chris got out of his clothes and fell on his bed. Within 20 minutes he was dead to the world. He dreamt of Amy and the kisses they shared in his car.