Read The Reason Page 4

  The next morning at 7:00am he woke to the sounds of police sirens. Duff came walking into the room as Chris woke. “What’s going on out there?”

  “Well buddy, we just had our first murder.”

  “What are you talking about?” Chris wiped the sleep from his eyes.

  “A female student was murdered last night and they found her body this morning. She was laid out in front of Harrison hall. She is still there if you want to see her.”

  Chris climbed out of bed and threw on the clothes he wore last night then walked with Duff over to the crime scene. There on the ground was a young women her eyes open in that fixed stare that told Chris she would never blink them again. Her legs were bent in an unnatural position and her arms were tied behind her back. It was more than Chris and Duff could handle and they turned ran to the nearest tree and promptly threw up. When Chris saw Duff loose it he lost it again. Duff did the same thing and after a few minutes they spit and walked back to their dorm.

  Chris flopped on his bed. “That was awful. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I don’t think that image will ever get out of my head.”

  Duff sat on the edge of his unmade bed and said, “I’ve got to agree with you. When I heard about it I came to get you right away. She looked scared.”

  “Ya that’s a good way to describe it. Did you see the marks on her neck? I’ll bet she was strangled.” Chris kept looking at the floor.

  “Man that was intense.” Duff was still white faced from throwing up so much.

  “I want to go back there and watch the investigation. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Ya, but I’m not sure why. I feel like we owe it to her.”

  They walked back to the crime scene and stood behind the yellow tape that had been put up. A couple of officers who had seen them blow chunks exchanged a laugh.

  A large detective walked over to them and opened his notebook. “Who are you two?”

  “I’m Chris O’Driscoll and this is my roommate Jack Dufrey.” Chris took a deep breath. “Why do you need to know?”

  The detective looked at Chris with stern eyes. “We have to get all the names and addresses of the onlookers. Sometime the killer comes back to watch us work. It makes them feel powerful. Do you two feel powerful?”

  “Actually detective I feel powerless. When we saw her we both puked over at that tree.”

  “I know kid. I was just pulling your chain. Do you know her or anything about her?”

  “Not me, how about you Duff?”

  “Me neither. Though I wish I did.”

  “Why’s that Duff is it?”

  “I look after my friends and maybe we could have prevented this from happening.”

  “Don’t think like that kid. There was nothing you could have done. Here take my card. If you think of anything give me a call. My cell is listed on the back. As far as the two officers who were laughing at you, just ignore them. The minute you stop being effected by a site like this is the moment you have real problems.”

  “Thanks detective. If we come up with anything we will give you a call.” Chris took the card and put it in his pocket.

  The detective headed back to the body. The medical examiner had arrived. Before he greeted the ME he called out to the two cops standing around. “Do you assholes have anything better to do than laugh at a couple of kids. Start taking names and begin a canvas of every room in Harrison Hall.”

  The cops muttered something under their breath and began working.

  Duff smiled at Chris, “Guess he told them.” Both Chris and Duff smirked.

  The ME took the body away after another hour of photographs and measurements. The boys stayed until the detective left then returned to their dorm room.

  Chapter 9

  The school worked to make all the students safe. There was a buddy policy put in place and a curfew of midnight except for those who were working. Chris and Duff continued their classes and hoped that the police would arrest someone soon. But as days turned to weeks then weeks to months nothing was happening. Chris was wondering what was happening with the case and decided to call the Detective. He still had the card. He locked himself in the room then called.

  “Hello. This is Detective Barnes.”

  “Hello Detective this is Chris O’Driscoll. Did I catch you at a good time?”

  “Sure kid now’s as good as any. What’s on your mind?”

  “Well it has been almost 7 months since the murder and I was wondering what was happening with the case. Can you tell me anything?” Chris was nervous as he waited for the Detective to respond.

  “Well kid I hate to tell you this but the case has gone cold. We tracked every lead we had but nothing panned out.”

  “What does that mean really?”

  “It means no one is actively working the case. If another lead is uncovered then we will reopen the case but pending that nothing more will happen. It’s the way these things work. Sorry kid.”

  “Thanks for your time Detective. I appreciate your honesty and frankness. Bye.” Before Detective Barnes could say anything else Chris clicked the phone off. He sat there thinking of what he should do. It was wrong to stop looking into the case. Someone had to solve it.

  The school year ended with no status change on the murder. Chris had a summer job set up on the Cape and would spend his days off in New Hampshire with Amy. During the summer their loved bloomed. Amy found reasons to come to the Cape and spend a few days each week with Chris. Ruthie had set up the spare bedroom for Amy and gave her a key so she could come and go as she liked.

  Ruthie is not a prude but she did have one rule that she asked the kids to follow. “Not in my home.” I know you two will do what you want but please not in my home. It is the only rule I have and I want to be respected on this issue.” Chris and Amy both agreed to respect Ruthie’s home rules.

  When Chris and Amy had driven down the road Amy said, “Well that was an uncomfortable discussion.”

  “Na. She was just being honest. In our home honesty is respected about all else. She was not judging us on what we do. She was just asking that we respect her home. I’ve heard this before. It’s no biggie, we just have to go to the dunes on Sandy Neck if we want to, well you know.” Chris got an evil grin on his face.

  “How does she even know? You didn’t tell your mom. I am mortified. I don’t think I can ever go over to your house again and look her in the eyes. Why would you do that to me?”

  “First off I told you about honesty in our home. She asked how our relationship was going so I told her. You need to understand my mom is a Social Worker. She knows what goes on in relationships and she is not going to expect you or me to be any different than any normal healthy people our age. She demands I use birth control and recommended you use it too. I can also tell you that if anything is wrong in our relationship she will be the first one too point it out. Trust me you can talk to her about anything. It’s one of the greatest things about my family. If we find a problem we talk it out and work it out. As far as doing anything to you, the only thing I did was make sure we have a good relationship. You need to accept that. It’s the only rule I have.”

  “And if I can’t?”

  “Then that will be your loss Amy. I can’t just clam up on my family, we are close. I want you to be comfortable with them as well. You have to know I love you and plan on you being in my life for a long time. Remember when we first went out and you told me to relax?”


  “Well now it’s your turn. Relax, please.” Chris pulled Amy close and kissed her as he turned into the parking area at Sandy Neck.

  “Ok, mister. I get it. I just have to get used to the idea.” Amy smiled at Chris. “Where are we?”

  “Sandy Neck,” was all Chris said.

  “And just what do you intend to do here?”

  “Well Amy I plan on showing you our
summer bedroom.” Chris tried to look innocent but it failed.

  Amy chuckled and said, “Gee I hope it has an ocean view.”

  “Oh trust me little girl it has a great view.” They both walked into the dunes laughing.

  After a few hours the sun was starting to go down. Chris and Amy walked out hand in hand and climbed into Chris’s car to head home.

  “I think I’m going to tell your mom that you are good at that.” Amy looked at Chris smiling.

  “I’m sure she knows,” Chris chuckled. “After all sex education with my mother not only covers the basics but she has a satisfaction section as well. I passed with straight A’s”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  “I wish I was. She used to teach Sex Education at the High School level. I had to take the class. But she used her maiden name so only my friends knew who she was. I swore them to secrecy under penalty of death. It was a tough year.” Chris’s face flushed bright red.

  Amy saw his situation and took pity on him. “I’m sorry that happened Chris. It must have been awful for you.” Amy gave Chris a sad smile.

  “Thank Amy, it wasn’t so bad. It just seems weird that my major source of sex education came from my mom.” He laughed a bit then pulled Amy closer to him. “I’ll live. Just try to open up to Ruthie if she asks. I know it seems strange and different from most families but she is who she is and I love her for the way she has raised me.”

  “I’ll try,” Amy said.

  The two of them road the rest of the way home in silence with Amy cuddled up to Chris’s arm.


  The summer ended way too soon and the school year brought a special set of surprises for Chris. After the first day of classes were over Chris headed to meet up with Amy at her house. When he got there he noticed several packing boxes on the front porch. He spotted Duff bringing another box out front.

  “What are you doing here,” Chris asked Duff as he set the box down with the others.

  Duff looked up, saw Chris, and without answering turned and ran into the house calling for Amy.

  Chris stood in the driveway with a puzzled look on his face. Amy came out the door and ran down the driveway toward Chris. They embraced and kissed. Chris broke off the kiss and asked, “Can you explain to me why my roommate ran away from me when I pulled up and why is he here at all?”

  Amy got an evil grin on her face. “Oh he was just helping me. You didn’t get jealous did you?”

  “Well ya a little. What is going on?”

  Amy smiled and said, “He is helping me move into my new apartment.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me I would have helped?”

  “Well honey I wanted to surprise you. I have some news. I started college today and I am moving into an apartment on campus. We are now officially going to school together. Are you surprised?”

  “Surprised, yes I’m surprised.” Chris kissed Amy and lifted her off the ground and spun her around as the kissing continued. “This is wonderful news.”

  “Duff, you can come out now,” Amy called.

  Duff opened the screen door and walked slowly out carrying another box. As he put the box on the growing pile he asked, “Does he know everything?”

  “Yup I just got done telling him.”

  “Sorry buddy but she swore me to secrecy and I don’t want to get on her bad side if you know what I mean.” Duff was making gorilla gestures behind Amy’s back.

  Chris smiled at Duff as he got the reference to Mike, Amy’s dad. “No problem. Well let me give you both a hand.” Duff and Chris loaded Mike’s car and discovered they only had a couple more boxes to take Chris told Duff to give him a hand loading them into Chris’s car. The three headed over to the new apartment.

  Amy unlocked the front door and instructed the boys where to put all the boxes. “You two work well together,” Amy told the boys after the last box was brought in. “My Da told me that anyone who helped eats and drinks for free after I am moved. Well boys I am moved. Who’s up for dinner and drinks?”

  In response Chris looped his arm in Amy’s left and Duff looped her right and the three walked out to the car laughing. During dinner Amy leaned over and gave Duff a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks Duff, I couldn’t have done it without your help.” Duff blushed and Amy smiled at him.

  “What am I chopped liver?” Chris put a pout on his face.

  Amy just smiled at him and said, “You’ll get more than a kiss when we get home tonight.”

  “Well that’s better,” Chris smiled.

  The group made an early night of it. Duff headed back to the dorm. Amy and Chris headed back to her new apartment. The spent the night in each other’s arms.


  The next few months were a blur to Chris. His relationship with Amy proceeded on a positive track. He was sure that she was the one. Amy never had a doubt either. They spoke of the children they would have together, the lives that they would lead. Chris was going to be a pilot and work for a major airline. Amy was studying anthropology like her mom. Amy and Ruthie had grown close after Amy got over her fear of being honest with Ruthie. Ruthie was also in love with Amy and treated her like she was Ruthie’s own daughter. Mike and Ruthie had taken to gardening together at Ruthie’s place. They would sit and talk for hours. They became good friends.

  Chris had taken to bringing Amy over to his dorm room. Duff and Amy became good friends and enjoyed talking about Chris. Between the two of them they kept him in line.

  On the day before Christmas break was to start Duff woke Chris and Amy as they slept in Chris’s bed. “What is it Duff we don’t have to get up until 9:30 this morning.” Chris was blinking at the sun as it shone in his window.

  “They found another one.”

  “Another what?”

  “Another girl murdered.”

  Chris snapped out of bed and woke Amy. “Amy there has been another murder. Get up.”

  Amy slowly got out of bed and stretched. “What did you say?”

  “There has been another murder on campus.” Chris said as he was putting on his pants. “Duff and I are heading over to the crime scene. It is in front of Harrison Hall. Do you want us to wait for you?”

  “No you go ahead. I’ll catch up.” Amy kissed Chris. He and Duff headed out to the crime scene.

  “She is laid out just like the last one,” Chris told Duff.

  “I noticed that. But this one was stabbed instead of strangled. See there are no marks on her neck. Do you think the same guy did it?”

  “I’d bet on it. The way the body is positioned.”

  A piece of paper blew across the lawn until it landed at Chris’s feet. Chris was going to ignore it at first but he saw the doodles on the page and picked it up. He carefully opened the page and was shocked to find doodles of a young women stabbed several times with blood coming from the chest.

  “Whatcha got there Chris?” Detective Barnes asked as he looked down at the paper in Chris’s hand.

  “I just picked it up off the ground. It was blowing around in the grass.” Chris handed the paper to the detective.

  Barnes unfolded it and looked at the doodles. “This is pretty sick stuff.” Barnes waved to a crime scene technician and he carried over a plastic bag to collect the page from him. One it was inside the bag Barnes turned back to Chris. “Good catch Chris. This might give us some insight into who is doing this.”

  “You’re welcome Detective. Glad I found. Hope it helps solve both murders.”

  Barnes had already left Chris and was deep in thought as he walked back to the crime scene.



  Chris went home for the summer and worked the boats with his grandfather. Working the lobster boats was a great way to make money over the summer. It was especially true when he was on his grandfathers boats. Amy had returned for the summer to Ireland to visit her
grandmother and grandfather. She missed her home and felt it was the perfect time since she didn’t really need to work during the summer to pay for her school. Her scholarship covered everything so her only need was spending money and she could make that working at her Da’s pub during the school year. They stayed in touch over the summer with phone calls and steamy letters to each other.

  The school year started with little fanfare. The three friends hooked up at Mike’s after everyone was moved in and ready for school to start. They all caught up on what had happened over the summer and enjoyed the comfort of each other’s company. Everything fell into the usual routine and Chris and Amy spent most nights together sometimes at Chris’s room and sometimes at Amy’s. When Duff would come back to the room and found them together he would just walk down the hall to the RA’s room and crash there.

  It was August 23rd and Chris and Amy had spent the evening together in Chris’s room. They made love and then just held each other talking about how happy they were now and would be when they were married. Chris described the house he would build for her and she described the children she would build for him.

  “It’s getting late and I have an early test tomorrow and I’m not going to get any studying done laying naked here with you all night,” she smiled and started to get up.

  Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back down on top of him. “Study this,” Chris pulled her head down and their lips met. The kiss was warm and filled with the sparks only found in young love.

  “Chris, I mean it, I have to go,” Amy said, again pushing herself up. “Your kisses are good and all but I have a scholarship and I can’t risk my grades falling.”

  Chris released his grip and started to get up and get dressed. “Give me a sec and I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”

  “No. Don’t get up. I can walk back to my room by myself, besides I want to remember you just like you are now all naked and lying there. You are so cute.”

  “Cute! Cute? Wouldn’t a better description be sexy or maybe studdly,” Chris smiled?

  “Oh ya, you’re that too. But I think you’re cute. Deal with it Romeo,” she laughed.