Read The Return of the Bitch from Hell Page 6


  Magnus One had felt concerned about the vision that he had experienced, the one showing him and his coven in the church, now added to that feeling was one of surprise, for he had not had a similar vision from the disused warehouse. Could he have imagined the whole thing or had the earthlings learned from their mistake and had looked in on him without his knowing. He had just finished searching the internet for such a power; however, the only mention of anything even approaching it was in the past, when an organisation designated the CIA had become interested in remote viewing, if they had in fact perfected it then his team would be in grave danger of being taken out and his starship captured. He would have to find the two men who had been responsible for the connection between the two races across time, only then would he be able to learn the truth behind his vision and what actions he would have to take in the future to eliminate any risk posed by the humans.

  While Magnus One had been busy reading about remote viewing, Linguia had learned the location of Scotland Yard and its purpose; and he found that it appeared to be a normal law enforcement agency. However, there was little on the internet about the Special Intelligence Service, and what information Linguia had found seemed to be mostly rumours about their possible links to black magic. Magic, be it black or white, had long been regarded by his race as merely myths, and so he disregarded it, and so Magnus One did not come to hear this vital piece of information. Linguia on reporting the little he had found out was ordered to listen into all scrambled calls to either of the two law enforcement agencies, and to report to Magnus One on anything that related to them, the Amaymons.

  Magnus One considered remote viewing as the most likely reason behind the visions, and with this in mind he decided to put off that night`s hunting trip and instead he sent Scientia, along with two more of his team, over to the disused warehouse to stake it out in the hope that these two humans would show themselves. He also sent two of the Elders from the church along with them, for there was no way of knowing when an actual human might come in handy. For with their own great height, their colouring and clothing, his team would stand out, and to go and about when the streets were full of humans could risk the entire mission, especially if the CIA was involved, for they were said to be a powerful organisation. The presence of the two humans with Scientia was unknown to Jeremiah Jones, or anyone else, for they were both under the mental power of the Amaymons and would remember nothing of their trip.

  It was early evening when Scientia and his team arrived at the warehouse; the police presence was still there in a large enough number to force Scientia to take care. He decided to send his two humans, dressed in normal daywear, to walk around the outside of the warehouse looking for Rob and David, although he could only provide the roughest of descriptions. However, he had provided them with video cameras, with the video streamed directly back to the computer that he had on his lap. The two Elders were instructed to walk around the outside of the building taking a video of anyone who roughly fitted the descriptions given to them. Scientia would tell them if they were to keep their camera fixed on any particular individual or, to move on, his instructions given via an earpiece that he had also supplied. One man walked clockwise around the warehouse while the other walked counter clockwise. When no sighting was made after two circuits Scientia ordered the two men back to the vehicle, it looked as if it was going to be a long night; Scientia just hoped that it would be worth the wait. He and his two people using their mental powers sent out a mental camouflage net that ensured that anyone coming close enough to their vehicle walked by without noticing its occupants. The Lampada and the chant not being necessary as his team were merely deflecting attention rather than attempting to take control of a person`s mind. When the nearby church clock struck ten o`clock, Scientia was at a loss to explain the events at St Luke's and the non-events at the warehouse, if they had such technology surely they would use it?"


  It had been a long night and of course it was still dark at half past four the next morning, but it was then that Scientia saw a black coach and a battered saloon car arrive at the warehouse, the double doors being opened moments before so as to allow both vehicles to enter without any delay. He immediately contacted Magnus One, who on hearing about the coach full of humans now knew that he had underestimated his quarry; the humans he felt had in fact laid a trap within a trap. Even though he was confident that his team would be victorious in a firefight, the authorities of Earth would then learn of his arrival on their planet. Knowing that this was unacceptable he cancelled his planned raid, instead he instructed Scientia to follow the smaller vehicle when it left the warehouse, and he was to keep on following it until he received orders to the contrary.


  Inside the warehouse the elite squad of police officers followed Rob, David and Inspector Humphreys up to the offices at the far end of the building, here they unpacked their weapons and prepared for action. The only way into the warehouse was through the doors that they had entered by, and from their vantage point they had a clear view of the whole of the area in front of the doors, the killing ground, when and if their quarry appeared.

  Holy water had always been a major weapon in their arsenal, when going up against demons and Satanists, and when David had been forced to resign his post as a priest in the Catholic Church, Rob had wondered where they would get enough supplies for their needs. However, it seemed that the forces of good had given the matter some thought as well, as David had found out two months later. It was when an old friend had contacted him complaining of a slight problem with a minor Earth demon, an Earth demon being a demon who dwells on Earth and not in a hell dimension as is the case with most demons. Needing a supply of holy water David had decided to see if he could still make it, rather than use the bottle that he had brought with him, suffice to say he found that he still possessed the ability even though he was no longer a catholic priest, for it had worked when he had used it against the demon.

  Which was lucky, as they would need a large quantity of it this morning. Right now the hard part of their mission had begun, the waiting, however the officers` minds were diverted when Rob and David began to spray holy water upon the walls of the offices and then to read out aloud the protection spell. However, the commissioner had already primed them about this, and although puzzled as to why a senior SIS agent would go through such a charade, they said and did nothing, except to glance at one another and ask silent questions. With the protection spell in place Rob and David went down into the warehouse as the bait to draw their murderous enemy into their web. Unusually for them they both wore a large hat; this was to conceal the string of garlic around their heads, which would help protect them against the mental powers of their enemy. They also carried on their person a small bottle of holy water, a bottle of blessed salt, a small bottle of mercury and finally they now wore a wooden cross hung around their necks. With their own protection assured, they now drew a regular pentagram to one side of the inverted one; this would offer them some protection, especially after they had mystically charged it, which they now did to the consternation of the watching police officers.

  They hoped that by charging the pentagram the mental powers of their enemy would be enclosed within it when they tried out the spell once again; however, they were not at all sure that the pentagram would work, for they had only ever used it against Satanists before. They had collected all of the necessary items that they would need from Rob`s home after leaving the office of Sir Willoughby Brown, to the consternation of Christina Hinds who began to worry about Moira Bourbon. Seeing the worry on her face Rob had assured her that they were not going up against a Satanist, merely a group of aliens who had powerful telepathic abilities, which was why they needed the items.

  It was now time to use the spell that would show them their vile enemies, and David now walked into the centre of the pentagram and placed a new glass bowl on the ground. He then removed the lid and lit the potion, which a
s before began to emit a narrow plume of white smoke; he then walked out of the pentagram and joined Rob. They now knelt down and began to recite the spell that David had altered slightly to fit the new circumstances.

  "We, champions of the right hand path, call upon the angels upon high to show us the terrible black rites that were conducted today within the walls of this place. I beseech you to aid us so that we may stop those who follow the path of evil from continuing their murderous ways."

  Their voices rang out across the empty warehouse as the white plume of smoke began to rise up towards the ceiling and then began to fill the area in and around the pentagram. The angels upon high must have looked kindly upon the two friends because within this thin veil of smoke that hung before them they first saw the seven bodies hanging by their legs from a metal beam that stretched across the warehouse. They next saw the thirteen murders walking around the horrific scene, their smoking Lampadas held above their heads, their chant crossing time to fill the air around the two friends along with the powerful scent of Jasmine. David was filming the scene this time, for Rob held his automatic pistol, for if the charged pentagram did not work he was going to fire at the glass bowl so as to break the spell and prevent the murderous 'Extra Terrestrials' from taking control of their minds. From their vantage point the twenty police officers looked down at the terrible scene being re-enacted, they said nothing but their minds were in turmoil, they no longer looked at the two agents with derision. Inspector Humphreys was there to snap them out of their state of shock and to ready them for action when the time came.

  "Listen up, for I do not want to have to repeat myself." Humphreys` began, and when he had all of their attention, he continued. "I have no idea how long it will take for our targets to react to the sound and light show down there, it could be minutes it could be an hour. However long it is I need you all to focus, not on the scene below but on the door, the holes in the roof of the warehouse, the windows, watch for those thirteen sick bastards to show themselves. Remember, they will not give us the time to think, when one of you catches sight of those sickoes you tell me, or you tell one of the two SIS agents. We will give the order to fire and when the order is given you will do so without thinking about it, you have been given permission to shoot to kill, nothing else will suffice, your lives and those of your colleagues will be in danger if you hesitate for even one second." Humphreys stated firmly and loudly. "Do I make myself clear?" His voice boomed out loudly in the quiet of the night.

  His question was answered by a few grunted OK`s and a lot of slow nods, then their commander gave each officer a place to watch and silence settled over the warehouse. Down below the show had finished, the charged pentagon had protected Rob and Dave, for they saw the consternation appear on the faces of the aliens when they mind control powers failed to work, and so Rob and David returned to the office and settled down to wait for their enemy to show themselves.


  Magnus One still felt surprised when he suddenly found himself looking down upon the scene at the disused warehouse, even if he had been expecting this very thing to happen. As for Scientia and his two Amaymons, they had to work hard to stop the shock that they felt from appearing upon their faces, for it would be noticed by the two Elders, even beneath the hoods, and it would be hard to explain away. Magnus One had focussed on Rob, while the rest of his team focussed on whomever they chose. All the aliens were amazed when they failed to enter the minds of the humans, as they had managed to do at St Luke`s, finally their amazement turned to anger when they realised that something was blocking their mental energy from reaching the two humans. There was one other emotion, concern, concern that the humans were more advanced than they had initially believed.


  Another SIS agent, John Agers, was watching the area around the warehouse from a high vantage point in a nearby office building. Agers being so far away from the vehicle that held Scientia and his team was unaffected by the mental camouflage net the three Extra Terrestrials were sending out. This meant that he soon noticed movement within the vehicle, curious as to who was spending so much time there, especially as the early morning temperature was approaching zero, he zoomed in on them using a pair of night vision binoculars. Agers smiled as he moved the binoculars along the side of the vehicle, and he now decided to call Rob.

  "Rob, there are at least three monks and one guy in a suit parked in a MPV on the corner of the street opposite the L'Or?al advertisement, they have been there for some time, and at this time in the morning when the temperature is almost touching zero, I would say our fish are looking at the bait." Agers said.

  "Acknowledged John, please be sure to keep an eye on them, but be careful, please ensure that they do not catch sight of you." Rob replied.

  "I will take care Rob, never fear." Agers assured his friend.

  Chapter Four

  They are Satanists, just Extra Terrestrial Ones

  Rob called the operation off when the nearby church clock struck eight o`clock and the streets were filling with people hurrying to their jobs; it was obvious to him that the 'Extra Terrestrial' leader had seen through his plan. Rob pondered over why the 'Extra Terrestrials' were still staking out the warehouse though, if they were not going to act, and he finally came up with a possible answer. The 'Extra Terrestrial' in charge of the band had decided to have his team follow him when he left the warehouse, hoping for a quieter spot where he and David could be taken without the risk of discovery and away from his armed protection. Well two could play at that, for it was also obvious to Rob that the 'Extra Terrestrials' did not know that their reconnaissance team had been spotted. It was now that David intruded on his thoughts.

  "Rob, you know that I initially dismissed the idea that Satanists were behind the murders, well I have begun to wonder if I was correct to do so." David began. "First off the spell we used to look back in time worked, why when it was only meant to work against Satanists? Secondly the charged pentagon worked when again it is a protection against the forces of evil, Lucifer and his minions, why?" David asked.

  "You think that these vermin could be devil worshippers David, but from another planet?" Rob asked incredulously.

  "I really do not know for certain Rob, but yes I am beginning to think just that, I also wonder if this might be Lucifer`s or Lord Asbaritch`s way of getting their own back. Maybe one of them put the idea into their heads, maybe even lured them to Earth, I mean with almost seven billion people on Earth it would be a tempting apple to hang before them." David replied despondently.

  "If that is so David, then we can treat them as ordinary Satanists, ones that just happen to have some extra powers curtesy of Lucifer. If we can defeat Moira, then with only three of them to go up against it should be a whole lot easier." Rob replied joyfully.

  Inspector Humphreys had been listening in on this bizarre conversation, however he did not even try to join in, it was only last Sunday that he had declared to his father that he did not believe in the existence of God. It was at this point that Rob turned to him to tell him what he wanted to do next.

  "Joe, we need to send your guys home so that they can catch up with their sleep, as for us three, well we have work to do."

  "I could also do with a little shut eye Rob." Humphreys complained.

  "Later Joe, first we must earn our crust, tell your lot to go and then we will drive off to a nice quiet spot where we can ambush the vermin staking out the warehouse, assuming that they follow us." Rob replied unfeelingly. "Tell the commander of the SCO19 team just what we have planned and instruct him to keep an eye open for anyone following their vehicle, I could be wrong about their intentions."

  Joe just gave a shrug of acceptance and then he told the elite squad of police officers to head for home, after repeating Rob`s words of warning to the commander of the elite police force. Rob, Dave and Humphreys followed the police coach out of the warehouse, once again using Humphreys` vehicle. As for the single officer whose duty it was to guard th
e entrance against sightseers, they sent him home to ensure that ET did not move against him.

  As they drove away from North London, Rob called Sir Willoughby Brown and updated him, and even he sounded a little more cheerful after hearing the latest thoughts on their quarry, however he did have one question.

  "I thought that David said that he found no satanic signature, that they had not left their personal mark at either of the two crime scenes.

  As Rob had the speaker on both Humphreys and David could hear Sir Willoughby Brown`s remark, and David now spoke.

  "Normally that is so Sir Richard, however I believe that we are indeed dealing with a race from another planetary system, and one like Mankind that became the dominant animal on their planet. The reason why they did not leave a personal mark is because they are part of a race that must roam the stars looking for new prey to feed their people`s warped desires, and not for self-advancement, as is the norm with Satanists here on Earth. The only difference between them and the Satanists on Earth is that our Satanists are completely normal in all other respects, Mankind left cannibalism and the like behind as our civilisations grew and advanced, it would seem that the Extra Terrestrials did not."

  "My god David, if you are correct in your belief then we need to end this threat quickly, and before they slip away to another town or country, and certainly before they send a post card home asking that their family and friends join them." Sir Willoughby Brown replied shocked at what he had just been told.

  "What we need is an ambush spot Sir Richard, to take out the small group tailing us." Rob said. "And a number of SIS men to back us up. John Agers is already trailing behind the Extra Terrestrials, Simon Markman is no stranger to our spooky side and Malcolm Palmer was involved on the fringes of our first operation against the forces of evil. We will also require the services of Doctor Wilson; we need him to give the Extra Terrestrials a powerful sedative to keep them under on the way back to HQ."