Read The Return of the Bitch from Hell Page 7

  "Rob, these things used an energy weapon to slice off their victims skulls, holy water will not protect you from a powerful energy bolt." Sir Willoughby Brown.

  "No it will not, which is why I want our people to be armed with Tasers, that way we can capture them and not kill them." Rob replied.

  "When they recover they will still be able to use their mind control, if so we will need some way to neutralise them, any ideas Rob?" Sir Willoughby Brown asked.

  "Yes, first off as I just suggested we knock them out with the Tasers and then Doctor Wilson can give them with something to keep them under until we get them back to headquarters. Once there we will put each of them into separate cells, we then strap them into a chair and have a powerful sedative connected up intravenously to their arms, if they try anything then we can pump the drugs into them, that should be enough to prevent them from tapping into anyone`s mind." Rob replied. "When we begin to interrogate them we can use a truth drug on the aliens; at the least it should keep their minds` hazy and maybe even susceptible to answering our questions."

  "So where do you propose to ambush them Rob, it will have to be a place with only the minimum of the general public around? If these Extra Terrestrials open fire with their energy weapons, assuming this is what they used on their victims, we could have a blood bath on our hands." Sir Willoughby Brown asked anxiously.

  "I suggest that we make use of Hampstead Heath, we can enter it from Spaniards Road at the Heath Street end. Inside about half a mile the way turns sharply to the right, have a road block set up there, and to stop them from reversing I will get John Agers to ram them from behind. We can then rush them before they recover and Taser them before they think to resist our attack. You had better have a Black Maria on hand to transport the prisoners back to headquarters." Rob replied.

  "It will all be laid on Rob, allow sixty minutes before entering Hampstead Heath, I will have cleared the area of the public by then so you do not need to pull your punches when you launch your attack. Do whatever is necessary to take these three bastards prisoner." Sir Willoughby Brown said, once again allowing his feelings to show by using an expletive.

  "I only hope that we can keep them on our tail that long before the leader of their group begins to smell a rat and orders them to run for the hills." Rob replied signing off.

  "Joe, take the longer scenic route to the heath, if your rust bucket of an automobile can keep going for that length of time." Rob jested. "Best to keep to the busier roads Joe, so that we do not tempt the Extra Terrestrials to make a move on us too soon." Rob advised the detective, for he had no wish for the tables to be turned against them.

  "My car might look a little passed its best but I can assure you that it passed its MOT last month, and Rob, it has hidden depths." Humphreys replied in a hurt voice.

  Humphreys had grown rather fond of his aging vehicle over the years, even though it had occasionally let him down, today though it appeared to be running smoothly. It took all of Humphrey`s skill to ensure that the Extra Terrestrials did not lose them, and finally just over one hour later he took his vehicle along a narrow road on to Hampstead Heath. After two hundred yards they drove round a blind bend to see a group of people waiting for them, Joe pulled past them and stopped his aging vehicle as an SIS agent drove a large van across the road, and none too soon for the MPV in which the Extra Terrestrials were using came round the bend at speed.

  Scientia was convinced that they would be able to take the humans within the countrified area that his quarry had turned down. As he drove his large vehicle around the bend his spirits were actually rising, then he found a large van parked across the road, and unable to stop in time he swerved to the left, crying out in fear as he crashed the vehicle into a large tree. The crash knocked him unconscious and threw everyone else forward stunning them. Behind him, John Agers drove his pursuing vehicle into the rear of the MPV, further stunning the occupants of the MPV and also ensuring that it would go no further. Agers then jumped from his vehicle and joined the other SIS agents who were storming the crashed vehicle. Rob pulled open the driver`s door while on the other side of the vehicle Simon Markman pulled open the front passenger door. Firing their Taser weapons they immediately incapacitated two Extra Terrestrials whether it was necessary or not, while Malcolm Palmer took care of the third one. David Pritchard and John Agers used their Taser weapons on the two Elders, for they did not know if they were Extra Terrestrials or humans, and in any case they could still be a danger to them and themselves.

  It had taken just seconds to capture the Extra Terrestrials, and with the danger over Rob waved Doctor Wilson forward. The doctor now gave each of their captives a powerful sedative, using a hypodermic needle.

  With time to breathe now that the action was over, Rob pulled back one of the hoods of their captives to see a gaunt pallid alien looking face, and one obviously alien to Earth.

  "Well that answers one question David; they are Extra Terrestrials and very tall humanoid ones at that." Rob said surprised, for although he had acknowledged that they might well be Extra Terrestrials, somewhere deep inside he had still thought it improbable.

  Rob and David now entered the rear of the Black Maria, and while Rob sprayed holy water over the walls, David read out a prayer. With the chance of the Extra Terrestrials coming too while on the way back to headquarters and taking control of the driver`s mind now over, they loaded their five captives within the van and headed back into London escorted by three other vehicles. As for the aliens` MPV, Rob arranged for it to be towed back to their headqwuarters so that the forensics team could get to work on it.

  When the Extra Terrestrials were safely back within the headquarters of the SIS, and Doctor Wilson had checked them over to ensure that they were healthy, as far as he could tell that is, and not about to come round, Sir Willoughby Brown entered the cell block to look at each of them. As was the case with everyone in the cellblock, he too wore a string of garlic about his head to prevent the aliens from getting inside of his brain, covered by a hat to hold it in place.

  "They are all very tall specimens Rob, and as they all appeared to be about the same size on that video you recorded, it means that the others are also just as tall." Sir Willoughby Brown noted.

  Then he and the others inspected the strange devices carried by the three Extra Terrestrials, they were on a table outside in the corridor. "This is obviously the energy weapon they used so horrifically on their victims, but what do you think this device is, could it be yet another satanic device to add to our collection?"

  David Pritchard was looking at another of the devices and he disagreed with Sir Willoughby Brown. "I do not think so Sir Richard; I took it as read that the Extra Terrestrials communicate with the humans that we found with them. However, unless they rely solely on their telepathic power, which as they all have a rather prominent Adam's apple I feel that is unlikely, maybe it is a portable translator, if so there might be a sign of a receiver on each of the Extra Terrestrials` heads." David suggested.

  He then went into the nearest cell to look for a sign of such a device, either on the head of the Extra Terrestrial or within the Extra Terrestrial`s ear. On inspection he found an old scar behind the ear of the Extra Terrestrial, he found a similar scar on the other two Extra Terrestrials, which went some way to proving his hypothesis.

  "I will have the boffins of MI6 look at two of these, to see if you are correct in your hypophysis David, I will leave the other one with you. If you are correct then it must use a form of Wi-Fi to communicate with the Extra Terrestrial, that or they use their mental powers to allow them to communicate through it. However, you must keep it on your person to ensure that they will not be able to use it against you, if in fact it is a weapon of some sort.


  The three Amaymons woke to find themselves the prisoners of the humans that they had been following, each of them incarcerated within a different cell and strapped into a chair. An intravenous needle was attached to their arms, thi
s carried a powerful sedative ready to be pumped into them should they try to use their mind controlling powers. However, the three Amaymons refused to say anything, even though Sir Willoughby Brown had decided to leave one of their translation devices with David. They sat in their chairs and chanted in the hope that in this way they could conjure up enough power between them to have their captors release them, and without the humans activating the sedative. With his prisoners being so uncooperative Rob asked Doctor Wilson to inject them with truth serum, to see if this would work, however although it relaxed them they still refused to answer any of the questions put to them. Th doctor keeping his eyes away from the blazing red eyes of the aliens at all times, to ensure that there was no danger of his losing the control of his mind.

  Having no luck with the Extra Terrestrials, Rob spoke to John Agers and Simon Markman who were questioning the two Elders, however they too were saying nothing, this time it was their conditioning that was preventing them from speaking.


  Magnus One was sitting within the shuttle craft and he was feeling rather worried, for he had lost contact with Scientia and the other two Amaymons, he now assumed the worst, that they had been captured by the humans. If this was so he knew that he and the remainder of his coven must leave the Church of the Second Coming, for it would not take their adversaries long to find the them once they had tracked down the rental company that had leased his human followers the two MPV vehicles. It was as he prepared his plans to move that Linguia hurried over to him.

  "Commander, I have located the headquarters of the Special Intelligence Service, it is near to the same river that flows near to this church."

  "Good work Linguia, we may need to pay them a visit to find out where our three missing comrades have got to, however for the moment we must begin our preparations to move to a new base of operations." Magnus One replied joyfully. "Have the rest of the coven come here immediately."

  When all the Amaymons had gathered aboard the shuttlecraft Magnus One spoke to them.

  "Early tomorrow morning we are going to beard our human adversaries in their den, we need to find out where they are keeping Scientia and his two acolytes prisoner, we are going to find them and release them." Magnus One said to the nine Amaymons gathered about him. "Who knows, maybe we will find our two human targets still there, attempting to, and failing, to learn about us from our three missing friends."

  A grim smile now appeared on Magnus One`s gaunt face "However, before then we must take care of our human hosts, show them our appreciation for their work, coven Walpurgisnacht, we have missed our breakfast so we must make do with brunch and today we dine on the humans whose message brought us here to their church."


  The morning Mass being over that day they only found four of the Elders at the church, along with two women whose task it was to clean the church, for feminism did not play a large role in the Church of the Second Coming. Jeremiah Jones was in his sanctuary, so that as long as he stayed there he would not be invited to the dinner that his guests had planned. Seeing only six humans in the church Magnus One was a little disappointed, he just hoped that another human would turn up as seven was considered a lucky number amongst their kind, but speed was of the essence, Magnus One thought, for they needed to be away before the authorities of this backward planet arrived. The ten Amaymons entered the central aisle of the church, the nave, and walked slowly down it while chanting in Aramaic, the six humans stopped what they were doing and moved towards the aliens, wanting to be a part of whatever ceremony the messengers of Christ were about to begin, little knowing that their participation was extremely necessary.

  The aliens slowly walked around the group of humans until they had encircled them, then they turned the full force of their minds upon the six people. The humans' now experienced real fear, for it was now that they found out what the aliens had planned for their immediate future, but not orally, no they saw it in the minds of their alien guests.

  Magnus One led his victims back along the church until they were standing beneath the gallery at the front of the church, then two of the aliens left the group and walked up the stone staircase and up on to the gallery. Once up there dropped the ends of six lengths of rope down, they came to rest amongst the six humans, who stood there waiting for their end but not being able to prevent it.

  Magnus One quickly painted upon the stone floor an inverted pentagram, however as before he did not attempt to charge it, the Amaymons only used the pentagram at part of the ritual involved in the killing, the eating of their victims` brains and the drinking of their victims` blood. The Ropes were now tied around their victims` legs and now each of the humans was told to lie down upon the floor. Once there, six of the Amaymons joined the two men up on the gallery, the six humans were hoisted up off the floor, and left to dangle just six feet from the ground, the killing time had arrived.

  The Amaymons all gathered around their victims and began to chant in their own language, as they did so Magnus One and six of his coven pulled out their Satan energy weapons and killed their waiting victims, the whistling energy bolt reverberating around the church and reaching the sanctuary where Jeremiah Jones was meditating.

  Within the church, the Amaymons placed the sacrificial buckets beneath each of the dead bodies and then Magnus One cut the throats with an ornate bronze dagger, one that he kept for just this purpose, while calling out to his gods to look favourably on his gift to them, the unbelievers` life-force. The blood from the humans dripped down into the buckets, quickly filling them as the aliens looked on in anticipation of drinking it. All the while the Amaymons had continued to chant, for anyone listening outside of the church the sound would be most pleasing, within the church Magnus One stood back to look at the scene before him, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he watched as the blood drained into the buckets.

  When the flow of blood lessened, Magnus One ordered the seven Amaymons to use their Satan energy weapons, this time to slice off the top of their victims` skull. With this grisly task done the remainder of the Amaymons removed their hooded garments so that they were not soiled by their meal. The Amaymons now slowly walked around the line of bodies, chanting as they did, their words were thanking their victims for their blood and their brains, and once again, they each held above their heads their Lampada that looked much like a lightsabre, except that only a red plume of smoke came out of it. It was only after the ceremony was completed that the depleted coven now made ready to begin the feast, setting out their meal on three gold plates that they had found in the church and placing the plates upon the top of the altar.

  Hearing the strange whistling sound for a second time Jeremiah Jones hurried down into the church, there he saw the gruesome scene at the same time as Magnus One saw him. Jeremiah Jones was too shocked to run, or even to scream, one moment later he fell silently to floor, dead, for Magnus One was a very good shot with a Satan energy weapon.

  Their feast was delayed while a seventh rope was dangled from the gallery, then the throat of Jeremiah Jones was cut and the Amaymons waited impatiently for the flow of blood to lessen so that they could slice off the top of his skull and add his brain to one of the plates that already contained the six other brains.


  Across town, Sir Willoughby Brown rang up the metropolitan commissioner of police.

  "James, I have some news for you, we have taken three of the killers' prisoner, and as I informed you before they are not Satanists, as such, they are Extra Terrestrials whose people we now believe may have satanic roots." Sir Willoughby Brown said and then waited for Hardwick to react, which he now did.

  "You have three of them prisoner Richard, where, at your headquarters?" Hardwick exclaimed joyfully, having not taken in the latter part of what Sir Willoughby Brown had said. "I will be over in thirty minutes, and I will bring Chief Superintendent Reynolds along, it is about time that he faced up to the reality when dealing with your ace agent."

; They actually took thirty-five minutes, and the Home Secretary was with them, and when they saw the three aliens they were initially struck dumb, it was Reynolds who recovered the power of speech first.

  "It is just make-up, oh they look very real I grant you, but they are not Extra Terrestrials." He declared loudly.

  They were now standing in front of the one of the three cells that held an unconscious alien, for Rob had foreseen this reaction from the senior police officer; he now unlocked the cell door.

  "Come in Chief Superintendent." Rob said politely, for he did not blame the police officer for refusing to believe what he saw. "It is quite safe, this one is harmless for now, and if you can find any sign of make-up on the face of this creature then I will eat your hat."

  Reynolds walked hesitantly into the cell followed by the other two men, he stopped just inches away from the alien and began to touch the alien`s face, first softly and then roughly, and ignoring the fact that the alien was so very tall, he only stopped when the Home Secretary spoke.

  "Chief Superintendent, give it up, the man is not wearing make-up and also he and the other two prisoners are at least seven feet tall. These three creatures are the real thing; either that or I belong to the opposition." He now turned to Sir Willoughby Brown.

  "Sir Richard, you obviously realise that this find is of international importance, everything that we thought we knew has been altered from this point on, the first thing that I have to do is contact the Prime Minister, keep yourself free for the PM will want to speak to you and your two agents."

  Sir Willoughby Brown led his guests back to his office and once there the Home Secretary put a call into the Prime Minister on a secure line. After informing the PM of the prisoners in the headquarters of the SIS, he was ordered to keep everything that they saw or heard a state secret, and to bring Sir Willoughby Brown and his two agents to Number 10 at 10 o`clock the next morning.