Read The Return of the Bitch from Hell Page 8


  Two hours later the aliens` shuttlecraft had just arrived back at the starship, having been forced to take it slowly due to an ebbing tide and a large amount of shipping on the surface of the River Thames. It was just as after Linguia had returned to his station that he learned some very important news regarding their three missing friends.

  "Commander, I have intercepted a message from an American organisation calling itself the National Security Agency, they have sent a scrambled message to the Special Intelligence Service demanding that that one of our three missing members is transferred to them along with one of our weapons and a translation device." Linguia exclaimed unable to control his youthful excitement. "The British Government has agreed to their request and has instructed the Special Intelligence Service to have one of our people given over to them; the Americans are to collect our man from their offices."

  "It will take them some time to get there; and when they do they will find the cupboard bare." Magnus One replied.


  Rob left the powers that be and got back to the case, he went to the large underground garage beneath the MI6 building where the boffins of MI6 were going over the vehicle that had just been drooped off by the recovery vehicle. So far they had found nothing except a large quantity of bloody fingerprints, ones that should connect the aliens to the murders. Not wanting to stop them working Rob returned to his office and one minute later he had run Luxury Cars to ground, for their name and telephone number were on the side of the vehicle used by the Amaymons. It took him only a further minute to get the name of the person who had rented it; he was told it was one of two such vehicles rented to two of the Elders who belonged to the Church of the Second Coming. He immediately crossed over to the office of Sir Willoughby Brown and spoke with him and the commissioner of police, telling them of this new lead, then he requested assistance from the senior policeman.

  "Sir, I need some of your officers to meet me at the church; with any luck we will catch the rest of the aliens before they can escape!" Rob exclaimed.

  "Get moving Mr Hinds, you will find your backup waiting for you when you get to the church." Hardwick replied in a state of suppressed excitement.

  Rob immediately collected David and Detective Inspector Humphreys and headed off for the Church of the Second Coming, this time in an SIS vehicle, for Rob refused to travel in the detective`s vehicle again. Following behind them in a second vehicle were John Agers, Simon Markman and Malcolm Palmer; all of the agents were armed. It was almost mid-day by the time they neared the church, here they were met by twelve officers from the SCO19, all of them were also armed, and a local police inspector was there too to offer whatever local knowledge could be of help. The commissioner had spoken to the commanding officer of the SCO19 team, and he had told him to obey every order that the SIS agents gave him, however strange it might seem. They were told that they were to accompany the SIS agents to a church and that the earlier order regarding the aliens still applied, it being shoot first, ask questions later. On the way Sir Willoughby Brown had ordered Rob to take charge of any Extra Terrestrials that were found alive at the church, and that he was to bring them back to headquarters, after contacting him first to tell him how the raid had gone.

  Inspector Marsden from the local police force met up with Rob and his team, and he gave them a rough description of the church, the residential block and the old warehouse.

  "I did not realise that there was so many buildings to search Inspector, it is lucky for us that you came along." Rob admitted.

  The inspector smiled at the secret agent and then he told him of the excitement taking a hold of the locals that very morning.

  "This is not the only piece of excitement that we have had today Mr Hinds, we have been inundated with calls from the locals, they all reported seeing a UFO entering the Thames, and which was just after the tide had begun to ebb, whereupon the craft was seen to submerge without trace." Marsden told his guests with a smile upon his face for he thought that the calls were all hoaxes.

  Rob looked sharply across at Marsden; it was obvious to the inspector that Rob was very interested in what he had been told, and this surprised him.

  "When was this Inspector?" Rob asked.

  "About half an hour ago Mr Hinds, maybe a little longer, but surely it is just a lot of hoax calls, it certainly cannot have anything to do with your case, can it?" Inspector Marsden replied quizzically.

  David and Rob looked at one another but said nothing as Rob quickened his pace, they were soon entering the church. With the news of the UFO he had decided to leave the other buildings until later, he asked for just two of the SCO19 men to keep watch on the cloister and the warehouse.

  The smell hit them as soon as they entered the church, it was the smell of blood, and it warned Rob, David and Inspector Humphreys of what they were about to see. There before them were seven mutilated bodies hanging from the gallery of the church, having seen such a sight before they managed to keep their breakfasts` down, some of the others were not so lucky. All of them were affected, but in different ways, it was Inspector Humphreys who called the Yard, and he told them that they had yet another atrocity on their hands, of the perpetrators there was no sign, but Rob expected this after Inspector Marsden`s recent comments regarding the UFO sightings.

  Sending the police away to check on the rest of the buildings Rob and David quickly constructed a charged pentagram, David refusing to make use of the inverted one drawn by the Extra Terrestrials. With this done, they then proceeded with the ceremony, and once again, they watched as the Extra Terrestrials circled their victims while chanting. It gave them nothing new to work with but they had to try, and Rob, when they had erased all trace of their work, decided to leave the police in charge of the crime scene. He reported back to Sir Willoughby Brown and then they left, Chief Superintendent Reynolds was already on his way and Rob decided not to wait around to greet him, Inspector Marsden along with the SCO19 officers could guard the scene until then.

  The SIS agents along with Inspector Humphreys returned to the SIS headquarters to be met by Sir Willoughby Brown, who on hearing their report in full gave Rob just one order.

  "Rob you must find these Extra Terrestrials and exterminate them before they bring their brethren to Earth." Sir Willoughby Brown said.

  "When that is done we will need to destroy all traces of them so that word of them does not get out about them. These beings are not a friendly intelligent race that will bring peace to our planet; they are the opposite, they will only bring more fear to an already troubled world." Sir Willoughby Brown said grimly.

  Rob took his agents along to the cellblock and once again attempted to get some information from the three Extra Terrestrials and the two humans, but without any success. It was while he was busy that agents from the National Security Agency turned up and whisked away one of the Extra Terrestrials along with one of each of the Extra Terrestrial devices found upon the Extra Terrestrials. When the Americans finally departed, taking their loot with them, Rob called a halt to the proceeding and sent everyone home, he and David arriving at his apartment as the local church clock struck ten; they finally had what was to them was an early night.


  The Amaymons had changed into their normal attire, and after a quick meal Magnus One told his team of his plan to free the three men who had been taken prisoner by the SIS, it was audacious but he reckoned that the surprise and speed of the raid would give them success.

  It was in the early hours of the next morning, well before sunrise, that they took their shuttlecraft back along the river Thames. When they reached Vauxhall, the Amaymons created a small bank of thick fog. With this to hide their craft the shuttlecraft rose from the river and moved slowly across to the Vauxhall pleasure gardens, they landed in the centre of the gardens and from here Magnus One led four of his coven to the MI6 building and the SIS headquarters. With the assault team on their way Timoni was left in charge of the shutt
lecraft, he felt rather exposed as he waited anxiously for the return of the assault team, and always keeping one eye on the local weather, for if a stiff breeze blew in off the river, it could easily take their fog bank with it.

  The Special Intelligence Service had their headquarters in the MI6 building, along with MI6 the building also accommodated the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) making for some confusion, however the Special Intelligence Service as well as being an offshoot of their better known service, was unknown to most everyone. When they flashed their identification, it was assumed they were part of the outfit that the fictional James Bond worked for and this suited them, especially now that they had become entangled with all things to do with the paranormal.

  The entrance to the MI6 building had many security devices in place, however the technology of the aliens was far in advance of that on Earth, and they had soon turned off all of the security devices and were soon standing in the reception area. Before the two guards had realised just what was happening, that the building had been invaded, the aliens had used their Satan energy weapons on them, the sound of their weapons not carrying far as Magnus One had ordered his people to set them at the lowest level for just this reason. They were soon at the entrance to the SIS offices, two men were manning the graveyard shift and they looked up as the aliens entered the main office area. The agents were expecting to see their own people, on seeing the aliens standing there they made to rise, their hands reaching for their weapons. They never made it for two Satan energy weapons fired at them, once again using their lowest power setting; the hum of a swarm of bees filled the area as the two agents fell to the floor unconscious.

  The aliens immediately released their two men; however, Magnus One was angry to find that Scientia was missing. He correctly assumed that the American intelligence agency, the National Security Agency, had worked faster that he had expected, however Scientia could be anywhere, he could still be in England or maybe in the United States of America, or even somewhere in between the two countries.

  With time being an enemy of the aliens, they hastily left the MI6 building, however the aliens had forgotten that the two Elders were also detained there, which probably saved their lives. When the aliens departed the offices of the SIS they took the two agents with them, for they had only been stunned, Magnus One wanting to find out just what was known about his coven. He had decided against trying to get into the computers, as he needed to get back to his shuttlecraft before the winds that were getting stronger by the minute, blew the concealing bank of fog away and exposed his shuttlecraft.


  It was only minutes after the aliens left the MI6 building that their raid was discovered, two MI6 agents working late had found the two unconscious guards in the reception area and had called their immediate superiors, and it took only five minutes for someone to call Sir Willoughby Brown. When he could not contact his people on duty at the headquarters, he first rang Rob and then, after hurriedly dressing, he drove to his office, while silently damning himself for underestimating his enemy.

  When Rob arrived at the headquarters of the SIS he found that the two agents on the graveyard shift were missing as well as the two Extra Terrestrials, however he was not surprised to see that the two Elders from the church were still there, the Extra Terrestrials obviously did not consider them worthy of their attention.

  Rob thought that he now had a way of breaking through their conditioning, he sat them down and ran his latest video, definitely X-certificate, and the two Elders watched as their friends were murdered and their bodies defiled. It was some time now that the two men had been under the direct control of the aliens, and this coupled to the terrible scene that they saw on the video wiped away the mental conditioning that had controlled their minds. However, they knew precious little, apart from telling Rob about the transmission that the Church had sent out into deep space asking for the Messiah to return to Earth.


  The next morning found Rob and David at number 10 Downing Street; there they were subjected to a very comprehensive cross-examination. They first told the PM and the cabinet all about their black magic cases and then about their new case, and of the raid on their headquarters, of the rescue of two of the aliens by the murderers and the subsequent kidnapping of two SIS agents.

  The Prime Minister spent the next hour talking to a stunned cabinet, and with a decision agreed upon the defence minister was asked to contact the armed forces; he was to instruct each branch to appoint a liaison officer within the next hour, their task being to work with the SIS. This mission had priority over anything else and of course was top secret. Sir Willoughby Brown would take executive command of the operation while his two agents would be in command in the field, no matter what the cost in materials, the Extra Terrestrials had to be located and terminated, and before more aliens made the journey to Earth.


  The Amaymons were soon back aboard their starship, they decided that a change of location was in their best interests, and anyway Magnus One had not forgotten about Scientia, so he sent his starship skimming across the Atlantic Ocean, just feet above the waves, his destination the North American coast.

  While Timoni handled the spacecraft, Magnus One interrogated the two SIS agents, using a combination of a truth drug and, more importantly, the power of his mind. However, to his disappointment he soon learnt that the two SIS agents knew little about the black magic cases that Rob and David had been involved in, only the rumours that had sped around the office and that the villain was supposed to be a Satanist. However, they both thought that their target used Satanism as a cover for something else, just what they did not know, but they both thought that Satanism was usually just a cover for wild orgies. The only fact they knew for certain was that the third man in the present case was a police detective who certainly knew nothing about black magic, as for remote viewing they treated the subject as laughable.

  Magnus One disagreed with them, for the visions had actually happened, his whole coven had experienced them. Then he recalled the ancient myths of his own planet, he now wondered whether there might be some truth behind them, could it be that this had nothing at all to do with remote viewing, could it in fact mean that black magic was indeed the answer. Magnus One sighed, for it was obvious to him that only the capture of the two men he had sought back in England would give him his answer. One other thought entered his mind, if they had used black magic, could the use of it give one, such as he, real power amongst his people.

  Magnus One immediately stopped his charge across the ocean, even though it meant that Scientia would have to remain in their enemy`s hand, and he turned the starship back towards England, heading now for the Yorkshire coast. They were soon back at the English coast and he took their starship down to the bottom of the North Sea. This time they were situated just a little to the south east of the seaside town of Scarborough that was in the county of Yorkshire. First, they used Google Earth and then one of their drones; within twenty-four hours, they had identified a suitable base to commence their next operation. They were once again wearing their monk`s attire as they boarded their shuttle craft with the two SIS agents and headed for the coast of England. It was just past midnight when they passed over the coastline and journeyed across the Yorkshire countryside to a small empty farmhouse that had a derelict barn opposite it. Here they hid their craft within the barn and made it and the farmhouse liveable before resting for what was left of the day. Later that evening they visited the seaside town of Scarborough where they kidnapped five more humans. With the two SIS agents, they now had their next seven victims and it was almost time to begin their celebrations.

  Chapter Five


  With the Amaymons much closer to the new abode of Moira Bourbon, Lord Asbaritch decided to step up his game, but still in a way that could not be traced directly back to him, for he did not want Lord Lucifer to know what he was doing until it was a fait accompli, for Lucifer was s
till angry with Moira. Only then would he face Lucifer`s anger, and with Moira Bourbon by his side he was sure that Lucifer would back down and agree to her taking her place as one of his major demons, who just happened to also be a mortal woman.


  Magnus One and his followers used their limited powers upon their latest five victims, making their victims subservient to their wishes and unable to fight back. Meanwhile, Lord Asbaritch had magnified the satanic vibrations coming off the Amaymons and sent them pulsing through Moira Bourbon`s brain, impacting upon her immense but latent powers and causing a tingling sensation in her brain that created a feeling of d?j? vu in her mind. Even though she was initially bewildered by the vibrations, these vibrations, and earlier one sent to her by the dark lord, had kick started parts of her brain that Rob Hinds would have preferred to have kept closed. Moira decided to investigate this new set of vibrations, and she watched as the strange looking creatures took control of their victims` minds and made them zombie-like, people with no control over their actions. However, although interested in her vision, initially she did not intend to follow the strange vision up, she did however look into each of the strangers` minds to find out more about them and what she found both revolted her and intrigued her.

  Lord Asbaritch had not finished with Moira`s lessons yet, he now sent her into a deep sleep and in this state he visited her on the Dreamscape, the dimension that dreamers visit, and here he unlocked images in her mind that had been locked away until now. However, he realised that too much too soon could affect her mental wellbeing, so to protect her mind he had already decided to limit the time that she spent looking at such visions. This time she saw herself looking at a blank wall that suddenly became a video monitor, on the monitor she saw Rob Hinds walk into the hallway of an apartment block, then she heard a voice that she knew to be her own, it was just above a whisper.