Read The Road To Price Page 13


  I arrive back in my room around seven. I’m covered in dried up sweat, my hair is a mess and I’m starving. My stomach growls at the thought of food, but I know what my first priority needs to be. I have to get ready before Sebastian gets here. Once I’m ready I can eat something.

  I go to my dresser to grab some of my clothing before I hop in the shower. My dresser is tucked away in the corner of my room. It’s standard black and has six long drawers and two smaller ones at the top. It’s the nicest dresser I have ever used. It has chrome handles and matches the rest of my bedroom set.

  My room is much larger than I’m used to. I slept on a twin mattress at home. Here I have a queen size bed with a nightstand on each side. All the furnishings are black. My bedding set is white with hand stitched floral designs all over the comforter. I’m very happy with the room I was given.

  Now what should I wear?

  As much as I want to look amazing for Sebastian, I’m exhausted. I know I'll have no desire to change into pajamas after he leaves for the evening, so I decide on comfort over cute.

  I grab out a pair of my black yoga pants from my bottom drawer. I have a nice figure and they are like a second skin on my body. They will definitely draw Sebastian’s attention.

  Not that I want that.

  I then go to the third drawer from the top and grab a blue fitted tank top. It’s comfortable and hugs my curves perfectly. My underwear drawer comes next and this is where I will pull out all the stops. I grab my black lace push-up bra that makes my breasts look good enough to eat. I’m blessed with a full, size C rack. It’s nothing to write home about, but it definitely is enough to grab any man’s attention.

  I dig around the drawer to find my matching thong and I’m set. I have no plans to let Sebastian see what is underneath my outfit, but knowing I’m wearing sexy lingerie underneath will give me confidence.

  I bring my clothes with me into the bathroom that is connected to my room. I turn on the shower and wait a few minutes for the water to warm up. Then I enter the shower and let the warm water run over my muscles. It feels amazing. Nothing is better than a good shower after a hard day at work.

  I grab the shampoo and start washing up. My shampoo and conditioner smell like coconut and I love it. It always makes me feel clean. After I wash my hair, shave my legs, and wash my body, I’m ready to get out.

  When I’m drying myself off I think I hear a noise coming from outside the door. I wait a few seconds to see what it is, but I’m met with silence. Figuring I must have imagined it, I start to put on my bra, thong, and yoga pants. I pull my tank top over my head last. I comb through my hair and decide to leave it wet to air dry. I quickly brush my teeth and go into my room to grab my make-up bag.

  I open the door to my room and my breath catches in my throat. Sitting on my bed in front of me is a smiling Sebastian. He has his back against the headboard, arms crossed on his chest, and his legs stretched out in front of him. He's dressed in fitted jeans and a black fitted t-shirt. He must have taken off his shoes because he only has a pair of white socks on his feet.

  He looks delicious.

  I continue to eat him up with my eyes. He adjusts his body slightly on my bed. He definitely knows how to make himself comfortable in someone else's room.

  “So, are you going to continue checking me out or are you going to say hello?” And cocky Sebastian is back.

  ”Hi. I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I thought you said you were working late?” I’m still stunned by how casual he looks sitting on my bed.

  “I had incentive to finish my day early.” He looks me up and down slowly, “I like the casual look you got going there. It’s sexy in a less obvious kind of way.” He pauses to lick his lips, “Your hair is wet and I like it when my woman is wet-”

  “Hold it right there. If you’re going to make tonight dirty then we can end our evening now. We are supposed to be working on being friends. Dirty jokes are not the way to start a friendship,” I say sternly.

  Sebastian laughs, “I’m sorry, I was just kidding around. We are friends and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I thought a dirty joke might ease a little of the tension between us.”

  He stands up from the bed and starts to approach me by the doorway leading to the bathroom. “Are you ready to start this movie or what?”

  He really is trying to be friendly.

  I walk over to the other end of my room where I've put the movie I selected. I grab it off my nightstand and show him the cover. “I thought we could watch this. It’s one of my favorite movies and I haven’t seen it in a while.”

  He followed me across the room so we're standing about a foot away from each other. “Clueless… Really? I know I told you to pick a movie, but I was expecting something a little less girly.”

  It’s my turn to laugh at him. “I’ll have you know a lot of men enjoy this movie. Plus, it’s a classic. Cher and Dionne are hysterical.”

  “If you say so.”

  I bring my hands up to his chest and push him gently, “I do, and you’ll love it!”

  I move my hands back to my sides and smile at him. “I don’t know about you but I'm starving. I haven’t had time to eat dinner yet, so let’s go to the kitchen, get something to drink, make popcorn and pick out a few other snacks to munch on during the movie.”

  “Sounds like a well balanced dinner,” he says sarcastically. I’m learning to love his sarcasm. “After you,” he gestures towards my door that leads to the hallway.

  I walk out in front of him to the kitchen I share with the other girls. When we walk into the kitchen Vanessa is digging through the silverware drawer. She looks up from the drawer and spots us, then she shuts the drawer quickly and slowly starts to grin.

  “Hi, Mr. Price!” She shoots me a dirty look and nods in my direction, “Mia.”

  “Hello, Vanessa. Is there something we can help you find in one of the drawers?” Sebastian is being polite to her when all I want to do is shove her grin down her pretty little throat.

  “No, thanks. I’m just looking for a spoon so I can eat the soup I made myself.” She takes a step closer to Sebastian and continues to speak, “I was kind of hoping to see you tonight. I haven’t had any time with you in like… a week.”

  Wow, I’m uncomfortable. I feel like this is a conversation they should be having in private. I move to take a step back when Sebastian’s arm dashes out and grabs mine. His eyes stay focused on Vanessa.

  “I actually made plans with Mia tonight. We’re going to sit in her room and watch a movie. We just came in the kitchen to grab something to eat.”

  Vanessa looks at my arm and then looks back up at Sebastian. “That’s okay. What about tomorrow night?” She says hopefully.

  Sebastian gives her a sympathetic look as he says, “I don’t think so, Vanessa.”

  She's pissed. She looks at me disgusted and somehow moves even closer to Sebastian. She's standing with her chest a few inches away from Sebastian’s chest.

  “Is it because of her?” Her eyes flick in my direction and then back towards Sebastian. “You’ve never been known for fucking one girl exclusively.”

  Now it is Sebastian’s turn to look pissed. He lowers his face towards Vanessa and speaks sternly, “First of all, I am not sleeping with Mia. She is my friend. Second, I have spent the last few days re-evaluating my life style choices. I’ve come to learn that I don’t like some of the decisions I've made in my personal life and I'm starting to make changes.” He slowly inches his face closer until their eyes are only a few inches apart.

  “Now, this is the most important part, so I suggest you listen up and tell the others. I will no longer be fucking you or any of the other women. I’m changing my ways and I’m starting with you. It’s not right and you girls shouldn’t be okay with it either. From now on you work for me and that’s it. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal,” she says as she backs away from him and storms out of the kitchen. A fe
w seconds later I hear a door slam. All I can think about is the conversations I know I’ll be having with the other girls tomorrow.

  I’m so deep in thought that I haven’t noticed Sebastian is now standing in front of me. He's looking at me expectantly.


  “I’m sorry you had to witness that. I’m sure it doesn’t help my case in the friendship department.” He looks nervous. Does he think this will make me want to not be friends with him?

  I take a step towards him and place one of my hands lightly on his shoulder, while looking into his eyes. “Sebastian, I already knew about your manwhore tendencies. It's common knowledge that you sleep with all the women on your staff, well, except for me. The conversation I witnessed doesn’t change anything.”

  I look away for a second, smiling and then look back to Sebastian.

  “Actually, I’m happy. I like that you have re-evaluated your life and are making changes for the better. You’re… wait, how old are you?” I just realized I have no idea how old he is.

  “Thirty-one. I must seem like an old man to you.” He looks sad when he says this.

  “No, you don’t. I was just going to say that you’re thirty-one years old. It’s about time you started acting like it. You should be thinking about settling down.” I point behind me to the hallway where the girl’s bedrooms are. “Sleeping with all these women may feel good now, but in ten years you’ll be lonely and wishing you had someone to keep you warm at night.”

  “I know. You’re right and I’ve been thinking about that a lot the last few days. I have to thank you for that.”

  Now I’m confused, “Me? What do I have to do with it?”

  He looks at me shyly.

  Shyly!!!! I didn’t know Sebastian could be shy.

  “When we met last Tuesday I knew something was different. I immediately felt a connection to you… I can’t explain it. All I know is… all I know is I want to be better. You make me want to be better.”

  I can feel the blush taking over my face. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. How am I supposed to be only friends with this man when he says things like this?

  I smile sweetly at him, “We should probably make the popcorn so we can get this movie started.” He nods his head in agreement.

  We make popcorn, grab a few sodas from the fridge, and grab a package of chocolate chip cookies from the pantry. We head back to my room in peaceful silence.

  I watch as Sebastian sets up the movie on the television hanging on the wall directly in front of my bed. I have yet to watch any television since I moved in. Sebastian doesn’t know that TV really isn’t my thing since Miles died.

  I shut my bedroom door and decide to lock it. I tell myself this is just in case Vanessa comes in and decides to start trouble. Then I walk over to my bed and sit down.

  I’m facing the TV with my back against the headboard. I cross my legs in front of me, put the bowl of popcorn in my lap, and start eating. Sebastian grabs the remote that is hidden on a ledge behind the television and sits down beside me on the bed.


  With popcorn in my mouth I muffle out a, “Yep!”

  He presses play and then relaxes into the headboard. Sebastian hands me my soda and starts digging into the popcorn with me. We sit like this until all the popcorn and half the package of cookies is gone.

  “Well, I’m stuffed,” I say, while throwing the garbage into the can next to the nightstand.

  “I’m glad this nutritious meal was so filling for you.” He's back to the sarcasm again. It’s adorable.

  “You’re hilarious!” I say back, equally sarcastic. I relax next to him and let out a yawn.

  “You’re tired. Come here,” he says as he opens his arm for me to nestle into his side. I’m not sure if this is the smartest idea, but the invitation is too tempting.

  I scoot over towards him and relax my body into his. It's weird, but I instantly feel safe nestled under his arm.

  We continue to watch the movie like this. Well… he watches. I can’t concentrate. I’m too busy focusing on his thumb brushing over my shoulder. It's comforting and that is a foreign feeling for me. I also feel those tingles I was talking about. With every brush of his thumb I feel a jolt go all the way through my body.

  I’m trying to be discreet about how he is affecting me, but on his last thumb stroke he gently squeezes my shoulder and I moan. It's a soft moan, but he definitely heard it.

  He keeps his eyes focused on the movie, but his hand is moving.

  He starts stroking my arm up and down slowly. I moan again, this time a little louder. He takes this as encouragement and moves his hand down my arm to touch my side. His hand slowly starts stroking my side. On his way up, the tips of his fingers are gliding across the side of my breast.

  I close my eyes to soak in the pleasure his fingers are giving me. I need more, but I can’t ask. Luckily, I don’t have to. His hand gently slides across my breast and lightly squeezes. When I don’t protest, he moves to the other breast and does the same thing. It feels amazing. I can feel my belly getting warmer and my panties getting wet.

  Sebastian lowers his hand to my stomach and massages it lightly. He rubs his hand across my lower belly, applying gentle pressure and squeezing. He rubs again and then squeezes. He continues doing this, each time his hand moving lower and lower down my stomach.

  My breath starts getting faster and I completely forget I'm supposed to be watching a movie. His fingers start to lightly trace the edge of my pants. I am ready to beg. I am ready to beg him to take me, however he wants.

  Sebastian’s eyes finally leave the screen and meet mine. His eyes are hooded and I clearly see lust all over his face. He wants me. Right now, he wants me… and I want him.

  Just when I think my body can’t handle any more teasing, Sebastian moves his hand below my pants and thong. His fingertips brush over my clit and he starts to rub me in slow circles.

  “Oh… my… God...” I moan out. His fingers on me feel amazing.

  He moves his head towards mine and lowers his lips to my ear. His breathing is hard and his voice is low and musky. He whispers in my ear, “That’s it, baby. Let me give this to you.” He puts his mouth on my earlobe and sucks on it. His lips make a slow trail of open mouthed kisses to the crook of my neck and stay there.

  It's the hottest thing that ever happened to me.

  The slow build-up in my lower belly is getting stronger and I can feel my orgasm approaching. Sebastian continues to rub me at a perfect pace. It only takes a few more seconds for me to be on the verge of explosion.

  Sebastian kisses his way back up to my ear and whispers, “You are so beautiful. You’re so wet for me and you feel fucking fantastic.” He licks my earlobe while his fingers move faster on me, “Let go, baby.”

  That's all I need. I explode as his hand rubs me through the most intense orgasm of my life. This feels so much better than when I do it. My body tingles all over and my limbs feel like jelly. It's amazing.

  Sebastian is breathing hard into my neck. His hand slowly moves away from my clit and slides up my body to rest gently on my stomach. This movement snaps me back to reality.

  My breathing starts to pick up again and it isn’t because I'm turned on. I have just let Sebastian touch me intimately. I have just let Sebastian kiss up and down my neck. I have just let Sebastian give me an orgasm.

  I am freaking out.