Read The Road To Price Page 14

  Chapter Eight

  I am finally thinking straight. Somewhere in my room tonight my brain left my body, but it is back now. Thank God.

  I need to get up and Sebastian needs to leave.

  My hands raise and I'm pushing Sebastian off me so I can get up. He doesn’t say anything or try to get me to stay on the bed.

  My eyes are wandering around the room. For what, I don’t know. Maybe I am looking for an escape, which is silly because we need to address what just happened.

  He says he wants to be friends, but then he initiates what just happened. He must have planned this all along. Wow, he's good. I fell for the “friends” act.

  Friends. My. Ass.

  “You need to leave,” I state confidently. I am finally thinking with the right part of my body.

  He hesitates on the bed, but then stands up to face me. “We should talk about what happened. You're freaking out right now and I get it, but don’t shut me out. You enjoyed it, so it couldn’t be that bad.”

  “Ugh… you son of a bitch! You knew. You knew if you came over here and we watched a movie that I would cave in. You knew I would allow you to touch me. Were you hoping I would fuck you? Huh?” I don’t give him a chance to respond, “Well guess what, asshole? It is never… going… to... happen.” I draw out the last four words in an attempt to get my point across.

  Even in my anger I don’t completely believe what I'm saying.

  “Slow down there, honey. First of all, I had no intention on feeling you up and getting you off tonight. I mean what I said when I told you we should be friends. Is it my first choice? No, but you want to only be friends and I will work with what I have.”


  “No. You got to say what you wanted to and I heard you out without interrupting. Now you will finish hearing me out.”

  He has a point

  “Now, where was I? Oh, yes! Second, I couldn’t help myself. You were so close to me, you smell amazing and I could see your tits overflowing your lace bra through your shirt. Your ass was on display in your pants and I could see a light outline of your thong that had my dick hard in seconds.”

  He pauses briefly and I think maybe he's done. I'm ready to say something, but he continues speaking. This time his voice is softer, sexier even. It makes my hormones go crazy and I want to be back on my bed with him.

  “Then you were making those noises. God, they were sexy. They started so softly, I almost missed them, but then you were getting louder and I had to touch you. I wanted to continue being the reason you were making those sounds. And you were so responsive. Your nipples were hard, then my hands were on your pussy and you were so wet. The second I touched your clit you moaned out in relief that I was finally touching you there. Don’t act like you didn’t want it. You loved it.”

  He's right. I did love it. It felt so good receiving pleasure from someone else. I am so fearful of anything sexual with someone that I was forgetting how good it feels. I want to feel it again.

  “Mia, you're acting like we crossed some huge line that would destroy any friendship we could have. I got you off with my hand, that’s it. You were fully clothed and I was fully clothed. I mean it’s not like we fucked or sucked each other off. You need to calm down.”

  He doesn’t get it, so I have to explain.

  “Sebastian, it’s just that…. I’ve… This has never… God, this is embarrassing.”

  I move back towards my bed and sit down, placing my head in my hands. Sebastian kneels in front of me and places his hands on my wrists. He slowly lowers my wrists and waits for me to look at him. When I finally look up I see concern. He is worried about me.

  “What is it? You can tell me. There is nothing you should be embarrassed about. If anything I should be the one embarrassed. I’m your employer and I came on to you and now I’m being rejected. I’m pathetic.” He says that last part with that grin I'm beginning to love so much.

  I shake my head with a hint of a smile on my face. Taking a deep breath I tell him, “I've never done anything like that before. Sexual contact has always scared me. When I’m with you it feels different. All the guards I have put up over the years melt away and it’s just you and me. That scares me the most.”

  “I thought… I mean, the report I read on you said… What?” He has a frustrated look on his face, “I’m sorry, Mia, I’m just confused. How could you never have done this before?”

  “The report said I was raped, which is true, but I was fifteen at the time. He held me down, forced himself on me, and then left me in a field. The whole thing lasted only a few minutes. I had never been sexually active before that and I have been too scared to let a man touch me since.”

  “Oh, I see,” he says softly.

  “Well, I mean, I’ve had an orgasm before today.”

  I can’t believe I just said that.

  He smiles in amusement, “Uh huh, and how did you manage that?” His smile grows bigger. He's enjoying where this conversation is going.

  “Oh, I think you know. I’m twenty-three and I have needs just like everyone else. My hand and I are on good terms.”

  He's laughing now and not even trying to hide it.

  “Is it really that funny? I’m sorry, but it was the only way for me to get off since I never let anyone touch me.” I laugh a little now too, “I thought I was pretty good at it, but one touch from you and I realize what I’ve been missing.”

  Sebastian stops laughing and looks up at me again. His eyes are filled with lust and I love that I make him feel that way.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. I do have a tendency to say way too much in front of him. I usually have a filter, but it seems to fall out when he's around.

  “I shouldn’t have just said that. It's true, but I shouldn’t have said it.” I hope this helps ease the tension that has filled the room.

  Any hopes I had of that happening are thrown out the window.

  “Just your hand? I mean, do you only use your hand? What happens when your urge is stronger? Do you use a vibrator?”

  Wow, that is straight to the point. No one could say he is shy about sex. Well, he wants to know, so I guess I should tell him.

  “No vibrator. I have thought about it, but the idea of something being inside me again, well, let's just say it’s not a pleasant thought. I’m okay with that though. I mean, it didn’t feel that great the first time, so why let something or someone do it again.” I let out a laugh to show him that it's okay. I am okay.

  “Honey…” that is the third time he's called me honey. I'm beginning to like that term of endearment. “It didn’t feel good because you were forced to do it. You didn’t consent, there was no foreplay, and most importantly… you were a virgin, it always hurts the first time. If you mix that with the fact that there was no foreplay and you weren’t wet, well, it must have been agonizing. You were forced, Mia, and you survived, and now you need to know what it feels like to have sex. You need to know that it can be pleasurable.”

  “And let me guess, you can do that for me?” I'm trying to bring a little humor to the situation.

  His lip curls up slightly to form a smile, but after a few moments it falls flat. His face is serious again before he speaks. ”No, Mia. As much as I want you, you're obviously not ready for that form of intimacy. I shouldn’t have pushed you.” He stands up from the ground in front of me and reaches for my hands. His hands are warm, smooth; his touch feels incredible.

  He gently pulls me up so we are standing face to face. He then brings our joined hands between our bodies until our mingled hands are lying on his chest.

  “I want to get to know you, Mia. I was serious before and I'm even more serious now. I want us to be friends…. I’m going to show you what a great friend I can be.”

  He brings my hands up to his mouth and gently kisses them with his soft lips. “I’m glad you felt comfortable telling me about your past. I know that must have been hard for you. You can always trust me. I will spend the rest of my
life proving that to you.”

  Sebastian lets go of my hands and leans in towards my body. “It’s late and I should go. Don’t make plans for tomorrow night, okay?”

  I nod and speak quietly, “Okay.”

  “Great! I’m in the mood for an action flick. I haven’t seen the latest Mission Impossible movie yet so I’m leaning towards that,” he says as he lays a soft kiss on my forehead and turns towards my bedroom door. He looks back at me one more time before walking out my door and leaving for the night.

  My mind is replaying the conversation we just had. I can’t believe I was so open with him; I've never been open with anyone. My own mother doesn’t know most of the things I told Sebastian.

  I want to trust that he will keep my secrets. Scratch that, I know I can trust that he will keep my secrets. I just need to trust him with my heart because after tonight I am sure of one thing, Sebastian Price is slowly getting ahold of my heart and soon he will have the power to destroy it.