Read The Road To Price Page 19


  I feel a warm sensation spread throughout my body. A sweet tingling that is familiar from the night before. I'm slowly awakening from my sleep as I feel hot, wet kisses caress my body. A heavy weight is pressing over me and I feel something delicious thrusting inside my pussy.

  My eyes open slightly to see Sebastian leaving open mouth kisses all over my torso. His hips are grinding against mine and I feel the urge to meet him thrust for thrust.

  This is a great way to be woken up.

  “Honey,” he whispers huskily to me when he notices I'm up. “I hope you don’t mind but I woke up, still inside you, and I had to fuck you. Damn, you just feel so incredible, baby.”

  I love when he speaks to me like this. His little terms of endearment toward me mixed with his unfiltered speech turn me on so much. He wants me, and when he wants something he isn’t afraid to show it.

  “You feel incredible, too,” I moan, as he thrusts his cock inside me again.

  “You want more, baby,” he says and then pulls his cock out of me.

  My body instantly feels the loss of him. It feels unnatural for him not to be inside of me.

  “Turn over on your stomach,” he demands. “Then get on your knees with your hands in front of you on the bed.”

  I instantly follow his instruction. His commands make me even wetter and I love this side of him.

  As I'm on my hands and knees, Sebastian comes up behind me and places his hands on my ass. His hands slowly caress each cheek making my body overheat more with desire.

  His hands then slowly caress up my back, to my neck, and then back down again, until each of his hands are on my hips.

  I can feel his erection press against my ass, sliding between my cheeks. He then makes a slight movement so that his cock is now sliding between the folds of my pussy as he thrusts his hips over and over again.

  “You're so wet for me. God, that is such a turn on, Mia. You have no idea how horny you make me. If I could fuck you all day, every day, I would.”

  He moves his erection to my core and thrusts inside me from behind. He hits me so deep this way that I’m not sure I can take anymore of him. I feel completely filled.

  His rhythm inside me is hard and fast. His right hand moves around me to massage my clit as his left hand grasps my hip to steady me.

  I'm so turned on that it only takes a few seconds for me to be on the brink of an orgasm. Each time he thrusts his cock inside me, my back arches and my body trembles.

  “Sebastian, I can’t hold off. You’re too good… I’m… I’m… I’m going to…” My body starts to shiver as I try to hold off as long as possible.

  “It's okay, let go for me, baby,” he demands and I instantly explode on his cock.

  He thrusts inside me a few more times before he's coming with me as he grunts, “Fuck… Mia!”

  As our bodies start to cool down and our breathing returns to normal, he pulls out of me and lies down beside me in bed. I crawl over to him and plant a tender kiss on his mouth. My body needs to keep in contact with him. It feels like a need, a necessity, for me to be touching him at all times.

  I release his mouth and lay my head on his chest. His arm comes out to caress gentle circles across my back. We stay silent for a few minutes, just basking in the beauty of this moment.

  Then the real world decides to make an appearance.

  There's a knock on the door. My entire body stills, wondering who is going to catch me in Sebastian’s bed. What if it's Vanessa? She'll think I'm just like her, that I have no respect for myself. That I am willing to share Sebastian like the rest of them.

  Please, Lord, don't let it be Vanessa.

  A few moments later, after Sebastian doesn’t respond to the first knock, the knocking starts again. Then the double doors to Sebastian’s room open and in walks a beautiful, blonde woman.

  It's Darcy, Sebastian’s wife. Her head is down, reading something on the tablet in her hands, so she hasn’t seen us yet.

  I quickly grab the sheet at the edge of the bed and cover my naked body as Darcy starts to speak.

  “It’s ten in the morning, Sebastian. It's really not like you to sleep in, especially when you have so much work to catch up on today. Get up before I make you…” Darcy stops speaking as she looks up and notices me in Sebastian’s bed.

  Sebastian is still next to me, his arm is placed over me, and he looks pissed off.

  “What the fuck? Since when do you barge right into my bedroom, Darcy? If I don’t answer the door, you don’t just fucking walk in.” He speaks in a tone I have never heard him use before.

  Darcy composes her facial features before speaking, “I’m sorry, Sebastian. I was worried when you didn’t show up to our meeting this morning. We have a very lucrative business deal to discuss before I am to bring it to the board of Daddy’s company. When you didn’t show I came right over. Then you didn’t answer your door so I came right in.” She glances at me and then at Sebastian, “When did you start sleeping with the staff in your bedroom?”

  What the hell does that mean? I look over at Sebastian to see if he can shed some light on what Darcy just said, but I quickly avert my gaze. Sebastian’s face is murderous.

  “My personal life is none of your fucking business. Where I have sex and whom I fuck is none of your business. Got that?” He spits out, glaring at his wife.

  His wife.

  What the hell am I thinking? I just slept with a married man. I just gave my body, bared my soul, to a married man. A man, who just referred to me in front of his wife, as a woman he fucked. I am nothing special to him. Again, what the hell was I thinking?

  Before I can get up and remove myself from this situation, Darcy speaks. “I got it. I would have never barged in here if I knew you had someone in your bed. It’s just… you never have anyone in here. I thought it was a safe bet, but I know now for the future.”

  She smiles towards me and then at Sebastian, “What time should I expect you to come down to your office? We have to go over these documents, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian’s face softens towards her as he says, “I’ll be down in half an hour.”

  Darcy nods towards him and then smiles apologetically towards me before quickly leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Sebastian’s arm is still across my body and he pulls his free hand through his hair a few times. He looks... lost for words.

  “I’m so sorry about that. I guess I should have locked the door last night, huh?” He lets out a soft laugh, but then his face goes serious as he takes in my expression. Nothing about this is funny to me.

  I slowly start to get up from the bed. I have the urge to bolt out of here and never see Sebastian again. I keep the satin sheet around my body as I search the room for my clothes. Spotting my panties at the foot of the bed, I go for those first. I urgently slip them on and locate my bra next. As I find different items of my clothing, I put them on as fast as possible.

  “You look like you’re in a hurry to get out of here,” Sebastian says curiously.

  “Uh, huh… yep, I am. This was a huge mistake. I should have never come in here with you last night,” I say, frantically searching for the remainder of my clothing.

  I find my shorts last and am pulling them past my hips when Sebastian jumps out of bed and heads towards me. He reaches me and grips my hip with one hand while lifting my chin with the other so I'm forced to make eye contact with him.

  “A mistake? Nothing about last night was a mistake.” The look in his eyes is sincere and he moves his hand from my chin to caress my jaw. “How we started our morning wasn’t a mistake either. The only mistake was how Darcy barged in and ruined our perfect morning together.”

  Right… his wife… I somehow keep forgetting this man is married.

  I let out a huff, “Yes, let’s talk about your wife. I slept with you and you're fucking married!” I'm shouting now and probably being irrational, but I don’t care. “Even worse, I knew you were ma
rried and still did it. We all did. Oh my God… Oh My God… She must hate me.”

  I'm hyperventilating right now. My chest is tightening and Sebastian’s grip on my hip gets tighter as he releases my jaw with his other hand.

  “I told you, Mia, it’s not a real marriage. It never has been.”

  He's trying to justify what we just did. I want to believe him, I want to just forget about him being married and continue with… well, whatever this is.

  I need to understand. I need some kind of explanation.

  “That makes no sense, Sebastian. You need to explain to me how you can be married but it means nothing. Marriage is a sacred act. You must have meant something to each other at one point,” I whisper to him. Somewhere in the past few seconds I've calmed down.

  He looks at me, eyes squinting, as if trying to decide something by looking at my face. He must have gotten his answer because he drops his hands from my body and takes a step back.

  This is it. This is the moment I was dreading. He is done with me. I am just a fuck to him. Maybe at one point he thought it was more, but I questioned his marriage. It's probably the deal breaker between us.

  Out of nowhere he says, “Have dinner with me tonight. I have meetings during the day, but I want to come home to you tonight. I want to eat dinner with you, share with you how my day went, and listen to how your day went. I’ll explain to you about Darcy. I’ll tell you everything, Mia. Just say you'll have dinner with me tonight.”

  I'm stunned. One second I’m thinking that what happened last night is over, the next he's asking me out to dinner. I want to go. I need answers. I also can’t say goodbye to him yet. He's the first person to make me feel alive in a long time.

  I keep my head down as I respond, “Okay, I’ll have dinner with you.”

  I finish putting on my shorts and look up at him. “I have to get to work. Apparently, I’m three hours late.” I walk to the doors of his bedroom to leave.

  The day away from each other will be good for us. I need to think and he should, too.

  I place my hand on the doorknob and speak without turning towards him, “Sebastian?”

  “Yes,” he says to me softly.

  “Promise me you’ll think about what you're doing before tonight. Last night meant something to me. I've never willingly given my body to someone. If this… If this isn’t going to go somewhere, then I need it to end now before I get hurt. My heart can’t take anymore heartache.” With this statement I walk out the doors of his bedroom. I don’t look back to see his reaction.

  I rush over to the employee quarters and into my bedroom. I change into my uniform in two minutes flat. I drag a comb through my hair, tie it back at the base of my neck, and brush my teeth. Feeling refreshed, I am ready to start my day of housework. The physical work will help keep my mind off of Sebastian.

  I walk back out the door of my room and through the kitchen where Vanessa, Rachel, and another woman are sitting and eating breakfast. Rachel looks up from her bowl of cereal but doesn’t say anything to me. I’m glad because I want to go by unnoticed. Unfortunately, Vanessa spots me and I’m not so lucky.

  “Look girls, little Miss Mia decided to grace us with her presence. You must have had a wild night,” she says maliciously to me. “I guess Mr. Price is back to his old ways. I’ll have to go find him later so I can get the next round. No one rides me like he does.”

  Vanessa turns back to her breakfast as if she didn’t just tell me she plans on fucking Sebastian today.

  I feel the anger spread throughout my body. I want to knock her down a few pedestals. She can’t have Sebastian because he's mine.

  “I hate to break it to you, Vanessa, but Sebastian is having dinner with me tonight. We have some things to discuss before he takes me, scratch that, before he fucks me in his bed. You might want to change your plans for later. I’d hate for your ego to get crushed.”

  I don’t know why I said it. My sex life is no one’s business, but she brings out so much rage in me.

  I can’t help but notice the smile leaving her face when I mention Sebastian’s bed. Maybe Darcy was right and he doesn’t bring the girls in there.

  “You’re lying,” she yells at me.

  “Am I? About what?” I shouldn’t be, but I am getting pleasure out of seeing her upset.

  “You aren’t going to fuck him in his bed. He doesn’t bring women to his room, ever. In fact, you’re not going to fuck him at all. I’m going to wear him out so much he won’t have anything left for you tonight.” She's bluffing, I can see it in her eyes.

  I want to tell her that I've already had sex with him in his bed, but I can’t. I don’t want her to know the intimate details of my relationship with him. I already said too much to her and I feel sick about it. I need to leave so I'm going to have to let her believe she has won this round.

  I turn to leave the room as I say, “We’ll see.”

  I walk back over to the estate to get my work done for the day.

  Tonight is the night. Sebastian is going to tell me about his wife. Then I need to make a decision on whether I want to have a relationship with this man. I wish this could be easy, but I know it won’t be.

  He has one thing in his favor before I even hear him out because I'm positive now.

  I am in love with Sebastian Price.

  Chapter Eleven

  The day speeds by and the next thing I know it's six o’clock and time to get ready for dinner with Sebastian. He texted me earlier, telling me to meet him in the estate kitchen at seven for dinner.

  Part of me is nervous to hear what Sebastian has to say. The other part of me has those exciting butterflies in my stomach, anxious for what the night holds.

  I rush to my room to get ready for the evening. On my bed is a box, wrapped in beautiful silver paper, and a handwritten note on top.


  I remembered last time you didn’t wear a dress. I thought this time I would get one for you. I’m looking forward to tonight.