Read The Road To Price Page 20


  I unwrap the box and open it, pulling out a beautiful baby blue sundress. It's a casual dress, soft cotton material, and I love it. I go over to my dresser and pull out a pair of nude lace panties and a matching bra. I place them on my bed with the dress and then make my way to my bathroom to wash up.

  The warm shower water feels amazing on my body. I'm still a little sore from my night with Sebastian. I swear I used muscles I never knew existed. The soreness only reminds me of my night with him and I can’t wait to do it again. I wash my hair and body, and then I shave… everywhere. When I'm satisfied with my appearance I turn the water off and hop out of the shower.

  I decide to let my hair air-dry. I don’t want to waste the time doing it just for it to look wild again in a few hours. At least I hope it will look wild again in a few hours.

  I put some anti-frizz product in my hair to help it stay under control. Then I put on some light concealer, mascara, a hint of blush, and strawberry lip-gloss. I walk back out to my room and pull my lace panties and bra on. The feel of the material against my skin and what Sebastian will think of them, starts to turn me on.

  Before my thoughts get away from me, I grab the blue sundress and pull it over my head. Once it's on completely I look in the mirror. Wow. It hugs my curves in all the right places. I beg my nipples to soften so that Sebastian doesn’t see the evidence of my desire for him through my clothing. I slip on a pair of tan wedges and I'm ready to go.

  I make it to the kitchen of Sebastian’s estate with a few minutes to spare. I decide to wait patiently on a stool by the kitchen counter.

  My thoughts take over as I wait for Sebastian. I start to wonder if I can see a future with him. Could I really start a relationship with him? What if he wants to get married some day?

  I picture him in a tux and me in a white gown under the sunset on his large property. Just Sebastian, a minister and me. Yes, I could see myself getting married to him one day. It may sound crazy, and I haven’t known him very long, but I can’t turn my back on a connection like the one we have.

  Would we stay in Miami? Would I still work for him? Would he want kids?


  I really haven’t thought about that. I can’t have a kid with Sebastian. I lost my son. I’ll never have another child again. I'll never be able to replace my beautiful little boy. I'll have to tell Sebastian. He needs to know that I never plan on having kids.

  Whoa, I'm jumping way ahead of myself here. Sebastian and I haven’t even discussed what kind of relationship we want, or even if we want to be in a relationship. Plus, I’m sure he's in no rush to have kids. We can keep using protection and I’ll discuss with him my feelings on children when the time-


  Oh my God… Oh my God… What the hell was I thinking? Well, that's pretty obvious, I wasn’t. I let my lust for that man control my body and my brain shut off. We didn’t use protection and he came in me, twice.

  My heart starts beating faster, I feel my throat closing up, my mouth is dry, and I think I am going to pass out.

  I rush over to the refrigerator and open it, looking for something to drink. I grab a bottle of water, open it, and start chugging the contents of the bottle.

  “Thirsty?” I hear from behind me.

  I jump back into the refrigerator door and turn to see Sebastian staring at me, amused. I lower the bottle from my lips and swallow. Taking a deep breath I say, “We need to talk.”

  His smile grows wider, “I know. Isn’t that the whole purpose of tonight?” He looks me up and down with a smirk on his face. “You look absolutely breathtaking tonight.” Sebastian leans in to kiss my cheek, but I back away further into the fridge.

  “Yes, that is the purpose of tonight, but something new has come up. I just realized it a few minutes ago and I'm freaking the fuck out,” I say, louder than I planned on.

  Sebastian comes closer to me again and this time I have no place to move. I am completely backed into the shelves of the refrigerator. His hand reaches out to touch my arm and he smiles at me compassionately. “Whatever it is, it'll be okay. Let's talk about it over dinner.”

  He goes to pull me away with him when I decide just to shout it out.

  ”You didn’t wear a condom last night or this morning, I’m not on birth control, and you came inside me twice.” I suck in a breath of air because that statement takes all the air out of me.

  Sebastian slowly turns around to face me with a look of horror on his face. I have to say something.

  “I’m sorry, Sebastian. I was so caught up in you that I wasn’t even thinking about asking you to wear a condom. Now everything is a mess and…”

  “Stop,” Sebastian interrupts me and I look up into his eyes and stop talking. “This is not your fault. We were both careless. Plus, there is nothing to worry about yet. So we forgot, do you know how slim the odds are that you actually get pregnant after a few hours with me? We should be okay.” He seems confident with his words.

  What. An. Idiot.

  “Do you know the odds of someone getting pregnant after being raped? Those odds are pretty damn low, too, but guess what? It happened to me, so screw your odds and start taking the shit I say seriously.” I'm fuming at this point.

  “Mia, I know you’re pissed but can you minimize the cussing, it doesn’t sound good on you.” I nod my head and he continues, “First, the odds are small, but if you are pregnant then we'll deal with that when it happens.”

  He slowly walks to me and grabs my shoulders with both hands. Then he leans down and kisses me gently on the lips before pulling away.

  “Second, if you like everything I have to say tonight then I plan on continuing to have sex with you. You'll need to make an appointment and get on birth control because I want nothing between us.”

  His hands start caressing me, they move up and down my arms. He brings his lips to my ear, “I want you to feel me come inside you. I want to go to work, knowing a part of me is always inside you. When you decide to be with me, Mia, then I’m going to own you, all of you, and especially your pussy. That will be all mine. I won’t let anything get between my dick and what is mine. That includes a condom.”

  I feel tingles shoot down my body from his words. I can feel his breath hot on my ear. He is making me incredibly hot for him. I don’t want dinner anymore because all I want is Sebastian. I want the words he speaks to be true.

  They are true. Whether I know it or not, my body does. My pussy is his and the throbbing below is telling me he needs to claim it.

  I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into my body. My mouth connects with his and I instantly relax into him. My body feels like it's home.

  He kisses me hard and fast. His hands move to my ass and lift me, urging my legs to wrap around his waist. I wrap them around him tightly and I can feel his erection pressing against my core. My head goes back and my mouth releases a long moan. I need him now.

  He moves me backwards until I'm pressed against the wall next to the refrigerator. Sebastian’s mouth moves from my mouth, planting kisses up my jaw to my ear, “I’m going to fuck you now, honey. It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you.”

  His mouth stays on my neck, getting me so incredibly turned on, as I feel one of his hands leave my ass to unzip his pants.

  It all happens so fast. One minute he's whispering in my ear, the next he's pushing my underwear to the side and slamming into me. I let out a scream as he fills me to the brim. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me. Your pussy missed me,” he says, nibbling on my earlobe.

  I can’t speak. Coherent thoughts are not possible as he thrusts hard inside me. I arch my back, my head falling to the side so he has better access to my neck. My moment is building and building fast. My entire body is on fire.

  Sebastian’s mouth lowers down my neck, kissing down my shoulder and to my chest. He reaches my breasts and sucks and bites my nipple through the cloth of my dress and thin bra. It is my undoing.

>   My moaning gets louder and louder, I grip his shoulders so hard as I scream out in ecstasy. His mouth clamps down on my breast as he comes a second later. We ride out our orgasms together and slowly regain our self-control.

  Sebastian kisses up my body until he reaches my mouth. He licks my bottom lip and then sucks it into his mouth.

  Damn, it's sexy.

  He releases my lips to give me a soft peck. “I love the strawberry lip gloss, honey, but you taste better,” he says while slowly pulling out of me.

  It is then that I realize our mistake, again.

  “Crap! Sebastian we didn’t use a condom again.” I'm still against the wall and his body is pressed into mine. He looks unapologetic as he takes in my words.

  “I told you, your pussy is mine. I will not use a condom when I’m having sex with you and I definitely will not apologize. You’ll see a doctor tomorrow and we can get this squared away. If you want to refrain from having sex until the birth control kicks in then that’s fine, but if you want to have sex with me before then, you'll have to deal with me coming inside you.” His words are definite; he isn’t going to back down.

  “Sebastian, I don’t want to have kids. I had a son and he is gone now. I have no desire to have more. You need to know that before this continues. If you want kids then I am not the one for you and unlike you, I can’t take the risk of possibly getting pregnant.” I hope he understands where I am coming from.

  It is quiet for a few moments. Neither of us speaks as we continue to stare intensely into each other’s eyes. Sebastian lowers his arms from me and takes a step back. My dress is bunched around my waist so I take this moment to lower it over my hips and adjust it. When I look back up at Sebastian he is studying my face.

  “Never. You never want kids?”

  It's too soon to be discussing this kind of topic, but I'm the one who brought it up.

  “I had a kid, and I loved him, but I never want another one,” I say to him. He needs to know this isn’t changing.

  “Did you not like being a mother? I mean,” he pauses to think about what he is going to say. ”I know your situation wasn’t… ideal, but you chose to have your son. You chose to be a mother. How could you not want that anymore?”

  My eyes start watering as my thoughts are instantly flooded with Miles. Sebastian has no idea what kind of mother I was. How much I have loved Miles and would have done anything for him. How when Miles was younger I dreamed of him having siblings to play with.

  But dreams change and when Miles died, so did my dreams.

  I'm not having this discussion with him tonight. Somehow our night has completely derailed from the original plan. I need to get us back on course.

  “Sebastian, I’m not discussing this with you. I came over to have dinner and discuss your wife. If you no longer want to I understand and I will go back to my room. But I am, under no circumstances, talking about this with you. Not tonight.”

  I walk over to the counter to grab a tissue from the tissue holder. I dab the tears that have fallen from my eyes and take in a deep breath. I need to calm myself down. I need another distraction.

  I feel Sebastian’s hands on my shoulders from behind me. He speaks softly in my ear, “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Let’s go over to the dining room and enjoy the dinner Rachel has made for us. I promise, no more serious discussions that weren’t preplanned.”

  I turn around to face him and reply, “Okay.” We walk in silence over to the dining room to enjoy our dinner together.