Read The Rover Boys at School; Or, The Cadets of Putnam Hall Page 23



  "Back to Putnam Hall at last! How home-like the place looks!" Samuttered the words as he leaped from the sleigh and ran for themain entrance, where Captain Putnam stood to receive them. He hadheard of the accident, and was fearful that one or another of hispupils might have been hurt.

  "Thank Providence that no one was killed or seriously injured!" heobserved, as he wrung each by the hand. "Welcome, lads, and Itrust you have all had happy holidays."

  "The same to you, Captain Putnam!" cried one after another, andthen they passed in to be greeted by George Strong and the newassistant.

  Cadets kept coming back for three days, on the following Mondaythe regular school opened, to end in July. Soon the boys were as deepin their studies as ever before.

  In the meantime Dick had concocted a scheme for sending JosiahCrabtree on a goose chase to Chicago. Tom had a friend in thatcity, and he was requested to mail without delay a certain letterwhich Tom enclosed with his own.

  This letter was composed by Dick. It was written on a largeletter-head upon which Dick printed the advertisement of the "Mid-WestNational College, Incorporated," doing the work on a small printingpress used by some of the boys in getting out a school monthly. Tomake the letter even more imposing, Dick printed the body of it on atypewriter which was used by one of the classes taking a businesscourse. The letter ran as follows:

  "JOSIAH CRABTREE, A. M., Cedarville, N., Y.

  "CHICAOO, January 1, 189-.

  "Dear Sir: You have been recommended to us by a New Yorkscholastic employment agency as a first-class teacher inmathematics, history, and other branches. We are in immediateneed at the opening of this term of such a teacher, and will paytwo thousand dollars per year. Will you come on at once, at ourexpense, with a view to closing with us? Our institution is a newone, but we already have eighty pupils, of the best families ofthe Middle West, and are certain to have fifty more before the endof the year. We understand that you are a bachelor, which statejust suits our wants. Kindly wire us and come on before Thursdaythe 10th, if possible. The two thousand per year is, of course,exclusive of board and suite of rooms, which, we provide for allof our instructors.

  "Yours truly,

  "ANDREW N. BLUFF, LL.D., President."

  "If that doesn't make old Crabtree hustle then I miss my guess,"said Tom after reading the communication. "He loves money toowell to let that two thousand slide--marriage or no marriage.Even if he wants to wed, he'll go West to try and fix it up tohold the position anyway."

  The letter was posted to the friend in Chicago that very night.On the letter to Josiah Crabtree was placed an address inCedarville which was certain to catch him.

  On the following day Captain Putnam, announced an election forsecond lieutenant of Company A. "Lieutenant Darman will not behere any longer, as his family have moved to England," he said."I trust you elect the best cadet possible to the office. Theelection takes place next Wednesday at noon."

  At once a lively discussion took place. There were half a dozenpupils who wanted the position, and among them were Dick, Fred,and Mumps.

  "I ought to have that place," said Mumps, and on the quiet hestarted to buy up votes where he could not influence them in anyother way. This move succeeded among the smaller lads, but thebig boys turned from him with scorn.

  It must be confessed that Dick was exceedingly anxious when thetime for balloting arrived. Would he succeed or fail?

  Just before dinner Captain Putnam brought out a square box intowhich ballots might be cast.

  "The cadets will stand up in a row to be counted," he said."Major Conners, will you will kindly count your command."

  "Eighty-seven, including myself," announced the youthful major,after he had gone down the line and back with care.

  "Are any cadets absent?"

  "No, sir."

  "Very well then, we will proceed to vote by having each cadet comeup and cast a slip of paper with his favorite's name on it in thebox. The line will march in single file, one pace from man toman. Forward!"

  The captain stood by the ballot box, and up came the file, MajorConners first and Captain Blossom following. In a few minutes allof the eighty-seven ballots were in the box, and then began thesorting out.

  "I will now read the result of the first ballot," announcedCaptain Putnam, holding up a paper with the figures, and amid adead silence he began:

  Whole number of votes cast 87 Necessary to a choice 44 Fred Garrison has 32 Richard Rover has 8 George Granbury has 15 John Fenwick has 12

  "Consequently, nobody is elected. Another vote will be takenimmediately after dinner," and then the companies were re-formedand marched into the mess hall.

  "Fred Garrison is ahead!" came in a whisper from every side."Good for you, Fred!"

  "Mumps only got a dozen votes," came from one of the little boys."He won't get my vote next time."

  "Nor mine," chimed in his chum.

  "Don't worry, Dick," whispered Tom. "The final result isn'treached yet. Somebody has got to drop out first."

  The dinner finished, the boys gathered in knots to talk thequestion over. Soon the line was re-formed for a second ballot.

  At that moment Fred Garrison stepped forward.

  "Fellow students!" he cried. "One word before you vote. I wishto withdraw from the contest, doing so in favor of two of myfriends, Dick Rover and George Granbury. I thank those who votedfor me before from the bottom of my heart."

  "Hurrah for Fred!" came from a score of throats, and a cheer rentthe air. "We won't forget you next time, old man!"

  Soon the second ballot was cast, and amid another silence CaptainPutnam read it off:

  Number of votes cast 87 Necessary to a choice 44 John Fenwick has 7 George Granbury has 23 Richard Rover has 57

  "Richard Rover is declared elected second lieutenant of Company Afor the balance of this term."

  A cheer broke forth, and many of the cadets came up to shake Dickby the hand. Among the number were Fred and George Granbury."You beat me fairly, Rover," said Granbury, a whole-souled fellow."I am satisfied--so long--as such a cad as Mumps doesn't getan office."

  "Mumps was badly left," put in Tom. "See, he is sneaking off tohis room. I rather guess he wishes he hadn't run."

  "I thank you all very much," said Dick, his face glowing. "Ishall try to do my best as second lieutenant. Three cheers forall of the cadets of Putnam Hall!"

  And the cheers broke forth with renewed vigor.

  "Dick, you must do the square thing tonight," said Frank some timelater.

  "What do you mean?" asked the elder Rover.

  "When a fellow is elected to an office he is supposed to treat hisfriends. All of the cadets will be sneaking up to your dormitorysome time between ten and twelve o'clock tonight."

  "Indeed!" Dick mused for a moment.

  "All right--I'll be ready for them, Frank; but mum is the word."

  "You will treat?"

  "I'll treat every cadet who shows himself and doesn't make anynoise."

  "Good for you! Then I can spread the word that it is all right?"

  "Yes--but, Frank..."


  "Beware of Mumps. If he heard of what is going on I think hewould try to spoil our game."

  "I'll be careful," answered Frank, and hurried off in onedirection, while Dick hurried off in another.

  Both had scarcely disappeared than Mumps came forth from behind ahall rack which stood close at hand.

  "How lucky to overhear their talk," said the sneak. "Will I spoiltheir game? Well, just wait and see, that's all!"