Read The Rover Boys at School; Or, The Cadets of Putnam Hall Page 24



  Dick was in a quandary as to how he was to treat all of hisfriends, and called Sam and Tom to him for consultation.

  "I've got a dollar and a quarter," said Sam, "you can use that,and welcome."

  "And here is a dollar and ten," added Tom, passing over the amountin ten cent pieces and nickels. "Haven't you any money of yourOwn?"

  "I have two dollars and thirty cents," answered Dick.

  "That makes four dollars and sixty-five cents," said Tom, summingup. "That's enough for a pretty fair blow-out."

  "So it is, Tom, but where is the stuff to come from? Mrs. Greenwon't sell it to me."

  "That's true."

  "And she has her pantries all locked up."

  "Oh, pshaw! You don't want to treat the boys on school stuff,"said Sam. "Get 'em something from Cedarville--some bottledsoda, candies, nuts, and things like that."

  "That's the talk, Dick. Let us sneak out after dark and go toCedarville!" cried Tom. "That would just suit me."

  "I'll think it over," answered his big brother slowly.

  After supper found most of the cadets indoors, for the nightpromised to be cold. About half of the boys remained in thelibrary, while the others betook themselves to their rooms.

  "Well?" queried Tom, as he approached Dick on the stairs.

  "I'm ready, Tom," answered his brother.

  "But be careful, or we'll be spotted."

  Like a pair of ghosts they glided up the front stairs, along thebroad hallway, and down the stairs in the rear. The door wasunlocked, and they passed into the yard.

  "Let us take Peleg Snuggers into our confidence," whispered Tom."For a quarter I am certain he'll let us have one of the captain'snags."

  "You can test him if you wish," answered Dick, who was doubtful.

  Peleg Snuggers was found in the harness room shining up somebuckles by the aid of a stable lantern.

  "Hullo, Peleg--working rather late," was Tom's greeting.

  "Yes, sir--got behind," answered the utility man. "What broughtyou here?"

  "I want a horse, Peleg. Which one can I have?"

  "A horse! Did the captain send you?"

  Instead of replying Tom held out a silver quarter. "Don't askquestions, Peleg, but just let me take a horse for an hour or two,that's a good man."

  "Can't do it, Master Rover--against orders, sir."

  "Oh, yes, you can. We won't hurt the beast. We are bound to getto Cedarville and back before ten o'clock. Do you want us to dropon the road from exhaustion and be frozen to death?" and Tom putthe question in all seriousness.

  "No, no, certainly not!"

  "Then bring out a horse. That black will do. Here, take thequarter, Peleg, and much obliged to you. Hurry up."

  "Was there ever such a boy!" grumbled the man; but, nevertheless,he arose and got the black horse ready for them, hooking theanimal to a small cutter.

  "Remember, if the captain learns of this, I don't know nothingabout it...," he called out, as the two boys drove off by a backway, out of sight of the main building of the institution.

  "Peleg is all right, if you know how to handle him," said Tom, ashe took the reins from Dick.

  "I'll let him out a bit, and we'll drive to Cedarville in ajiffy."

  "Tom, you're getting more cheeky every day," was Dick's comment,yet he was far from displeased over what his brother hadaccomplished.

  Away went the cutter, the roads being now in an excellentcondition. Soon Putnam Hall was left far behind, and they camewithin sight of the Stanhope homestead.

  "I'd like to stop for just a minute," said Dick, but Tom shook hishead.

  "We want to get to Cedarville before the shops close," said theyounger brother. "We can stop on the way back--if we have time," and theycontinued on their way.

  Both knew Cedarville "like a book," as Tom expressed it, havingbeen there so many times before. They drove straight to thelargest confectionery in the village.

  "A pound of chocolates, a pound of marshmallows, a pound of icedfruits, and five pounds of best mixed candies," said Dick, and thearticles were quickly put up for him.

  "How much?"

  "A dollar and thirty cents, please."

  The bill was paid, and they hurried to another store, where theypurchased two dozen bottles of soda water, a dozen bottles of rootbeer, and five pounds of mixed nuts. Tom wanted to buy somecigarettes for such of the cadets as might wish to smoke, but Dickshook his head at this.

  "No, that's going too far," he said. "We'll have a respectablespread, and that's enough."

  Inside of half an hour they had started on the return, the variousarticles purchased stowed safely away in the back of the cutter.

  "We'll have at least fifteen minutes to spare," said Dick, andwaited as patiently as possible until the Stanhope homestead againappeared. As soon as they gained the entrance to the garden, Dickhopped out, ran up the path to the porch, and rang the bell. DoraStanhope answered his summons.

  "Oh, Dick, is that you?" she cried. "Come in."

  "I can't stay but a few minutes, Dora," he answered as he enteredthe hall. "I must get back to the academy. I thought I wouldjust stop to see how you are getting on."

  "Oh, everything is the same, Dick."

  "I heard the marriage was to take place this week."


  "Let me tell you something," went on the boy, and told her of theletter to be sent from Chicago to Josiah Crabtree.

  "Oh, I hope he gets it and goes!" exclaimed Dora quickly, and herface brightened a bit.

  "Send me word if he does," said Dick.

  He remained for ten minutes longer, but what was said and doneneed not be mentioned here. When he left his heart was all aglow,while Dora was blushing deeply. "Best girl in the world," hemurmured. "What an awfully nice young fellow," was Dora'sthought.

  "Hurry up!" cried Tom from the sleigh, when his big brother put inan appearance again. "I'm most frozen stiff!" And on went thecutter, the horse feeling quite fresh after his rest.

  "I'll go ahead and see if the coast is clear," said Dick, whenthey reached the vicinity of the stable, and he leaped into thesnow. It did not take long to walk to the barn. He was gone buta few minutes, and came back on a run.

  "We are in for it!" he cried. "Mr. Strong is down at the stabletalking to Peleg Snuggers."

  "Great Caesar! What's to do?"

  "Get the stuff out of the sleigh first and hide it near the Hallin the snow," answered Dick. "Be quick!"

  His advice was followed, Tom carrying the soda water and root beer andDick the other things. All were hidden in a snow bank--directly underthe dormitory window.

  This accomplished, Dick led the horse up to the back of the stableand unhitched him. He could hear George Strong and the utilityman talking less than twenty feet away.

  "Very well, Snuggers, I'll be back shortly," he heard, coming fromthe head assistant, and Strong walked from the stable toward theHall.

  In a twinkle Dick ran around the stable corner. "Quick, Peleg,here is the horse, all unhooked. Put him in his stall. Thecutter is back there, out of sight," and as the hired man tookpossession of the animal, the youth ran off, to join his brotherat the entrance to Putnam Hall.

  "The door is locked!" groaned Tom.

  "Something is wrong."

  Without replying, Dick ran around to a spot under the dormitorywindow. Making a soft snowball, he threw it against the glass,and followed this by several others. Presently the window wasthrown up, and Sam, Fred, and Larry showed their heads.

  "Say, you fellows, help us up!" cried Dick softly. "There is awash line in the closet--the one my Aunt Martha insisted ontying around my trunk when we came here last summer."

  There was a scramble in the room, and presently the end of theline was thrown out. It was new and strong, and quite capable ofsupporting either of the lads' weight.

  "You go first, Tom but be quick!" said Dick sof
tly, and hisbrother caught hold and went up with ease, bracing one foot afteranother against the rough stonework and projecting bricks. Thenthe rope came down a second time and Dick ascended.

  Hardly were the boys in the room than there came a loud knockingon the door.

  "It's Mr. Strong!" gasped Sam. "What shall we do now? It looksas if we were a caught!"