Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 26



  It was long after dark before an ambulance could be brought to the oldhouse. Tom was still unconscious, in fact he had not even opened hiseyes for the past half hour. Dick's heart was filled with fear. Was itpossible that his brother, so full of fun and high spirits, was sobadly hurt that he was going to die?

  "No! no! Not that!" groaned poor Dick, and sent up an earnest prayerto heaven that Tom might be spared.

  The doctor had said that Josiah Crabtree's leg was broken in twoplaces, above and below the knee. The physician had done what he couldfor the sufferer, and Crabtree was to be removed to the hospital afterTom was taken there.

  Neither the policeman nor the constable had come back to the house, soDick did not know whether or not the brokers had been captured. Totell the truth, he hardly thought of the men, so anxious was heconcerning Tom's condition.

  "Can I go to the hospital with you?" he asked, when they were about totake Tom away.

  "If you wish, Mr. Rover," said the ambulance doctor. "Hop up on theseat with the driver." And Dick did so.

  It was a drive of several miles and during that time Dick said butlittle. Once Tom roused up, to murmur something about his head, butthat was all.

  As soon as the hospital was reached, Tom was placed in a private room,Dick asking for such accommodations.

  "Do your best for my brother," said he, to those in attendance. "Don'tlet money stand in the way. I'll see that all bills are paid."

  "We'll have the best doctor we can get for your brother," answered thephysician in attendance, and then he sent for a specialist.

  After that there was nothing to do but to wait. Dick went down to theoffice and called up the Outlook Hotel in New York by telephone. Hefound that Sam had just arrived there with his father, and told hisyounger brother of what had occurred.

  "Don't worry father too much about it," said he. "Maybe it will allcome out right in the end--anyway I hope so." And then he told Sam toget the police to watch the offices of Pelter, Japson & Company, andalso look out for Belright Fogg.

  Before the specialist arrived to care for Tom, the ambulance came backwith Josiah Crabtree. The former teacher of Putnam Hall showed hiscowardly nature by groaning dismally every time he was moved. He wasplaced in a public ward, and those in attendance were told that he wasan escaped prisoner and must not be allowed to get away again, underany circumstances.

  "He won't try it himself for a good many weeks," said one of thedoctors, grimly. "Those breaks are had ones. He'll be lucky if he getsover them."

  At last the specialist came and took charge of Tom. For over an hourDick waited for a report on his brother's condition. When thespecialist came to the youth he looked unusually grave.

  "Your brother's case is a peculiar one, Mr. Rover;" said he. "I do notfind any crack in the skull. But he has received a great shock, andwhat the outcome of that will be I cannot say."

  "You don't think he will--will die?" faltered Dick, hardly able toframe the words.

  "Hardly as bad as that, Mr. Rover. But the shock has been a heavy one,and he will need close attention for some time. I will come in againto-morrow morning and see him."

  "Well, do your best," said Dick, brokenly,

  "I always do that," answered Doctor Garrison, gravely.

  There were no accommodations for Dick at the hospital, so he found aroom at a hotel several blocks away. From the hotel he sent anothertelephone message to Sam, telling him what the specialist had said.Then he asked Sam if he would come up.

  "If you'll do that I can go down and help father," he added.

  "All right--I'll come up to-night or first thing in the morning,"said Sam.

  It was eight o'clock in the morning when the youngest Rover boyappeared. He was as anxious as Dick concerning Tom, and both waitedfor the specialist to appear and report. Tom had regainedconsciousness for a few minutes, but that was all.

  "He is no worse," reported Doctor Garrison. "I hope to see himimproved by this afternoon. I will call again about three o'clock."And then he left directions with the nurse as to what should be done.

  "This is terrible, Dick!" murmured Sam, when the brothers were alone,in the room at the hotel. "Poor Tom! I can't bear to see him lay as hedoes!"

  "I feel the same way, Sam," answered Dick. "But I think I ought to godown to New York and help father with his business affairs. He isn'twell enough to do anything alone."

  "That's true, Dick; and this news about Tom has upset him worse thanever."

  A little later they separated, Sam promising to send word both to NewYork city and to Valley View farm as soon as there was any change inTom's condition. Dick hurried to the railroad station and a littlelater got a train that took him to the Grand Central Depot.

  The youth found his father at the rooms in the Outlook Hotel, hehaving promised to remain there until Sam returned, or Dick arrived.Mr. Rover looked much careworn, and Dick realized more than ever thathis parent was in no physical or mental condition to transactbusiness.

  "You ought to return to the farm and rest, Father," said he, kindly.

  "I must fix up these papers first, Dick," was the answer. "But tell meabout poor Tom! Oh, to think that those villains should strike himdown that way!"

  "They are desperate and will stop at nothing now," answered the son.

  Then he told as much as he could about his stricken brother. AndersonRover shook his head sadly.

  "I am afraid he will never get over it, Dick!" he groaned.

  "Let us hope for the best, Father," answered the son, as bravely as hecould.

  Then he questioned his father about the investments in the SunsetIrrigation Company and in the lands out west, and soon the pair weregoing over the matters carefully.

  "I think we need the services of a first-class lawyer--one we cantrust absolutely," said Dick.

  "But where can you find such a lawyer?" asked the father.

  "Oh, there must be plenty of them." Dick thought for a moment. "One ofmy best chums at Putnam Hall and at Brill was John Powell--Songbird.You know him. He has an uncle here, Frank Powell, who is a lawyer. Thefamily are well-connected. Perhaps this Frank Powell may be the veryman we need. I can call him up on the telephone and find out."

  "Do as you think best, Dick," sighed Mr. Rover. "From now on I shallleave these business matters in your hands. I realize that I am toofeeble to attend to them properly."

  Dick lost no time in communication with Mr. Frank A. A. Powell, as hisname appeared in the telephone book. When the youth explained who hewas the lawyer said he would be glad to meet the Rovers. His officewas not far from the Outlook Hotel, and he said he would call at once,Dick explaining that his father was not feeling very well.

  Mr. Powell's coming inspired Dick with immediate confidence. He was aclean-cut man, with a shrewd manner but a look of absolute honesty.

  "My nephew has often spoken of you," he said, shaking hands with Dick."I shall be pleased to do what I can for you."

  "It's a complicated case," answered Dick. "My father can tell youabout it first, and then I'll tell you what I know, and show you allour papers."

  A talk lasting over an hour followed. The lawyer asked many questions,and studied the various documents with interest.

  "From what I can make out, Mr. Rover, that concern--Pelter, Japson &Company--are a set of swindlers," said he, at last. "If I were youI'd close down on them at once, and with the heaviest possible hand.To give them any leeway at all might be fatal to your interests."

  "Do as you think best,--with Dick's advice," returned Mr. Rover. "Iam going to leave my business affairs in his hands after this," headded.

  "Then we'll go ahead at once!" cried the lawyer. "I will draw up thenecessary papers and you can sign them. We'll get after that wholebunch hot-footed!"

  "And don't spare them," added Dick, thinking of poor Tom. "Theydeserve all that is coming to them."

  "And they'll get it," said the lawyer, briefly.