Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 27



  The next morning was a busy one for Dick. He visited the lawyer'soffice at an early hour and then went to the police station.

  "We are watching those offices in Wall Street," said the officer atthe desk in the station. "But so far neither Pelter nor Japson hasshown himself. The clerks say they are out of town one in Boston andthe other in Philadelphia, but can't give any addresses."

  "Well, don't let up on the watch," replied Dick. "We want to get themif it can possibly be done. I may have another charge to make againstthem," and he told of how Tom had been struck with the footstool andwas now in the hospital.

  "They sure must be rascals," returned the man at the desk. "Well, we'ddo all we can. But maybe they've cleared out for good."

  Towards noon came a telephone message from Sam to the hotel. Dick hadjust come in and he answered it.

  "Tom is a little better," said the youngest Rover. "He is consciousand has asked about dad and you. He has taken a little nourishment,too."

  "What does the doctor say about the case?" questioned Dick, anxiously.

  "He said it is a strange case and that he will watch it closely. Iheard him say to the nurse to watch Tom very closely."

  "Why, that he was so low?"

  "No, that he might go out of his mind. Oh, Dick, wouldn't that beawful!" and Sam's voice showed his distress.

  "You mean that he might go--go insane, or something like that?"

  "Yes,--not for always, you understand, but temporarily."

  "Well, all they can do is to watch him, Sam. And you keep close by, incase anything more happens," added Dick, and then told his brother ofwhat had been done in the metropolis towards straightening out thebusiness tangle.

  Mr. Powell was to see some people in Brooklyn regarding the land dealin which Anderson Rover held an interest, and he had asked Dick tomeet him in that borough at four o'clock. At three o'clock Dick leftthe Outlook Hotel to keep the engagement.

  "You had better stay here until I get back, in case any word comes inabout Tom," said he to his father.

  "Very well, Dick; I shall be glad of the rest," replied AndersonRover.

  He had already given the particulars of how he had been kidnappedwhile on his way to meet Japson. The broker had come up accompanied bythe disguised Crabtree, and he had been forced into a taxicab and asponge saturated with chloroform had been held to his nose. He hadbecome unconscious, and while in that condition had been taken to somehouse up in Harlem. From there he had been transferred to the EllenRodney on the evening before the boys had discovered his whereabouts.

  "They treated me very harshly," Mr. Rover had said. "Mr. Crabtree wasparticularly mean."

  "Well, he is suffering for it," Dick had answered. "Sam telephonedthat his leg was in very bad shape and the doctors thought he would bea cripple for life."

  To get to Brooklyn Dick took the subway, crossing under the EastRiver. He did not know much about the place, but had receivedinstructions how to reach the offices where he was to meet Mr. Powelland the others.

  There was a great rush on the streets, owing to a small fire in thevicinity. Dick stopped for a minute to watch a fire engine at work ona corner, and as he did so, somebody tapped him on the shoulder.

  "Dick Rover! of all people!" came the exclamation. "What are you doingin Brooklyn?"

  Dick turned quickly, to find himself confronted by a tall, heavy-setyouth, dressed in a business suit.

  "Dan Baxter!" he cried. "How are you?" and he shook hands.

  As my old readers well know, Dan Baxter was an old acquaintance of theRover boys. When at Putnam Hall he had been a great bully, and hadtried more than once to get the best of our heroes. But he had beenfoiled, and then he had drifted to the West and South, and there theRovers had found him, away from home and practically penniless. Theyhad set him on his feet, and he had gotten a position as a travelingsalesman, and now he counted the Rovers his best friends, and waswilling to do anything for them.

  "Oh, I'm pretty well," answered Dan Baxter, with a grin. "My jobagrees with me."

  "What are you doing, Dan?"

  "Oh, I'm still selling jewelry--doing first-rate, too," added theformer bully, a bit proudly.

  "I am mighty glad to hear it."

  "How are you and the others getting along, Dick?" went on Baxtercuriously. "Thought you were at Brill College."

  "I'm here on business," and Dick gave the other a brief account ofwhat had happened.

  "Sorry Tom got hurt and hope he will come out all right," said DanBaxter, sympathetically. "But who are those men you mentioned?"

  "A firm of brokers; named Pelter, Japson & Company."

  "What!" ejaculated Dan Baxter. "Did you say Japson?"

  "Yes, Dan. Do you know him?"

  "Sure I do. He used to be in a jewelry firm in Albany. They tried tostick our firm--but we shut down on 'em. But that isn't all, Dick. Isaw Japson to-day--not two hours ago."

  "You did? Where?" And now Dick was all attention.

  "I visited a--er--a lady friend of mine. She lives in an apartmenthouse near Prospect Park. I might as well tell you that some day weare going to be married. Well, when I was coming out of the place Isaw Japson go in--he and two other men."

  "Dan, show me that place--and do it as quickly as possible!" criedDick. "Come on--don't tell me you can't. I'll pay you for your time!"And Dick caught the other youth by the arm.

  "I'll do it willingly, Dick, and there won't be any time to pay for,even if it takes a week!" cried Dan Baxter. "I am glad to be able todo you a favor, indeed I am!" And he gazed admiringly at the oldestRover boy. "Just you come with me."

  Dan Baxter led the way to the nearest elevated station and they ranupstairs to the platform and soon boarded a car bound for the vicinityof Prospect Park.

  "The young lady lives in the Nirwick Apartments," explained Baxter."It is a big place, with elevator service. I don't know to whichapartment Japson went, but maybe the elevator man can tell us."

  "Describe the other two men to me, if you can, Dan."

  The young traveling salesman did so, and Dick came to the conclusionthat one of the men must have been Pelter. The identity of the thirdwas a mystery.

  "Maybe it was that Belright Fogg," thought the youth. "Well, I'll soonfind out--if they are still at the apartment house--and I hope theyare."

  At last the elevated train reached the proper station and Dick andBaxter alighted. The latter led the way for a distance of two blocks.

  "There is the apartment," said Baxter, pointing the building out. "Ifyou want those men arrested, hadn't you better call a policeman ortwo?"

  "I can do that later,--after I have spotted them," answered Dick.

  A colored man ran the elevator. He had often seen Dan and knew him.

  "The gentlemen you mean went up to the fourth floor--to the apartmentthat was rented last week."

  "May I ask who rented it?" asked Dick.

  "A lawyer, sah--a Mr. Fogg. He's got a queer first name."


  "That's it, sah; Belright Fogg."

  "Just as I thought," murmured Dick "They didn't go out, did they?"

  "I don't think they did. I didn't see 'em, and I don't think theywould go downstairs without using the elevator, although they coulduse the stairs."

  "Which apartment is it?"

  "On the fourth floor--the apartment in front, on the right," answeredthe elevator man.

  "I'll go up," said Dick. He motioned Baxter to one side. "Dan, willyou go out and get a policeman or two, just as quickly as you can?" hewhispered.

  "I will," returned the young traveling salesman, and hurried out onthe street again.

  Dick stepped into the elevator and in a few seconds was deposited onthe fourth floor of the apartment house. He walked to the front and tothe right, and stopped in front of one of the doors. From the roombeyond came a murmur of voices. He listened intently. The voices werethose of Pelter, Japson and Fogg.
