Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 1

The Royal Instantaneous


  Mossaab Bousbia Salah

  Book Title

  © 2016 by Mossaab Bousbia Salah

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

  ISBN number: 9781370205349

  Printed in …Algeria

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  I dedicate this novel to my family and to my dead father and to my mother and I ask god to prolong her life, and I dedicate it also to my dear brother and sister and I wish they will all succeed in their lives.


  In Manhattan, USA. There was a white guy with hazel eyes and black hair named David Alex Thomson VIII. People who are close to him call him Dave because he was isolationist, and he was over thinker.

  He finished his high school education before some years but he could not get in a university because he was poor and he did not have much money, so he decided to work to get enough money to get in the university. But his parents had a real big debt and they no longer have money to bear his expenses although that he is the only child.

  However, His parents asked him to live in another place because they are so fed up and they cannot stand all these problems.

  “You are 23 years old now, you are no longer a child. Go and be independent. We cannot pay for you anymore.” Said the father.

  Chapter 1

  Dave went out and rented a flat, at least he can live in it. Then he started searching for a job that is not like his old jobs. Because his jobs were just for his education's outlay. He once was a waiter, distributor newspapers and a builder. And these jobs are not enough for him to live. So he decided to work as a responsible for food hygiene in a canned factory.

  Because of that he does not like to talk much, His mates hated him, who are Joseph and Denzel, because they thought he was conceited, they wanted the President to beat him out of the factory. And the President was a very tough man. So they put some drug in a few of his packs and in his pocket. The packs went to the machine that finds out the degree of cleanliness, suddenly it started whistling “There is a problem!”

  The President came to Dave “What's the problem? Is there something wrong you put it in the packs?” He said. “He is tyro Mr. President, as you know, all of us made mistakes in the beginning.” The Assistant President replied.

  The President told the workers to open the packs to see what was wrong. And they all were shocked when they saw the drugs in the packs. The President was really mad at Dave so he called the Police. Then they took Dave with his work clothes on and interrogated him.

  “We've found some cocaine in your pocket, Also your fingerprint in the packs that was full of cocaine.” The cop said.

  “I really don't know I never smoked one cigarette so how will I put cocaine in the packs, and why would I even came to the factory with some cocaine? I think there is someone who wants to ruin my job!” Dave replied.

  “Well someone who does not have a real job and does not have a house and is poor will think to do drugs or sell them even if he did not put a cigarette in their mouths before, but your problem is that you put it in packs so people will do drugs without even knowing and they will get used to them!” The cop replied.

  Dave stayed with the investigation, So they asked him where did he got the cocaine from, and because he did not know they left him a week with the investigation, But without giving any proof they never believed him, although that his lawyer did his best. A month later he went to the trial and was sentenced to 3 years.

  When he went to the jail, another story began because he got lancinating by someone from there. He entered to the Prison's hospital. And luckily the stab was not dangerous for his life. And when the cop asked him who did that he couldn't answer because he didn't want to die. Because in the Prison the snitch get killed.

  After more than a month, Dave finally cured. And he entered to the Jail again. The prisons were hitting him a lot for no reason and when he defend himself the police found him fighting with someone so they take them both to the solitary prison where they stay there for weeks.

  Dave stayed 3 weeks there surrounded by 4 walls alone. He didn't know what to do. He screamed with full of his voice: “Fuck you all you depressed cads I didn't do anything!” Dave hated his life that he wanted to suicide.

  But then he thought again “If I die, I will be the loser I have to win everything. Life is a hard place and I have to pass it. And I will never let the people who brought to me here to be happy for my suicide. I am Dave and when I want to do something I do it.” Then he smiled again.

  Dave get out to the Public Prison after 3 weeks. He was always thinking about breaking from the Prison.

  After a month, he was dreaming a lot in one week about a lot of places out of the Prison, he could feel these places and he could see them, he could see anything he was thinking about in his dreams. The streets, The roads, The Mafia, Drug dealers, The Cars and The Stores and he can get in the stores by his thoughts so he can see clothes, food, phones, computers and tablets and even he can see planes and how they look like from the inside and the outside, and their motors while they are spinning, their speed, their parts and the trains, ships, boats and beaches.. He even got out of New York and saw Las Vegas and its tourists, Los Angeles and even to Oregon that he never visited. He actually saw everything.

  After a long time, he went to bed as he used to. Then he saw everything as he did that week, he chose his house and he thought about it then he found out there is a new renter, he wanted to see closer what is happening inside the house.

  He decided to get there so he really got there, he opened his eyes and was very shocked because he saw everything in the house, he slapped himself to know if he is still sleeping but he found out that everything was real. He wanted to get out of the house but he was worried that the renter will see him so he imagined the street out of the house and wanted to get there and actually he got there.

  He did not believe himself and started saying “This is real Oh my god! what is happening to me I feel like I'm in a dream this is unbelievable thank God!” while he was confused about everything he saw the free world, There is no jail and cops or guys that want to beat him.

  While he was very happy he remembered that he is still a prisoner and he will be free after 7 days, so he decided to go to another place before someone will see him. He thought about a place that is 5 miles away so he went there and hid himself so no one can see him with Prison's clothes.

  Then, He wanted to see the city in a better way so he thought about a skyscraper and he went there instantaneously. He saw everything and the changes that happened while he was in the Prison. He saw a lot of colors and a lot of light. The air was tickling his face then he screamed “Dave is back, Manhattan! And he became Super Dave!”

  Dave decided then to get back to the Prison before the watchman arrive and does not find him. He thought about the Prison and his oubliette so he went back there. Then after some minutes the cop came and saw him. Dave was very happy and he felt like he is the luckiest man in the world, but he was wondering if this power will stay forever or it is just temporary.
  Dave set a goal that he will take his revenge from the people who took him to the Prison after he will know them, and to exploit his power and never be a lowless.

  After a week, Dave got out from the Prison. His parents were waiting for him and as soon as they saw him they hugged him tightly and cried tears of joy.

  “What did you do to yourself son, you filled my heart with wounds.” Said the Mother with a hurting voice.

  “Do not do that again Dave, We don't have nothing but you in this life.” Completed the Father.

  Dave said to himself “Shit I did not do anything in this life. But they did. Whatever now I'm happy in every way.” Then he replied his parents “This won't happen again, I promise.”

  They went out and Dave stayed in his Parents' house for a month. He opened the internet there and typed "Transmission" He found a lot of stories, and stories about the science imagination too he found that Photons can be transmitted. And there was stories about the ability of the mind to locate places without being the body in that place.

  He also searched about talented people and found out that most of them had their power forever. Dave decided to not tell anyone about his powers. He wanted to live by himself again but people did not accept because he has precedents. He tried so hard to find a house and finally he found a house of an old person.

  He accepted Dave because he one day was like him, he went to the Prison before too and did not had a house after he got out from the Prison, and he worked so hard to have one. He told Dave “Now you have a house. Try to find a job.”

  Dave tried to find a job and he searched so hard, but no chance, He is just a High school graduate, He wanted to be a waiter but they did not want to have him there "Because he put drugs in a factory", He searched in factories too but without a result.

  He once was walking in the street and found an old beggar woman. She had a plastic box on the floor. She was begging people for money. The box was filled. Then, a stranger got closer to her and extended his hand to the box to give her money, but he took the box and ran away. The woman started screaming “Help! A thief took my money!”

  Dave followed him but the Thief escaped. Dave imagined the Thief's place and he moved there. Then he imagined the place of the money and moved it into him. Then he moved to a near place around the old woman and gave her the box. Then he came with the thief while he was handcuffed to her.

  “I cannot thank you enough, without you I do not know what I would do today." Said the old woman.

  “No problem, I am like your son!” Dave replied her

  “Thank you for being nice.” Replied the woman with a smile.

  Then Dave went, and he was wondering “Why won't I work with my ability of transmission, It is a source of a job, It is a great source! How did I forgot about this!”

  He decided to start with missing dogs and cats, because when he give them to their owners he will earn lots of money.

  He then ran and went searching of advertisements in the streets. He found an advertisement about a white cat with a beautiful fur her name was Tia. They put her size too, Dave started thinking about her then he found her in the sewerage and when he moved he chose a dry place and took the cat to his house and cleaned her and gave her food and water then he thought about her owners place and got there.

  He knocked the door and a little girl opened it and started screaming while she was jumping “I found Tia!” then the father and the mother arrived. “Thank God” Said her Mom.

  “Come and entire the house." The father said.

  When he entered the father asked him.

  “What do you want to drink?”

  “Juice if you have”


  While they were drinking, the Mother asked him “Where did you find her?” “Well, I've seen the advertisement before, after days I saw her getting in the sewerage's slot. I followed her and took her out of there, then I took her to my house to clean her because she was so dirty, then I gave her some food and water because she was hungry and was feeling cold.” Replied her Dave. “You are my hero! The whole house felt depressed without her. Take these $5 thousand dollars, you deserve them!” Said the father.

  Dave was very happy, then he stood up and said “I wish we will meet when she get missed again!” Everybody laughed then Dave said “Just kidding” Then he got out from the house.

  He started walking a long way to get to a place nobody can see him in, then he thought about his house and got there. He was very happy. “Finally I found a real job! $5 thousand dollars in an hour! This is amazing!”

  Then he started thinking “I searched about a cat before, what will I search about now? I think cats are better because dogs are big and aggressive most of time. Okay another cat now!"