Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 6

  Chapter 6

  The prisoners did not understand what happened, suddenly they found themselves with their leader and the other members of the Mafia in another place where they were not in previously.

  They were completely shocked, after a period of uncertainty the leader explained to them everything and their bewilderment changed to joy and pleasure.

  Some of them wanted to hit Dave because he was the reason they got in the prison, But the leader Brock told them “He is my precious jewel do not harm him, he will make us the masters of the world!” So the free prisoners left him.

  Police began searching for the escapees and the way they escape by, but without a result.

  The News picked up “Strange things happening in the USA, Thefts that is trillions, and the escape of the prisoners without a trace. What is happening?”

  Then, the leader ordered of Dave to steal various and very precious jewelry, Dave stole too many of them, the amount of the losses was $1 trillion dollars.

  After that, Broke had another criminal scheme to earn money at the moment because Police had tightened its guard on banks and jewelry shops.

  The leader decided to demand from Dave to steal drug of all kinds from drug dealers and then sell them by moving them to customers without having to risk his life on chases.

  Dave refused. “Your parents are going to die!” The leader said.

  “I cannot do this, never! Don't you have a humanity atom in your heart? I cannot allow the deployment of contraband to reach people and be the cause of the destruction of their lives and they might die if they overdose it and all this is just to get money!” Dave replied.

  “Dave, you know the consequences of disobeying my orders, I will blow them up now in front of your eyes, your parents are going to die!” The leader said.

  The leader took the controller to blow up Dave's parents. Dave was not able to touch the controller because anyone touch it except the leader Brock the bomb will explode.

  The leader moved his fingers to explode the bomb saying “You have disappointed me Dave, I wanted to work with you more, but you are stupid and do not want to maintain the important people to you.”

  Dave's heartbeat was accelerating and his ideas were accelerating, he was thinking too quickly.

  Then the leader pressed on the button but nothing happened and he pressure again and again and nothing happened, then he pressed so the bomb exploded.

  Brock ordered to bring the remains of the bodies of them to Dave so he will know his mistake, but they did not find anything, the leader turned back to Dave and he did not find him. He was shocked and said to himself “How did this asshole do it!”

  Dave took his parents to a building only few people know about, and nobody knew that Dave's parents were there. His parents were crying and he was crying with them “This all was because of me, you were in detention for a long time because of me, I do not know how you make up for it.” Dave said.

  “May God destroy them, please God let justice take its course!” The mother said.

  “Dave you are always involved in problems, why do not you remain without making any problem!” The father said.

  “I am sorry Dad, it is not up to me I followed the right path, but the trouble came to me by its own” Dave replied.

  “Do not be son, life is an exam place and it must be tough” The father said.

  After a period of talking and crying, when they rested Dave's father asked “How did you bring us out from there, the situation was fully under their control!”

  “I moved the power from the bomb, and moved the transmissions from the controller to another place so nothing arrived to it and the bomb did not explode.” Dave replied.

  Dave's parents were surprised “How you can do this too?” “I either did not know that I could do it, but I could not let them kill you, and also I could not allow them to carry out their diabolical plans! My heartbeat has accelerated and my thinking has become at its peak and I brought this solution, even though I did not know that I can but I tried and then I realized that I can! This is what happened.” Dave said.

  Brock ordered to track down Dave and his parents, Dave was moving from one place to another because Brock was looking for him everywhere, and chasing him from one place to another.

  Brock was finding Dave each period, and Dave was changing his place constantly.

  Then after a while, Dave and his parents disappeared completely out of sight and seemed as if they found a safe place to hide.

  Brock was very angry, he told his followers “We have so many communications with all the mafia in the world, and we have an influence in many countries with VIP, he cannot escape to anywhere, how couldn't you find him yet?”

  “We have looked everywhere and there was no impact to him or to his parents. He was never seen anywhere. We have offered their pictures to a lot of people around the world but no one had ever see them even once!” The Mafia member Marko said.

  Brock was always wondering, “Where did Dave evaporated?” and this question is really elusory!

  Dave's current place was on an island with his mother and father, but they did not find the island because it has become like a non-existent.

  Dave made something like a barrier around the island and connected the beginning of island to the end of it by his ability, anyone who would walk from the beginning of the island move to the end of it automatically and he never get in it.

  And any plane that goes above it move to the end of it and never go above it, also no vehicle can go under it and as the rest, it moves automatically to the end of the island, nothing can cross the island like the island was wiped out of existence.

  Ii is a small island but it completely disappeared on the satellite, people started wondering “Did aliens take the island?”

  But governments have said that the island has sunk below the sea level and they did not find any trace of it, Search is still ongoing and they left the issue open.

  Dave went to take the money that he has stolen from banks and return it back to them, he moved to the place where the leader hides the money and jewelry and all stolen valuables and returned it to its places.

  FBI and police have become confused and do not know what happens, how can the money be stolen without any significant impact, and then it return as it came without a little effect.

  The newspapers and the media and social networking sites circulated that the ghost who stole the money gave it back again without knowing the reason why he did it, and without knowing a single proof of his identity.

  Police found the mafia's fingerprints on the money papers and they began to search for them and after a while they found them and they arrested them.

  During the interrogation, the mafia told them about Dave and his abilities. Policemen went to search for Dave but they did not find his home so they knew that Dave moved it to another place.

  When they went to confiscate all the property of Dave they found that he had taken with him his entire fortune, and he sold all his shops and stopped all of his projects and took all his money and he did not left any impact.

  They announced a reward for who catch Dave alive and bring him to the federal police and the equivalent is $30 million dollars.

  Police confirmed that the reason for the large thefts and the liberation of the prisoners was Dave. But federal police did not mention Dave's abilities on moving instantaneously and locating people and objecting with his mind and kept it a secret because they wanted Dave to be a laboratory rat for to get supernatural force, which is moving instantaneously.

  Dave was a very famous person when they announced the reward about him, he was one of the richest men in the world and he has an international reputation and his wide influence was vast. Most of people around the world knows Dave.

  Everyone around the world was surprise to put a reward for someone like Dave.

  However, a lot of people wanted to take the reward, but Dave disappeared out of sight for while so nobody ever saw him t
hroughout months from the announcement of the reward.

  In that period, the world observed the disappearance of large areas of land, forests, mountains and agricultural lands from different places around the world.

  The American government knew what was going on and the reason, which is Dave.

  Dave was building a big country for himself, where he took large tracts of sands and rocks and agricultural areas and grassy lands and mountains, he built an entire country.

  He moved these different places around the world and put it on the surface of the sea, then he threw a lot of sand in the rock bottom of the sea, so that the sand came up to the surface and there became a country.

  He continued the transfer of agricultural lands and regular ones, mountains and rocks and forests and even animals. He established a new land with a total area of 5 million km².

  This country was between Europe and Canada, and he did as he had done on the island and made the person or the thing that tries to cross the beginning of it arrive to the end of it. And Europe has almost become stuck in Canada.

  After completing Dave's project to build a country that he named "Davidia" Dave was disguising himself and moving to the parts of the world and he went to poor and homeless and talented people who could not find a place to show their talents, scientists, manufacturers and promised them that they will have a country that will change their lives under his flag.

  Many of people whom were completely desperate and who dreamed of a better life and a brighter future followed him.

  During one year, Davidia's population became 10 million person, they were working hard and through the great wealth of Dave they managed to build big buildings and many roads, factories, farms, gardens, shops of all kinds and banks and an entire economy that is standing by itself.

  Dave was the president of this country, and he has ministers and deputies and an army.

  After more than 5 years, the population of Davidia became 60 million person.

  The people of Davidia were living in prosperity. But the disappearances of 60 million person around the world was driving the world crazy.

  A large portion of the goods and purchases of all the private and public needs was going to the an unknown.

  Davidia's people asked Dave to bring Davidia out to the world and make it a recognized country, Dave agreed on it with the situation on his mind of the worst things that could happen.

  After a period, the satellite spotted an event that will not be repeated. It is the emergence of a continent with the size of 5 million km².

  The world was completely shocked, and the shocks have varied between people. Some of them said this is aliens and some of them said Atlantis emerged again and some of them said underground residents went out.

  The governments has rushed to visit Davidia and they found that Dave is the president there. And Dave told them everything about Davidia.