Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 7

  Chapter 7

  Then Dave said to the world “This is the land of Davidia that I created by myself with the help of my people, and these people are from all the nations of the world. We created a country that is developed economically, culturally and militarily. And all thanks to God who gave me supernatural powers, moving instantaneously and determining places by the mind. You may not believe it but this is why governments wanted to make me an experiments rat for their goals, but I had the resolve and the insistence, and I aimed to my goal and I succeed, I did not come here for the war, but I came for peace and I do not want to hurt any country. But the contrary, I want to consolidate the ties of friendship with all the peaceful countries in a mutually beneficial that serves all parties, and I'm here on the behalf of the people of the great Davidia, I want my nation to be officially recognized by the governments and the people of the world.”

  The world was shocked and delighted by the maximum degree, many considered Dave as charlatan and a great magician and some considered him as an alien.

  This was by the peoples, but the governments and senior officials were walking in and out of the country in droves and Dave and his ministers and his officials and senior deputies were greeting ambassadors and senior ministers and the countries presidents. They told Dave that he was wanted in the past, because of his actions and that the economic crisis caused by him. And his abilities are dangerous for the security of the world and he should take advantage of it and use it wisely.

  Two months later, Dave made friendships with many countries around the world and his country has become a global regional power, a lot of countries became allied to Davidia and under the protection of Dave from any attack or war.

  But the most oh the counties that possess nuclear weapons did not like it, and this led to the outbreak of World War III, and Dave was the center of it.

  The world was divided into three sections, counties with Dave and countries with the East and ones with the West.

  War began with an attack by the United States to Russia, and Russia also responded to the United States.

  Alliance has included most of Europe with the United States, and most of Asia with Russia, and the countries that were with Dave has been a part of Europe, Africa, South America, Canada and Australia.

  The war was intense, hundreds of thousands of people has been killed. The destruction was everywhere despite the fact that no one of the major countries have used nuclear or atomic or hydrogen weapons, or any weapon of mass destruction yet.

  Then the attack began on Davidia, many intercontinental missiles launched for an attack to Davidia, but when the rocket reaches a distance of two hundred meters from the entry of Davidia, it moves instantaneously to where it came from, and thus the enemy blew itself.

  Major countries realized that their fight with Dave is a big loss, for this they came up with an evil and fully crazy plan, it was bombing the neighboring countries of Davidia by nuclear bombs and hydrogen ones and then the nuclear radiation will get in the sea and then the people of Davidia will all die, and there will be no benefit from Dave's ability.

  The work was in progress on the plan, and Davidia that newly appeared is going to be ended, and Dave's hopes and his people and their dreams will end.

  And when the generals began to launch the bombs of mass destruction, none of them launched, they tried numerous times but no avail! Then the soldiers said that there is no bombs, they all had disappeared, and this was happening in the whole world.

  Nuclear bombs have completely disappeared, and all weapons of mass destruction in the world disappeared, no weapon remain powerful except guns.

  Dave made a live broadcast on TV, radio and Internet all over the world.

  “I have taken all the weapons of the world and took it to a place where no one but me can access to, and of course I will not use weapons in the destruction of the world, but I am quite the opposite. I want to stop this crazy war that more than 5 million human died in. Now, I am going to unite the world and stop all the wars.”

  After the broadcast, Dave cut the contact and with his only army in the world who owns powerful weapons he began to enter to countries one by one by moving instantaneously with the help of Dave, some countries resisted but no avail and Dave's army entered, all countries of the world included to the International Federation and it became called the Earth Federation.

  Dave is the president of the world and the capital of earth was Davidia and all the states of Davidia are the capital. And the rest of the world was considered as affiliates states.

  Dave continued making arms, and he made that only a few people were allowed to develop weapons.

  Dave put the weapons of mass destruction on the Big Island that he created by himself as he did with Davidia, he put all the weapons and it is no-go zone only a few people that Dave trusts can get in it.

  The whole world has lived in a global stability and the economic boom was at its peak, where there were no longer poor or rich or medium countries but all the countries of the world have become in the same economic standard of living, and the illiteracy decreased very much.

  And with the unification of the international currency that is "Dave", the annual income per capita was about $100 thousand Dave, and this equivalent to $800 thousand dollars.

  Dave at the moment in the year 2038 became at the age of 38 years old, although that he looks 25. Dave was looking at a picture of a tall blonde woman with long hair and blue eyes and beautiful look with slim body. She was attractive. And he felt like she was looking at him, and another picture of 3 guys, he was seeing almost 120 person that he did not met before but he felt like he knows them and they were close to him, Dave was looking at their pictures since a while and he kept looking at them for 3 months.

  Dave began searching for these people without telling anyone about them, he searched everywhere on earth but he did not find a trace of them.

  Until he heard one day in a Documentary show that was talking about the lost city of Atlantis, they said that it may be in the Bermuda Triangle. Dave came with an idea that he wanted to implement immediately. “The Bermuda Triangle, How did I completely forgot about it? I had to enter it from a long time to know its secrets and mystery!”

  Dave went there by moving instantaneously, he entered it where he arrived to a strange place where there were thousands of wrecked planes and ships that some of them were very old and some were modern, Dave rode on a ship and went until he arrived to a place that looks like a big island, he moved to it instantaneously.

  Then he found a big writing that was written with strange handwriting and strange language, but Dave could read it and was very surprised while reading it because he red "The Land Of Atlantis", he was more surprised that he could read the words easily, because it was a language that he never learnt before.

  “Is it truly Atlantis?” He entered to it and he found that no one was there, he found a huge structures built and skyscrapers, roads and cars that could fly and manifestations of a very elegant civilization like it is from somewhere else other than Earth, this civilization outperforms what humans have thousands of years.

  Dave found Videos that were talking about that the humans are the ones who built this civilization. Dave was very surprised of what he watched.

  Dave searched for a place, and this place looked like it was known by Dave. He found a box, then he opened it and a stereoscopic picture came out of it, this stereoscopic was about what happened thousands of years ago, he found out that they migrated into space and colonized the space, and they chose a planet that is away from the earth 40 thousand light years, and they got in it, then they have put the Bermuda Triangle and dumped Atlantis in the sea on Earth, so Atlantis will be the guide when the rest of the world have access to the necessary technologic to reach them.

  Dave imagined the planet even though he could not see what's in it, but he knew that this is the because of the planet's coordinates and data that was in Atlantis, Dave moved to the planet.

  He found himself in the center of a transparent barrier over the planet where there was some air, the atmospheric pressure was medium, which is barely stable and will change at any moment. And the amount of air will be implemented soon.

  Dave decided to move to the planet but he could not. He was in complete astonishment of not being able to activate his abilities, so he decided to return to Earth, but he could not. He was shocked and his life now is in danger.

  The heartbeat of Dave accelerates, and that made him consumes oxygen more, and that means the oxygen will end in less time, Dave tried to activate his abilities, although that he was not being able to activate it, but he continued to try over and over again, a lot of time has passed, around 45 minutes and Dave was continuing to try to active his abilities, but the oxygen is nearing to complete. And breathing has become difficult, which means that his thinking will be slow.

  But Dave's brain worked more strongly and ideal than before very much, Dave tried unsuccessfully to hit the barrier, then he struck it strongly, so Dave has been hit by a powerful electric spark.

  Then Dave realized a thing, if we look outside the transparent casing we will see Dave in the central of space and right now the oxygen is over out the oxygen by 99.9% and the atmospheric pressure reduced so severely. Dave's parts began to be bloat and his arteries are almost exploded, in addition to choke. Then Dave thought about the planet and moved to find himself approached to the planet.

  He moved from the barrier when he realized that the barrier is a power so he remembered the abduction of his parents by Brock and when he threatened to blow up his parents then Dave moved the energy and the transmission waves to another place, and that's why Dave moved part of the surrounding energy of the transparent membrane around it, then he slit a slot through it and moved from it.

  Dave breathed difficulty and after a period his body parts returned to what they used to be and he realized that he had succeeded.

  Dave was happy, but that happiness did not complete because now he moved to another barrier and found that the oxygen amount is less than before, and also found some kind of strange energy in it.

  Dave could not get out by moving from it, and then suddenly all the oxygen ran out in the barrier completely and atmospheric pressure made Dave's body parts were pushed very much, some arteries exploded and came up with blood the pain was severe, then Dave's heart stopped working and his hands slacked. And Dave became roaming in the space without moving.