Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 9

  Chapter 9

  “Looks like everything is just like what we wanted!” Rikus said.

  “Yes, I remembered everything, I am Atlantis's new king, which began my referee from now, I remembered everything! I have a family and now it become a royal family!” Dave said.

  Dave remembered that he was alive 100 years ago in Atlantis and because of the eternal youth Dave has remained at the age of 38 years old, he thought that it was his real age, but Dave lived before in Atlantis.

  Dave's full name is David BMK, had a wife named Elizabeth BRK and he has three children, two sons and a girl. The name of his first son was Bruce, and the second was Ronnie and the third daughter named Michelle and he had 20 grandchildren.

  He also has parents that are alive. They were Dalia OZBR and Bill BMK. And he has one brother who was the oldest son, his name is James and James has one child and seven grandsons. And he has uncles and aunts. A live grandmother and grandfather of each parent.

  His grandfather of father was named Gabriel and his grandmother of his father was Natalia FBR, and the name of his grandfather of his mother was Kladios and the name of his grandmother of his mother was Elina ZBM.

  The total of his relatives was 120 person, as for the letters that are after each name, they are about the three main families, and the letter B is the family letter that the ruling royal families ruled Atlantis before.

  Dave imagined the place of his wife and children and found them together, he moved to them and found them greeting him. “You did not change even a little!” Dave said.

  He hugged his children and he was so happy then he hugged Elizabeth and then he kissed her.

  “It has been a long time! How things are going with you and how are you doing? How is Atlantis?!” Dave said.

  “It is better since you are on it!” Elizabeth said.

  Everybody was very happy and Dave was very happy too.

  “The plan has been implemented and now I will get what I wanted!” Dave said.

  The plan that implemented by Dave was that he will return to be a little boy on Earth, and all his memories will be wiped out and then he has to unite the planet and return to Atlantis and then cross the barriers and fight with the army and finally he will remember his past and return to Atlantis as a king of all the planets of it.

  All this was because that the authorized people by Atlantis to know the future saw that there was someone that will make Atlantis and humans rule the galaxy and overcome all the creature on it, and in the last time Dave was on Atlantis, Atlantis was in a fight with a species of crocodiles. They had the body of a man and the face of a crocodile, and they were characterized by hostility and love of control and destruction and it was rare that they will be peaceful for more than three years.

  They are also sophisticated and they have a great civilization as Atlantis, but in the predicting they said that the one is a person who makes the difference in Atlantis, he is characterized by skillfully moving instantaneously without particles or devices to help him.

  And this person will make wars stop between Atlantis and the crocodiles with his skills that all the technical development of the Atlantis and other civilizations of the galaxy and science could not reach it.

  And this person is from the royal families of the ruling. And he will come out of during a hundred years, and when he came he has to cross all that Dave passed and then he will remember, after that he will become the king of the Atlantis instead of the current king who is Isaac CQB.

  And he will lead the whole galaxy to a state of calm and peace that will remain for a long time, and Atlantis will control the whole galaxy.

  Crocodiles knew his exit, but they do not know who he is and even we do not know although that the vision is clear, but the future can be changed at any time and this is what the crocodiles believe.

  The royal families sent during the last hundred years a lot of people who have been returned children and their memories erased and he went to Earth and Earth was under the protection of Atlantis without humans on Earth know for thousands of years.

  Dave was the only one who succeeded and this makes him the savior.

  Dave returned to Earth with a large fleet of space ships and came down to earth, and the planet was in a state of terror and panic, everyone was screaming "Invasion of aliens!" then Dave came down from one of those space ships and remained on Earth for a while.

  Dave met his parents who raised him along on Earth, he told them everything and then he said “I am older than you!”

  His parents laughed and they did not believe.

  Then Dave's father told him that they found him in front of their house when he was a baby and there was paper written on it “He is my son, but he is on danger if he stayed with me, I hope that you will take care of him, his name is Dave. I'm sorry for this demand, but that's the situation. Bye!”

  “We did not tell you about this story because you are our son and you mean everything to us, we do not procreate and you are our only son who lit the path for us when we were desperate.” Said the father.

  “I will never forget what you did for me as I'm alive.” Dave said while he was crying and then he hugged them.

  He took them on a spaceship of his army on Atlantis to live with him in his palace on Atlantis.

  Then he went and told the world about his reality and Atlantis' reality, there was some who did not believe him even with seeing the advanced space crafts, so he took some officials to Bermuda Triangle, and showed them the effects of a civilization there, then he took 100 thousand ambassador, minister and deputy and a lot of official from Earth to the foundress planet then to the royal capital planet and that's the planet that Dave will live in, and the rule will start from there.

  The 100 thousand official that Dave sent were completely shocked and they felt like they are from the stone ages comparing with all this development.

  Officials at Atlantis were shocked that many of the senior officials of Earth, they found that their faces are flaccid and their hair is white and a half of their heads were bald, the officials from the earth were surprised too because they did not find an old person on Atlantis except them.

  The officials from Earth felt that all the progress and civilization that humans dreamed about is in Atlantis and it is the key to the entry of people on Earth to the top and access to everything humans wanted or wished.

  It is not paradise, but it is the peak of civilization.

  The officials returned to Earth and brought with them news and videos showing the greatness of Atlantis and everyone were surprised.

  After 3 years, the civilization has changed on Earth and a lot of theories and ideas and inventions added that a lot of people believed that it was impossible.

  There is no longer one person on earth that was old, and the numbers of the death have decreased significantly and all the incurable and chronic diseases have been cured.

  Through the knowledge of the past, scientists have been able to know everything about Earth's history and the civilizations that have gone through it and they knew a lot of things about the universe and its history of dark energy, and a lot of mysteries have been solved.

  They put cells to expand the understanding and perception and memorizing supernaturally, Earth developed of civilization thousands of years in just three years. A lot of miracles become commonplace among the people and Earth is now a part of the planets of Atlantis.

  The planet became called "The mother of Atlantis planets" in addition to its name "Earth", and extraterrestrial tourism became normal and also Atlantis planets remained visiting Earth.

  As for Dave, he was planning to invade crocodiles stop wars.

  After months of planning, a large fleet attacked by crocodiles on the planets of Atlantis.

  Dave was not shocked because he knew that this is the Habit of the crocodiles, the soldiers activated as an instruction by Dave the shields on the planets.

  The crocodiles fired many laser shots and missiles on the planets of A
tlantis, but the planets were not affected.

  So the crocodiles headed toward the sun near the 10 planets from the Atlantis in a solar array and fired on the sun a beam that takes off the attractiveness of the sun and stimulate it to explode, and this destroy the planets and create a black hole that pulls the rest of the planets of Atlantis.