Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 8

  Chapter 8

  Then 30 seconds later, Dave moved again and this time he slit a hole and moved by it to a fully dark place.

  Dave could not see, but he was able to breathe, but the pressure was severe in the dark, his muscles stuck to each other and his body was compressed he was going up and down to the bottom was flopping up and down and he was fully pressing.

  When he arrived at the point where the pressure came to destroy Dave's body, he knew that he had to do something or this will be the end.

  Dave tried to open holes but with no avail, pressure was close to Dave, where there is no second chance either to live or to die, because pressure can smashes mountains.

  Dave thought and said to himself “I think that this is the power the dark matter, which scientists were not been able to understand it, I think that I have to slit a hole.” and then Dave slit a black hole and moved out of the dark place to escape at the last minute, the he found a long corridor that leads to the Planet.

  Dave could not move and he was falling free, he fell at an altitude of 3,000 meters and there was a laser shells off him and despite the fact that Dave has been weakened by fatigue and pain, his brain reached 100% of the power of thinking.

  Dave moved inside the planet and found a great civilization outperforms Earth thousands of years.

  Moving instantaneously was commonplace there where any one of Atlantis's population thinks about a place and move to it.

  Dave went to one of the inhabitants of Atlantis and wanted to ask him what the name of the planet, Dave was able to speak the language of Atlantis easily he was shocked but he hid it, “Are you from the near or the distant past?” the inhabitant said.

  “What do you mean?” Dave replied.

  “So you are from the distant past.” The inhabitant said.

  “I don't understand what you mean!” Dave replied.

  “Have you traveled through time from the past?” The inhabitant asked.

  Dave laughed and said “What are you saying, man?”

  “So how did you get in here?” The inhabitant said.

  “I moved instantaneously!” Dave replied.

  “You are talking by the old Atlantis accent a little, what is your secret and where you come from?” The inhabitant said.

  “I came from the land of Atlantis on Earth” Dave replied.

  The guy was shocked and he said "Come with me and do not tell anyone about what you just told me.”

  “Where are we going?” Dave said.

  “Let me introduce myself, I am Malcolm B7 Alex 2.” The inhabitant said.

  “Are you a robot?” Dave asked.

  “I am not a robot, anyway come with me!” Malcolm said.

  Then he took Dave instantaneously to his house.

  “Is it a normal ability here?” Dave asked.

  “No, It is a particle, we could by technologic make it like cells on the body, and it does not hurt at all, and you are now on the planet Atlantis and it is called the foundress planet, it is one of the 1000 planets that Atlantis colonized since moving into space. and humans live here and we stated to colonize other planets because of the large number of our population, and the first planet we entered was foundress planet, then some of us moved to another planets.” Malcolm said.

  “Does each planet has its own authority and its own rule?” Dave asked.

  “All the planets belong to Atlantis which are all under one rule, now tell me did you exceeded the four barriers to get here?” Malcolm said.

  “Yes!” Dave replied.

  Malcolm said to himself “He is the one!”

  “So, you have reached the highest level of moving instantaneously because you are able to reach the optimal solution to move anywhere!” Malcolm said.

  “Yes.” Dave replied.

  And now let us go back a little bit back when Dave went out through a black hole and reached the road that he had been fallen by from the rising of 3,000 meters and laser shots were shooting towards him, then Dave moved the way in front of him to move instantaneously by an unprecedented manner.

  “That is so-called the royal instantaneously moving, which is by moving anything in the universe to move to anywhere in one moment, and also..” Malcolm said.

  “And also what?” Dave asked.

  “No no, nothing do not care it is not important.” Malcolm said.

  “Okay.” Dave replied.

  “You seem to be hungry, what do you want for lunch?” Malcolm said.

  “I want an Italian Pizza with cheese if it exists here!” Dave said.

  “I can offer you any meal you cook on Earth!” Malcolm said.

  “Can you cook it?” Dave asked.

  “Malcolm Alex!” Malcolm said.

  Then someone came and said “What do you want sir?”

  “I want an Italian Pizza with cheese like they cook it on Earth!” Malcolm said.

  Then a beam appeared at the hands of Malcolm at one moment and a pizza appeared at his hands.

  “Your technology is amazing in Atlantis, but is this man your servant in spite of all your development?” Dave said.

  “No, he is not a human he is a sophisticated robot and all his body is made of cells that are like in humans, but it is industrial and not real, and he does not get tired like humans and he has a very large force and possesses great intelligence.” Malcolm said.

  “Does he have emotions?” Dave asked.

  “Yes he has, but these feelings are not feelings to control himself or do what he wants, because we control what he wants, because he is a servant for his will, ha cannot love and he can only be a slave to humans.” Malcolm replied.

  “This is amazing! I thought that with the great technological advances, machines will control humans, but that was not true!” Dave said.

  Then Dave wanted to go out to see another planet of the planets of Atlantis, he asked Malcolm to give him clothes of the people of Atlantis so he will not attract attention.

  Malcolm measured the dimensions of Dave's body through his eyes by laser, and then Malcolm asked the Robot Alex to give him loose clothing of Dave's measuring and send he sent him the dimensional telepathically.

  After that, a beam got out of the hands of Malcolm and he took out the clothes Dave was confused but strange things are becoming to look ordinary more than before.

  Dave wore the clothes and went out with Malcolm, he saw a lot of people but he did not see any old or elderly person, all he saw was children and young people, he has not seen one person ages older than 30 years old.

  “Why can't I see any old person here?” Dave asked.

  “After everything you have seen, I think you know the answer!” Malcolm replied.

  “Eternal youth!” Dave said.

  “Yes, We've discovered a way to make the youth permanently throughout the period of a person's life, and the age of the a person did also increased that the average age of people is 300 years here, and sometimes it can be less or more than that.” Malcolm said.

  “The human dreams came true with you!” Dave said.

  “We are also humans.” Malcolm replied.

  “I'm sorry, I meant humans on Earth, by the way, how old are you?” Dave said.

  “144 years old.” Malcolm replied.

  “That is amazing! You look 25!” Dave said.

  “What about you?” Malcolm asked.

  “I am 38 years old.” Dave replied.

  “Oh, you are at the age of my grandchildren of my grandchildren!” Malcolm said.

  Dave laughed and said “Eternal youth, and the average ages are up to 300 years old, and the progress of the civilization is at the maximum levels, I do not think that there is better than that!”

  Then Dave arrived to a gate that the light comes out from it, and people are getting out. They do not seem to be from Atlantis, where there seems on many of them old age and their clothes were old and it was returning to an old era, and also their language was not the language of Atlantis.

  “Those are people
from Earth and they are from very ancient time periods, but they had the technology of moving instantaneously and travelling through time, they could reach Atlantis and they are visiting the ancient and modern Atlantis and also the future, but there is a law to prevent travelling through time but some certain people that they have the power of decision in Atlantis and any elsewhere inside and outside the galaxy, because the damage to the civilizations after changing the past or the future will have a negative impact and it may make a whole civilization disappear in the blink, as for the pros it is in knowing what happened millions of years ago on Earth and in the galaxy and the whole universe, and also to avoid future disasters and to all strange bases, as for the danger, everyone in the universe was agreed in, and any wrong uses of this ability may make the whole universe an enemy to you and of course there are the biggest development of the civilization of Atlantis, and as for the people who managed to know the time travel in ancient times civilizations, they shall know the laws and they succumbs at it, that they cannot bring any change in the future but they predict the future and they are called the soothsayers or the special abilities owners, however, they are not allowed to know all the future, but you will find a lot of them do not always be right in their forecast, and their expectations be right only 20% to 50% , and there are some anomalies, which they be allowed for greater knowledge, they are the people with a big capacity. And they found one of them every 50 years, and these people have been granted absolute power and strength to know about their planet's future to protect them from any danger and they try to change the history and future of the detriment of their planet.” Malcolm said.

  While Dave was listening to Malcolm, appeared in front of him and surrounded him a large group of people they looked organized as if they were an army, but they were not carrying weapons, Dave was surprised by their sudden appearance in front of him, he wanted to move instantaneously and then they have told that he is a stranger and this planet must log in with the approval of senior officials and then Dave moved somewhere else and the army moved to him, and Dave knew that it does not benefit then the army began firing lasers from their fingers, but Dave's moved and put a barrier around him that and anything that cross it go back to where it came from. The laser returned to the soldiers and hit them, but nothing happened to their bodies, as if their bodies are completely solid and it does not affect. So Dave was just escaping by moving instantaneously, Dave kept moving and the soldiers kept following him, and when he was feeling hopeless of trying to escape, he decided to return to Earth but he could not move out of the planet, he stopped and he was completely hopeless.

  Dave turned himself in to them, but the soldiers shot him to kill him, but the shots moved to another place and then their bodies began to stretch and wriggle like it will be destroyed.

  “I am Rikus BDB, the leader of the Elite Forces in the this planet The Foundress, please stop Mr..”

  And then Dave stopped, and the soldiers returned to how they were.

  “Did you remember Sir?” The leader asked.

  Then Dave felt a severe headache as if his head was going to explode, then Dave began to see all the pictures that he was looking for that was the reason he entered Atlantis, Dave saw those pictures and knew their names and saw many scenes with them and then he stopped.