Read The Scarlet King Page 18

Chapter 17

  Jason was waiting with the young priest and Rheon at their normal meeting site, but they no longer dressed in formal attire. Jason was learning the language of those of the East ever so slowly and still depended greatly on the help of the young priest and Rheon. Their guest from those of the East bowed ever so slightly as a greeting and opened the discussion by saying, "The One with Golden Hair whispers to the horse and the horse trusts her. We the people have a legend of such a warrior but I know not from whence it arises."

  Jason had many questions of the legend, but the one from the East could only respond, "Our scholars may know the origin, but I know only what was taught in my military training—that such a warrior was to be emulated for their leadership ability. I never understood how such a warrior could be a woman."

  He was silent for a moment before continuing, "I have seen and experienced her power, and I now believe the legend to be true. I am willing to encourage my people to negotiate a peace agreement with the mysterious people of the Forest and their leader with the golden hair."

  Jason asked, "What of the people of the City of Red?"

  The stranger from the East was obviously greatly troubled with the question. He replied only, "If we are to return to our own country having admitted defeat, we face loss of our honor and certain death. If the agreement is with one of whom our legend speaks, and incidentally includes some sort of peace agreement with those of the city, there is hope that our honor will remain intact."

  Jason asked, "What if your Great One agrees not to the agreement you present?"

  Their guest but shrugged his shoulders, saying, "Then our honor will be spoiled and our lives forfeited. I can but pledge my own vow of peace, and if our commanding officer so agrees I would expect all of our troops to make a similar pledge."

  Jason asked, "How would you suggest the peace process proceed?"

  The stranger responded, "I would meet with my commander, and if he is willing I would then meet with you and the one who whispers to horses." He added, "We will need to include those of the Red, but not until my commander has made his decision."

  Rheon spoke into Jason's ear and Jason nodded as he listened, rubbing the bristle on his chin. He spoke up, saying, "You are at present a guest of those of the Forest. I would know how your status would change if you are brought back to your own people."

  The stranger said, "I can but pledge my honor, for if my commanding officer agrees not, so it will be. I shall either return in disgrace or with instructions for a formal meeting." He added, "If I return not it will be because my life has been forfeited. I can promise no more."

  Their conversation was interrupted by Daniel, who had many questions about the source of iodine used by those of the East. The stranger had no knowledge of such a substance, but admitted that their invasion centered on capturing the royal spring in front of the palace of the Red. When Daniel asked about the presence of deformed babies the stranger replied, "Many of the royal family are plagued by babies who grow not, and our healers have learned of the strength imparted by the royal spring."

  Daniel had many questions about their diet and especially of the differences between the common folk and the royal families. The stranger did his best to answer the questions; Daniel listened intently as Rheon translated for him. It seemed those of the royal families avoided eating food from the ocean, but the common folks depended upon the sea for much of their food. He had many more questions, but Jason spoke up, saying, "Cannot these questions wait while we finish our discussion of a peace treaty?"

  Daniel appeared somewhat surprised by the reprimand, saying, "I expect the cause of this war is similar to the cause of our war with those of the Red. We need to treat the underlying cause if we would have peace." He then went off to worry about the arrival of his alchemy equipment and the testing he would do on the water of the royal spring.

  Jason and the stranger from the East continued their discussion until the time for the evening meal and the telling of stories. The stranger from the East joined them for the food and watched the telling of stories despite his inability to understand the language. Rheon now participated, and told a short story of her people from the dark lands. Those of the Forest were enthralled to hear of the land so different from their Forest.

  In the morning Jason met with Heather regarding the offer made by the stranger from the East. Jason had concerns about protecting their camp if the stranger revealed, either intentionally or accidentally, their location. Heather considered this for but a moment before replying, "I feel the stranger is honorable in his own way. We have left much sign in our coming and going and anyone looking could find us. I would chance accepting his offer for otherwise many will die."

  They then discussed the method of returning the stranger to his people. Heather decided, "The stranger seems unable to walk any faster than a small child of the Forest. I would he ride the great white horse to the northern edge of the camp of those of the East. Some of those of the Forest would travel along as scouts and ensure he arrives back at his camp." She then added, "I would our meeting, if it is to occur, be in the evening of the day following the morrow. You and I will need to travel but at a slower pace, with again those of the Forest scouting ahead for any danger."

  Jason responded, "I agree your plan is logical, but how would you travel with your leg not yet healed?"

  Heather replied, "I will do as I must, but having another horse would be of great help." She then added, "I will speak to Edna and Jeremy to see if there is any hope of securing additional horses."

  Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of two of the Forest leading each a horse burdened with the alchemy supplies that Daniel had requested. Heather smiled one of her small smiles and said to Jason, "Seems the God of the Sacred Water has already seen of our need."

  Daniel immediately began arranging the supplies on a flat rock he was using as a table. The stranger from the East watched but said not. As Daniel began his work of alchemy, Jason met again with the stranger. Jason spoke up, saying, "Heather with the Golden Hair has agreed with your proposal. You will travel on horseback with those of the Forest to the northern edge of your camp. On the evening of the day following the morrow, one of those from the Forest will be waiting to guide you to the meeting spot."

  The stranger asked, "How will we find the one we are to meet?"

  Jason just smiled at first before replying, "Those of the Forest will find you and be aware of you long before you could possibly find them." He then added, "It would be best if your party was limited to only yourself and a few others."

  As those traveling with the stranger from the East finished their preparations, they were interrupted by an excited yell from Daniel. Heather walked over to where Daniel was dancing around and pointing to the black area on one of their precious potatoes he had used. Heather asked, "What does that black spot signify?"

  Daniel responded, "The water from the royal spring does contain iodine as I expected. Now if I just knew what the yellow substance was I may be able to help in the negotiations."

  Heather understood not his discussion of alchemy, and finally asked, "Does this mean that their royal spring is much like our Sacred Water?"

  Daniel exclaimed, "Exactly, but I need to figure out what the yellow substance is and whether it promotes health or not." He then added, "It would seem that those of the royal family are smaller and less vigorous than the general population. It may be that the yellow substance somehow hinders their growth."

  Heather reminded Daniel that Betty had said the water was "bad water" and had told the King not to drink it. Daniel replied, "Betty listens well to the Spirits of the Forest and I know not how she knows what she knows, but I expect she is right. I wish I knew more of alchemy, but I will do my best."

  Heather had a day of rest with those of the Forest, preparing both for their departure for home and for the meeting with those from the East. Her thoughts were mostly of her baby and of
their simple home in the Forest. She did not even try to hold back the tears, for they were tears of anticipation and joy. She spent time grooming the great white horse and being everything but a warrior.

  As the stories were being told after the evening meal around the campfire, she listened but was still far away. Her attention was drawn back to the present as Rheon told the story of her capture and the destruction of her village. Apparently those of the East required everyone to believe in their god or be put to death.

  Heather shuddered at the violence people were able to inflict upon others and wished not to hear more at this time. She excused herself from the group and sought the shelter of their tent. She was soon joined by Daniel.

  Morning came, and after the completion of the morning ritual she broke fast with those of the Forest and listened to the reports of the scouts and of those working to obtain the supplies for the journey home. Daniel reported that indeed the royal spring contained almost as much iodine as their Sacred Water, but he was troubled that the sample brought on the horses was much more dilute then the container that the Scarlet King was drinking from. He knew very little yet of the yellow substance, and again it was much more dilute in the sample the horses had delivered.

  It was midmorning when Heather mounted the great white horse with Betty climbing up behind her. Jason mounted the remaining horse that had carried the alchemy supplies. They rode at an easy pace as those of the Forest scouted ahead and behind. Rheon trotted at his side and had no difficulty keeping up. She had not the loping gait of those of the Forest but her long legs were obviously made for travel.

  Nightfall was approaching when they arrived at the camping site Jeremy had picked out, and they had a simple meal of travel rations. Jason complained, "It would seem that the riding of horses is not what my body was built for." He then added, "Far better to ride the waves and let the ship carry you across the ocean than to put up with the jostling and the soreness of riding a horse."

  Heather gave him one of her small smiles but replied not. Her mind was occupied with the strangers from the East; she asked Jason, "Think you that those of the East will present themselves tonight?"

  Jason responded, "The stranger from the East seemed honorable enough even though his concept of life is so different from ours. I would expect that indeed they will show."

  Rheon, who as always was at Jason's side, spoke up, saying, "They will come but their words may not mean what you think they mean."

  Darkness had become complete and the moon had not yet risen as they prepared for the possible arrival of the negotiators. Those of the Forest surrounded their campsite as sentries and defenders, both groups of whom were well hidden. It was not long before a bird call was heard and repeated from several different spots. Jason was somewhat puzzled as to the type of bird, and Heather explained, "Those of the Forest are speaking and our guests are on their way. They sense no danger."

  Jason tried to emulate the calmness that Heather displayed sitting by the small campfire poking occasionally at the coals with but little success. The sounds of the night seemed to change not, and yet Heather spoke up, saying, "They are near and travel as a group of three."

  When the one from the Forest who was leading the group stepped into the small circle of light, he but nodded his head before again disappearing into the darkness. The stranger who had been their guest was leading two others, who now also stepped into the small circle of light. Heather looked up not from her campfire, but said simply in the language of those of the East, "Welcome."

  Jason spoke up then, introducing himself only as an envoy from the Northern Kingdom serving Heather of the Golden Hair. The strangers from the East could not help but notice the glow of Heather's hair in the firelight. The one who had been their guest introduced his commanding officer and the second individual with a long beard who was apparently a scholar who traveled with the military.

  Jason wasted little time and again summarized the military status and the desire that Heather had for a peace agreement based on trade. They listened for some time as the commander of the forces of the East spoke at length of the military strength they represented. Heather understood not the words but could easily sense the attitude of superiority. She poked somewhat violently at the coals and said in her own language, "Enough."

  The sharpness of her voice was enough to silence the commanding officer. Jason explained, "Those of the Forest work with the Spirits of the Forest and they care not for your military strength. They seek to preserve life and would use trade as a means of protecting the peace."

  Those of the East conferred amongst themselves, and the man with long beard spoke up, asking, "The legend talks of such a place as your Forest and of the warrior who would bring peace, but also speaks of one who is like a child."

  Jason needed the help of Rheon to fully translate, and before the translation was even completed, Betty stepped out of the darkness into the light of the campfire. She but looked at the scholar and could hear his mind. The one with the long beard bowed in her direction and spoke in a chant which neither Jason nor Rheon could understand. When the chant was completed, those of the East again conferred amongst themselves. This time it was the one who had been their guest who spoke up, saying, "The legend has come to pass and we will do as you suggest." He then continued, "If the peace agreement is to be based on trade, what do you offer?"

  Jason had been preparing for this question and responded, "Those of the Forest trade with other lands their Sacred Water which prevents the stunting of growth of babies. The royal spring which you have sought to conquer has some of the same substance which empowers the Sacred Water. I would suggest that trade begin using this essential substance as a basis."

  "What would you trade this Sacred Water for?"

  Jason responded, "I would trade for knowledge of the world as is known in your lands. I would expect you have much to offer. Those of the Red would seem most interested in trading for the iron and brass you produce, and have available much timber and grain in addition to their royal spring for trading."

  The commanding officer spoke up, saying, "I am a warrior not a trader. As a warrior I must protect my honor and the honor of my troops. You're asking that we risk this honor to bring about peace and trade. How would you suggest this be accomplished?"

  Jason thought hard for some time before responding, "I understand not your system of honor. I would expect that if the primary goal of the invasion was to secure the royal spring for your royal families, then returning with a supply of water from the spring might suffice."

  The commanding officer asked, "What would we trade for this Sacred Water?"

  Jason said not, but simply looked at the scholar who travels with military. The commanding officer seemed somewhat confused, but the scholar knew immediately Jason's intent. He spoke up, saying, "You offer me a choice between an honorable death on the battlefield or a chance to share my knowledge with those of the legend. I would choose life and the opportunity to learn more."

  The commanding officer had trouble comprehending what was going on and asked, "You would trade this Sacred Water for a simple scholar?"

  Jason responded, "My offer is a peace agreement, which includes those of the Red and a single shipment of the Sacred Water from the royal spring, in exchange for the services of your scholar for as long as he shall live."

  The commanding officer still had a puzzled look on his face, but responded, "I would agree to these terms, but how do we implement them?"

  Jason said, "We will meet with those of the Red on the morrow and order a cease-fire, which will begin on the day following the morrow. Negotiations can begin as soon as the cease-fire is implemented, but I would expect language difficulties will make the negotiations somewhat tenuous, for I know not how to write in your language."

  The commanding officer responded, "My troops will honor the cease-fire beginning at the rising of the sun on the day following the morrow." He added, "The scho
lar has been learning to read the language of those of the Red from captured work. He will assist us."

  As the discussion continued, Heather seemed to be drawn ever more into her small campfire and said not. Betty had slipped back into the darkness behind Heather and had let the Spirits of the Forest fill her with images from the minds of the scholar and the commanding officer. Heather could perceive these images in only a vague form, but it was enough to give her an image of their thoughts. She sensed great conflict in the images Betty was projecting of the commanding officer whenever he discussed the scholar who traveled with them. As the discussion was finishing, Heather spoke again, saying, "I would the scholar who travels with you pledge his allegiance and services to my people."

  When her words were translated, the commanding officer’s face flushed ever so slightly and Betty could sense anger, which she transmitted to Heather. Heather but looked straight into the eyes of the commanding officer and ignored his words. His eyes told her that he had planned otherwise and was not yet willing to comply. She spoke again, saying, "The cease-fire will not begin until I have received his pledge."

  On hearing the translation, the flushing of the commanding officer’s face increased but for once he said not. Those from the East conferred amongst themselves, and this time the scholar spoke up, saying, "I will pledge my allegiance to your people and willingly give you my services, but I wish to maintain my personal devotion to our God."

  Heather looked intently into his eyes and also received from Betty an image which seemed honest. She replied, "I accept your services and allegiance for my people." She then added, "We have much planning yet to do. I would meet again on the day following the morrow just after the sunset. One of the Forest will again guide you to the meeting place."

  Jason exchanged some formal pleasantries with those of the East and they stood to leave, but Heather remained seated and just stared into her fire. She moved not until others of the Forest reported that those of the East had truly departed, following their guide back to their camp. Only then did Heather look up at Jason and ask, "Do you trust the commitment they have made?"

  Jason chewed on his lower lip and said not for some time before replying, "In their own way they are honorable people, but their sense of honor differs from ours. It seems the commanding officer had other ideas for the scholar and was most unhappy with your request." He then added, "I would expect the scholar to honor his commitment to you, but also fear that if given the opportunity he would return to his own people with as much knowledge of our peoples as he could gather. We may not want those of the East to have that much knowledge of our cities and peoples."

  Heather asked, "Your advice?"

  "It may be best if the scholar returned with you to the Forest where the Spirits of the Forest could watch over him. I would he lived in my kingdom, for there is much that I could learn, but our borders are much too porous."

  Heather arose and began kicking dirt on to the campfire as a signal that it was time to depart. She said no more during the long ride back to their camp. Dawn was but a few hours away when she finally climbed into the tent to the sound of Daniel’s gentle snoring. Her mind seemed more at rest and she was able to sleep well for a few hours. She completed the morning ritual with Betty and they joined the others for the breaking of the fast. She told those of the Forest what had transpired. Messengers were then sent out to those of the Red.

  Heather spent the day in quiet reflection while Daniel continued to work with his alchemy. The young priest was assisting him, for even though he knew nothing of alchemy his memory of the scrolls in the Cave of Knowledge contained much information. It was early afternoon and Heather was again preparing to leave to meet with those of the Red. She interrupted Daniel and asked, "Have you any information I need to share with those of the Red?"

  Daniel began a discussion of many different tests he had run on the water from the Sacred Spring, but Heather's eyes wandered off, for she understood not his alchemy. She finally interrupted him again, asking, "Have you figured out what the yellow crystals are?"

  Daniel looked up from the bubbling solution he had been stirring and said, "I think it is the substance called arsenic. From the scrolls the young priest read, it is a slow poison if taken in excess amounts. It appears someone has been concentrating the water of the royal spring, which may have caused the Scarlet King's illness."

  Heather asked, "If the water contains a poison, should anyone be drinking it?"

  Daniel replied, "The small amounts given to the citizens of the city seems not to affect them, but does supply them with enough iodine to prevent harm to their babies. The amount the Scarlet King has been getting may explain his illness."

  Heather gave him a quick kiss and left to join the others for the meeting with those of the Red. They traveled as before but somewhat faster, with Jeremy again going ahead and picking out a meeting place. The complaints from Jason were the same as the night before about his dislike of riding a horse. Jeremy replied, "Happy to let you run along with us instead of riding."

  Jason put his hand on Rheon's shoulder and replied, "This one runs enough for both of us. Some are built for travel, others of us are not."

  The campfire was lit again as those of the Forest secured the area and then hid themselves amongst the boulders. One of the Forest waited outside the secret gate and guided the commander of the Red and the envoy to the campsite. They greeted Jason and Heather, but Heather responded not, other than simply saying, "We have much to discuss and plan." Heather still had difficulty understanding those of the Red when they spoke rapidly and depended upon Jason to translate.

  Jason described their meeting of the evening before and the proposed trade. The commander of the Red said little other than, "Those of the East have assumed a purely defensive posture but fight to the death in every battle. It will be quite costly to completely eliminate them and their ships in the harbor."

  The envoy was more circumspect and seemed very interested in the discussion of the pledge of allegiance and service from the scholar. He wondered why the affirmation to devotion of their God was so important. Rheon had been in the darkness behind Jason; she spoke up, saying, "Those you refer to as being from the East tolerate no other gods but their own. When they conquered my people you either accepted their God and customs or you were violently and quickly eliminated." Her speech was as those of the Red as she had learned from Jason.

  The envoy and the commander of the Red simply stared at this woman of darkness before finally asking, "Where is such a land with people such as yourself?”

  Rheon had some difficulty understanding the question and Jason spoke for her. "She is from a land far to the south; we rescued her from one of the black ships. She knows much of those from the East."

  The discussion then centered on the proposed cease-fire and peace agreement. The notification of all the different military units and acceptance by the Scarlet King and his council were the major issues. As the meeting was coming to an end, Heather remembered her discussion with Daniel about the royal spring.

  She said, "Our healer says your royal spring contains some of the power of our Sacred Water, but is also a slow poison which if taken in large amounts will be gradually fatal. The water your Scarlet King drinks is highly concentrated and the slow poison may be responsible for his illness."

  The envoy had many questions, but Heather had told them all she knew and but reminded them of Betty's warning. She did ask who was responsible for concentrating the water of the royal spring. The envoy replied, "My cousin accepted the responsibility of making sure the King’s water was pure, but I know not how he concentrated the water."

  As was her custom, Heather simply sat by the fire as those of the Red prepared to depart. She spoke up, saying, "I would you check with your scholars and healers about the use of the concentrated water. It would seem that perhaps preparing a concentrated water of the royal spring to your King may not have been accidental.

  The envoy stared at her as the realization set in that someone, possibly his cousin, was purposefully poisoning their King. He said only, "I will check."

  As those of the Red departed so did those of the Forest, but not back to their base camp near the sea but rather to a camp along the river about halfway to the battlefield where those of the East were positioned. Heather slept the rest of the night by herself, but her dreams were of their small home in the Forest and of her son. The breaking of the fast was later than usual, for all needed the rest. The scouts were busy patrolling the area but those in the camp had a day of forced rest.

  As evening approached, word was brought that the west gate had been opened and a carriage was headed out. Heather instructed the scouts to guide the carriage to the proposed meeting site amongst the boulders atop the bank of the river. Another of the Forest left for their meeting place of two days prior to guide those of the East to the new meeting site.

  Heather and Jason took their time in traveling to the meeting place and again built their small campfire. Those of the Red could be heard coming from a long distance, for their carriage carried much ornament which announced not only the importance of those aboard but also a warning for all to give way. The carriage could not navigate amongst the boulders and those aboard needed to walk the last mile.

  Heather sat at the campfire, apparently at peace, saying not. Jason, however, could not sit still and paced continuously as he worried about the negotiations. Heather looked up at him and asked, "Does worrying and pacing make peace?"

  Jason could not help but smile as he sat down and replied, "No, but it seems to help my mind concentrate."

  Heather responded, "It may be better to allow the Spirits of the Forest to guide your mind, but for that to happen your mind needs to be calm." She turned towards Betty and asked, "Can you calm Jason's mind so that he can concentrate?"

  Betty replied, "I try."

  Jason's agitation seemed to gradually calm as he stared into the small campfire. As his mind calmed, it became able to visualize the steps required to complete the peace agreement; he spoke no more but simply watched the flames. He knew not if he actually heard the others arriving or if somehow Betty had transmitted their presence to his mind.

  Those of the East arrived first and found Heather sitting as before. She spoke not but simply used her uplifted hand to invite them to sit at the campfire. They sat quietly for a few moments before the sound of those of the Red could be heard arriving. Heather invited them to join on her other side of the campfire with a simple hand gesture. Jason welcomed them more formally and introduced those present. He was surprised to see the one that those of the Forest called the Pet Bird amongst the delegation of the Red.

  The Pet Bird had no sooner settled by the campfire than he began to complain about meeting in such a primitive surrounding. A small whiff of smoke from the campfire shifted his way and he began to cough and sputter and complained even more. Jason spoke up, saying; "This meeting is at the request of Heather with the Golden Hair and is held in the open, for that is the nature of those of the Forest who embrace the night."

  The complaining continued despite Jason's explanation, until Betty stepped forward and simply looked at the Pet Bird. The images of the giant trees she projected into his mind immediately stopped the complaining, and she stepped back into the shadows.

  Jason then began the negotiations as he visualized them. There were as expected many points of disagreement between those of the East and those of the Red. Heather listened for some time to the negotiations despite her inability to fully understand the words being used. It seemed as if the negotiations were grinding to a halt over what she perceived as trivial points of disagreement. Looking up from the fire, she said in the tongue of those of the Forest, "I would have peace amongst our people. If you wish not to have peace, speak up now or complete the agreement."

  Jason translated her words to both those of the Red and those of the East. All were quiet for a moment before the Pet Bird spoke up, saying, "Why would we make peace with those who have invaded our land? We should crush them now that we have military advantage." He added emphasis by striking his fist into his open hand, which conveyed his meaning to those of the East even though they understood not his words.

  The envoy spoke up in response, saying, "With the aid of those of the Forest we could do as you say, but at what cost and who is it that will pay the cost by forfeiting their lives?" He added, "Without the aid of those of the Forest, our city would have fallen and our civilization ended. We need to heed their words."

  When the Pet Bird again began his tirade, Heather had had enough and spoke in the language of the Red: "Maybe we should talk of the slow poison that has been fed to the Scarlet King by concentrating the water of the royal spring."

  Even in the dim light of the campfire she could see the paleness develop in the face of the Pet Bird. He said not and the envoy spoke up, saying, "It would seem that our scholars knew of the danger of drinking too much of the royal water, and I would expect my cousin knew this as well. I would not speculate on his motive, but the effect is evident."

  Heather responded, "This is a matter for those of the Red, but for now I would continue the negotiations without further interruptions."

  Those of the East understood not what was said but witnessed the power that Heather had over the attitude of those of the Red. The night was growing late and the agreement was not yet completed. Jason summarized their understanding and said, "I will work with the scholar from the East and create an initial document in the language of those of the East and those of the Red as well as the language of those of the Forest. We will meet again on the morrow after the setting of the sun. One of the Forest will again guide you to the meeting spot."

  As those of the East departed, the envoy held back and spoke quietly to Heather. "I bring the gratitude of the Scarlet King and our people's sincerest thanks for your efforts."

  Heather asked, "How will you deal with the slow poison which has been given to your King?"

  The envoy but smiled in the dim light of the campfire and said only, "My cousin will remain a potent adversary, and those whom he has made enemies of may wish to pursue the issue. I would continue to watch him closely, for he is devious and very power-hungry but yet remains my cousin."

  Heather but responded, "I miss not the political intrigue of palace life." With that her attention returned to the campfire as she poked ever so gently at the coals. The envoy understood this message and departed, with those of the Red behind the guide of those of the Forest. Only after the bird calls of those of the Forest indicated that the area was safe did Heather and Jason resume their conversation.

  Heather was much concerned about trying to clarify details in three different languages. Jason was doing his best to imitate Heather's attitude at the campfire and said not for some time as he stared into the coals of the fire. He finally explained, "I would that the primary document be in the language of those of the Forest with translations provided and approved by those of the East and those of the Red. I agree there can be only one official version of the agreement."

  Heather arose and covered the coals with dirt signaling the end of the meeting. When they returned to their campsite, Heather settled down enough for sleep and was soon dreaming of her baby and their home in Issip.

  For several more days the pattern was repeated, with Jason spending his daytime recording what had been agreed upon the night before. The scholar from the East had joined their camp and assisted in the translation to the language of those of the East. Their writing was of a much more complex nature and Jason was unable to comprehend its meaning. Rheon, who as always stayed at his side, said little but examined each document before it was completed.

  One day she pointed out a mistake in the translation of those of the East. Jason conferred with the scholar from the East, who agreed a mistake had been made. After the correction had been ma
de, Rheon again scrutinized the documents. Jason asked her, "How is it that you are able to read in three languages?"

  Rheon tried to explain, "I see in my mind a picture of the writing and somehow know the meaning of the symbols. I know not how to read as you do, word by word, but I am trying to learn."

  Jason continued the tedious task of completing the peace treaty and ensuring the accuracy of the translations. On the eighth day of the cease-fire, agreement was finally reached and signatures applied to the documents Jason had prepared. Direct interaction between those of the East and those of the Red now replaced the campfire meetings with those of the Forest.

  Those of the Forest prepared to disband their camp along the river and return to their camp by the sea. The envoy had prepared a list of supplies to support their Scarlet King during the journey and presented this to Heather. With Jason's help they reviewed the list. Heather requested the addition of a supply of ale, for it had been long since those of the Forest had enjoyed a glass.