Read The Scarlet King Page 19

Chapter 18

  Heather attended not most of the meetings, but stayed in camp and depended upon Jason to inform her of the events. They moved their camp back to the sea, and despite Jason's dislike for riding horses he commuted daily to the meeting site. The meetings were now held in early afternoon outside the western gate so that the documents could be more easily studied.

  Those of the Forest continued their scouting and hunting to provision the ship for their journey home. Daniel was making slow progress on his alchemy and was pretty sure that the crystals were indeed the arsenic as spoken of in the ancient scrolls. He had not yet found a way of removing it from the water, and had started trying to extract the iodine from the water, leaving the arsenic behind.

  Heather watched all the activity going on around her in a somewhat detached manner, for she was missing her baby and her home. She told Jason, "It is time for us to leave. I would you complete the negotiations in two days’ time, for we depart on the third day as the sun rises."

  Jason tried to explain how negotiations always took time. Heather listened to his long explanation but said only, "We leave on the third day as the sun rises." Jason accepted her order and was silent for some time as he thought of all the steps yet to be completed.

  He replied, "The document will be signed so that we can indeed leave on the third day." He then added, "Those of the Red wish to have several celebrations for their departing King. They would we attend."

  Heather responded, "I would those of the Forest not enter their Great City until the peace agreement is truly signed and shown to be valid." She then added, "If they wish, we would attend a small celebration outside the western gate."

  Jason thought of all the planning needed for a royal celebration, but responded only, "If we are to have such a celebration it will need to be on the evening of the morrow. I will inform them of your decision but know not how they will respond."

  Heather nodded acceptance of his statement and said only, "It will be as the God of the Sacred Water wishes. It is time for us to go home."

  Just after the midday meal Jason left for his negotiations. As he had expected, those of the Red complained that it was not possible to complete the negotiations in such a short time. Jason but shrugged his shoulders, saying, "It is as Heather of the Golden Hair has declared. We must complete our work."

  The amount of writing was enormous, and several scrolls were now filled with the terms of the peace and trade agreements amongst all three parties. It was Rheon who had the best knowledge of the consistency between the three sets of scrolls, and as always she was at Jason's side watching over the process.

  They finished the details as darkness fell, and only after those of the East had departed did Jason bring up the issue of a celebration. As he had expected, those of the Red complained that there was not enough time to set the stage for a celebration, especially one outside the city wall. Jason but shrugged his shoulders, saying, "It will be or not as you wish. We depart at sunrise on the morning following the morrow. Your King must be ready for travel and at our camp at sunrise if he wishes to travel with us."

  Those of the Red departed mumbling amongst themselves about the sudden urgency for departure. They knew not how the King would respond nor how the succession would be arranged. They did know that it would be a short night for all of the staff to prepare a celebration of any sort on such short notice.

  When Jason finally returned to the camp, only a few were by the campfire telling stories. He dismounted his horse and thanked those of the Forest who had guided him before walking somewhat painfully to the fire. He sat with Rheon by the fire, and as others left them to the coals they gradually moved closer together but said not.

  It was midday before the messenger arrived from the Great City informing them of the celebration to be held outside the western gate beginning just before nightfall. They presented Jason with a formal invitation and he acknowledged receipt of the scroll, which he carefully unrolled and read. He nodded to the messenger indicating he should wait for a reply, and walked across the camp to where Heather was sitting watching Daniel work on his alchemy. He read the scroll to Heather, who just nodded in acceptance.

  Jason returned and addressed the messenger, saying, "In the name of Heather with the Golden Hair, I accept your invitation. We will arrive one hour before the setting of the sun." He then added, "Those of the Forest will be dressed for travel."

  The messenger bowed low to Jason and replied, "I will relay your answer." He then added, "I have been asked to inform you that the celebration will by necessity be very simple and not the normal royal celebration you may expect." Jason nodded in reply and the messenger turned and left.

  Jason walked back to where Daniel was working and Heather was sitting quietly. At first he said not, just appreciating the comfort that was evident between Daniel and Heather. He finally interrupted, saying, "I have informed the messenger that we will be dressed in traveling clothes, and he stated that the celebration would be simple, at least by their standards. I hope to sign the agreement this afternoon and will await your arrival rather than endure the horse ride."

  Heather gave him one of her small smiles and replied, "I am grateful that the God of the Sacred Water has given us your skills as a negotiator. For whether you know it or not, you are a great man and all of our peoples owe you much."

  Jason knew not how to respond to the complement so he simply walked away with a small wave over his shoulder. Heather then interrupted Daniel's work by asking, "How should I dress for the celebration, for I have little in the way of clothes to wear?"

  Daniel looked up from his work and stopped mixing the solution he had been so busy stirring, and replied, "Why can you not dress in your travel clothes, for are we not travelers?"

  Heather responded with a long explanation of the need to present herself properly as one of the Forest. Daniel could but listen, not knowing for sure what she was talking about. Betty arrived carrying some cloth, saying, "Princess, you come. We need to make clothes that match your fighting tunic."

  Heather followed Betty, leaving Daniel to his work. She found Edna working on hers and Betty's garments. They were adding small touches of bright cloth to their travel garments. Betty had Heather stand in the center, and a small amount of cloth was held up next to the fighting tunic. It seemed everyone liked the blue color the best. Work began immediately, fashioning a blouse to be worn under the tunic, which enhanced Heather's femininity and yet was definitely of the Forest. The work continued until midafternoon, and then it was time to depart.

  Jeremy had already scouted ahead and secured the area, having posted multiple sentries. Before leaving, Betty inspected Heather one last time and insisted that Heather wear her grandmother's clasp on the outside of her tunic. Betty said, "You beautiful. You let the clasp show so eyes sparkle."

  They needed to wait while Daniel finished yet another test with his alchemy. He had changed not his clothes and Heather mentioned it not. She knew that when he was working he worried not about his appearance. Heather walked yet with a limp but was more able to climb aboard the great white horse. Those of the Forest helped Betty mount behind her and the troop set off in high spirits.

  The bird calls of the late afternoon were a sure sign that those of the Forest were scouting far ahead. Daniel walked beside Heather but remained somewhat distant in conversation, for his mind was yet on the alchemy problem. Heather understood little of what he said, but it was apparent that he had not succeeded in removing the slow poison from the royal spring. She finally spoke up, saying, "I would you leave the problem of your arsenic to a later time. Tonight we celebrate and at sunrise we leave to see again our son. Let the God of the Sacred Water do as he will with the other problems."

  Daniel looked up at his bride astride the great white horse and could but smile. Their conversation now turned to their son and how he must've grown while they were away. Daniel wondered aloud if he had begun crawling
or maybe even walking while they had been gone. Heather tried to picture her baby walking but the image seemed not right, for he could not have changed so much in the six weeks they had been gone.

  When they arrived outside the western gate they found a great tent set up with tables and multiple fire pits, all of which seemed to be cooking something different. The royal party of those of the Red could be seen approaching from the gate, but those of the East were not yet visible. Scouts reported that they were on their way. Those of the Red numbered about the same as those of the Forest, but were all dignitaries dressed in their version of travel clothes.

  In the center of the group rode the Scarlet King in a small travel carriage surrounded by only a few guards. At the rear of the troop, dressed in simple clothes and his floppy hat, was the ancient Seer. When the others were seated he but stood to the side and watched everything. When the troop from the East arrived they too were seated by those serving, and only then did those of the Forest take to the table.

  A welcoming proclamation was read by an official of the King. Jason and the scholar from the East worked together to translate it to the others. A single cup of wine was served to all and then the signing ceremony was begun. The commander of the army from the East signed the scroll of those of the Forest and initialed the other two scrolls. The Scarlet King with a somewhat shaky hand did likewise.

  Heather had wanted Jason to be the signer for their peoples but he had insisted that Heather be the one to sign. She now stepped forward and did as the other two had done, signing the scroll written in the language of those of the Forest and initialing the other two. She set the quill down and looked up first at the Scarlet King and then at the commander of those of the East, saying, "Let war be replaced with trade."

  A general applause erupted from those of the Forest and all others who stood and either stomped their feet or clapped in appreciation of her simple statement. Heather seemed not to fully recognize the response she had received, and simply nodded to those assembled before returning to Daniel. When things had settled down and the Scarlet King had officially begun the feast, she turned to Daniel and said, "I now understand why you never wanted to be at the front of a feast. It is far more comfortable to watch at the back."

  Daniel but smiled at his bride and took another sip of the wine. At Heather's request, ale was also made available to those of the Forest. The others at the feast noticed not the coming and going of the scouts of the Forest, who rotated from the feast to their scouting positions. Daniel found the food to be tasty but full of spices he recognized not. He asked Jason about the flavors. Jason responded, "I have read of these ancient flavors but know not how they are derived. I do believe we have found another trade item."

  As the evening wore on toasts were made and much food and drink was consumed. Heather and those of the Forest seemed to participate fully, but she had instructed those of the Forest to but sample their drinks and to be aware at all times of danger.

  As stories of ancient times were begun, she looked up to find the Seer, who accompanied those of the Red, looking at her. She was slightly embarrassed by his attention; he bowed low before her and pointed at the clasp she wore on her fighting tunic. He spoke not but turned and walked directly to the head of the table where the Scarlet King was seated. The guards standing to either side of the King initially tried to block his approach but he just waved them off and whispered in the King’s ear. The King looked up at Heather, and then with assistance arose and walked to where she was seated. He too stared at the clasp Heather wore before asking, "How did you come to wear the royal clasp?"

  As Jason translated the Scarlet King's question, it was obvious that Heather was embarrassed. She responded, "It was a gift from my grandmother. I know not its origin."

  The King removed the heavy chain from his neck, and despite his stiffness and the numbness of his fingers, found after searching a short time a jeweled charm. He held it up for Heather to see. She said not, for he held an identical if somewhat more masculine amulet.

  The Scarlet King took a step back and with great solemnity bowed ever so slightly to Heather. The voice of the one they called the Pet Bird could be heard asking what was going on. At first no one responded, but the realization soon soaked in that their Scarlet King had bowed to the One with Golden Hair. The King finally turned and addressed those assembled, saying simply, "It is as the legend has foretold. Our Queen from ancient times has returned."

  Heather knew not how to respond as all of the Red now bowed low to her. Heather protested, "I am but a simple warrior sent by my grandmother from her grave. I am of the Forest, not of your people."

  The Seer spoke up in a language that was foreign but yet familiar, and by listening hard Heather could comprehend his meaning. She turned to Jason and asked, "What am I to do?"

  Jason responded, "You must acknowledge their recognition of your clasp and somehow allow them to resume their position."

  Heather arose and touching the clasp on her tunic, said, "I know not the reason or the ways of the God of the Sacred Water. It is as it is and I wish all to rise."

  Those of the Red arose and resumed their prior seating. The one called the Pet Bird was still whining and demanding to be informed as to what was going on. With help, the Scarlet King returned to his position at table and said, "I have been given the gift of seeing the fulfillment of the ancient legend and can now leave the throne to seek the peace of the great trees in the land of the Forest. As I leave I wish to appoint Don the Great as the permanent head of our security forces and of the palace guard. We owe him a debt, for twice he has rescued us and yet seeks not the power of the palace." He was silent for a moment before continuing in a much quieter voice, "I would choose my nephew to take my seat on the throne for he is the lawful choice."

  The one called by those of the Forest the Pet Bird rose and bowed to his King and to those around him, strutting like a courting rooster. The King interrupted the show by again speaking. "If my nephew chooses to accept the position of the throne, I deem that he be required to consume the slow poison that he has been feeding me."

  An audible gasp went up from the crowd. The strutting Pet Bird suddenly looked ashen and sat down quickly. The Scarlet King looked not at his nephew, but continued speaking. "If my nephew decides not to accept the position of the throne, then it would be the choice of the royal counselors to choose my successor." The Scarlet King waited for silence to return and turned towards Heather, saying, "If the One with the Golden Hair wishes to stay amongst us, we need to acknowledge her as the proper heir to the royal line of our people."

  Heather stood and acknowledged the Scarlet King before simply saying, "I am of the Forest and would return to the Forest. I would that peace continue between our peoples and the trade allow all to prosper."

  The celebration continued but with much more whispering amongst those of the Red. The one called the Pet Bird no longer was demanding attention and seemed to almost disappear. Those of the Forest would've preferred more singing and telling of stories, but the mood had changed and they mostly visited amongst themselves.

  The scholar from the East bowed before Heather and asked if he could inspect the clasp she wore. Heather but nodded and handed him the clasp. The scholar used a small stick with markings and compared the angles and distances between the individual jewels, working on a small pad the distances and pattern. He carefully handed the clasp back to Heather and again bowed, asking, "May I discuss this with the commander of the forces of the East?"

  Heather asked, "Why would you discuss this?"

  Jason, who had been intently watching, spoke up, saying, "I would expect that there is an association between your clasp and the civilization of those of the East."

  The scholar looked at Jason and but nodded. Heather agreed that he was free to discuss it with the commander of the forces of the East and the scholar quickly departed. Within a few minutes he had returned, accompanied by th
e commander of the forces of the East. The commander now bowed before Heather and spoke, saying, "Our people also have a legend of your arrival. The clasp you wear contains the symbol of our royal family."

  Heather turned to Jason and asked, "Do you understand what this means?"

  Jason thought for moment before replying. "It would seem that not only are we directly connected to those of the Red but also to those of the East. At one time we were one people but I know not how we have become so separated. It is a mystery I would solve, but it would entail a great exploration."

  The evening had worn on and there was yet much to prepare for their departure. The scrolls were divided, with each taking the scroll of their language. A formal departure was not the way of the Forest. Heather simply stood and announced, "We of the Forest leave at first light and will work to establish regular communication and trade. We wish all to live in peace and prosper with trade."

  Then those of the Forest seemed to just melt away into the darkness. Those of the East made a much more formal departure, leaving those of the Red within the circle of light outside the west gate. The Scarlet King had grown very weary but yet felt a happiness he had not known for a long time. He was taken to his quarters for some rest, for in but a few hours he would leave his homeland forever to spend his last days amongst the great trees of the Forest.

  The one those of the Forest called the Pet Bird had said nothing since the King’s revelation of the slow poison. His desire for the throne was so overwhelming that he seriously considered accepting the throne knowing his life would be much shortened. It was the King's pronouncement that Don the Great would assume control of the palace guard in addition to the military that caused him the most concern. Without the power of the palace guard he could be but a feeble King and his bastard cousin would control the real power. Maybe it would be better for him to continue to work in the background, constantly undermining his cousin's authority. He finally said to himself, "I will decide only after my uncle has left for that cursed place they call the Forest. I may yet find a way to gain the throne and dispatch my cousin."

  The night had indeed been short when the first light of the morning began to show, and the lookout called out that their ship was entering the cove. Heather completed the morning ritual and met with the others for the breaking of the fast. Most of their supplies had already been loaded aboard the ship and their camp was quickly dismantled. The boats had been lowered from the ship and those of the Forest were gradually carried aboard. Daniel was finishing his alchemy and writing instructions for the use of the royal water. He had determined that a small glass three times a week would be sufficient to prevent the iodine deficiency and limit the damage of the slow poison contained in the water of the royal spring.

  Most of those of the Forest had already returned to the ship when a small caravan arrived from the Great City transporting the Scarlet King. He was obviously excited for the journey, but yet needed help to enter the boat for transfer to the ship. His personal physician aided the transfer and then spoke to Heather. "Would it be possible for me to travel with the Scarlet King?"

  Heather was surprised not that those of the Red would want to continue to care for their King. She replied, "You may travel with us, but it is a long and perilous journey from which you may not return."

  The physician replied, "I have dedicated my life to serving my King and I wish to continue for however long he remains with us. When he is gone my duty in life will have been completed."

  Don the Great had led the group and stood before Heather, bowing his head before saying, "The power of the legend has been fulfilled, and I along with all my people owe you and the others of the Forest a great debt. I doubt that we will ever be able to repay the debt, but I pledge my service to you and the others of the Forest."

  Heather said not but simply gave him one of her small smiles and reached out her hand in friendship. The envoy gently took her hand and, bowing on one knee, gently kissed it and said, "To our Queen of the legend I wish a long and healthy life, and to her people, may they prosper in peace."

  Heather responded with a similar wish for the envoy and reminded him, "Those of the Forest have offered you refuge when your time has come."

  As the envoy climbed aboard the carriage for the return to the Great City, Daniel came running up with his latest test results, saying, "One small glass of the water from the royal spring no more than three times per week." He handed the envoy a copy of his work, which Jason had translated into the language of the Red. The envoy accepted the scroll and nodded his head in appreciation but knew not what to say.

  As the carriage was pulling away the envoy turned in his seat and said, "May the God of the Sacred Water bless your work which you have so freely shared. My wish is that you and your family may now live in peace."

  Heather and Daniel were the last aboard their ship; they had stood on the shore hand in hand waiting for the ship’s boat. Their talk now was mostly about their baby and the joy of holding him again. Daniel spoke of his concern for the health of those of Issip, for they had been gone some time. Heather replied, "Those of the Forest help each other, and I am sure another of the healers has helped those of our village. Let us leave that worry to the God of the Sacred Water and enjoy the anticipation of seeing our baby again."

  Daniel squeezed her hand as they watched the boat pull ashore. The sailors helped them aboard and soon they were again on the deck of their ship. Captain Cook gave the orders, and the anchor was raised as the sails came up and began to fill with the gentle breeze. As they sailed out of the protected cove and into the open sea, the Scarlet King's physician kept urging him to go below and avoid the ocean air. The Scarlet King refused, saying, "I am now free and would experience as much as I can with the little time I have left." Even as the pitching of the ship increased as they turned towards the Great Cape, the Scarlet King remained topside. Fatigue finally overcame his desire to experience the freedom of the sea, and he followed with difficulty his physician below.

  Captain Cook had created an additional small cabin for the Scarlet King, which he now shared with his physician. It was the smallest bed the King had slept on since his early childhood, but he cared not for he had made his decision and the loss of the royal privilege seemed but a small price to pay.

  They traveled well with only moderate seas until they came to the Great Cape. As the seas became more disorganized, those of the Forest again suffered the sickness of the sea. Heather, Jason, and Captain Cook shared the duties of the helm, and whenever Jason was at the helm, there too was the Scarlet King. They spent many hours at first just discussing the principles of navigation, but then matters of life in general, especially the politics of court. Jason explained, "When in the palace I was King, but felt more the prisoner for the demands made of me. When at sea I can breathe fully and feel the freedom that others enjoy."

  When the Scarlet King asked what Jason would do if he could choose to do anything, Jason responded, "I would set sail and seek the land that gave rise to our peoples. I would then continue the trip, exploring eastward until I again returned to my homeland."

  The Scarlet King was quiet for some time before responding, "I would share your dream, but fear that my time in this existence is very short. I will be satisfied to be amongst the great trees which have brought me such comfort." He then asked, "You are confident that as you sailed east you would not eventually fall off the end of the Earth?"

  Jason responded not at first and just stared ahead, adjusting the helm as needed. He finally replied, "I would have the mathematicians check my work, but by my calculations the world is round and everything connected by the great oceans. Until one accomplishes the journey of exploration we will not know for sure."

  The Scarlet King responded not, but Rheon spoke up, saying, "My people speak of strangers who have come both from the north and west but also from the east. Trade was limited, for they had traveled such a great distance." Sh
e added, "The strangers from the East were not so pale as you." When Jason asked of the language of the strangers, Rheon but shrugged her shoulders, saying, "It was before my time, but the stories remember."