Read The School Friends; Or, Nothing New Page 5

you; I thought you were engaged inbusiness somewhere."

  "Hush, hush, my dear fellow! let me ask you not to call me by thatodious name. I am Emery Delamere on this side of Temple Bar. I hadbeen sent to call on a lady of fashion about a little affair of myemployers, and embraced the opportunity of taking a stroll in the Park,in the hopes of meeting some of my acquaintances. You, I conclude, arebound eastward; so am I. We will proceed together, though I wish youhad got rid of a little more of your rustic appearance. And now tell meall about yourself. Where are you? Who are you employed with? Whatare your prospects?"

  As soon as Emery's rattling tongue would allow him to answer, Lancebriefly gave him the information he asked for.

  "Very good, better than I had thought, for I am inclined to envy you.At the same time, the dull existence you are compelled to lead would nothave suited my taste. However, you were always better adapted toplodding work than I am," he answered, with a slight degree of envy inhis tone. "But I suppose you have managed to see something of Londonlife; if not, let me have the pleasure of initiating you. What do yousay, shall we go to the theatre? I have tickets for the Haymarket, butit's a dull house, I prefer Drury Lane; and though I ought to be in atten o'clock according to rule, I can easily explain that I was detainedby Lady Dorothy, and had to wait for an omnibus."

  "I am much obliged to you for your kind intentions, but I have no wishto go to a theatre, and beg that you will not on my account be late inreturning home, and especially that you will not utter a falsehood asyour excuse."

  "Falsehood! that's a good joke," exclaimed Emery; "you use a harsh term.We should never be able to enjoy ourselves without the privilege oftelling a few white lies when necessary, ha! ha! ha! Why, my dearLance, you seem as ignorant of the world as when you were at Elmerston."

  "I knew the difference between right and wrong, as I do now," answeredLance gravely, "and I regret to hear you express yourself as you aredoing. I was in hopes that the misfortunes you met with would havetended to give you more serious thoughts. Excuse me for saying so, butI speak frankly, as an old friend, and I pray that you may see things intheir true light."

  "Really, Lance, you have become graver and more sarcastic than ever,"exclaimed Emery, not liking the tenor of his companion's remarks. "Ionly wished to find some amusement for you; and since you don't wish tobe amused, I will not press you further to come with me. I myself donot care about going to the theatre, and will walk home with you as faras our roads run together."

  Lance thanked him, and hoping to be able to speak seriously to him ofthe sin and folly of the conduct he appeared to be pursuing, agreed tohis proposal.

  Though Emery would rather have had a better dressed companion, yetrecollecting that Lance was a gentleman by birth, he felt somesatisfaction in being in his society; for notwithstanding his boastingsof the fashionable friends he possessed, he knew perfectly well thatnone of those whose acquaintance he casually made were real gentlemen.

  "You appear to be better off than I am in some respects, Lance," heobserved. "For though I stand high in the opinion of my employer, and,I flatter myself, still higher in that of his daughter, a very charminggirl I can assure you, they are not equal in social position to yourrelatives; and as you know, my desire has always been to move in a goodcircle, and maintain a high character among the aristocracy."

  Though Lance could not help despising the folly of poor Emery, he feltreal compassion for him as he continued to talk this sort of nonsense.

  "Now, Emery," he said, "we have been schoolfellows, and you will excuseme for speaking freely to you. Would it not be wiser to accept theposition in which you are placed, to work on steadily to gain a goodname among those with whom you are associated, instead of aping themanners and customs of people who enjoy wealth and undoubtedly belong toa higher social grade than you do. You will be far more respected, evenby them, if you are known to be looked up to by those of your ownstation in life. I speak from experience: I am treated with kindnessand attention, not only by all the clerks in the office, and theirfriends whom I occasionally meet, but by the head clerk himself, notbecause I am the son of a naval officer, but simply because I work hard,and try to do whatever work is given me as well as possible. Besides,my old friend, we should have a higher motive for all our actions.Remember God sees us; and though we may give our earthly masterseye-service, we cannot deceive Him. Yet we should be influenced by ahigher motive than that, not by fear alone, but by love and gratitude toHim who has given us life and health, and all the blessings we enjoy,and the promise of everlasting happiness if we will accept the offer Heso graciously makes us, and become reconciled to Him, through faith inthe great sacrifice--His Son offered upon the cross for us, Hisrebellious and disobedient creatures. Pray seek for grace to realisethe great fact that we are by nature and conduct rebels, vile and foul--that if trusting to our own strength, we are in the power of our greatenemy Satan, who is always trying to lead us astray--and that we have noclaim whatever to God's love and protection while here on earth, or toenjoy the happiness of heaven when we leave this world--that there isbut one state of existence for which, if we die in rebellion, we can befitted, that is, to associate for ever with the fallen angels justlycast out from His glorious presence."

  Lance spoke with deep earnestness, holding Emery lightly by the arm. Hemight never, he felt, have another opportunity of putting the truthbefore him.

  Emery suddenly snatched his arm away.

  "I really don't like the sort of things you have been saying," heexclaimed, "and I don't know what authority you have for talking to methus. I did not know what you were driving at when you began to talk,or I should not have listened so patiently, I can tell you. I asked youin a friendly way to come and enjoy a little harmless amusement with me,and you in return first give me a grave lecture, such as some one mightexpect from a Solon, rather than from a lawyer's clerk, and then preacha sermon, which might be all very well if thundered out by theArchbishop of Canterbury from the pulpit, but really, when uttered byone young fellow to another, is simply ridiculous. I hope, for yoursake, that you don't pester your brother scribes, and that head clerkyou speak of, with such balderdash, or favour your principal with anoccasional discourse in the same strain. We are old schoolfellows, asyou have remarked, so you will not be offended at what I say. Ah! ah!ah! Good evening to you, friend Solon; should we meet again, I hope youwill recollect such an address as you have just given me is not to mytaste. I have to go south; you go north, I fancy;" and Emery, swinginground his cane, and cocking his hat on one side, sauntered off,whistling a popular street air to show his unconcern.

  Lance was too much hurt and astonished at the effect his earnest andfaithful remarks had produced to say anything. He stood irresolute fora minute, feeling much inclined to run after Emery, and to entreat himnot to take what he had said thus amiss. Just then he saw that his oldschoolfellow was joined by another youth of a similar appearance, andthe two went into a tobacconist's together. It would be hopeless, hefelt, to attempt saying anything more. He therefore hastened homewards,hoping that he might before long have another opportunity of againspeaking seriously to Emery.


  Emery had been sent by his employer on a commission of some importance.On his return he gave a highly satisfactory account of the way he hadperformed it. He had risen, in consequence of his address and supposedabilities, high in the favour of Mr Padman, who placed perfectconfidence in his zeal and honesty. He was always prepared beforehandwith a sufficient excuse when he intended to be late out, or to breakthrough any of the rules of the establishment. He was utterlyregardless of the truth Lance had put before him, that God at all timessees us, and that those who deceive their fellow-men are sure, misled bySatan, to be discovered at last, and left to the consequences of theirsin.

  Emery, proud of what he considered his cleverness, and trusting to theconfidence Mr Padman placed in him, became bolder in his proceedings."There was no young man," he said to himself, "so
much thought of as hewas;" and believing that Miss Padman also looked on him with afavourable eye, he determined to propose to marry her. He consulted oldSass, who, seeing no reason to doubt his success, advised him to try hischance. If he failed, Sass, knowing his secret, thought that he mighttake advantage of it. If he succeeded, he himself would certainlybenefit by the influence he had gained over the young gentleman. Emeryhad to wait some time for the desired opportunity of speaking alone toMiss Padman. That young lady, however, did not hold her father'sshopman in the high estimation he had flattered himself. Others hadtaken care to whisper that Emery was not as correct in his conduct as heprofessed to be, and she thought her father unwise in placing so muchconfidence in him. When, therefore, he at length made her an offer, shereplied that