Read The School Friends; Or, Nothing New Page 6

she considered him very presumptuous, and begged him tounderstand that she had no more regard for him than for the boy whoswept out the shop, or for any one else in the establishment; and havingdiscovered how he deceived her father, she should put Mr Padman on hisguard. As the young lady was perfectly cool and decided, Emery haddiscernment enough to perceive that her decision was final, and as isoften the case with weak natures, any better feeling he might haveentertained for her was turned into hatred.

  As there was no one else to whom he could express his anger andvexation, he called as soon as he could leave the shop on Sass Gange.

  "Well, it was a toss up, I thought, from the first, and you have lost,"observed the old man. "However, Master Emery, don't be cast down, thereis as good fish in the sea as out of it. If the girl threatens you, asyou say, I would advise you to cut the concern altogether. You will getdisrated, depend upon it, and be worse off. Make hay while the sunshines. Now, my lad, I don't want you to do anything that would get youinto trouble, but there is nothing worth having without some risk. Youhave often said you would like a new sort of life instead of the humdrumcounter-jumping work you have got to do. What do you say to making astart for South America or the Pacific? You might lead a jolly lifeamong the natives, with nothing to do and lots of pretty girls to makelove to, who would not treat you like Miss Padman, that I can tell you."

  Thus the old sailor ran on, describing in overdrawn colours, with alarge admixture of fable, the life he had himself led in his early days.He did not say how he had seen his companions, some murdered, and therest dying of disease, or that he himself had narrowly escaped with hislife.

  Emery listened eagerly. He had felt how unsatisfactory was the life hewas trying to lead, the constant rebuffs of those into whose society hetried to thrust himself, and the hopelessness of succeeding in hisfoolish aims, and Satan was of course ready to suggest that he mightfind far greater enjoyment in something new.

  "It will be capital fun!" he exclaimed at last; "but I have spent everyshilling of my salary, and am in debt to a pretty considerable amount tosome who look upon me as Mr Padman's future son-in-law, and to otherswho have taken me to be a young man of fortune; and if I were to sell mywhole wardrobe, I don't suppose it would fetch enough to pay for a goodsea outfit and my passage."

  "So I thought," said Gange; "and as I have a notion that you have beenshamefully treated by Miss Padman, if I were you, I would help myself ina way I can suggest to you, and the loss will fall upon her more than onher father, who is an old donkey, and it will do him no harm either.The chances are that he will send you to-morrow to pay the receipts ofthe shop into the bank, and as business is brisk just now, it's likelyto be a good round sum. I shall be sure to be sent to look after you,to see that no one picks your pockets, or knocks you down, or makes offwith it. Now, then will be the time to fill your purse, and have somecash to spare for me. I won't be very hard on you. To say the truth, Ihave had a little business of my own on hand, and have made up my mindto cut and run, so you won't have me here as your friend much longer ifyou stay. Come, what do you say? a free and independent life, withplenty of money in your pocket; or hanging on here, to be snubbed byMiss Padman, and jeered at by the other fellows at your ill luck. Sheis sure to tell them, and the chances are there is some one she likesbetter than you."

  The unhappy youth listened to all the old tempter said, instead of atonce seeking for grace to put away temptation and to say, "Get theebehind me, Satan." He consented to all Sass had proposed.

  "That's right!" said the old sailor, "I like your spirit, my boy; I willhelp you, depend on me. You had better get your portmanteau packed withall your best things, and just carry it down the first thing in themorning. You can tell the house-porter that you are going away for aday; he will not ask questions, and I will send a man to bring it here."

  All other arrangements were speedily made. Sass had evidently thoughtthe matter over, and Emery was impressed by what he fancied the cleverway all risks had been provided against.

  Emery went home. He felt too nervous to sleep soundly, and rising,lighted a candle and packed up his portmanteau, keeping out his bestthings, in which to dress in the morning. If questions were asked, hewould say that his mother was ill, and that he intended to ask leave togo home in the evening. The thoughts of the sinfulness of the act hewas about to commit did not trouble him so much as the fear of possibledetection. Still, the plan proposed by Sass was so feasible, and thearrangements he had made so perfect, that he had great hopes all wouldgo right. He thought the matter over and over. Sometimes the remarksmade by Lance would force themselves upon him, but he put them away,muttering, "That's all old women's nonsense, I am not going to beprevented from doing what I like by such stuff." Dressing, and puttingall the small articles of value he possessed into his pockets, as soonas he thought the porter would be opening the house he carried down hisportmanteau, observing to the man as he did so, that he had had a sadletter the previous night, and should be compelled to start for home assoon as he could get leave from Mr Padman. In a short time the portersent by Sass appeared, and he got it sent off without any questionsbeing asked. He then went back to his room, and afraid of going to bedagain with the risk of oversleeping himself, sat down in a chair by hisbedside. Not having slept a wink during the night, his head soondropped on his chest. His dreams were troubled--he felt a fearfulpressure round his neck--it seemed that a cap was drawn over his eyes--the murmuring sound of numberless voices rang in his ears--he wasstanding on the platform at Newgate, the drop was about to fall beneathhis feet. He had once witnessed such a scene, and gazed at it withindifference, moving off among the careless throng with the remark "Poorwretch! he has got what he deserved." Could it be possible that hehimself was now standing where he had seen the unhappy culprit launchedinto eternity. He awoke with a start, and found to his satisfactionthat he had been only dreaming. His eyelids were heavy, his eyesbloodshot. He washed his face in cold water, and endeavoured to laughoff the recollection of his dream while he brushed his hair and arrangedhis cravat. He went down-stairs and joined his companions in thebreakfast-room. They rallied him on his rakish look. He talked in hisusual affected way, managing, however, to bring in the falsehood he hadalready uttered about his mother's illness. It would assist, he hoped,to account for his not returning from the bank.

  After a good breakfast he went with apparent diligence to business,waiting with anxious trepidation to be summoned by Mr Padman to conveythe money received to the bank. Sometimes, as Lance's words, and therecollection of his horrid dream, would intrude, he almost hoped thatsome one else would be selected; then he thought of, his debts, and theconsequence of Miss Padman's communication to her father, and the sneersof his companions, and he resolved to carry out the plan proposed bySass Gange.

  The expected summons came. He received nearly 400 pounds, with theusual directions.

  "I need not tell you to be careful, Dulman, and keep out of crowds,"said Mr Padman as he gave him the money.

  Emery, buttoning up his coat, replied, with a forced smile, that he needhave no fear on that score, though it was with difficulty that heprevented his knees from knocking together as he walked away.

  He hastened out of the house. As he expected, before getting far, onlooking back, he saw Sass Gange following at his heels. Would it not besafer, after all, to pay the money in? Miss Padman might relent; andshould he be captured, the dreadful dream of the morning might berealised. "Pooh! they don't hang for such things as that," he said tohimself.

  Directly afterwards he felt Sass's hand laid on his shoulder.

  "Have you a goodish sum, my lad?" he asked.

  "Seldom have had more at one time," answered Emery.

  "Then come along, don't let us lose the chance." Sass called a cab, andforced his dupe into it. They drove away to Gange's lodgings.

  He ran in and brought down Emery's portmanteau, and a sea-bag with hisown traps. The cabman was ordered to drive to Euston Square
station.Sass had a railway guide; he had been consulting it attentively; theymight catch a train starting for Liverpool.

  "Is it most in notes or gold?" asked Sass.

  "About a third in gold, the rest in bank-notes, with a few cheques,"said Emery.

  "Hand me out the gold, then, it will suit me best," said Sass. "I willbe content with that as my share. You can get rid of the notes betterthan I can."

  Sass promised double fare to the cabman if he would drive faster.

  Emery wanted to keep some of the gold for himself, but Sass insisted onhaving the whole of it. He made Emery pay the fare. They had threeminutes to spare.

  "You take our tickets," said Sass, "second class for me, there are nothird, and a first for yourself. We had