Read The Seasons May Drift Page 3

  He remarked as he looked towards her. 'Just too lazy to hook it up in the hall' he spoke with a grin.

  It was the first time she had seen him relax and the grin was charming. In fact, quite cute!

  ‘You know there’s a song’ he said, ‘that when I hear it I think of you but right now, I can't seem to remember it!

  ‘Oh!’ she said and with that, thoughts of all sorts of songs popped into her head, was this a good or a bad thing? She wondered.

  ‘I hope it’s a nice song,’ she smiled towards him.

  He didn’t answer her just changed the subject...

  ‘So tell me what do you think of Loft Park? Is it as bad as all those reports you have been reading about?!'

  ‘No,’ she replied looking around the room, trying to soak up everything. From what she could make out it wasn't like what she had expected. It wasn't just a bachelor pad with all the boys toys, but it also had the element of feminine touch. She looked up towards the ceiling light.

  ‘...That’s one of the things she has to yet to come and collect,' he broke in. Ems looked at him, aware it was the ceiling fixtures he was talking about. The 'she' was his ex of some six years. He had briefly conversed about his ex to her, and still she could not understand why she left him, even though he had supplied the reason. She could not grasp it. It made no sense!

  ‘So, what do you want to do about the hotel?' he asked again, looking at her with his arm stretched out over the back of the sofa, had she been closer to him, it would have appeared like his arm was wrapped around her. It was a nice thought. Wait! Why was she thinking this way? She had only met him for real a few hours ago. There was something really nice about this man but also something ...something else. What was it?! Unreal? A dream? Magical? Something?! She could not figure out, but it bugged her. Oh well, she thought. I will think about that another time.

  She looked down, away from him. ' I don't think I want to stay there. I would rather be here and get to know you as it would be so much better, plus as I am in a strange city, it would make sense.'

  She didn't look back at him, just waited to hear his response.

  'Oh ok!' was all he responded to her. It was so short she couldn't again capture the emotion of his thoughts. Was it good or bad?!

  After a minute of awkward silence.

  'What do you think of the city?' he enquired.

  ...'It looks nice from what I have seen of it so far, she continued, I must say you have a charming house'

  ‘Thank you,’ he replied and smiled.

  Oh My God! Ems looked away suddenly feeling as if she was melting. His smile was so warming, his eyes sparkled as his lips curved in a soft light smile. Her heart seemed to skip a beat. She put her hand to just below her neck, to try and soothe the build up inside.

  ‘Are you ok?’ He asked.

  She looked back to him.

  ‘Yes, thank you,’ trying to disguise her sudden emotions.

  The night seemed to fly to the morning so fast! Ems stretched out in the large double bed. The cool sheets, the beige covered duvet with big circles of brown, the walnut carved headboard, the big fluffy pillows. She had slept in his bed! He was downstairs asleep on the sofa. She felt bad that he had to sleep there but last night he insisted. He was such a gentleman and made no advances towards her nor even came into the room.

  The morning sun filtered through the thin light green curtains. Ems sat up and looked around. The walls were papered not painted like they were in the sitting room. This time it was a light rose pink, very subtle with a diamond design and some flowers running up and down in the same colour. Two wardrobes and two chests of drawers, one had a standing mirror on it. A blue bathroom robe hung from the back of the bedroom door along with a couple of shirts. Again, the room had a feminine touch, most likely from his ex. Ems noticed a couple of soft toys that sat on the floor near the wardrobe. Aww, she thought as she smiled, that's lovely!

  'Are you ok?' The sudden break through the air of Max’s voice jumped her. He was outside the room door, on the landing! ‘Did you sleep ok?’

  ‘...Yes ...yes...Thank you,’ she stuttered in a pretend calm voice' I did ...thank you!'

  ‘Would you like some toast?’ he enquired.

  'Oh thank you, yes please!' She then heard his footsteps move away and down the stairs.

  Ems looked down at herself in her silk pyjamas, and thought, how unruly she must look, dishevelled even. What if he had come into the room and seen her both in his bed and looking such a mess as she did in the mornings!!

  ...and with that thought Ems scrambled out of the bed and dressed quickly!

  Chapter Nine

  From Now On

  The next couple of days passed with quickened speed! She had slept in his bed while he slept on the sofa! He took her out to show her the city centre, later popping into a seventies bar, where he ordered a glass of beer and she a glass of water.

  She smiled as she looked back at him. The music was loud but not too loud so you could hold a conversation. The bar was full of an odd assortment of people. The dance floor, small though it was, was empty. People seemed to just dance where they were and just move a few embarrassing steps to the left and right!

  His eyes were semi glazed from the beer he had been drinking. She saw something that endeared him to her! She could see the little boy in him, someone alone, someone fragile and someone who needed both a hug and to be loved! It maybe something he was not used too and she felt him wallow in this misery but yet try to rise above it. She also saw something else. Something she was not quite sure of! What was it? It was almost as if he...

  'Do you like this music?' He asked with a smile, while slightly bopping his head to the music.

  ‘Oh My God! Right here, right now, she wanted to hold him and hold him for a good while. He needed it... But she had to resist the temptation to do so.

  Ems stopped her train of thought long enough to reply to him.

  Smiling back, she replied, 'I do indeed. That's a classic Aint no mountain...’ she thought for one moment and then continued,' 'great song!'

  ..And with that, Ems started to dance, on the spot. Her right arm flew out in a movement, almost hitting a passing customer. Max grabbed her arm quick enough as to avoid a potential accident of broken glass and split beer, as he chuckled!

  ...’You almost hit him!', he giggled!

  ‘Oh that’s me done with dancing!' She laughed.

  ‘Oh no, never give up on having fun. It's good. You're good at dancing.' He smiled again. ‘I was just thinking, tomorrow I will cook dinner and you can make dessert or you can make dinner and I will make dessert. how about that?!’ He added as he put the almost empty glass to his lips.

  ‘Awesome, I will do dessert!’' She didn’t have to think about. Home baked apple pie was on the menu.

  As the night drew to a close, Ems wondered on the last few days events. Never very sure of him, but sure of one thing, she was falling for him! She didn't know how he felt, as any emotions; seem to be shielded from her gaze.

  He turned the music on the radio and sang along to songs as he drove back home. Ems joined in shyly, but mostly smiled at him. She enjoyed listening to him sing. Tomorrow was apple pie evening! She hoped he would like her families’ recipe.

  Getting dressed for bed, Ems couldn’t resist giggling about her dancing endeavours and almost hitting that poor man! How she had wanted to hold Max crept into her thoughts, how the urge to do so was so strong, she did not know how she held back. She smiled to herself. With that, she turned out the light and climbed into his bed.

  The supermarket was crowded with Friday shoppers. Ems watched as he Max wheeled the supermarket trolley, casually placing purchases in it. The flour and other items needed for the evening’s dinner had already been bought.

  He had forgotten to get a bottle of wine and made his way quickly back to the drinks aisle. Ems watched him disappear and emerge. Her eyes took him in. The lightly dark ruffled gelled hair, the pale blue p
atterned short sleeved t shirt, the loose fitting blue jeans, the casual shoes, the way he walked...

  He must have seen her appraisal of him as when her eyes locked with his, she was met with a wide cheeky grin!

  Oh my, she thought...and felt the sudden surge of rosy blood rush through her veins to finally reach her face!

  Chapter Ten

  Loves Reverie

  She sifted the flour through the air, as he enacted the breakfast scene from one of her favourite movies, whilst making his version of spaghetti bolognese! A little later, two glasses, one filled with sparkling apple and grape juice, the other with red wine, were placed on the glass table in the dining room.

  ‘Do you like it?’ he asked as he indicated to the plateful of bolognese.

  ‘Yes!’ as she took another mouthful.

  ‘Wasn’t too sure about the carrots!’ he giggled.

  ‘But it’s always good to experiment,’ she replied with a smile as she munched on the crusty bread roll. It was nearly apple pie time! He led the way into the sitting room with a bowlful of Ems apple pie, he had said it would be more comfortable there and they could watch television. Ems sat in silence. Wondering what he had thought of it, when suddenly...

  He leaned over towards Ems direction...‘Mmmm, that’s really delicious!’ He looked at her and smiled. ‘That’s the best pie I have tasted!’

  Ems smiled back. ‘Thank you.’ she replied. ‘It is an old family recipe.’

  ‘Very nice,’ he answered.

  ‘I'll put a movie on! What would you like to see?’ he asked her while moving onto his knees on the floor! He had a good few dvd’s but not many of them she had seen.

  ‘Oh anything you like?’ she stated.

  ‘You pick one?!’he insisted.

  She then randomly pointed to one in a blue case.

  ‘Good choice! ‘As he picked up DVD case and put the disk into the player.

  The movie made Ems laugh. She loved comedy and this was one she had missed out on seeing.

  One thing suddenly occurred to Ems, was the fact the she had gone from sitting upright to semi recumbent almost lying against him. His right arm was not on the back of the sofa but down along her back! She had only noticed the fact that his fingers were playing with the gap between her blouse and the waistband of her jeans, dancing lightly on the skin of her waist; it was so feather light that she only became aware of it during a lull in the action of the movie.

  This had now distracted her!

  She could no longer concentrate on the film.

  She looked up towards him...

  He was looking down at her...

  ...there was something in his eyes...

  He suddenly moved towards her, pressing his lips against hers. There was a small shock of surprise within Ems, but nevertheless she responded to him.

  The kiss was light and soft. It was beautiful.

  Now what?! Ems thought. Where is this all going to go?!

  He spoke not a word but neither did she. She didn’t feel like talking. Words meant nothing, nothing for this moment.

  The warmth of his body made her want to be near him. She reached up to him with her arms to bring him to kiss her again. This time the kiss was stronger, deeper. While they kissed she brought his hand to where her heart was beating. He made a sound and moved away from her...

  ‘Are you tired?’ He asked.

  Ems nodded; she couldn’t find the words to speak.

  ‘Do you want me there with you?’

  Ems nodded again!

  He switched off the TV, then the light. Taking her hand in his, led the way up the stairs, switching all the lights off as they went. This time she did not climb into his bed, alone, he was beside her, holding her in his arms as he kissed her soft and deep. Ems smiled. Her dream had come true. He was the one she had been waiting for. She pressed him closer to her and closed her eyes as his warm soft kiss embraced her lips and his hand trailed to the small of her back, pressing her even closer to him...

  Ems opened her eyes slowly, daylight in the room was dazzling bright. She stretched her body out, turned her eyes towards him. He was sitting up propped by a pillow against the headboard of the bed... and there appeared to be a light glowing from his hand, pulsing!! She couldn’t gather what it was only that he was glowing with bright white light almost blinding!

  Ems squinted her eyes shut and then opened them again. It was gone! The light was no longer emanating from him. She stared, puzzled and confused.

  ‘What was that?’ She enquired. ‘What was that light?’

  What light? He answered the question with a question of his own, as he looked towards the window and back to Ems, ‘Oh it’s just the morning light shining through!’ He leaned over towards her planting a soft kiss on her lips.

  ‘Mmm so sweet’, he said as he played with a strand of her hair that had fallen down her over her face. Ems forgot about the light. She had rationalised that it must have been her ‘just awake state’ and the morning light through the window playing tricks on her! She felt the intense warmth from his nearness and moved to wrap her arms around him to bring him closer to her. Kissing her again, this time it was more passionate and deep, he encompassed her. She knew how right it all felt.

  The walk through the park was most delightful to Ems. It was set in mature grounds with large chestnut, oak and elm trees, a great expanse of grass, a small lake and stream. The little wooden bridge was tiny and allowed for only a single line of people walking in any one direction at a time. She had to wait along with Max until a a group of school children went across first.. The woman who was with them, said ‘thanks’ to Ems. She smiled back.

  Max took hold of Ems hand. His palm was big, warm and masculine in her small, soft and cool hand. His fingers entwined with hers as she led the way across the bridge.

  In the days that followed. Max took Ems to many places both in the city and on the outskirts. She enjoyed his company immensely and had clean forgotten about the 'glowing incident.' It definitely must have been her eyes!

  It was Thursday morning, when she found herself alone in the bed. The house was quiet so quiet you could hear a pin drop! She lay there wondering if she should get up and look for him or just call his name! She decided on the latter. Putting the silk black and white stripped dressing gown on, one he had bought her, she stealthily opened the door and walked lightly, trying not to break the stillness. The front room door was slightly ajar. She could see some movement. He was in there. Through the split in the door, she could see him, just about.

  His eyes were closed.

  How odd! She thought rubbing her eyes, feigning the sleep fog. She looked up again...when she suddenly saw a glowing orb emanating from his hand. The light from the orb was cosmos! Something from space! The orb rotated in the palm of his hand...Suddenly opened his eyes, the orb disappeared. He had caught sight of her as he looked at her through the mirror reflection!

  Ems jumped, let out a small inner gasp, hurried back to the bedroom and promptly sat on the bed... mystified at what she had just witnessed!

  The bedroom door opened, he came to stand before her.

  She said nothing.

  She was lost for words, even though she had wanted to enquire as to what all that was, her mind was racing at ninety miles an hour. She had more questions then she had answers...he dropped down to his knees in front of her, ‘So you caught me playing my magic trick! I learnt it a while ago. I wanted it to be a surprise for your birthday!’

  Ems looked up. She felt her brows knit into a puzzled frown!

  ..’A magic trick?!’ Ems responded in a disbelieving tone.

  ‘Yes I have been learning it. It’s very hard to master,’ he replied but one thing I cannot give away the secrets or it will spoil!’

  ‘So I cannot ask anything about it then?’ she replied, tilting her head to the right while looking at him. He took her hands in his and smiled.

  ‘In one word No,’ was all he said as sto
od up and pulled Ems up into his arms.

  ‘You will just have to wait’ taking Ems chin and moving her head back, ‘Patience is a...’ the last word wasn’t spoken, as he planted a soft kiss on Ems lips.

  Chapter Eleven


  So it was a magic trick! Who would have guessed! Ems felt quite silly and even though there were still questions she wanted to ask about it, she felt that no matter the explanation, none of her questions would be answered or her curiosity satisfied. So the only decision was to quit while she was ahead, and leave the magic to the expert!

  The day was one of small but nice surprises. The car drive to the Flore District was indeed a joy! She loved old castles and this one had a lot of history by the look of it. Yet the grounds it stood on were beautifully maintained. Small ponds, flower beds, a small bridge and a walled garden were amongst the treats to see.

  The walk through the gardens was really nice. Ems couldn’t figure out where to focus on, as so much was a feast to the eyes. Ems turned to look at Max and noticed his smile. He looked directly into her eyes, and moved to kiss her. The warmth of his hand, the light gentle kiss made Ems melt. She wanted his closeness; he wrapped her arms around him in a hug. His arms were strong and safe as they enveloped her, kissing her again this time deeply. Ems felt as if he were extracting her soul in a beautiful way. When the kiss was over, still wrapped in his arms Ems opened her eyes slowly, the kiss had been intoxicating and made her feel both dizzy and giddy! She found him looking at her the eyes that looked back at her were like sourcing out every inch of her being, wanting to know everything about her. The look was so intense, Ems had to break contact from his gaze and move out of his arms. She had never felt more vulnerable or her soul had been undressed by just a look.

  He said nothing but reached for her hand and took it in his own, continuing the walk about the gardens. All the while Ems was turning over things in her mind. His eyes, though very beautiful, had looked at her so deeply, so right through her, she felt totally exposed! She didn't like it, she felt uncomfortable at the inner invasion but yet somehow she was felt connected to him, there was comfort in there somewhere. She had never experienced anything like it from anyone, not even from her one and only previous ex-boyfriend, who had been a part of her life she had wanted to forget.