Read The Seasons May Drift Page 4

  As the days passed, it would be time for Ems to leave and go back home. The two weeks had flown with such quickness, that it felt like she had only arrived just a couple of days before.

  She didn't want to go home, she was loving the time spent with him and enjoyed his company so much, that she felt a pull right in the centre of her chest. She came down the stairs with her jacket thrown across her arm. He was following behind her, lifting her trolley luggage case all the way to the bottom of the stairs. She looked around the sitting room, taking everything in, as if it was the last time she would see it.

  Suddenly arms were holding her from behind, swinging her around to face him, for all of seconds, minutes, he just looked into her eyes, deeply. Studied her face with such intensity, Ems had to break contact with his eyes by placing her head against his shoulder as she returned the embrace. He gently moved her off his shoulder to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

  'You got everything down?'

  'Yes I think so,' she replied faintly. She didn't like the thoughts of going home.

  He went over to the low table and took his camera up and then replacing it back on the table. Ems followed Max’s actions by sitting on the floor. He hugged her close by wrapping his arms around her.

  'SMILE! he shouted in a silly manner, BIG GRINS, CHEESE AND ALL THAT!!'

  The flash of the camera blinded Ems for a second! She never liked her photo being taken as she felt it never really expressed how she felt inside nor how she looked outside. He got up and reset the camera for a few more snaps. He took one of her sitting barefoot on the sofa. One also with him in it and her laughing at his antics.

  It was time to go. The train station was half full of early morning passengers. The mist had just about lifted.

  Standing on the platform, he was holding her tightly as she was him. She looked up at him and those eyes, the eyes that made her melt. She was lost in him. He bent to kiss her soft and deep. After the kiss she leant her head against him, trying again to hear his heartbeat. For one second, as she was trying to listen for lovely sound of his heart, she thought he was taking a breath of the scent of her hair! It made her look at him. His eyes and lips smiled in unison, he cupped her chin gently and kissed her long and softly. As he was doing so, the sound of an engine pulling into the station took her from dream to cold reality.

  He helped her place her luggage on the train. He was on the train, he held her yet again in his arms, pressing her close to him, kissing her deeply, for the last time, alighting the train he remained on the platform until she could no longer see him. The train whisked her away from someone beautiful.

  She wanted both to cry and smile at the same time. She felt devastated by the separation. Suddenly her phone beeped, which took her away from feeling down. He had sent her a text message, as he said he would. She smiled to herself as she read his message.

  'Hope you are ok. I'm sitting in the car at the station still. Put your music on! Hope you enjoy the mp3 player, text in a while, safe journey back' and signed it off with a lot of kisses.

  Ems smile deepened as she read the message. She put the player on and listened to the music he had put on it. All the way home he had text her a few times. The last one he sent said he would ring her that night. She was looking forward to it.

  Chapter Twelve


  The call that night was a sad and happy one, sad because she was no longer with him and happy because he mentioned about meeting again. He wanted to plan something but as to what he didn’t yet know. Ems spent the next couple of days, at home. She didn’t feel like going out, all she wanted to do was go online and post on her social network page about how happy she felt, and go back to the website chat room where she had met him first online.

  The summer sun blazed high in the sky. Ems stood outside in her small garden. It was nothing much to look at, no flowers as yet, just the odd shrub and one tall blossom tree that was almost bare of leaves. It was the last week of June. Ems took a deep breath of air as she looked skyward.

  How blue! She thought. Not one cumulus to be found, not one dash or speckle of white!

  Ems met up with her college buddies for a non-college break lunch. She had ordered a sandwich roll and herbal tea. ‘So how are things then?’ Alice asked as she took a mouthful of beef burger!

  ‘Fine...actually they’re great!’ Ems replied with a full beaming smile. ‘I cannot believe him, though sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure that I’m not dreaming!’

  Alice slightly laughed and choked on her burger. ‘So you have found Mr Dream man then?!’ She giggled, ‘And how is that doing for you?’

  ‘Oh Alice, sometimes I just think it’s all...’she paused ...’like something that’s just total indescribable. No words. Just out of this world in the feeling I have, that he gives me. There is something about him that I don’t understand. It would seem like I cannot even ask a question because there is no question because there is no answer, almost like a puzzle that needs to be solved but there is not a puzzle to start with but yet there is...Oh never mind! I’m confuddled!’ Ems laughed at her attempt at trying to answer in a less complicated manner but failed miserably.

  ‘I see.‘ Ben looked at Ems with a supressed laugh complete with a smile on his face, as Ems phone beeped. She picked up her phone and sent a slightly blushing smile as she read the text.

  ‘It’s from him, isn’t it?!’ Alice enquired stretching across, trying to see the phone screen. Ems giggled shyly and tucked the phone back into her pocket. She would reply later.

  Alice was far too curious and nosey for her own good!

  Ems she was sure she had noticed the tinge of red pink on her cheeks, but said nothing, thankfully.

  ‘So what do you plan to do after college has finished?’ Ben asked, switching the conversation topic. ‘Oh, I think I will be setting up my own business, but think I will assist other photographers at weddings for a while after the end of the college course.’

  ‘Equipment is so expensive especially the lenses which are taking a big chunk off of my budget.’ Taking a sip of the peppermint tea, Ems added, ‘but I am totally unsure of the right steps to start, but I will see where it all takes me.’

  ‘That’s interesting. Alice replied I have been thinking of travelling the globe and visit some countries and take lots of photos!’

  ‘How about you Ben? She looked at him as he took two hefty bites out of a chicken sandwich.

  After drinking his diluted orange drink, ‘I don’t know yet, still undecided!’ He picked up the burger, and before he took another mouthful, ‘but I can wait, I have the patience!’

  Alice flung a paper napkin at Ben. ‘Hey!’ he said objectionably. But all Alice did was giggle. Ems sat in silence as she watched as the pranks between the two were getting a little crazier. She felt it was time to leave.

  ‘Right I’m off. ‘She announced. Alice’s mouth dropped as she let out an ‘Aww!’ and stopped the progress of the fork in her hand heading towards the plate of French fries that Ben was eating. ‘Yes, well I will leave you two to it. I’m going to go home and get some rest.’

  Picking up her coat from the back of the chair and sliding her arms into the sleeves.

  She gave Alice and Ben each a hug and left them to their collective moments of mayhem!

  Chapter Thirteen


  Just as she was turning the key in the door, her phone rang. ‘Hello.’

  ‘Hello Lovely!' the warm voice down the line made he go weak inside and all of a sudden she felt very scatter-brained with the excitement of hearing his voice. 'I sent you a text, did you get it?!'

  ‘Oh yes I did, just that I was with Alice and she is so enquiring and curious, it was very hard for me to reply.'

  He laughed. ‘That's ok.’

  ‘What have you been up too, anything nice?'

  ‘Just went out to meet with Alice and Ben from college. I'm back home now.' she replied as she struggled to take her coat off
, one arm at a time while holding the phone.

  ‘Are you ok?’

  ‘Yes, I am thank you, just taking my coat off'!’

  ‘Nice... have you got a pen and paper? Take this website address down and check it out. I am thinking about us going there for a week next month!'

  ‘Oh wow!’ Ems exclaimed, as she rushed to grab some paper and a pen.

  ‘I will definitely check it out and let you know what I think.'

  They talked for a few minutes more, and when the call finally ended, Ems felt the warmth of the rush of blood as her heart pounded, followed by a smile that broadened the more she thought about him. It was amazing how all of this had happened and the way she felt right now, she wanted to be there, with him this very minute!

  Having checked the website, she found lots of lovely little cottages dotted across the countryside, but the one he had mentioned was a very special one... It was called, Lamberts Hill Cottage. It had a fine history and was detached away from other cottages. It had pretty roses and a quaint old seat to sit outside on warm days. She loved it.

  She texted him back immediately, to let him know her thoughts. As she was about the send a second text, he rang her back!

  ‘Right then', so you like it?!'

  Yes indeed I do. It looks lovely.’ she smiled as she replied to him.

  ‘Say how about the 12th of August? That week?’ he asked

  ‘Perfect!’ She responded.

  ‘Right then I will put the deposit down for this, check back with you later lovely.' He blew a kiss down the phone to her.

  She did the same back to him, but with a little shy giggle.

  All through the rest of the day she felt a sense of growing excitement at their impending holiday together. 'A week! A whole week!' Ems thought over and over. Curling up on the sofa, with a notepad and pen, she drafted a rough list of things she would need, especially if there would be some country hill walking involved. She placed the list on the table and closed her eyes and drifted off to where her heart was...thoughts of him, dreams of him. No man ever before had made her feel this way. Not one single man. This guy was very special, but so unreal, so different...

  Chapter Fourteen


  The motorway, the changeable weather, the smells, the sights, the sounds, the wind running fast through her hair, the music and song! The drive to Rambleback, for Ems was one of sheer enjoyment. Not only was excitement pumping through her veins, he was sitting next to her, driving them both to something that was beyond happiness. If there was such a thing! She would look at him, study him as he drove. The contours of his face, the shape of his nose, the small indentation on his chin, the smooth forehead...her thoughts were stopped as he turned briefly to her, and gave her a knowing smile and placed his hand very momentarily on her knee.

  Ems got a little embarrassed at having been caught out by him! He turned the volume up on the car cd player. One of those country blues classics was playing. He began to sing randomly along to it and occasionally turning to Ems and smiling as he was singing!

  They passed through rain and sunny weather. She found it amusing how the rain shower suddenly stopped.

  As the car turned down towards a hill, and approaching a corner, Max asked Ems to push back the glass sun roof and to open the window of the car. He put his sunglasses back on. Ems warmly giggled to herself. He was trying to be cool and make a statement as he drove them both into the tiny village of Rambleback.

  Finding the turn off on road to the cottage was tricky as it involved driving up a narrow white washed lane and a tight turn. The long driveway was ahead passing by other cottages of varying shapes and styles along the way.

  At last reaching Lamberts Hill Cottage, Ems couldn't wait to have a look around inside and it would be a relief to stretch her legs, from the stiffness of a four and a half hour drive.

  Max smiled at her she smiled back. As soon as he opened the door, Ems went straight in to investigate the cottage they would share for the week! The hall was narrow but accommodating. There were a few walking sticks in a ceramic pot to the right, a stairs and three doors. Ems opened all of them. The first was a large bedroom containing three beds, the second was a small bathroom and the last lead to a grand open plan kitchen, with all white goods including a kettle, hob cooker and oven, washing machine, dishwasher, a microwave and tall fridge freezer. The kitchen window looked out onto a small country lane, where she could see some a couple get into a car.

  'Come up!' she heard Max call to her.

  Ems followed his voice and headed upstairs, there was a few doors that need investigating. On the right was the bathroom next door to it was a large double bedroom. Past the stairs there was a hot press, and then another bedroom, this time one with a just a single bed and the last room was a fine large lounge!

  A sitting room upstairs!' she exclaimed! It was a surprise indeed. The room was quite large and airy, two large glass doors led out onto a wooden balcony, which had a table and four chairs. The balcony over looked woodland filled with large trees and some other cottages. The rush sound of a waterfall could be heard.

  Inside the sitting room there was a TV, a coffee table, two sofas and four small side tables upon which some lamps were placed on top of. There was also a small wooden sideboard with glassware and some information about Lamberts Hill Cottage and Rambleback placed on it.

  Ems sank into the sofa just as Max wandered into the bedroom., she heard him call her.

  She went to follow him and found him stretch across the bed.

  'I think this is our bedroom,' he said as he leapt up at her, clasping her arms pulling her down onto the mattress with him. He kissed her deeply and held her close. She was lost in the special world he had created, absorbed right down to the very fabric of his being, the very molecule of his blood. Everything was just perfect. Her world was surrounded by him in every essence. It was the world she so had so longed to be part of and now she was here, right now and at this very moment, overwhelmed with feelings. She had not loved someone as much as she had loved him. The love had been growing and she knew somewhere in her heart that for the first time in her whole life, she was loved. He was everything she had wanted and he went out of his way to show her how much she meant to him. She could see that. She knew. This was it for her this was all she ever wanted to know.

  In his arms he encompassed her, swamping her with kisses. He stopped, and then looked deep into her eyes, so deep it was like as if he was trying to reach the very pit of her being. Ems looked away again, he had looked into her eyes was so deep, it was like invading every nuance yet again. It shocked her. He turned her to face him again. He again looked, this time briefly into her eyes and awarded her with a soft yet deep kiss. He then rolled her over so that she was lying on her side looking at him. His hand traced the curve of her waist. He smiled a warm gentle smile, that made Ems heart skip a beat.

  ‘What are you thinking? She enquired

  His smile got broader and he raised an eyebrow, while his eyes smiled.

  ‘You will find out later tonight! ‘He giggled as he planted yet another kiss on her lips, muffling her pretend shock!

  ‘Oh later tonight?’ she replied after he has kissed her and tried to catch her breath ‘Oh my!’ And with that giggled, she decided to tickle him under the arms.

  'Just for tha...’

  He fought against her tickling by constantly trying to kiss her. In the end he won!

  ‘Ok you win!’ she smiled.

  ‘Good,’ he grinned and gave her a wink. ‘You know if you had not stopped, I would tickle you too, but not how you did to me!’

  Ems blushed as he said the words.

  He lifted himself off of the bed and pulled her up.

  ‘Right let's get ready go and get something to eat.’ he grabbed the car keys from the bedside table. 'I'll get the luggage first.’

  Ems smiled.

  Changing into a nice pair of white jeans which came with a lovely chocolate brown belt a
long with white top over which she wore cream linen jacket. She had a brown leather bag to team with it. When she came into the sitting room, where he was waiting, he looked at her and smiled. ‘You look lovely, lovely one.' and with that, took her in his arms and kissed her.

  The restaurant wasn't too full. It was particularly lovely with a water display feature screen that divided the dining area. The pasta she ordered was really delicious and tasted like moreish.

  He ordered a pizza and in his usual style ate, from the outside to the centre.

  Afterwards, walking back to the cottage, hand in hand with Max, Ems felt content. There was a sense of peace inside that she had never known. She smiled to herself.

  The night was filled with such emotions and passions she never knew before either. Here she was lying awake at 5am, the dark of night had just given way to the light of day. Through the net curtains, she could see the red pink hues dot the sky here and there. She slid out of the bed as quietly as possible so as not to disturb his sleeping. Moving the curtain back just a bit to look outside, Ems delighted in the view.

  For a minute, she was lost in admiration of the beauty of it all. She liked particularly the way the weak morning sun light cast its rays on in the trees.

  Then, she heard a sudden rustling sound from behind her of sheets moving and ...then he was behind her with his arms embracing her, while his breath whispered in her ear.

  ‘Lovely looks lovely,' it was just about audible, the words had trailed off into a kiss as he had turned her to face him. The kiss was warm and felt heavenly; she was once again lost in his world, in the world he had created for her, for them.

  A couple of days later Ems was in the bedroom on her own, she stretched out and sprawled for a bit. He was singing in the shower. Ems could not help but smile. He was happy and that was what mattered. Putting her dressing gown on, she tip toed to the bathroom. The door was more than slightly ajar, it was then she noticed the bright white light that seemed to come from the part that was obscured by the door itself. It didn't appear to be from the ceiling light. Ems stopped moving and hesitated. She didn't know if she should go back to the bedroom or attempt to move forward and investigate.