Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 14


  A second brighter white light appeared and in a booming voice said “Gabriel what is the problem, Maria has asked for our help.”

  “My Lord you told me I could not save Ryan the slayer again.”

  “That is true I did say that, but I didn’t say I could not save him.”

  The bright light moved over on top of Ryan and the light became even more bright. The light hovered over Ryan dipping down and touching Ryan at times. Each time the light touched Ryan he would shake as if having convolutions. Maria gasped as the wounds started to heal and what looked like infection was disappearing. The wounds look like they were starting to heal. The booming voice said “Now the rest is up to him.” and the light disappeared.

  Gabriel said, “my child you have seen what most have never seen you have witnessed the healing powers of our Lord God.”

  “That was God himself?”

  “Yes my child.” Gabriel replied and disappeared.

  Maria sat by Ryan’s bedside all night long waiting for him to wake up. Maria dozed several times but would jerk awake every time Ryan would moan or cry out in pain. Ryan finally woke late the next day and asked, “what happened? The last thing I remember was being attacked by some demons.”

  “You were, I managed to kill them and some others and I managed to get you to the Hummer”, she went on recounting what had happened and the encounter with Gabriel and with God himself.

  “I can tell you this much I feel like I have been run over by one big ass truck.”

  “And babe I can tell you this you look like it too.”

  “You really know how to sweet talk a guy don’t you?” Ryan said and he started to laugh and winced in pain.

  “Babe, take it easy you’re going to need some rest.”

  “No time for rest, I want to go back to the temple and see if we destroyed it.”

  “Can’t do that!”

  “Why not?”

  “First you’re in no shape to go anywhere and second we don’t have a car. I rolled it when the explosion went off and its totaled.”

  “We can just get another one, did we lose any of the equipment?”

  “You always the damn warrior.”

  “Well did we?”

  “Yes we did lost most of it. We have one nine millimeter and a few rounds of ammo for it and whatever we had left here.”

  “Now we really have to go back there, we can’t let that stuff get into the wrong hands.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, I’ll take care of it.”


  “No buts that’s final.”

  “But I’m ok.”

  “No you’re not your all cut and bruised up your going to stay and rest and that’s final.”

  “Ok, ok you win.”

  “I’m going to go and try to get us another rental, and figure out how to explain the damage to this one.”

  “Don’t try take it and dump it somewhere and then report it stolen. That will make it easier to get another and you won’t have to explain.”

  “That’s a good idea, give me a couple of hours and don’t get out of bed.”

  “I won’t I promise.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Maria left the room and went out and cleaned out the SUV of what few things were left in it. She then drove it to a isolated place on the other side of town, she then covered almost a mile before she caught a cab back to the motel. She went into the room to find Ryan was still in bed as he promised. Maria then called the police and the rental company to report the Hummer stolen. The rental company told Maria they would deliver another Hummer to her and the police came and took a report from her.

  It took less than an hour for the rental company to deliver the new Hummer to Maria. She took it and parked it close to their room. She loaded up what equipment that they had left and went back inside and told Ryan she was going to the temple to see what was left.

  “Maria be very careful there may be demons and you cant see them as demons.”

  “I will you just rest.”

  Maria turned and walked to the door, she looked back at Ryan and walked back to him and she kissed him. She turned and left, she got into the hummer and made the drive back to the area of the temple and parked close to where they had parked before. She got out of the Hummer and looked over the area, she could not see anyone or anything in the area, She drove closer to the temple driving slowly trying to find any of their equipment. She found the backpack laying on the ground but it was empty. She spent just a little over an hour but found none of their equipment. The valley where the temple was located was completely filled in by a rock slide so she assumed that the temple had been completely destroyed. She turned the Hummer around and headed back to the motel, she took her time driving back and arrived back at the motel four hours after she had left. She opened the door and found Ryan sound asleep in bed.

  Maria pulled the lone chair in the room back over to the bed and sat down so she could keep a closer eye on Ryan and so she could be closer to him. Maria was just starting to doze when there was a knock on the door. She jumped up and walked over to the door and looked thru the peep hole and saw a man standing there. “Who is it?” she asked.

  The man did not answer but just stood there looking at the door. Maria started to open the door when Ryan grabbed her hand and held his finger to his mouth. He looked thru the peep hole and saw a demon standing there. Ryan motioned for Maria to get the remaining nine millimeter and bring it to him. Ryan leaned over and told her to ask again.

  “Who is it?”

  The demon did not answer again. Ryan motioned for Maria to open the door and step back out of the way. Ryan moved off to the left of the door and brought the nine millimeter up about chest high and took aim. Maria opened the door and the demon rushed into the room knocking Maria off her feet. Ryan fired three quick shots and all three hit the demon in the head. It fell to the ground just outside the door having been pushed back buy the force of the bullets hitting it in the head. The demon burst into flames and disappeared. Maria scrambled back to her feet just in time to see the demon disappear.

  “How did you know?”

  “When you asked who it was and there was no answer made me suspicious. I suspect it was a lone demon left at the temple to see if we came back and it followed you back here.”

  “I never thought about that.”

  “They know about us so we really have to be careful, They will be on the lookout for us and they will do anything to stop us.”

  “I’m sorry Ryan I put us in danger.”

  “Don’t worry about it babe, we just have to be more careful.

  “Ok hon.”

  “What did you find out at the temple?”

  “All of our gear is gone, I did find the backpack and the valley where the temple stood has been covered by a rock slide, I would guess that the temple has been destroyed.”

  “That sounds like a good bet to me. I used over a hundred blocks of C-4 so there should not have been much left of the temple.”

  Ryan winced with pain as he shifted his body and Maria ordered him back to bed. Ryan didn’t argue with her order, he was very sore and the wounds were slowly healing. He wondered what would have happened had the Lord not intervened. Ryan returned to bed and slid under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

  Morning arrived and Ryan was feeling better but he was still sore and the wounds had been bleeding during the night he had a lot of blood on the sheets. He looked around for Maria and could not find her. He opened the door of their room and saw that the SUV was not parked where it was last night. Ryan went back inside and into the bathroom to take a shower. He turned on the water and adjusted the water so that is was hotter than most people could stand but less then scalding hot. He stripped off his clothes and climbed into the shower. The hot water ran over his body and he felt some of his strength returning. He stayed in the shower for more than half an hour, he stepped out and carefully dried his bod
y. He inspected his wounds and knew he was going to need more rest before he was ready to tackle any demons.

  Maria returned with and had supper for them. When she entered the room she found Ryan sitting up watching TV, the look on Ryan’s face showed that he was still in a lot of pain. Maria set out the food on the small table that was in the room, and made up a plate for each of them.

  “I need to contact Jim and have him send out some new weapons and explosives for us. By the time he gets it together and sent to us I hope that I have healed enough to get back into action.”

  “Don’t push it to hard babe, we have a long way to go.”

  “I know and while I’m out of commission now would be a good time to plan out next place to go.”