Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 15


  Mehen and Cimeries agreed to meet at the old temple of Enepsigos, they agreed to stage their legions of demons at the temple as Enepsigos had abandoned the temple centuries ago. The minions of Mehen had been using the temple as an area to explore the world when they were not doing the bidding of Mehen.

  Cimeries was telling the demons about what they would be watching for the slayer and protecting the female fallen. They were told that should even one of the female fallen be hurt by the slayer, that they would pay the price with their lives. Cimeries was just getting ready to tell them what he knew about the slayer when the first explosion went off.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked his head demon.

  “I shall find out my lord.”

  The demon departed the large open room and went to the first floor reception room and found there was smoke coming from the front of the temple. He opened the door just after the final explosion. He watched in horror as his demons were blown apart. He retreated to the second room on the upper level of the temple and dispatched more demons to the entrance. The left the room and headed for the doors when another explosion happened inside the temple. The demons that were dispatched to the entrance were killed right away.

  The head demon returned to Cimeries to inform him of what happened and to receive new direction and instructions. Cimeries instructed the demon to wait an hour and put one hundred demons guarding the entrance and another fifty in the air trying to find the source of the explosions.

  It appeared that the explosions had stopped and Mehen who took to the throne room of the temple when the explosions started found Cimeries and told him that they had to get out of the temple. The foolish female had only one entrance or exit from the temple. They had to get out before they themselves got trapped or killed.

  The fallen angel and demon started to head up the stairs leading to the reception room of the temple when explosions started again. They turned and headed back down the stairs and made their way to the throne room. The explosions got louder as though they were getting closer. The explosions stopped and the fallen Mehen and his demon Cimeries waited for an hour to pass after the explosions and they rose from their hiding place and headed for the door. Just as Cimeries reached for the handle of the door the temple shook violently and large explosions were heard. Suddenly the roof of the throne room started to break apart and then cave in. Tons of rock and sand fell in on top of Mehen and Cimeries.

  The two looked at the falling rock and knew they were going to be killed. A fate worse than death waited for them as the rock would form a prison that they would not escape from. The rock kept falling trapping Mehen and Cimeries beneath tons of rock and sand.