Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 17


  Lucifer was livid that he had not heard from Mehen or Cimeries in the last week, he summoned Allocen to his throne room. By the time Allocen arrived Lucifer had a demon in his hands and was tearing it’s head off. He tossed the lifeless body of the demon aside and was going to do the same to another when he saw Allocen.

  “It’s about time you got here, I want to know where Mehen and Cimeries are I sent them to the surface to protect the females and I haven’t heard from them. Go and get me answers.”

  “Yes my lord.”

  Allocen wasted no time leaving the throne room he in no way wanted to experience the wrath of Lucifer. He dispatched a legion of demons to find the two missing and bring them back and answer to Lucifer.

  Allocen also was taking another legion and sending them to the female fallen. He wasn’t sure which temple they were meeting at so he split the legion into seven parts and sent them to each temple. He instructed the leader of each group that if they could not located the female fallen then they were to return back here for further instructions.

  The demon legions departed from Allocen for their assigned tasks. The first group headed for the temple of Vepar in Simaria, when they arrived the found the temple was destroyed. The demons searched but found no sign of the temple or of the fallen. They completed their search and departed and returned to hell to report to Allocen. The head demon made his report causing Allocen to become irate. He instructed the demon to take his group and go to the temple of Naamah.

  The second group of demons arrived at the temple of Regina Erebi they were instructed to protect the Queen if she was there. Lucifer would kill everyone involved if his wife was dead, and they found the temple destroyed and the fallen was not there and there was no sign of her being there. The group returned to Allocen and reported the information to him. He grew angry again and dispatched the group to the temple Naamah as well.

  The third group was sent to the temple of Enepsigos. The demons again found no trace of the fallen and found that the temple had been destroyed, They also reported to Allocen the information. They were sent to the temple of Amy to assist if necessary. Allocen was getting madder by the moment wondering how the slayer could have done all of this by himself. The destruction of the three temples and not finding the three fallen princess was going to mean his head if they were dead.

  The fourth group of demons arrived at the temple of Lilith in Babylon, when they arrived at the temple they found that it had been destroyed. They searched the rubble of the temple and found no trace of the fallen, Allocen would be extremely mad that this temple had been destroyed. Satan was his best friend and this was the temple of Satan’s wife. The demons reported back to Allocen and as expected he was furious about the temple, and that there was no sign of Lilith. He sent the demons to the temple of Amy.

  Allocen was not happy what his demons were reporting back to him, he had to let the Lord Lucifer what had been found. Lucifer would be extremely mad. He also had to report that there was no sign of Mehen or Cimeries. He had to guess that the slayer had killed them.

  “My lord Lucifer, I come to you with bad news about the fallen.”

  “What is it Allocen.”

  I have dispatched two legions, one with the task of finding and destroying the slayer and as of yet I have no report from them. The second legion was split into seven groups and they were dispatched to the temples of the fallen. I have had reports back from the groups that went to the temples of Lilith, Vepar, Enepsigos and Regina. They have told me that these four temples have been destroyed. There was no sign of the fallen, I also must report that we have found no sign of Mehen or Cimeries. I assume that they have been killed by the slayer.

  “This is not good news Allocen. What of the other three fallen?”

  “I am still waiting on reports from my minions my lord. Also I do not believe that there is just one slayer. I believe that there must be four or five to do everything that has been done. I cannot believe that one man has done all of this damage and in such a short time.”

  “An interesting thought Allocen, no one has come up with this theory. The way you put it makes sense. Send more legions of demons out and find them. I want no more failures.”

  “Yes my lord it will be done.”

  Allocen departed the throne room and made contact with his legions and he dispatched ten legions to cover the world to find and kill the slayers. He told them he did not want them to come back until every slayer was destroyed. The seven legions left Allocen and departed for the seven gates of hell and started searching the world. They would not fail Allocen or the lord Lucifer.