Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 18


  Ryan and Maria arrived in Nami and set out southwest of the city in search of the ancient city of Nineveh, the temple that belonged to Amy was said to be in this area. The located a old village about twenty miles from Nami and they stopped and spoke with some of the elders of the village. They told them of an old ruins another ten miles south west from their location. The only way there was either by pack animals or maybe by the SUV if they were not in a hurry. Ryan looked off in the direction the elder had told them and he spotted a single black cloud in the sky, Ryan hopped that they might hit some rain as that would cool the temperature and make the sand a little more hard packed. The desert sands shifted all the time and the sand was not very packed down. The Haboob blew at will and always covered the tracks of anyone entering the desert.

  Ryan and Maria returned to the Hummer and they decided to try the Hummer, as they did not want any guide that might question all of the weapons that they were hauling. They started out in the direction of the old ruins and Ryan reminded Maria to keep an eye on the water temperature, with the sand and heat it may cause the them to overheat. Ryan checked the outside temperature and at nine in the morning it was already one hundred fifteen degrees. They had covered almost five miles and Ryan kept glancing at the lone black cloud and noticed that it looked to be in the same place. Ryan told Maria to stop and he went to the back and dug out his binoculars and looked at the cloud. He wasn’t sure but he was beginning to think it wasn’t a cloud at all.

  Ryan went back to the back of the Hummer and dug out the desert camouflage net and started to place it around the Hummer. Maria questioned why Ryan was doing that and he told her, “I’m not so sure that is a cloud in front of us, it doesn’t look like it has moved at all. The wind is blowing to the east at about ten miles per hour, it should have moved.”

  Maria nodded that she understood, She helped Ryan finish putting the net around the Hummer and Ryan got out the MAC-10’s that Jim had replaced and they headed towards the ruins again. They had covered another two miles and Ryan told Maria to slow her speed to around ten miles per hour. Ryan checked the cloud again with the binoculars and told Maria to stop.

  “We have a problem.” Ryan said.

  “What is it?”

  “That’s not a cloud it is a large group of demons patrolling the area. We may have hit the jackpot and found the fallen.”

  “How many demons do you think there are?”

  “I haven’t a clue but there are a lot of them.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “I have an idea but I don’t know if it will work, but take the net off and find the ruins and make like tourists.”

  “Do you think that will work?”

  “Maybe for a little while but I need to think on how we are going to get past them and take them out.”

  Ryan got out of the Hummer and removed the net and stowed it back in the rear of the Hummer. He got back in and they started moving to the temple and ruins. Once that was done they started moving again, when they got to within two miles of the temple the ruins came into view. They were pretty close to the temple he guessed. The demons had spotted the Hummer as well and headed in their direction.

  They kept up their speed and pulled into the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh and they got out of the Hummer. Ryan told Maria to just make like she didn’t know about the demons and act like a tourist. Maria started taking pictures of the ruins when she spotted a man walking their way from the temple. Ryan spotted him as well but saw him in his true form of a demon.

  “May I help you with something.” The man asked.

  Maria responded, “Oh no thank you we are just doing some sightseeing and we were told of these ruins and we came out to take some pictures.”

  “I’m sorry but you will need to leave this is a restricted area.”

  “Really we were told that the ruins were open to the public.”

  “Who ever told you that was mistaken.”

  “Really it was the Iraqi government that told us.”

  “Well I will need to get that corrected, we have a permit that allows us to dig here at the site and closes it to the public.”

  Ryan could tell the demon was getting irritated with them and wanted them out of here. Ryan spoke up, “Mister get your permit and show it to us. The Ministry of Antiquities told us we could come here.”

  “I will be happy to provide that for you.”

  Ryan and Maria watched as the man walked away and Ryan spotted the demons that had been flying over them started to get a little closer.

  “Well it looks like the crap is going to hit the fan, the demons flying overhead are starting to get a little closer.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “You keep taking pictures I’m going to put twenty magazines for the MAC-10 on the front seat, then I’m going to lay out ten missiles for the shoulder launcher when the first missile hits run back to the Hummer and grab the MAC-10 and start shooting into the sky at the demons. That should keep them off my back long enough for me to blow the hell out of the front of the temple. I’ll reload what magazines you empty and use the other MAC-10, that should allow us to make it to the temple and start using grenades.”

  “You really think that this will work?”

  “I sure hope so I don’t have any other ideas.”

  Ryan walked to the back of the Hummer and got out the shoulder missile launcher and ten missiles. He took out all the spare magazines for the MAC-10 and walked around to the front seat and laid them out there. He walked back to the rear of the Hummer and loaded the launcher. Each missile weighed about twenty pounds but carried the equivalent of one hundred pounds of high explosive. Ryan took aim at the door of the temple and hoped that the first round would take out a lot of the demons that were there. The launcher gave a slight jerk as the first missile was fired. The missile hit the front door of the temple and exploded causing a fire ball that engulfed the entire landing of the temple. Demons went flying in all directions and were bursting into flames and disappearing.

  Maria ran back to the Hummer and reached in and grabbed the MAC-10 and started firing into the flying demons. They started dropping like flies as the bullets from the MAC-10 were finding their targets. Ryan let three more missiles go and the front of the temple was in complete ruins from the explosions. Ryan set the missile launcher down and joined Maria with the second MAC-10. Ryan had fired five of the magazines when he put it down and started to reload the empty magazines. By the time the first twenty magazines were empty and ten of the reloaded magazines were empty there were no longer any demons in the air. Ryan finished reloading all of the empty magazines and when he finished he went and packed his backpack with hand grenades and C-4.

  He grabbed two of the nine millimeter pistols and placed them in their holsters and strapped them to his waist. He placed the extra magazines into the backpack except for two of them, these he handed to Maria and told her to keep them with her in case she ran out of ammo that was in her Mac-10, together they headed for the door of the temple.

  Once at the door Ryan took out four grenades he handed two to Maria and told her that when he pulled the pins to toss them into the temple at the same time and to do it right away. He pulled the pins on her grenades and on his grenades and they tossed them into the temple. He waited for the four explosions and they went into the temple, Maria had the MAC-10 at the ready and Ryan had pulled both of his pistols. They found the room empty with the furnishings blown all to pieces and burn marks on the floor where the demons had burst into flames. Other than the destroyed furnishings the room was empty. Ryan guessed that they had killed over a thousand demons already and guessed that there were that many more still hid in the temple.

  There were several doors that led off of the great hall of the temple, as Ryan opened each one he tossed in a grenade and closed the door. When he was completed with the last door he returned to the first door and with Maria behind him with the MAC-10 he pushed the door open and the
y stood ready to fire at any living demons. The first room was completely empty, they moved to the second door and when Ryan pushed it open he found five demons that were badly wounded but still alive. Ryan walked to each one and shot it in the head killing it.

  They moved to the third door and found a set of stairs leading down. He closed that door and moved to the next one, when he opened it he found another fifty of so demons still alive with various stages of wounds. Maria opened fire with the MAC-10 and killed all of the demons.

  When he opened the last door there were still many demons left alive, he took two grenades off of his belt and pulled the pins, he tossed them in as the demons started to swarm towards the door. Ryan pulled the door closed and he heard the explosion and many of the demons screamed. When the screaming stopped he opened the door and Maria started firing the MAC-10 moving it back and forth covering the entire room with gun fire. When the MAC-10 was empty Ryan stepped into the room and found that most all of the demons had been killed. The few remaining demons Ryan shot and watched as they died.

  Ryan and Maria returned to the third door and opened it again. He could see that the stairs stopped at a landing that led into another room. Ryan pulled the pin on another grenade and tossed it so it would bounce off the wall into the room at the bottom of the stairs, when the grenade exploded he heard a few screams from some demons. Ryan took the extra MAC-10 that Maria was carrying and he checked the magazine and found he had a full load. He started down the stairs and when he got to the bottom around the corner and started firing the MAC-10. When he emptied the gun he walked into the room and came face to face with a fallen.

  Ryan looked at the fallen and asked “Who might you be?”

  “I am Allocen and my lord Lucifer has sent us to destroy you. Before I kill you slayer I have one question that I hope you will answer truthfully.”

  “I can give you that before I kill you.”

  “How many slayer’s are there? I cannot believe that there is only one of you.”

  “You’re looking at the one and only slayer.”

  “Then my lord Lucifer will be happy when you are dead.”

  Allocen moved closer to Ryan and Ryan held out his hand and the Angel Sword appeared in his hand. Allocen laughed and said, “You think that will hurt me.”

  “All of your brothers before you said the same thing, this is the Angel Sword and it will sent you to your death.”

  “Fool there is no such thing as the Angel Sword it is just a myth.”

  Allocen chose that moment to attack Ryan, and Ryan responded with a single blow to the head of the fallen. The fallen stood there for a moment burst into flames as the sword cut right thru the neck of the fallen and sliced its head off.

  Ryan spotted the door on the back side of the room, he walked over to the door and tried to open the door. It pushed open easily and Ryan stepped into the large open room. Standing across the room was the fallen angel Amy, she said, ”What are you doing in my temple?”

  “I am Ryan the Angel Slayer and I have come for you.”

  “I have done nothing to you why do you want me?”

  “You have abandoned our Lord God and turned to the dark and follow Lucifer.”

  “I will return to the lord god if you let me live.”

  “Somehow I just don’t believe you.”

  “I speak the truth, I will follow the light and god.”

  “Then get down on your knees and pray to the Lord God now, ask for your forgiveness and reject Lucifer and accept God as your only one.”

  Amy fell to her knees but instead of asking for forgiveness she cursed the name of god and pledged he obedience to Lucifer. At that point Amy opened the door behind her and out came two hellhounds. Amy stepped back and told the hounds to get Ryan.

  Ryan held out his hand and the Angel Sword appeared. He knew that his pistol would not work on the hellhounds and the sword had its limitations against them as well. The hellhounds moved towards Ryan and he rolled and swung the sword at the leg of the closest hellhound, the sword sliced thru the leg of the beast causing it to fall into the other hellhound knocking both of them off their feet. Ryan regained his feet quickly and thrust the sword into the head of the second hellhound. Both hellhounds were screaming out in pain from the wounds that Ryan had inflicted on them. Ryan knew that they would regain their composure quickly so he moved quickly and brought the sword across the neck of the first hellhound cutting its head off. Ryan turned to do the same to the second hellhound but it was already on its feet and was moving at Ryan. Ryan ducked at swipe the hound took with its massive claws and Ryan cut its hand off as it went by. The hellhound howled and tried to react but Ryan brought his sword around and sliced the hellhounds head off of its shoulders, Ryan turned his attention to Amy,

  “I have no weapon to defend myself.”

  “That does not matter to me, you tried to set me against your hellhounds and you tried to fool me with your going to pray to our Lord God. No it is your time you have betrayed enough. Ryan brought his sword to bear and swung it at Amy and cut her head off. He waited until she burst into flames and disappeared before he left the room.

  Ryan returned to the main floor and retrieved the back pack and placed charges of C-4 throughout the temple. He set the detonators on a timer for one hour and he and Maria departed the temple and got into the Hummer and started driving away. They had made it half way to the main road when the C-4 went off causing complete destruction of the temple. Ryan and Maria drove straight back to their motel.