Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 19


  Two of Allocen’s minions had managed to escape the destruction and reported back to Lucifer. They told Lucifer of the killing of their brothers and the death of Allocen. Lucifer asked them how many were involved in the death of a legion of demons and a powerful angel like Allocen. The demons bowed their heads and told Lucifer that there was only one.

  Lucifer started howling and beating his fists on his throne and all of hell shook. All of the fallen and demons took shelter in their quarters or around the rocks of hell. When Lucifer regained his composure he contacted Forca. When the fallen arrived in the throne room he said, “My lord how may I help you?”

  “Forca you have served me well and kept my line of communication with heaven open. I want you to contact Gabriel and tell him I wish to speak to god.”

  “Yes my lord I will do this right away.”

  Forca returned to the surface thru the gate to hell located in Rio and called the name of Gabriel to appear and a bright white light appeared and Gabriel appeared. “What is it you want Forca?”

  “My lord Lucifer has requested to speak with god.”

  “Are you aware of what he wants?”

  “No Lucifer does not confide in me as to why he wants to speak with god.”

  “I will see if the Lord God will speak with Lucifer.”

  Gabriel left Forca and returned to heaven and spoke with the Lord God. Lucifer was sitting in his throne room waiting on Forca to return with the information if god would speak with him. A bright white light appeared in the corner of the throne room and a booming voice spoke, “Gabriel tells me you wished to speak with me.”

  Yes god I do wish to speak with you, how could you have broken your promise to all of the angels by killing the fallen?”

  “Lucifer you are mistaken I have not killed an angel much less a fallen that has chosen to follow you.”

  “You may not have killed them yourself but you have one of your angels doing the work for you.”

  “As usual Lucifer you are mistaken again, I have no angel killing any of the fallen.”

  “The who is doing the killing of my followers?”

  “While I owe you nothing Lucifer I will tell you that it is a human being that is the Angel Slayer, just an ordinary man.”

  “What! Just a man, I do not believe it.”

  “Lucifer you know I do not lie, I speak the truth.”

  The bright white light faded from Lucifer’s throne room and he screamed at the Lord God “wait I’m not done” but the light faded until it was no more and Lucifer was left alone.

  Forca returned to the throne room just as Lucifer shot fire from his hands in the shape of a ball at the far wall. Forca had seen Lucifer mad before but never this mad.

  “Shall I come back another time my lord?”

  “Unless you tell me god is coming back here then yes go away.”

  Forca turned and left from Lucifer, the last thing he wanted was to get hit by one of Lucifer’s balls of fire and end up dead.