Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 26


  Lucifer had his Dukes gathered together to select the new princes of hell when all of hell shook violently, boulders started to fall everywhere in hell. “What in the name of darkness was that?” Lucifer asked.

  The dukes looked around and all were as shocked as Lucifer was Astaroth said, “something great has happened, I can’t explain it other than that.”

  “I want to know what it was, picking the princes can wait.”

  The dukes left Lucifer and gathered all the fallen angels together, there were now only one hundred and five left. The slayer had killed thirty of their brother and sisters, for that the slayer would pay.

  Astaroth said “I have called you here for two reasons, I’m sure you all felt the shaking in hell our lord Lucifer wants to know what caused it. We were meeting to pick the new princes when it happened so I can tell you it was not caused by our master losing his temper.

  The other reason I have called you is this business about the slayer. We did have information about who he was and where we could find him but that information has been lost. After we find out what caused the all of hell to shake as it did we need to find out everything about the slayer we can and put a stop to him. From now on if you leave the underworld you will always be in groups of seven, nothing can stand up to the power of seven angels. Now go and search all of hell and report back to me as soon as you can.”

  The fallen departed and began the search of hell. It didn’t take long and Bernael reported to Astaroth, “My duke, I believe I know what caused the shaking of all of hell, one of the seven gates of hell has been destroyed. It has been permanently been sealed. It was gate number two in the southern most pole of earth.”

  “Damn Lucifer is going to be mad and may cause more damage with his temper.”

  Astaroth went to see Lucifer and make the report to him. “My lord one of the gates of hell has been destroyed and has permanently been destroyed.”

  “I want to know who and how>”

  “Lord we know the who or have a pretty good guess and that would be the slayer.”

  “Find him and kill him I won’t say it again.”

  “Yes my lord.” Astaroth said as he was excusing himself.