Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 27


  While Ryan was napping, Maria was busy looking for all the information she could find on the gate on the Asian continent it should be located in or near the Great Temple Mount in Israel. The gate is located away from the Old City of Jerusalem twenty miles south then east one and a quarter miles, lies the Devils Temple Mount and the gat of hell.

  She believed she had the information that Ryan would need to locate and destroy the gate. Ryan started to stir and began to wake up. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he asked, “What have you been up to?”

  “I’ve been searching for the Asian get of hell. I believe I have a good point of reference in trying to find it. The first information I had put it under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, but I kept digging and found in is outside of the city about twenty miles.”

  “Well how soon do we leave?”

  “Day after tomorrow, only because I couldn’t get a hotel room for tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good to me, a whole day at home, how nice.”

  Ryan and Maria landed in Jerusalem two days later and had a rental Hummer waiting for them. The drove to the motel that Maria had reserved a room for them at and settled in for the night as it was already past eight in the evening. A good night’s sleep and a fresh start in the morning would do a world of good in getting over the jet lag.

  Maria and Ryan were off to an early start the next morning and they were headed for the spot that Maria had identified as the gate to hell. The drive took them just over forty-five minutes and when they pulled into the secluded area where the gate to hell was supposed to be it wasn’t there the searched an area of ten square miles and could not find the gate.

  “Maria are you sure it is supposed to be in this area?”

  “Everything I have searched all the records say it should be.”

  “What about the Temple Mount back in Jerusalem, remember I saw demons there once before.”

  “I know but all of our Intel say’s that it should be in this area.”

  “I not convinced of that, even though your Intel has always been correct, we have covered a lot of area and we have come up empty.”

  “Let’s make another sweep of this area and if we come up empty again then we can move back to the Temple Mount back in Jerusalem.”

  “Ok one more sweep and if we don’t find anything we will go back to Jerusalem.”

  Maria started to move the Hummer and she had gone about three miles back to the west and Ryan grabbed his neck and doubled over in pain.

  “Babe, what is it are you ok?”

  “I have the feeling that there are fallen or demons in the area and either a lot of them or they are massive. The pain is intense.”

  “I don’t see anything except those large dunes we passed before.”

  Ryan lifted his head and scanned the area with the binoculars he still was not seeing anything. He looked over the large line of dunes and saw nothing but the feeling in his neck was not going away.

  “Move closer to the dunes and let’s see what’s there.”

  The closer they got to the dune the more intense the pain in Ryan’s neck became. Maria had to stop the Hummer several times to let Ryan adjust to the pain in his neck. They had moved to within one hundred yards and Maria had to stop. Ryan told her the pain was too much. Ryan had felt pain like this once before and it really was not this bad. It took almost an hour before the intense pain started to pass.

  “Wow I’ve never had it so intense or last so long before I could handle it.”

  “Do you think the gate could be in the dune?”

  “There is definitely something there and it is big and has a lot of power.”

  “You know that this gate is called Satan’s Front Door. It is believed it took two thousand legions of demons and devil’s to create the great gate because it is the most powerful and strongest doors that Satan has for gaining souls, maybe that is why it is so painful.”

  “That could very well be the reason.”

  “Why didn’t you feel it before?”

  “We didn’t get this close before, I was looking for demons in the area and we didn’t see any. We are going to have to be more observant when we a looking for these gates.

  “Speaking of demons and being more observant is that a demon and a beast coming this way?”

  “Ryan looked towards the dunes and said “Yes it is, and you can see them?”

  Maria shocked at the question said “Yes, yes I can.”

  “Let’s move away from the dunes slowly, hopefully they will think we are leaving.”

  Maria started to move along the length of the dunes and when they started to fall off and flatten out with the rest of the desert she kept going straight. The demon and the hell hound stopped following them and headed back to where they had come from. Maria made a long sweeping right turn and followed the width of the dunes until they flattened out.

  “Babe, I come up with about a hundred yards long by a hundred yards wide.”

  “Yea I can see that, and for a dune they are tall as well I would guess about a hundred fifty feet tall. If that is the gate than the damn this is huge.”

  “How do we find out?”

  “The only way I know how is to climb the thing.”

  “I have a better idea, how hard would it be to mount that big machine gun to the back of the this thing?”

  “I don’t think it would be that hard, why?”

  “Let’s mount it and I’ll drive close to the dunes and when the hell hound and demon come out you can shoot them.”

  “You know that is a good idea. The fifty cal might just be big enough to stop the hell hound.”

  Maria kept moving away from the dunes until they could not be seen without the binoculars. She stopped the Hummer and Ryan got out and got the fifty cal out from the back. He took the largest of the crates and set it so the top aligned with the back glass. It was a little lower than the glass but the tri pod would make that up. With the fifty cal set up he dug out two sets of ear plugs and a set of ear protectors that would completely cover his and Maria’s ears. That should keep the sound from the fifty cal from causing them to go deaf for a while. Ryan took some rope and tired down the fifty cal so it wouldn’t move as Maria was driving. Once the fifty cal was ready Ryan climbed into the back of the Hummer and laid down so he had a clear line of sight out the back and over the fifty cal.

  Maria started the Hummer and headed back towards the dunes. She wanted to stay on the same side she was on when the saw the demon and hell hound. Ryan was feeling the pain in his neck again but it was not as severe as it was before. The closer they got to the spot they we at before the stronger the pain got.

  “Here they come babe,” Maria said.

  “Try to keep it as straight as you can, I want them right behind us.”

  “Will do babe.”

  The fifty cal has an effective range two thousand yards and fires about five hundred rounds per minute, so Ryan would start firing when the hell hound was within one thousand yards of them.

  “Ok babe keep me straight they are getting close.”

  Ryan began with a short five second burst that killed the demon that was with the hell hound. He shifted the aim of the fifty cal and fired another short burst and the bullets from the fifty cal tore into the hell hound causing it to scream out in pain but they did not stop the hell hound from coming towards them. Ryan could see the blood coming from the beast as it got closer to them and he fired another short burst into the hell hound.

  The hound stumbled but kept coming at them. Ryan fired again and the hound fell to the ground, withering in pain. It was howling as though it was calling for help. Ryan spotted two more hell hounds come from the dunes and started closing in on them. Ryan fired another short burst into the hell hound on the ground and it burst into flames and disappeared. Ryan shifted his attention to the other two hell hounds closing in on them,

  Ryan fired a ten second burst into each of the hell hounds and Ryan could see the flesh being
torn away from them. Ryan fired again the two hell hounds fell to the ground. Ryan fired a third burst and the hell hounds like their brother before them burst into flames and disappeared.

  Ryan was a little surprised that there were no demons or anymore hell hounds coming after them. Ryan grabbed his binoculars and scanned the dunes. There was no movement of any kind.

  “Maria!” Ryan yelled.

  Maria stopped the Hummer and turned around to look at Ryan. “Move closer to the dunes. I want to try to flush more of them out.”

  Maria nodded and turned the Hummer around and started driving the way they had come from and moved closer to the dunes. They covered the entire length of the dunes but nothing came out from the dunes.

  “Try the other side of the dunes.” Ryan instructed.

  Maria nodded again and headed for the other side of the dunes. They covered the length of the dunes again and still no hell hounds or demons. Ryan had been concentrating so much on the hell hounds and demons that he didn’t notice that the pain in his neck had disappeared. Maria was getting ready to turn the Hummer around when Ryan told her to stop.

  “Where did they all go?” Maria asked.

  “I’m not sure they just stopped coming.”

  What do we do now?”

  “Get me close to the dunes, I’m going to climb them.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “Probably not but I have to flush them out somehow.”

  “If that what you want then let’s do it.”

  Maria drove the Hummer as close to the dunes as she could get. Ryan was busy making up a backpack with C-4, Grenades and spare magazines for the MAC-10. When Maria stopped the Hummer and Ryan got out and looked up at the top of the dunes. The slope was not very steep and the sand was pretty soft.

  “Wish me luck,” and Ryan leaned over and kissed Maria. He hoisted the pack onto his back and started the climb. It took almost thirty minutes for Ryan to reach the top of the dunes. His feet kept sinking into the soft sand. Ryan scanned the top of the dunes but he could only see sand. Ryan was looking to the south of the dunes when he heard Maria screaming at him, he looked down at her and she was pointing the other way from what Ryan was facing. He started to turn around when he was knocked to the ground but a heavy blow to his backpack. He scrambled to try to turn over when the massive claws from a hell hound ripped thru his arm.

  Ryan was glad he had put on his body amour. The claws from the hell hound were shredding it away. Had he not been wearing it his chest would have been hamburger by now. The hell hound was still inflicting plenty of damage to Ryan. Ryan’s arms and legs had been clawed badly and he could feel the warm blood running down his body. The hell hound grabbed Ryan in its massive hands and lifted Ryan over his head then slammed him down into the sand. Ryan felt his body jar from the impact with the sand. Ryan tried to call the Angel Sword and when it appeared in his hand a demon kicked it away. The hell hounds grabbed Ryan again and this time brought him up so it could sink its massive teeth into Ryan.

  Just as the hound opened its mouth the hell hound hit the ground causing Ryan to fly from its hands. They were so close to the edge of the dune that Ryan began rolling down the dune. Ryan had no idea what had happened as he passed out from the injuries he had received.

  Maria saw that Ryan was in trouble he was trying to fight two hell hounds and two demons. Maria jumped into the back of the Hummer and tried to aim the fifty cal but she couldn’t see the top of the dune. The Hummer was too close. She went back to the driver’s seat and pulled the Hummer forward away from the dunes. When she thought she was far enough away from the dunes she stopped the Hummer and climbed back into the back of the Hummer. This time Maria could see the hell hounds and the demons. She pulled back the slide on the fifty cal just as she had seen Ryan do and she started firing the fifty cal. The first rounds caught the two demons and they fell to the ground dead.

  She shifted her aim to the hell hound that was fighting Ryan. She watched in horror as the beast grabbed Ryan and started to bring its fangs down on Ryan. She started firing at the hell hound and it fell to the ground tossing Ryan down the side of the dunes. Maria shifted he aim and fired at the second hell hound. The fifty cal peppered the second hell hound and it disappeared back into a gate.

  Maria climbed back into the driver’s seat and drove the Hummer to where Ryan was laying in the sand. Maria stopped the Hummer and jumped out onto the sand. She ran to Ryan’s side and she checked him for what looked like a serious wound from the hounds claws Maria tore stripes of cloth from her blouse and covered the wounds to help stop the bleeding. She then helped Ryan into the Hummer. She spun her tires in the sand as she headed for the hotel.

  When they arrived back at the hotel she parked the Hummer in the basement parking garage and helped Ryan to the elevator and she punched the button for their floor. When the doors opened she helped Ryan to and then inside their room. She needed to treat these wounds quickly some of them looked really bad. Maria had to go back to the Hummer she left the first aid kit down there.

  Maria left the room and took the elevator back down to the garage and got the first aid kit. She closed up the Hummer and locked it and turned around and she came face to face with a man that looked like he had not taken a bath in a month. In broken English he said, “Give me all your money and you won’t get hurt.”

  “Maria looked around and she didn’t see anyone who might be able to help her, she said, “Mister I don’t have any money, it’s all back in my room.”

  “Then take me there and no tricks. If you try anything I will kill you.”

  Maria could see the man meant business he was holding a long knife that looked shiny and new. Maria led him into the elevator and pushed the button for her floor. When the elevator opened she led the man to her room. She fumbled with the key but finally got the door to open.

  Ryan heard the key being fumbled and he grabbed one of his nine millimeter pistols and he quickly screwed a sound suppressor on to the pistol. He laid back down on the couch and when the door opened he saw as a strange man pushed Maria into the room. He heard the man say. “Now get me all of your money.”

  “While you’re at it give me all of your valuables.”

  “My purse is over there on the couch.”

  “Quit wasting time hurry up.”

  The thief looked at the man on the couch and saw all the blood, he knew he wasn’t a threat. Maria walked to the couch and sitting there was the pistol she had taken off of Ryan it still had the silencer attached to it. She knew that the man was still holding the knife. She reached down and picked up the pistol, she turned and said “You should know that it’s not wise to bring a knife to a gun fight.”

  The man started to say something and Maria shot him right between the eyes. Ryan jumped awake from the sound of the man hitting the coffee table, Ryan tried to get up but was too weak to stay on his feet.

  Maria asked, “What do we do with him?”

  “Drag him to the elevator. Send him to the top floor then push the first floor. We won’t worry about him anymore.”

  Maria did as Ryan said and watched as the doors closed on the elevator and it went to the top floor. She watched as the numbers started back down and finally stop on the first floor. Maria turned and returned to her room.

  Maria helped Ryan to the bathroom and stripped off his clothes and cleaned up the wounds. She applied a antibiotic cream and put bandages over the wounds. She brought in fresh clothes for Ryan and helped him dress. Except for the bandages on his arms the rest of the bandages were covered by his clothes.

  Maria could hear sirens off in the distance and noticed that they were getting closer. She guessed that they found the man in the elevator. She walked to the window and looked down as several police cars and an ambulance arrived at the hotel. Shortly after they arrived the ambulance crew were coming out with their stretcher and a body bag that was full, they loaded the body into the ambulance and the ambulance pulled away. It was several hours later be
fore the police left the hotel. They had covered the top floor as someone who was waiting said the elevator came down from that floor. Ryan had fallen asleep on the couch while all the excitement was going on, Maria let him sleep there and when morning came she got up and made coffee and walked over to Ryan and woke him with the smell from a cup coffee and soft kisses on his lips.

  “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Sore but I think I’ll live.”

  “I do think you need a few days to recover, you have some pretty deep gash’s and slash’s.”

  ‘I think a day or two will work, then back to the gate and see what we need to do to destroy it.”